Numerology Meanings of Number 4 Energy

Number 4 Energy explained

In this 11-part series, we explain the deeper meanings or most significant characteristics of a number, and in this article our focus is on the Numerology Meanings of Number 4 Energy (the previous three dealt with the Numerology Meanings of Number 1 Energy ; the Numerology Meanings of Number 2 Energy ; and the Numerology Meanings of Number 3 Energy).

“I believe in process. I believe in four seasons. I believe that winter’s tough, but spring’s coming. I believe that there’s a growing season. And I think that you realize that in life, you grow. You get better.” Steve Southerland

Interesting Knowledge about the Number 4

Four is the smallest composite number, its proper divisors bring 1 and 2. 4 is the smallest squared prime (p2) and the only even number in this form. 4 is also the only square one more than a prime number. A number is a multiple of 4 if its last two digits are a multiple of 4. For example, 1092 is a multiple of 4 because 92 = 4 × 23. In addition, 2 + 2 = 2 × 2 = 22 = 4. Continuing the pattern in Knuth’s arrow-up notation, 2 ↑↑ 2 = 2 ↑↑↑ 2 = 4, and so on, for any number of up arrows. (That is, 2 [n] 2 = 4 for every positive integer n, where a [nb is the hyperoperation).

Number 4 Energy,365 Pin Code, Executive Risk Management, Executive Personal Development, Executive Business Success, People Risk Management, Employee Understanding, Strategic Human Intelligence, Corporate Executive Development, Shadow Numerology, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology,

“If four things are followed – having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance – then anything can be achieved.” A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

A four-sided plane figure is a quadrilateral (quadrangle) which include kites, rhombi, rectangles and squares, sometimes also called a tetragon. A circle divided by 4 makes right angles and four quadrants. Because of it, four (4) is the base number of the plane (mathematics). Four cardinal directions, four seasons, the duodecimal system and the vigesimal system are based on four. A solid figure with four faces as well as four vertices is a tetrahedron, and 4 is the smallest possible number of faces (as well as vertices) of a polyhedron.

“Every human has four endowments – self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change.” Stephen Covey

You have the Number 4 Energy powerfully represented in your Numerology Chart if:

  • You are Born (DD) on a 4 day i.e. the 4th, the 13th (13=1+3=4), the 22nd (which represents the Master Number 22, The Master Builder, the higher octave if you will of the 4: 22=2+2=4) and the 31st.
  • You are Born (MM) in a number 4 month i.e. in the month of April (4)
  • You are Born (YY) in a 4 year i.e. in 2020 (2+0+2+0=4) or 2011 (2+0+1+1=4) or 2002 (2+0+0+2=4) or 1993 (1+9+9+3=22=2+2=4 ; note how this year offers its carrier the dual experience of the 22 [the higher octave lifetime experience] or the 4 [the lower octave lifetime experience] – if you desire to know more about the 22//4 relationship, study the in-depth research we did on former CEO of Steinhoff, Markus Jooste and US President Donald Trump) or 1984 (1+9+8+4=22=2+2=4) or 1975 (1+9+7+5=22=2+2=4) or 1966 (22//4) or 1957 (22//4) or 1948 (22//4) or 1939 (22//4) or 1930 (a pure 4 only given that 1930=1+9+3=13=1+3=4) or 1921 (also only a pure 4 given that 1921=1+9+2+1=13=1+3=4) etc…
  • If you have a Number 4 [or Master Builder number 22 – see above two research links for Trump and Jooste – the number 22 will be covered off extensively in the final part – Part 11 – of this series] Life Path, a Number 4 Expression Number, a Number 4 Soul Urge, a Number 4 Hidden Passion, a Number 4 Personality, a Number 4 Maturity Number etc…

“In our personal and professional lives, we are constantly hit with one adversity after the other, most of which we have no control over. But the four things we have total control over is how we react, how we adapt, how we breathe, and how we take action.” Diamond Dallas Page

Number 4 Energy,365 Pin Code, Executive Risk Management, Executive Personal Development, Executive Business Success, People Risk Management, Employee Understanding, Strategic Human Intelligence, Corporate Executive Development, Shadow Numerology, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology,

Characteristics associated with Numerology Number 4

  • The number 4 reflects order, structure, strength and stability.
  • This number is dependent, productive and punctual.
  • Four is trustworthy, patient and conventional.
  • Is a traditionalist and loves things being done properly according to protocol and organised design…
  • Can tend to be a bit boring and is not much of a socialite.
  • Prefers to work in a quietly obscure way.

The number 143 means ‘I love you.’ It takes one letter to say ‘I’ and four letters to say ‘love’ and three letters to say ‘you.’ One hundred and forty-three. ‘I love you.’ Isn’t that wonderful? Fred Rogers

  • Is steady and extremely resilient and persistent given its powerful earth energy.
  • Is the energy associated with discipline and a disciplined approach to life and living.
  • Experiences much satisfaction in its accomplishments.
  • Favours results over financial reward or public recognition.
  • Is very goal-orientated and believes in effort and control.
  • Creates simple, down-to-earth goals, with no fancy frills – simple, practical stuff.
  • Notices absolutely every detail and is a stickler for minutia, so never challenge them on detail because you will always lose as this is their forté.

“The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That’s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they’ll go through the pain no matter what happens.” Arnold Schwarzenegger

Number 4 Energy,365 Pin Code, Executive Risk Management, Executive Personal Development, Executive Business Success, People Risk Management, Employee Understanding, Strategic Human Intelligence, Corporate Executive Development, Shadow Numerology, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology,

  • Is extremely capable and never cuts corners.
  • Demands discipline and loyalty and can’t stand chaos, mess or disorder.
  • Feels safe and secure in a predictable environment.
  • Works very hard and is extremely driven to get to the top and when they do, beware, they go there because they actually do know everything about everything.
  • Has a systematic and methodical approach to life and so do not have business related discussions with 4’s unless you have a process, procedures, controls and a well thought through plan which balances growth with risk, brings gain with associated pain.
  • Usually has an entertainingly dry sense of humour – when angered, they have a very crisp tongue, they will clinically cut you to ribbons, step by step until you are dismembered and without response.
  • Is almost in every way, the exact opposite, the total antithesis, of numbers 3 and 5.
  • Is the number of the worker-bee of the Universe – they get stuff done and if you can’t get it done, the way they do it, they will just unapologetically blast through you and get it done themselves.

“There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.” Dale Carnegie

  • Has a built to last spiritual significance.
  • The number 4 typifies the ultimate planner – they always have a plan and a well thought through plan at that.
  • This energy can be very impatient with those around them, thinking them lazy and disorganised.
  • Four is not the number of fluff and frivolity, it is the number of measured, fundamental practicality.
  • The number four is bull-headed and the ultimate workaholic.
  • Fours are very direct and will let you know exactly what they are thinking – they do not mince their words, therefore if you ask a four for their opinion on the matter, know that what they say may not be to your liking but best you listen to their input as their earthed energy always gives a very honest, blunt and practically significant insight.
  • Represent truth and morality on a very profound level.
  • The number 4 energy is very well described using just these four words – justice, temperance, fortitude and prudence.
  • Fours are extremely respectful of time and time-keeping – if you want to seriously piss them off and lose all your street cred, disrespect time and their worldly truth that times waits for no man…
  • Fours love situations where their highly organised mind can shine therefore gift them these as this is where their true organisational and systemic genius comes to the fore.
  • This is a very principled vibration – understand their principles and you will get on famously with them.

“What has history said of eminence without honour, wealth without wisdom, power and possessions without principle? The answer is reiterated in the overthrow of the mightiest empires of ancient times. Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome! The four successive, universal powers of the past. What and where are they?” Orson F. Whitney

Number 4 Energy,365 Pin Code, Executive Risk Management, Executive Personal Development, Executive Business Success, People Risk Management, Employee Understanding, Strategic Human Intelligence, Corporate Executive Development, Shadow Numerology, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology,

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