Numbers 4 and 5 explosively Collide making this September 2020 numerology forecast one that Predicts Fireworks!

Our September 2020 numerology forecast is advising you expect the unexpected, to take care of yourself and to be aware of your surrounds, as massively explosive rebellions (5 type events) or crowd driven uprisings that challenge the status quo of established structures (e.g. governments) will meet head-on with the full force of ruthlessly maintaining law and order (4 type events). We’ve published some very interesting relationship numerology data which proves how incompatible or antagonistic the numerology numbers 4 and 5 are, and that when they collide as happens this month, extreme events unfold.

Let us Reflect for a Moment on August 2020’s advice

Last month (August 2020; 12//3 driven) we advised you that it was okay for you to sit on your hands right now and to do nothing, to just observe, and that it was okay for you to tell others you don’t know and are therefore choosing to adopt a wait and see strategy. Our shadow numerology forecast for August 2020 (No 6 driven) advised this: Whilst you need to be aware of what is happening around you, you do need to be completely engaged all the time. See, understand, but consciously choose to disengage. Control what you can right now. Ignore that which you cannot control. In keeping with numerology number 6, try to be as kind as you can to your friends and family. See where you can do more to help care for your community. By helping others in a responsible way, you will automatically help yourself into a better space because there is no activity more physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually rewarding than helping others unconditionally. As per the information that follows in this September 2020 numerology forecast, things change dramatically now, and you must shift from being passive to getting things done and from observing, to making decisions.

September 2020 numerology forecast, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

How do we Know that 4 and 5 violently clash in September 2020?

Firstly, 2020 is a No4 universal year [2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4; No 4 universal year] and because the No4 takes no prisoners and is fully associated with dishing out justice and ensuring that law and order are practically maintained, no wonder 2020 has been such an awful year for so many! Secondly, September is the 9th month of the year and as per 365 Pin Code Numerology, the number 9 is associated with closure, endings, completion, connecting the dots acquired during 1 – 8 and realising what must exit (do remember to forgive whomever you choose to release from your life else your and their karma will forever hang around you!) as you move into October (the No10 month – new beginnings).

September 2020 sees Karmic 13//4 enter which means Law and Order

Thirdly, and importantly because this brings the No4 into play, September 2020 is a Karmic No13//4 universal month [9+2020 = 2029 = 2+0+2+9 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 13//4] and the No13 brings Tarot major arcana Death card into play. In other words, that (as in circumstances) which is, and those (as in people) who are, meant to die-out (as in exit, figuratively) of your life’s orbit, must be allowed to do so this month. Do not get in the way of nor interfere with that which must go. Just allow things to happen naturally, no matter how painful they might be. If you hold on to things or people who were meant to exit your world, you will carry them over into October. Then, the lesson they were meant to teach you persists and will re-present itself all over again, only this time in a far more intense way. Is that what you want? We think not! Do also be aware that karmic 13//4 is linked with law and order and so when things get out of control, which will happen this month, the 13//4 grabs the situation by the throat and drives home a steel reinforced box. In other words, it closes off and ring fences that which is out of control and enforces hard boundaries, until the kinetic energy (5) of the uprising is fully quashed (4) and law and order restored. 13//4 takes no prisoners and carries within it the fire energy of the 3. The natural balanced ferocity (air: 1; fire: 3; earth :4) that exists within 13//4 cannot be matched by any other number; as such it is never to be trifled with.

September 2020’s emotional 5 indicates Extreme Volatility!

Lastly, enter the No5 that so brutally clashes with the No4. September 2020 is a shadow No5 universal month [Sep 2020 = physical 4; 9-4 = 5; Sep 2020 = shadow 5]. The No5 is linked with change, personal freedom, adaptability, flexibility as well as, extreme rebelliousness and foolishly pushing boundaries to see where their very outer limit is. Understand, extreme emotions around all of the above will flood the system this month and that’s why this September 2020 numerology forecast warned you upfront, in the opening paragraph, to be very aware of your environmental surrounds and to not become embroiled in emotional public uprisings because the clash between the 4 and 5 will most likely be so intense and heated, that your life may well be in danger when things boil over.

September 2020 numerology forecast, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

What is the upside to September 2020?

There is an upside to the karmic No13//4 that drives this month, and this resides with work, focus, discipline, planning, being conservative, using time wisely and getting things done. If you choose to avoid all the emotional nonsense that will surround the month’s No5 emotional upwelling, you will be able to focus your efforts on getting things done, on being practical and on organising your life such that order, focus and discipline are restored / retained. Results emanate from this because energy flows where focus goes. We do understand that to many, this might not sound like a thrilling upside, but during September 2020, if whilst everyone else out there is losing their minds and wasting their energy on matters that are largely beyond their control, you will diligently apply yourself to the tasks at hand, you will gain much and they will lose much.

This September 2020 numerology forecast is telling you to Get Cracking!

There is no way around this, this month things will explode, the small lava flows that have existed in our lives for months even years, will burst open and flow red hot. That is perfectly ok. If it is time for the mountain to blow, then let it blow, but instead of blowing yourself up with it, take a big step back, forgive and walk away – put much distance between you and the explosion, physically and emotionally. Regroup, refocus, re-energise yourself and then get cracking. The No4 produces, it does not sit around doing nothing. Therefore, September 2020 is a universal month that will reward focused productivity.

September 2020 will be an extremely intense month for you if:

  • You have a Number 13//4 Life Path or a Master Number 22 Life Path
  • You have a No4 shadow numerology life path (i.e. No5 life path).
  • You were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st day of the month.
  • You were born in the months of April (4) or May (5; therefore 4 shadow).
  • You have the No13//4 as your Sun or Personal Attainment Number (e.g. DOB 10th March; Sun No = Birth DD + Birth MM; 10+3 = 13; Sun Number 13/4).
  • You have the No13//4 as your Professional Attainment Number (e.g. DOB 2nd August 2000; Prof Att No = Birth DD + Birth YYYY = 2+2000 = 2002 = 2+0+0+2 = 4).
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