Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
In celebration of the life of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
This in-depth research case study unpacks the entire life path and career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Over the weekend, millions mourned the death of the second female Supreme Court justice, who died Friday at 87 after a long battle with cancer. Ginsburg was appointed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and in recent years served as the most senior member of the court’s liberal wing, consistently delivering progressive votes on the most divisive social issues of the day, including abortion rights, same-sex marriage, voting rights, immigration, health care and affirmative action. Her death, less than seven weeks before Election Day, opens up a political fight over the future of the court. Addressing the liberal justice’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday evening, “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” But Ginsburg told her granddaughter she wanted her replacement (here is the 2020 numerology of nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett) to be appointed by the next president, NPR reported. “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” she dictated to granddaughter Clara Spera days before her death. As you will discover in the many charts below, the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dominated by a double dose of numerology karmic debt number 16 as well as master number 22 and master number 11.
Ginsburg’s life in a flash
Ginsburg was born and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Her older sister died when she was a baby, and her mother died shortly before Ginsburg graduated from high school. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Cornell University and married Martin D. Ginsburg, becoming a mother before starting law school at Harvard, where she was one of the few women in her class. Ginsburg transferred to Columbia Law School, where she graduated joint first in her class. She became a professor at Rutgers Law School and Columbia Law School, teaching civil procedure as one of the few women in her field. Ginsburg spent much of her legal career as an advocate for gender equality and women’s rights, winning many arguments before the Supreme Court. She advocated as a volunteer attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union and was a member of its board of directors and one of its general counsel in the 1970s. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, where she served until her appointment to the Supreme Court in 1993.
This 365 Pin Code career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg case study will be conducted in three parts, Part A which unpacks her date of birth, Part B which unpacks her birth name and married name and Part C which models her life paths (maiden name and married name) in 4D from 1933 to 2020.
Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Part A
365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart of Ruth Bader Ginsburg born 15th March 1933
The Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has:
- A karmic debt number 16//7 life path (green arrow TKS-LFP, 1951//16//7 – to check this, enter her DOB into the 365 Pin Code Life Path Numerology Calculator).
- A karmic debt number 16//7 world / career number. Green arrow Birth YYYY 1933; 1933 = 1+9+3+3 = 16 = 1+6 = 7; 16//7).
- A master number 22/4 (as in The Master Builder) professional attainment number (green arrow TKSPR; Prof Att. No = Birth DD + Birth YYYY = 15+1933 = 1948 = 1+9+4+8 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 22//4). The powerfully earthed MN-22 is the most materially fortunate of the three master numbers. The career synchronicity significance of numerology sequence 22//13//4 in the life of RBG is revealed through the year she was elected as one of the US Supreme Court Justices. The year was 1993 which itself was a master number 22//4 universal year (1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 22//4) and the year SCOTUS Ginsburg passed away, 2020 (2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4), is a numerology number 4 universal year (No4 being the lower octave of MN-22). She took the oath of office on the 10th of August 1993, a number 4 universal day (10+8+1993 = 2011 = 2+0+1+1 = 4). And the significance of 22//13//4 in the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg continues, with September 2020 (9+2020 = 2029 = 2+0+2+9 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 13//4) the month she died, being a numerology number 13//4 universal month, the karmic debt lower octave version of MN-22. RBG’s date of death was the 18th of September 2020, yet again, a number 13//4 universal day (18+9+2020 = 2047 = 2+0+4+7 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 13//4).
- A master number 11//2 (as in The Master Intuitive) shadow life path number (green arrow, TSS-LFP 11//2).
- The No5 (No5 is the massively intelligent energy that questions everything and proactively challenges the status quo) presenting as her shadow professional attainment number (see TSSPR).
Numerology karmic debt No16//7 can be an extremely lonely journey which has at its very core the constant need to search for spiritually significant answers (the 7 of 16//7). This happens primarily through the leadership and independence related part of the self (the 1 of 16//7) being applied in a very loyal, responsible and matters of the heart (the 6 of 16//7) way such that the owner of karmic debt 16//7 serves their community well.
365 Pin Code Numerology Pythagoras Square birth Chart for SCOTUS Ginsburg
This numerology chart proves that she was an extremely focussed and determined woman, and once she had made up her mind about something, she would not have been easily turned. Mental score of 4 is high with the 2×1`s indicating that the baseline driver of this arrow for RBG is leadership, independence, original creation, and developing a powerful sense of self!
The Arrow of Determination explained with regards to the Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The Arrow of Determination is the most prolific arrow of the 20th century, so little wonder it was such a century of achievement. Determination underlies almost everything these people undertake. This is coupled with persistence, which is often used to overcome objections to their plans, sometimes to the point of dogged stubbornness. Some will want to enact their plans with haste; others will go to the extreme of waiting until obstacles disperse. The middle path, employing their intuition, compassion, and wisdom, will generally be the most suitable avenue.
One of the most difficult lessons for these people to accept is that not everything they determine is intended for them to do. Often, they will regard obstacles as inconvenient stumbling blocks that must be overcome whatever the costs. Whereas were they to use their intuition and wisdom, they would recognise that the obstacles exist in order to divert them into another more suitable course of action! This approach delivers less frustration and disappointment down the road. The decisiveness of people with this arrow is however a fine quality. The direction of motivation indicated by this arrow is generally toward idealism or ambition (hence the 9 is at its head).
Source: The Complete Book of Numerology by Dr David A. Phillips.
“Over a long career on both sides of the bench — as a relentless litigator and an incisive jurist — Justice Ginsburg helped us see that discrimination on the basis of sex isn’t about an abstract ideal of equality; that it doesn’t only harm women; that it has real consequences for all of us. It’s about who we are — and who we can be. Justice Ginsburg inspired the generations who followed her, from the tiniest trick-or-treaters to law students burning the midnight oil to the most powerful leaders in the land. Michelle and I admired her greatly, we’re profoundly thankful for the legacy she left this country, and we offer our gratitude and our condolences to her children and grandchildren tonight. Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought to the end, through her cancer, with unwavering faith in our democracy and its ideals. That’s how we remember her.” Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States of America
The 365 Pin Code Numerology Pinnacles of SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The date of birth is also used to calculate what are called Numerology Pinnacles. The life path (birth through to death) is divided into four pinnacle experiences and each pinnacle has an associated challenge experience accompanying it. Pinnacles are development related and each pinnacle period’s number reveals a key life lesson and dominant theme that must be embraced and worked upon. Pinnacles are also linked with significant turning points in a person’s life and so the year when one is transitioning out of one pinnacle and into the next, is always an extreme year with many endings.
365 Pin Code Table of Pinnacle and Challenge Numbers for Ruth Bader Ginsburg
RBG’s 1st Pinnacle Experience lasting from 1933 (Birth) through to Age 29 (1962) Number is driven by numerology sequence 18//9 (18//9 is her Sun or Personal Attainment Number; see TKSPE top left of her birth chart above) with the dominant presenting challenge being numerology number 3//3 (No3 is her Family number; again see her birth chart above). Her 2nd Pinnacle Experience from 1963 (Age 30) to 1971 (Age 38) is driven by master Number 22 (this synchronises 100% with her No22 Professional Attainment Number; see TKSPR top right of her birth chart above and her name, Ruth = 22) with dominant presenting challenge being numerology number 1 (leadership, masculine energy). Her 3rd Pinnacle Experience from 1972 (Age 39) to 1980 (Age 47) is again driven by master Number 22 (Professional Attainment significance and name synchronicity continues) with dominant presenting challenge being numerology number 2 (diplomacy, power behind the throne, feminine energy, her shadow life path). Her 4th and Final Pinnacle Experience from 1981 (Age 48) to 2020 (Death) is driven by karmic debt number 19 (independence, leadership, serving others over self) with dominant presenting challenge being numerology number 4 (work, discipline, structure, rules, law and order, lower octave of her MN-22//4 Professional Attainment Number).
Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Part B
365 Pin Code Numerology maiden name chart of Joan Ruth Bader
“When I’m sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, ‘When there are nine,’ people are shocked. But there’d been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Maiden name karmic lessons: Karmic Lesson No5: Having to learn how to deal with constant change and understanding that personal freedom comes from the disciplined, focused, and persistent application of self toward an ecological goal. Karmic Lesson No7: Learning to apply the mind in a logical manner and having to develop critical thinking skills. The No7 synchs with research, precision, perfection, wisdom, and much curiosity.
- Maiden name subconscious self: Numerology number 7. The logical, rational, intellectual who is driven to search for truths, especially deeply significant spiritual ones. The ever-thinking subconscious self No7 requires quiet, alone, so it can connect with the Higher Authority and Source Energy.
- Maiden Name Primary Soul Urge: Numerology Karmic 16//7 presenting again (The Tower major arcana No16), exactly as per her world / career number and life path number. Maiden Name Primary Personality: Numerology 40//4 (Page of Cups). Organised. No nonsense. Practical. In numerology the No40 is all about law and order, justice, planning, being methodical, doing what is right and reliability.
- Maiden Name Primary Expression: Numerology sequence 56//11//2 – introduces master number 11. The master intuitive who provides illumination, enlightenment, and profound teachings.
- Note that the name Ruth [R=9; U=3; T=2; H=8; Ʃ = 22] resonates with the master number 22 – the life which if well lived, will leave an everlasting, tangible legacy.
365 Pin Code Numerology married name chart of Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“Dissents speak to a future age. It’s not simply to say, ‘My colleagues are wrong and I would do it this way.’ But the greatest dissents do become court opinions and gradually over time their views become the dominant view. So that’s the dissenter’s hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg
When a woman marries and changes her name, much happens, sometimes for the positive, more often than not, for the negative. The above married name data changes for RBG attest to the fact that much happens, in her case, fortunately, for the better. Thing is, the woman (the newly wed bride) and the man (her newly-wed husband) do not understand the enormity of the numerical recalibration process she is undergoes post tying the know, and so often, shortly after the marriage, chaos reigns supreme between the two with neither understanding why she has “suddenly changed so much.” This maiden name to married name vibrational shift research is unique to 365 Pin Code Research as is core to the ongoing work we are doing to advance a much deeper understanding around numerology for women. Back to the above data table with specific emphasis on the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
- Married name karmic lessons: None. All numbers 1 through 9, are now present. When all numbers are present, the emphasis shifts from a numerically specific karmic lesson(s) to the number 9, which asks that the individual make their life one which has as its central tenets, being of service and providing positive upliftment to others.
- Married name subconscious self: Numerology number 9. The conscious healer; the one who cares deeply about humanity; the philanthropist; the one who possesses the ability to meaningfully connect with higher callings; the one who is coded to place the needs of others ahead of their own – a critically important quality for a SCOTUS.
- Married Name Primary Soul Urge: Numerology sequence 28//10//1 – the powerfully independent leader (The Magician major arcana No1 and The Wheel of Fortune major arcana No10). Married Name Primary Personality: Numerology number 71//8 (Three of Pentacles) which is the competent, organised, intellectually astute, powerhouse who excels at creating structure and direction around earthly matters.
- Married Name Primary Expression: Numerology sequence 99//9 – note the double 9, which implies that how she now expresses herself is linked with everything that the No9 stands for, significantly, in a doubled-up dose! The 99 is considered by some numerologists to represent the master number 99, which symbolises the zenith of universal love and signifies a true visionary in their chosen path of life – again, a wonderful quality for a SCOTUS to have.
The data table below clarifies, numerically, the bridge of change that Ruth Bader crossed (at a vibrational level) when she married and embraced the surname, Ginsburg.
365 Pin Code table of Comparative Name Change Numerology Data for SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsburg
On support for abortion rights: “This is something central to a woman’s life, to her dignity. It’s a decision that she must make for herself. And when government controls that decision for her, she’s being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Part C
365 Pin Code Numerology life path model data (Annual Experience Numbers, AENs) for Joan Ruth Bader born 15th March 1933 (Birth to Age 22)
Joan Ruth Bader born 15th of March. Birth DD 15//6 is her personal number. Note how her AEN for 1954 is 15//6. Proves how personally impactful this marriage was and how it triggered a life path significant event the following year with 1955 being driven by AEN 16//7 which is her life path number! This life path significant event was the birth of Jane Carol Ginsburg, born 21st of July 1955.
365 Pin Code Numerology life path model data (Annual Experience Numbers, AENs) for Joan Ruth Bader born 15th March 1933 (Age 23 to Age 44)
Let us focus on the birth of her son, James Steven Ginsburg, born on the 8th of September 1965. The years 1964 and 1965 are both driven by AEN 14//5 which synchs with her maiden name No5 karmic lesson. 1966 (1966 = 1+9+6+6 = 22) was a master number 22 universal year which synchs with her MN-22//13//4 professional attainment number. Note how 1966, the year after the birth of James, is driven by AEN 13//4, a rather painful karmic rebirth number which when presenting as a temporary vibration in the life path coding, always speaks to an immensely challenging year when the person invariably feels tremendously restricted, constrained and limited by their circumstances and immediate environment. 1967 and 1968 are both life path significant years, with AEN 16//7 in frame.
365 Pin Code Numerology life path model data (Annual Experience Numbers, AENs) for Joan Ruth Bader born 15th March 1933 (Age 45 to Age 66)
Significantly, in 1993, another master number 22 universal year, Joan Ruth Bade was elected to the role of SCOTUS. Note how significant it is that her 1993 AEN is MN-22//4 which synchs perfectly with her MN-22//13//4 professional attainment number (see TKSPR, top right, 365 Pin Code birth chart). The justice faced her first bout with cancer in 1999 (driven by karmic AEN 19//10//1 – independence themed number) when she was treated for a colon tumour. Note how this karmic 19 experience persists in her life path numbers through to 2002. Another piece of investigative numerology research we did into the life path numbers of British bestselling author, Sir Terry Pratchett, proved that 2008, the year he was diagnosed with a rare form of Alzheimer’s, Posterior Cortical Atrophy, had 365 Pin Code AEN 10//1 presenting.
365 Pin Code Numerology life path model data (Annual Experience Numbers, AENs) for Joan Ruth Bader born 15th March 1933 (Age 67 to Age 87)
In 2010, her husband, Martin David Ginsburg died (27th of June 2010 to be precise). Note how this devastating event, triggers the AEN 12//3 in 2011 for her. In her 365 Pin Code numerology profile, the numerology sequence 12//3 presents as her Balance Number, indicating how much his death would have thrown her off balance. Being born on the 15th, brings the number 3 into frame as her shadow personal (emotional) number and the number 3 also presents as her Family Number, being born in the month of March, the 3rd month of the year. Therefore, the concentrated AEN 12//3 presenting in 2011 has a triple impact, balance wise, personal emotion wise and family wise.
2017 presented her final 16//7 life path significant event
The above data table reveals AEN 16//7 (which synchs with her karmic debt 16//7 life path number as well as karmic debt 16//7 world or career number) presenting in concentrated format (i.e. one year only) which always indicates a most extreme experience. So, what happened in 2017 that could have had such a massively dramatic impact upon her? Feb 24th 2017, Kristine Phillips writes in the Washington Post: “Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a noted critic of President Trump, suggested that she doesn’t believe the country is in good hands but said she is hopeful about the future. But, the 83-year-old jurist said the public’s resistance to the new administration — on full display at last month’s Women’s March protests — has given her “reason to hope that we will see a better day. A great man once said that the true symbol of the United States is not the bald eagle; it is the pendulum, and when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it will go back,” she told BBC. “Some terrible things have happened in the United States, but one can only hope that we learn from those bad things,” she added, citing the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II as an example. “We’re not experiencing the best of times,” Ginsburg said Thursday on BBC’s “Newsnight,” though she did not comment directly about the president. Ginsburg didn’t talk about Trump’s controversial executive order barring refugees and citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. But, according to the AP, she reflected on the inscription at the base of the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”” Who wins the US Presidential Election on the 3rd of November 2020, Trump and Pence (Republicans) or Biden and Harris (Democrats)?
Ginsburg died from complications of pancreatic cancer on the eve of Rosh Hashanah
Ginsburg died from complications of pancreatic cancer on September 18, 2020, at age 87. Ginsburg died on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, and according to Rabbi Richard Jacobs, “One of the themes of Rosh Hashanah suggest that very righteous people would die at the very end of the year because they were needed until the very end”. After the announcement of her death, thousands of people gathered in front of the Supreme Court building to lay flowers, light candles, and leave messages. Five days after her death, the eight Supreme Court justices, Ginsburg’s children, and other family members held a private ceremony for Ginsburg in the court’s great hall. Following the private ceremony, Ginsburg’s casket was moved outdoors so the public could pay respects. Thousands of mourners lined up to walk past the casket over the course of two days. After the two days in repose at the court, Ginsburg lay in state at the Capitol. She was the first woman and first Jew to lie in state therein. On the 29th of September 2020 (29+9+2020 = 2058 = 2+0+5+8 = 15 = 1+5 = 6; a numerology number 15//6 universal day which synchs perfectly with her Birth DD of 15//6), Ginsburg was buried beside her husband in Arlington National Cemetery.
Comparing the Life Path AENs for Joan Ruth Bader and Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The final piece of this career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg puzzle rests with an complex data analytical exercise that models the annual life path data codes (as in AENs, Annual Experience Numbers) for both her names (maiden and married), tabulates them and then signals those years when her presenting AENs are identical. In terms of numerology for women, this strategic data table is incredibly important because if the AENs match for both the maiden name and married name, it signals a massively significant year for the study subject! Knowing this in advance, affords women with incredibly valuable insights that can be leveraged strategic thinking and planning wise. This is the level of work that are engaged with in terms of researching and developing the field of Human Futurology, and we are doing this to prove that it is possible to create numerically intelligent views of what our futures look like, using numerology and mathematics.
“There is a tradition of the president foregoing an appointment when you’re closer to the election,” Mr. Clinton said, adding that McConnell four years ago favored giving the American people a say in who will fill the seat. “It didn’t take that long to change their tune, but that is their tune. They’re for whatever maximizes power.” In paying homage to Ginsburg, Mr. Clinton called her “an astonishing human being” and said she “turned out to be even better than I thought.” Mr. Clinton recalled that during the selection process in 1993, he wanted a nominee who was “open-minded,” “passionately committed to equality” and “capable of working in the setting of the Supreme Court.” “Of all the people I’d met, she had the best judgment on when to work with others whenever she could and when to stand up when she couldn’t stand it anymore,” Mr. Clinton said.
The Notorious RBG – her maiden name AENs and married name AENs (1933 – 1978)
The RED blocks signal years when her maiden name AEN and married name AEN were identical. These were therefore massively significant years and irrespective of the name change that had occurred and all the numerical recalibrations that had happened around embracing Ginsburg, her “Grand Organised Design” code for that year, remained exactly as is. How utterly mind-blowing is that in terms of our being Intelligent Mathematical Blueprints (IMBs) from the moment of birth?
The Notorious RBG – her maiden name AENs and married name AENs (1979 – 2020)
In celebration of the Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The purpose of this in-depth life path case study research into the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg was to celebrate a life well lived. Karmic debt life path numbers (13//4, 14//5, 16//7 and 19//1; hers was 16//7) deliver an experiential journey that is incredibly raw and very demanding, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Because the demands are so extreme and continue for such a long time (i.e. they last the duration of the life), very few owners of a karmic debt life path number, are able to properly honour the incredible development potential they offer up.
There is no doubt in our mind whatsoever that Joan Ruth Bader (married, Ginsburg), aka “The Notorious RBG” achieved the zenith of the potentiality coded into her 16//7 journey. The ‘other number’ that drove and influenced the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is master number 22, the numerology number known as The Master Builder. This number has coded within it, legacy creating potential – take for example the life of Sir David Attenborough, who has a MN-22 life path [DOB is 8th of May 1926; 8+5+1926 = 1939 = 1+9+3+9 = 22; master number 22 life path). Is his life not also a life very well lived? Has he not left behind the most wonderful legacy and have his name and works not forever been etched into the annals of history? Just as Sir David honoured his MN-22, so too did SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsburg. RIP RBG – and thank you for inspiring this research!
Burning Question: Will Judge Amy Coney Barrett be the new SCOTUS?
The Answer Is: Everything you want to know, sits in Amy Coney Barrett’s 365 Pin Code numerology!
Image Credits

Photo by John Chisholm/Paints Institute • Instagram: @paintsinstitue
Artists: DEZ Customz Art And Customs @dezcustomz • Shaun Perkins @sptheplug