If you think Bryson DeChambeau is having a Great Year wait until 2021

Will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020 at Augusta in November? Our applied research reveals the probability of this happening, is extremely high. Bryson DeChambeau has a master number 11 life path. November is the 11th month of the year. There exists success synchronicity event number 1. He was born in 1993 which makes his career or world number the master number 22 (1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 1993//22//4). When we run his personal monthly data profiles, November 2020 calculates as being exactly 22//4. There exists success synchronicity event number 2. Next, when we apply predictive modelling to his life path, his data reveals that in 2020 he entered a three year period (2020 to 2022) driven by Annual Experience Number 19//1 which carries within it the potential for greatness. There exists success synchronicity event number 3. Lastly, as our data tables below reveal, he is in a No11//2 personal physical year and 11//2 professional emotional year. These 11//2 events synch with his life path number, professional attainment number and personal emotional attainment number. This brings another four powerful alignments into frame. There exists success synchronicity event number 4. We have done extensive investigative case study research and have built and analysed thousands of charts, and so we know that to have so many synchronicities (4!) aligning all once, is extremely rare. That is why we say the answer to the question, will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, is, highly likely! So much so, that the probability of this happening runs north of 90% or P=0,9+.

“I’m a total nonconformist; for me, it’s about going down rabbit holes.” Bryson DeChambeau

Will Bryson DeChambeau Win The Masters 2020?

To help you understand how we know that 4 powerful synchronicities are in play for him we will analyse his key datapoints in 3 phases. Phase 1 unpacks his date of birth. Phase 2 unpacks his full birth name. Phase 3 is the Human Futurology predictive modelling exercise which unpacks his life path data, in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) into annual experiential themes as defined the 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers. All this also gives you incredible insights into the “mathematically coded” nature of this sportsman. If you think this is a load of nonsense, think again. Our predictive model has conclusively proven why:

Phase 1: Enter the 365 Pin Code of Bryson DeChambeau

365 Pin Code Numerology Birth Chart of US golf pro Bryson DeChambeau born 16th September 1993

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

With regards to “will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters?” we will focus on just a few of the above listed numbers – the ones that help answer the question.

If you look at the LARGE black, white and red numbers in the above chart, you will see that the numbers 7 (logical thinker; 16//7) and 2 (intuitive feeler; 11//2) dominate. There are also two 9’s which, given the composition of numerology 9 (i.e. has all the numbers within it), accentuates the 7’s and the 2’s, and a 4 and 5.

Karmic Debt number 16 presents powerfully in DeChambeau’s birth chart

Birth DD: 16th [16 = 1+6 = 7] – numerology number 16 (a karmic debt number!) reduces to essence number 7 which is the number of research, test and learn analytics, logic, curiosity, perfection, cosmic wisdom, introspection etc. It is important to note that he also has No16//7 presenting as his Shadow or Emotional Life Path number (see TSS-LFP 16//7 above, light brown block). His personal attainment number combination (see TKSPE top left; 25//16//7) is also driven by the No7. All this reveals that he is hardcoded to be intensely analytical and loves research and data and critical thinking driven test-and-learn methodologies that will help him systematically move toward performance excellence and sporting perfection (No7).

Birth YYYY: 1993 [1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 1993//22/4; master number 22, The Master Builder] – his career numerology master number 22 (which reduces to essence number 4) carries tremendous momentum during 2020 [2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4 – note the 2×2’s!] which is a No4 universal year. This is because of the 4 on 4 synchronicity.

Numerology master number 11 presents powerfully in DeChambeau’s birth chart

Bryson DeChambeau has numerology master number 11 as his life path number (see TKS-LFP; 2018//11//2; blocked off in pink). To have the No11 as your life path number is rare! This talks to a very emotionally demanding life journey (especially when young) during which the No11’s owner will be given many extreme experiences all of which are designed to build his/her levels of intuitive mastery. MN-11 is driven by vision and intuition. Note that his professional attainment number (see TKSPR; 2009//11//2 top right of chart) is also MN-11. What all this reveals, is that to many it will appear as if he is somehow magically guided by the heavens, which is exactly the case. MN-11 is powerfully connected with the invisible forces that govern our Universe and therefore “out of nowhere” innovative performance enhancing ideas will simply ideas rocket into his head. These leadership defining ideas are total game changers because they are being downloaded from a Higher Intelligence. When he goes quiet, detaches, and SEEKS (he goes deep inside searching for new truths, which is exactly what the karmic 16//7 does), he will FIND (via the intuitive mastery of his MN-11).

“BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU has transformed himself into a big-hitting monster after packing on 20kg of muscle in just nine months as part of a stunning body transformation. The world No 7 has ballooned to just over 17st (107kg) and gone up from a size medium shirt to extra large after pumping iron in the gym. And he has seen the length of his drives increase massively, as evident by the gigantic 365 yard bomb he hit during the second round of the Charles Schwab Challenge in June. That was just one of NINE drives over 300 yards during a second straight round of five-under 65. His average drive now goes more than 320 yards – the longest on the PGA Tour by more than a yard. DeChambeau – who gained 20lbs of muscle in lockdown alone – swings the driver at just shy of 140mph and the ball leaves his clubface at more than 200mph. Eat your heart out, Lewis Hamilton. DeChambeau – who is known as the ‘mad scientist’ because of the complex way he plays the game – looks totally different to the skinny kid who joined the tour in 2016.” Sam Morgan, The Sun, Sport, Golf

365 Pin Code Pythagoras Square of US golf pro Bryson DeChambeau born 16th September 1993

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

Arrow of The Intellect, Level 5 intensity, is totally off the charts! Highest score yet in the thousands of charts we have built. Arrow of Heightened Sensitivity means he is intensely aware of other people’s emotions and feels things on a very intense level. Isolated No7 speaks to his willingness to embrace what to others would appear to be “extreme self-sacrifice” in order to go places and his isolated No1 talks to a person who is easily misunderstood (most deep, critical thinkers are, because they live inside their heads and get totally lost in their thoughts).

On Tuesday, DeChambeau detailed what his diet now consists of, and it’s quite something. One of the most mind-boggling aspects of the diet is that DeChambeau consumes at least six protein shakes every day. DeChambeau consumes two shakes each of his three daily meals, but sometimes three in the midday. Back in December, DeChambeau was up to 225 pounds because he wanted to improve his game and prevent future injuries. In an interview with Golf.com, DeChambeau revealed that he’d been dealing with back injuries and was considering getting surgery. Says Bryson: “I was literally thinking I’d need surgery but I talked to Greg (Roskopf), he was like no, no, no, don’t do any of that, we’re going to teach your body to tolerate the force,” DeChambeau said. “Usually when ligaments get torn or bones get broken or whatever it’s because the muscles aren’t functioning properly, so that’s what I’ve been doing. I’m going to become like a gymnast. I watch online, on Instagram, these gymnast influencers, and that’s where I want to get.” Chris Bengel, CBS Sports, Golf

Phase 2: Enter the 365 Pin Code of Bryson DeChambeau

365 Pin Code Numerology Name analysis of US golf pro Bryson James Aldrich DeChambeau

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

His full birth name has every number (as in 1 through 9) presenting, therefore, he has no obvious karmic lessons. This brings his subconscious self No9 into frame. Numerology No9 synchs with humanity, philanthropy, universal love, forgiveness, helping others, healing, drawing inspiration from being aligned to higher causes (e.g. ecological consciousness etc.). See how powerfully the No7 again makes its presence felt in his name, with his primary expression number being 115//7 and his primary balance number also being a 7. The thinker, the researcher, the analyst, the one who is always seeking for the next level of logical, quantifiable, perfection. His No1 hidden passion number talks his having a tremendously competitive spirit and that he loves to win, both of which are critically important if you want to be a top golf pro. His primary soul urge 44//8 talks to the desire to enjoy fame and fortune, to leave a legacy, to be tremendously wealthy (all 8’s) and that he is prepared to work (2×4’s – double intensity) for this and make the required sacrifices (see his isolated 7 in his Pythagoras Square chart above). His primary personality is 71//8 which is the controlled, organised powerhouse (8) with the 1 (self, me, winning etc.) expressing itself through the 7 (research, analysis, critical thinking, searching for answers etc.).

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

Bryson totals 30, the Creative Communicative One

His first name, Bryson, totals 30 [30 = 3+0 = 3] which reduces to numerology essence number 3. No3 synchs with creativity, communication, self-expression, imagination, inspiration and the No3 also has a “project management” element to it, in that 3’s love to have a goal driven timeline with a regular checkpoints to see how they’re progressing relative to target. This is his physical vibration. The No3, just like the No7, loves to explore and is therefore most willing to “creatively go down the rabbit hole” to discover what it is that they don’t know that they don’t know!

His middle names, James Aldrich total 49 [49 = 4+9 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 49//13//4] which intriguingly brings karmic debt number 13 into frame. Karmic No13 is linked with focus, work, discipline, planning, justice, law and order, no short cuts whatsoever! It is the creative essence (3) expressing itself through the individual (1) via an orderly, planned, methodical, systemic, work-driven approach (4). This is his emotional vibration.

DeChambeau totals 36 the Number of Determination and Perseverance

His ancestral or spiritual vibration is defined by his surname, DeChambeau, which totals 39 [36 = 3+6 = 9]. Numerology number 9 (BDC has No9 as his subconscious-self number and maturity number; see table data above) is the number of completion, consciousness, healing, humanity, philanthropy, higher causes, forgiveness etc. It is considered by some numerologists to be the most advanced of all the numbers, but this is up for debate. If you want to understand more about numerology number 9, here is a detailed investigative case study we did on KFC Founder Colonel Harland Sanders, who numerology charts are packed full of 9’s. As a universal vibration, No36 will have to overcome many obstacles and is therefore equipped with tremendous determination and persistence. People with the No36 presenting powerfully within their numerology, as is the case with DeChambeau, may be called upon to carry a heavy burden of some kind during their life. The No36 is a very intuitive number that has an inspired nature to it and so it not uncommon for the bearers of No36 to have the gift of being able to “accurately sense the future.” No36 is salt of the earth.

“People don’t realize all the stuff I gave up growing up. I could have gone to parties and had fun at adventure parks with friends on weekends and things like that. But I went out and worked my butt off for eight hours playing golf.” Bryson DeChambeau

Phase 3: Enter the 365 Pin Code of Bryson DeChambeau

365 Pin Code Predictive Numerology Model: Annual Experience Numbers [AENs] for US golf pro Bryson James Aldrich DeChambeau’s life path

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

“The only reason why I don’t win is because of a bad decision, misjudged the wind, misjudged the read on the greens and wet conditions. Those are the three or four things that will cause me not to win. That’s it.” Bryson DeChambeau

The futuristic research that we are working on, is geared toward proving people with insightful and strategically relevant personal (internal world) and professional (external world) information that helps them to better predict, and therefore better prepare for, the future. The predictive numerology model we have developed is bullseye accurate (we confidently know this because we proved this, many times over!) and is the first of its kind, ever! It maps in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) what a person’s bespoke mathematically designed data codes are for any given year and from there we can drill down into the numerology science of your months and even your days. That’s why in our research articles and case studies we will often refer to your Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB) or Grand Organised Design (GOD) because when you unpack intelligence on this level you realise that nothing about our lives is random nor accidental, that everything is in fact hardcoded and so it is up to us to intelligently align with and to our masterfully created blueprint, as therein lies the zenith of purposeful living.

Back to the burning question: Will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020?

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

Let us Focus on DeChambeau’s string of AENs from 2014 to 2017

Please focus on the string of 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers (see 365PC AEN column) for DeChambeau from 2014 to 2017. The numbers in the 365PC AEN column define his “dominant experiential theme” for the year. In 2014, the year he turned 21, he entered a four-year period driven by AEN19//1. What is 19//1? Numerology number 19 is one of the four karmic debt numbers (the other three are 13, 14 and 16). Whenever it presents within data sets, either as a permanent vibration (e.g. someone being born on the 19th or having a No19 life path – discover more by entering DOB 1st February 1969 into our Life Path Numbers Numerology Calculator) or as a temporary vibration (e.g. 2014 to 2017 for BDC) it brings with it experiences linked to leadership, winning, innovation, independence, original creativity and the ego (as in a powerful sense of self) into play.

So, what happened with DeChambeau during those 19//1 AEN driven years?

He performed and brilliantly so, which gives us the strategic insight that whenever 19//1 presents in his life path number line, the probability that his performance will be red hot, is extremely high! In June 2015, he became the first SMU Mustang to win the NCAA individual championship, recording a score of 280 (−8) to win by one stroke. In August, he won the U.S. Amateur title, defeating Derek Bard 7&6 in the 36-hole final. He became the fifth player to win both the NCAA and U.S. Amateur titles in the same year, joining Jack Nicklaus (1961), Phil Mickelson (1990), Tiger Woods (1996), and Ryan Moore (2004). DeChambeau made his PGA Tour debut as an amateur in June 2015 at the FedEx St. Jude Classic near Memphis, Tennessee, and finished in 45th place. He played in his first major championship at the U.S. Open at Chambers Bay, but missed the cut by four strokes. DeChambeau was unable to defend his NCAA title in 2016 after the SMU athletic department was handed a postseason ban by the NCAA. He decided to forgo his senior season to play in a number of events before turning professional. At the 2015 Australian Masters in November, DeChambeau was runner-up with John Senden and Andrew Evans, two shots behind the winner Peter Senior. He was the low amateur at the Masters in 2016 and tied for 21st place. Immediately after the Masters in mid-April 2016, DeChambeau turned professional and signed a long-term agreement with Cobra-Puma Golf. He made his pro debut days later at the RBC Heritage in South Carolina and tied for fourth, earning over $259,000. The decision to turn professional meant the forfeiture of his exemptions to the U.S. Open at Oakmont and Open Championship at Royal Troon but qualified his way into the U.S. Open, tied for 15th place to earn over $152,000, and improved his world ranking to 148. Despite the strong start, DeChambeau did not earn enough non-member FedEx Cup points that season to qualify for a 2017 PGA Tour card but did qualify for the Web.com Tour Finals. He was successful at earning his card through the Finals, thanks to a win at the DAP Championship. On July 16, 2017, DeChambeau earned his first PGA Tour victory by winning the John Deere Classic by a single stroke over Patrick Rodgers. He carded a round of 65 in the final round to win his maiden title in his 40th start on tour. The win coming the week before, gained DeChambeau a place in the 2017 Open Championship.

Will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020?

With reference to the original question that initiated this investigative research, that being, will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020, the best way for us to give an informed opinion is to look at his numbers! And what do we see? In 2020, he entered a 19//1 AEN driven three year period that persists through to 2022 and given the string of odd numbers in 2021, if you think 2020 has been a blistering performance year for DeChambeau, you ain’t seen nothing yet because the best is yet to come! Now you understand why, in the very opening paragraph, we stated that: “The answer to the question, will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, is, highly likely! So much so, that the probability of this happening runs north of 90% or P=0,9+.”

So, what about the AEN16//7 that appeared in 2018/2019 and again in 2023/2024?

DeChambeau is born on the 16th of September. 16//7 is therefore his personal number or personal numerology vibration and as such, whenever 16//7 presents AEN wise in his data string, it is indicative of years that will be tremendously personal for him, or stated differently, whatever happens that year or during those years will impact massively on him, directly in the person. If you are curious enough, refer back to his 365 in Code birth chart, the very first in this article. There you will see, in the top left corner, his Sun or Personal Attainment Numbers 25//16//7. 16//7 therefore also synchs with moments when he will be enjoying much personal attainment, or if you will, the deserved fruits of hard work.

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

And what does DeChambeau’s future hold?

Looking into DeChambeau’s future, we see an extremely significant and interesting numerical convergence happening in 2025. If you carefully study that specific data string, you will see his Sun or Personal Attainment Number (16//7) aligning with AEN19//1 and, all importantly, for one year only which results in a super concentrated experience! It does not end there though! There is another critically important number presenting, which is 11//2, can you see it to the right of the RED blocks? DeChambeau has master number 11//2 as his life path number (TKS-LFP), as his Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR, top right), and as his Personal Shadow Attainment Number (TSSPE, bottom left). That is a super convergence of note! Literally, 2025 is the perfect storm, in a positive, beautiful way. Whatever it is that happens to him that year, guaranteed, it will etch his name into history and the hall of fame, forever. FYI, after 2025, the next time AEN 19//1 appears in his life path is in 2064, the year he turned 71 and again, it is a concentrated experience (i.e. 19//1 presents in 2064 only!). Going backwards in his life path data, AEN 19//1 presented from 1999 to 2001.

Between the end of last week’s Shriners Hospitals for Children Open and the Masters, there are four PGA Tour tournaments. This week’s CJ Cup. Next week’s Zozo Championship. The Bermuda Championship at the end of the month. The Houston Open the first week of November. Bryson DeChambeau will play in zero. He walked off the 18th green at TPC Summerlin last Sunday. He began marching toward the 1st tee at Augusta National. No PGA Tour event in between. From after his U.S. Open win at Winged Foot, to the Masters, he will have played in just the Shriners. “It’s going to be just trying to figure more stuff out as always,” DeChambeau said last Sunday of his preparation. “I still got some equipment stuff coming in the next two months, that’s mainly why I’m taking it off,” he said in response to another question. “I feel like the advantages that I usually have could be much improved upon with the equipment, and we don’t have it yet, but we’re diligently working on it behind the scenes. I’ll have that in a couple weeks, we’ll prototype and test it and see if it works. If it doesn’t, we’ll go back and tool it and hopefully have it ready for Augusta.” Week 1 of Masters prep: Working out. And no golf. He wants to go from 235 pounds – he’s put on about 40 in the past year – to 245. “I’m going to be working out like crazy,” he said. “This first week back home, I’m not really going to touch a club too much and going to be training pretty hard and getting myself up to hopefully around 245, something like that, in weight. Be the first time I’ve ever done that, so I’m going to be consuming a lot and working out a lot and see what can go from there.” Nick Piastowski, Golf.com, Oct 18 2020

Putting our Money where our Mouth is will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020?

Moving beyond probabilities, “could-bes, should-bes and maybes” and boldly putting our money where our mouth is, will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020? Yes, he (Bryson DeChambeau, secondary expression 66//12//3, the hugely responsible, family values driven, relationship-focused, creative one) will win The Masters and here is the final chart to prove why we are brave enough to predict this… Do you see that his November 2020 is a 22//4? Where does 22//4 present in his 365 Pin Code numerology? As his career or world number! Birth YYYY 1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 22//4. Moreover, November is the 11th month of the year and significantly its master number 11 vibration synchronises with DeChambeau 3 x11’s (life path, Sun, professional attainment). In a nutshell, Nov 2020 sees both of DeChambeau’s master numbers (11 and 22) in frame and so do not be surprised if, like he did in the 2020 US Open hosted at Winged Foot, he again wins by a massive margin. Chances are he will make a massive move at Augusta on Saturday 14th November 2020 (14+11+2020 = 2045 = 2+0+4+5 = 11) and then on Sunday 15th November 2020 (15+11+2020 = 2046 = 2+0+4+6 = 12 = 1+2 = 3; 12//3 synchs perfectly with his 12//3 Secondary Expression Number!) it will all just magically come together and defending champion, Tiger Woods, will be setting the coveted green jacket upon his very broad shoulders…

For those of you who are now beyond curious in terms of what your and others’ numbers reveal, did you know that we have published a case study proving that in 1905, Einstein’s Annus Mirabilis (his miracle year), his career number (Birth YYYY 1879 = 1+8+7+9 = 25 = 2+5 = 7; 25//7; essence number 7) and AEN (also a No7 essence) synchronised perfectly, proving it was coded to be. It all happened because he managed to successfully live up to this event’s full potentiality.

365 Pin Code chart of Monthly Experience Numbers (MENs) for Bryson DeChambeau

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

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Bryson DeChambeau, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

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Bryson DeChambeau, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Bryson DeChambeau, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

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