When You understand what the Master Number Traits are you can intelligently apply them to your life path.
Executive Summary
Understanding the master number traits of 11, 22 and 33 is imperative if you are to practically benefit from their phenomenal numerology power. At 365 Pin Code we specialise in predictive life path modelling analytics which takes strategic applied numerology to a whole new level. Though master numbers are quite uncommon, we do get to work master number 11 and master number 22 but only very rarely with master number 33. In this master number traits research article, we reveal why we disagree with the calculations of numerologists who have life path number of Barack Obama, Michelle, Obama, Bill Clinton, Prince Charles, Jennifer Aniston, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor etc. listed as master number 11. We also reveal why the optimal strategy for master number 22 is Cooperative Delegation and we reveal why master number 33 presents as the Sun Number or Personal Attainment Number but not as the life path number.
Finding the Balance is the most important of all the Master Number Traits
The word “master” tells all – these are the numerology numbers that have coded into them the potential for mastery. However, mastering anything takes time and requires much patience, extreme dedication, and tremendous persistence. Think of Malcolm Galdwell’s 10,000 hours of practice which Oprah Winfrey loves because it flies in the face of immediate gratification and the idiotic youthful notion that success should happen instantly. The Cambridge Dictionary defines mastery as: “If someone has a mastery of something, they are extremely skilled at it.” So, as a critically important starting point for this article, we can guarantee you that if your 365 Pin Code Numerology carries within it master numbers, and you’re the impatient querulous sort, these numbers are really going to put you through your paces and test you to your limit!
Before we explain the numerology master number traits we need to educate you as to where master numbers would appear in your 365 Pin Code Numerology and how to check whether you do indeed have a master number 11 or 22 life path or not.
How do you know whether your numerology has a master number in play or not?
Your Personal Number: The Day [DD] you are born on is either the 11th (master number 11) or the 22nd (master number 22). This brings your 365 Pin Code personal number into frame.
Your Family / Intimate Number: The Month [MM] you are born in is November, the 11th month of the year (master number 11). This brings your 365 Pin Code family or intimate number into frame.
Your World / Career Number: The Year [YYYY] you are born in has either the master number 11 or 22 as its universal year number / energy. The master number 11 years are 2009 (2009 = 2+0+0+9 = 11), 2018 (2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 11), 2027 (2027 = 2+0+2+7 = 11), 2036 (2036 = 2+0+3+6 = 11), 2045 (2045 = 2+0+4+5 = 11) and so on. The master number 22 years are 1993 (1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22), 1984 (1984 = 1+9+8+4 = 22), 1975 (1975 = 1+9+7+5 = 22), 1966 (1966 = 1+9+6+6 = 22), 1957 (1957 = 1+9+5+7 = 22), 1948 (1+9+4+8 = 22), 1939 (1939 = 1+9+3+9 = 22) and so on. This brings your 365 Pin Code world or career number into frame.
Your Life Path Number: The most correct and accurate numerology method by which you calculate your life path number is to add your Birth DD and your Birth MM and your Birth YYYY, raw data format. Life Path Number = Birth DD + Birth MM + Birth YYYY… Here is an example. Applied Numerology Researcher, Chris Styles, is born on the 1st of February 1969. His life path number is calculated as follows: 1 [as in the 1st] +2 [as in February] +1969 [Birth YYYY] = 1972 = 1+9+7+2 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. Chris Styles has a Number 1 life path with backing numbers 1972//19//10.
Master Number 22 life path calculation
Sir Richard Branson, born 18th of July 1950 [DOB = 18.07.1950 = 18+7+1950 = 1975 = 1+9+7+5 = 22] has the master number 22 as his life path number. President Donald Trump, born, 14th of June 1946 [DOB = 14.06.1946 = 14+6+1946 = 1966 = 1+9+6+6 = 22] has the master number 22 as his life path number. Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, born 4th of August 1981 [DOB = 04.08.1981 = 4+8+1981 = 1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22] has the master number 22 as her life path number. Sir David Attenborough, born 8th of May 1926 [DOB = 08.05.1926 = 8+5+1926 = 1939 = 1+9+3+9 = 22] has the master number 22 as his life path number.
Master Number 11 life path calculation
Emma Watson, born 15th of April 1990 [DOB = 15.04.1990 = 15+4+1990 = 2009 = 2+0+0+9 = 11] has the master number 11 as her life path number. Ashton Cotton, born 16th of June 1996 [DOB = 16+7+1996 = 2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 11] has the master number 11 as his life path number. Jessica Tayler, born 28th of August 1973 [DOB = 28.08.1973 = 28+8+1973 = 2009 = 2+0+0+9 = 11] has the master number 11 as her life path number. Christine Metz, born 29th of September 1980 [DOB = 29.09.1980 = 29+9+1980 = 2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 11] has the master number 11 as her life path number. These are all pure 11’s life path number wise – there is no numerological manipulation whatsoever of their numbers and importantly, the life path raw data total, delivers the pure 11.
These famous people DO NOT have the Pure Master Number 11 as their Life Path number!
If you Google “famous people who have a master number 11 life path” these names will appear in the websites of leading numerologists: Jennifer Aniston, born 11th of November 1969. Barack Obama, born 4th of August 1961. Michelle Obama, born 17th of January 1964. Bill Clinton, born 19th of August 1946. Prince Charles, born 14th of November 1948. Tony Blair, born 6th of May 1953. David Beckham, born 2nd of May 1975. Tony Robbins, born 29th of February 1960. Bob Proctor, born 5th of July 1934. There are others, but for the sake of this article, these suffice, research wise…
The Raw Data Numerology Life Path Number Calculation Method
As you can see from the above table, when applying the correct methodology (The Raw Data Numerology Life Path Number Calculation Method) to determine their life path numbers, the master number 11 does not appear, ever! What is very apparent however, is that they all have Number 2 life paths. The number 2 is not a master number – in fact, it is widely considered in numerology literature, to be the lower (as in less intense) octave of the master number 11. This why we stated in the Executive Summary that we disagree with those numerologists who have listed the life path number of Barack Obama, Michelle, Obama, Bill Clinton, Prince Charles, Jennifer Aniston, Tony Robbins etc. as master number 11.
The Master Number Traits that Created Phenomenal Success for the Obamas and the Clintons reside with No22 not No11
Some numerologists allude to the “magical 11 life paths” of Barack and Michelle Obama, and, Bill Clinton, as being “the reason” why they left such a phenomenal legacy. Again, we disagree with their take of things. The interpretive error that has been made here is twofold:
- The legacy these two married couples have created, lies not within their supposed individual master number 11’s, because, as we have proved to you, they don’t have 11’s but 2’s; and…
- The Obamas and the Clintons both have the master number 22 powerfully presenting, but, because most numerologists have absolutely no idea of how to work with combined charts, they would not have seen this within the numbers.
Feeling a bit confused right now? That is perfectly ok. Allow us to introduce you to Co-Joined Numerology as developed by 365 Pin Code, which will prove why the master number 22, which possess the master number traits of ‘The Master Builder’, connects Barack and Michelle Obama at co-joined life path number level (i.e. physical) and Bill and Hillary Clinton at co-joined shadow life path number level (i.e. emotional). And that is why these two couples have left such a tangible legacy. Understand this, their tremendous collective worldly success has nothing to do with the individual master number 11 and everything to do with their co-joined master number 22. This provides unequivocal proof that the way most numerologists go about calculating the numerology master numbers is fundamentally flawed.
Barack and Michelle Obama’s Master Number 22
- Barack Obama [BO]: DOB = 04.08.1961; Ʃ = 1973 life path RAW
- Michelle Obama [MO]: DOB = 17.01.964; Ʃ = 1982 life path RAW
- BO + MO = 1973 + 1982 = 3955 = 3+9+5+5 = 22 Co-Joined Life Path (see the blue and red arrow pointing to the Number 22 in the Obama chart immediately below)
Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Master Number 22
- Bill Clinton [BC]: DOB = 19.08.1946; Hillary Clinton [HC]: DOB = 26.10.1947
- Co-Joined Personal = 19+26 = 45 = 4+5 = 9; Shadow Co-Joined Personal = 9
- Co-Joined Family = 8 + 10 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; Shadow Co-Joined Family = 9
- Co-Joined World / Career = 1946+1947, Ʃ = 3893 = 23 = 2+3 = 5; Shadow Co-Joined World / Career = 4
- BC + HC = 9+9+4 = 22 Co-Joined Shadow Life Path (see the blue and red arrow pointing to the Number 22 in the Clinton chart below)
365 Pin Code Co-Joined Numerology Chart for Barack and Michelle Obama, illustrating their Master Number 22 Co-Joined Life Path
Isn’t it incredibly interesting to note that the year Barack Obama was inaugurated as President, 2009, is a Master Number 11 Universal Year [2009 = 2+0+0+9 = 11].
“Now, as a nation, we don’t promise equal outcomes, but we were founded on the idea everybody should have an equal opportunity to succeed. No matter who you are, what you look like, where you come from, you can make it. That’s an essential promise of America. Where you start should not determine where you end up.” Barack Obama, 44th President of the USA
365 Pin Code Co-Joined Numerology Chart for Bill and Hillary Clinton, illustrating their Master Number 22 Co-Joined Shadow Life Path
Isn’t it incredibly interesting to note that the year Bill Clinton was inaugurated as President, 1993, is a Master Number 22 Universal Year [1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22].
“When I think about the world I would like to leave to my daughter and the grandchildren I hope to have, it is a world that moves away from unequal, unstable, unsustainable interdependence to integrated communities – locally, nationally and globally – that share the characteristics of all successful communities.” William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the USA
Master Number 33 life path calculation
Meryl Streep is believed to have a master number 33 life path. She was born on the 22nd of June 1949. The traditional numerology life path number calculation is: 2+2+6+1+9+4+9 = 33, hence most numerologists stating that she has a master number 33 life path. Our life path number calculation approach, The Raw Data Numerology Life Path Number Calculation Method delivers a completely different result: 22+6+1949 = 1977 = 1+9+7+7 = 24 = 2+4 = 6; life path number 1977//24//6. We therefore seriously contest that the master number 33 presents as a life path number.
Where the master number 33 does present, master number traits wise, is as a person’s sun number or personal attainment number. Here is an example of this and the study subject is none other than South Africa’s Olympic 400m sensation, The Blade Runner, Oscar Pistorius:
365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart for Oscar Pistorius born 22nd November 1986 revealing his Master Number 33 Sun Number
Oscar Pistorius was born on the 22nd (master number 22) of November (master number 11) and therefore has the master number 33 as his Sun or Personal Attainment Number [22 + 11 = 33]. Incredibly, he has all 3 master numbers in his birth chart. FYI, a completely mind-blowing result when modelling the life path [as defined by the red 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers (AENs)] of Pistorius, is that in 2013, the year he murdered his supermodel girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, he began an extreme two year life path number related experience. This is as intense as it can ever get!
365 Pin Code Life Path Data for Oscar Pistorius revealing an extreme [Double 3] personal No3 life path related event in 2013
Now that we have cleared up so much context wise around the calculation of the master numbers, let us now explain the master number traits and what the optimal strategy for each is.
All three (11, 22, 33) Master Number Traits Explained
The Master Intuitive
Master Number 11: This is a highly charged emotionally aware numerology number which synchs with the heavens and draws much inspiration from there. The greatest mistake owners of this number make is to listen to what everyone around them is saying. People with the master number 11 will have to embrace a challenging journey that demands they boldly and bravely find their own true north. They will also need to learn to listen to the messages that flow their way from the ethereal realm. In the world of master number 11, intuition is everything. When you listen to that which flows into your orbit via your superconscious, your journey is made easier. When you do not, your journey can become quite horrid. To effectively tap into the universal genius of the No11, you will have to get out of your head (as in logical, reasoning, conscious mind); this is achieved through relaxed silence and meditation. Of all the master number traits linked to the No11, the most important one is for you to find an agreeable balance between the masculine (1; 11 = 2×1’s) and feminine (2; 11=1+1=2) energies. Optimal Strategy: learn to immediately trust your Inspired Intuitive Consciousness at all times!
The Master Builder
Master Number 22: This master number is the practical one, it is the one who succeeds at matters material and its gift is to build and produce on a gigantic scale. Thing is, what the No22 achieves is directly proportional to how capable its owner is at leveraging the collective efforts of many. The No22 synchs with the traits of numerology number 2, these being cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, diplomacy, supporting others, harmony etc. Where these traits are maximised with and through others the results are incredible. There will be times when the No22 has to work alone (that’s the lower octave No4 experience). Owners of the No22 must connect with an inspired vision (delivered to them by the master number 11 which supportively resides within the master number 22) and once they have this picture in their mind, it is all systems go and on a giant scale, therefore do not hold back; think, plan and execute big. Optimal Strategy: do whatever it takes to develop your Practical Cooperative Delegation skills!
The Master Teacher
Master Number 33: The master number 33 offers its owner two types of experiences: a) The higher octave 33, which has 2 x numerology number 3’s and therefore synchs with double dose if you will of courage, creativity, self-expression, communication, imagination, inspiration, happiness etc; b) The lower octave numerology number 6, which synchs with relationships, responsibility, family, matters of the heart, sense of community, looking after others, grace, and gratitude etc. What most numerologists do not understand is that during their lifetime, the owners of the MN-33 will experience both octaves, probably more than once. It is not like some magic light switch suddenly goes on in their circuitry, and in a flash, they are 100% aligned with the cosmic intention of master number 33 and successfully living it through every neuron in their body. It does not happen that way and, astonishing newsflash, it is also not possible to live at MN-33 intensity all the time. Of all the master number traits linked to the No33, the most important one is for you to find an agreeable balance between the creative (3; 33 = 2×3’s) and the responsible (6; 33=3+3=6) energies. Optimal Strategy: learn to embrace Courageous Inspired Leadership ways.
[…] money magnet numbers like 1, 8, 9 and 22 do attract money easier than for example 2, 4, 7 and master numbers 11//2 and 33//6. Their answers would be correct in part, because there are some numbers like master number 22//4, […]
[…] the dots as to why her life had ‘happened like this’. Then in 2019, the master number 22 (as in The Master Builder) presents itself as her AEN through to end 2021. Note how many red blocks (these always denote […]
[…] number 11 is one of the three master numbers that we work with at 365 Pin Code. There is master number 11, master number 22 and the rare master […]
[…] it signals a karmic rebirth and the highest octave of the No4, as in Master Number 22//4 represents The Master Builder – those who are coded with the gift to achieve much materially during their lives! Understand […]
[…] Markle has a master number 22 life path [to ratify this, ENTER her DOB, 4th August 1918, into this Numerology Calculator] and a number 5 […]
[…] sense of comfort. Fascinating to note that her surname, Jewell, totals 22, the master number (there are three of them, 11, 22 and 33) depicting The Master […]
[…] the highest probability of successfully quantifying twin flame signs between two people (souls) is Master Number 11. Why master number 11? Because it is THE NUMBER that delivers an opportunistic journey to […]
[…] made The Sunday Times 2020 bestseller list and went on to say that this success coincided with numerology master number 11. In applied numerology, MN-11 is the highly charged (sometimes anxiety fuelled) intuitive visionary […]
[…] are called in mathematics, and it has the highest vibrational frequency of any number not including the master numbers (11, 22, 33). This high-frequency vibration gives the number nine some unique and amazing […]
[…] number 47 (as in 47th President) totals 11 (47 = 4+7 = 11) which brings master number 11 (MN-11 = The Master Intuitive; 11 is also the higher octave of numerology number 2) into play, MN-11 being a subset of the more […]
[…] has two master number 22s in his birth chart. He has a MN-22 life path (see TKS-LFP 1975//22//4, The Master Builder who achieves much through harnessing the collective efforts of others!) and he has a MN-22 world or […]
[…] has two master number 22s in his birth chart. He has a MN-22 life path (see TKS-LFP 1975//22//4, The Master Builder who achieves much through harnessing the collective efforts of others!) and he has a MN-22 world or […]
[…] by far the most complex of all the numbers in numerology, these being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and the master numbers 11, 22 and very rarely, 33. The numerology number line starts with No1 (beginnings) and closes out […]
[…] 33), as was her primary soul urge number, shifting from 30//3 to 33//6 (again, introducing the rare master number 33) and all importantly, her hidden passion shifts from the practical, work-like, focussed, […]
[…] Pin Code Life Path Experiential Model reveals that the AEN powering 1977 was 11//2. 11//2 brings master number 11 into frame, MN-11 being the number synonymous with vision, intuition and emotional enlightenment […]