About Chris and Suzanne Styles

For almost a decade now Suzanne and Chris Styles have coached, mentored, and guided people from many different walks of life, on many different topics. They’ve made it their business to never stop learning, to never stop growing, to never stop thinking critically about their and others’ results and to never stop questioning. They have attended a huge number of free and paid-for seminars and have studied, worked alongside, and conducted in-depth interviews with a number of the world’s leading authorities in the fields of personal development, self-help and business success. Given this, they have a most thorough understanding of the different personal freedom and success creating models out there

Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

In celebration of the life of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

This in-depth research case study unpacks the entire life path and career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Over the weekend, millions mourned the death of the second female Supreme Court justice, who died Friday at 87 after a long battle with cancer. Ginsburg was appointed in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and in recent years served as the most senior member of the court’s liberal wing, consistently delivering progressive votes on the most divisive social issues of the day, including abortion rights, same-sex marriage, voting rights, immigration, health care and affirmative action. Her death, less than seven weeks before Election Day, opens up a political fight over the future of the court. Addressing the liberal justice’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday evening, “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” But Ginsburg told her granddaughter she wanted her replacement (here is the 2020 numerology of nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett) to be appointed by the next president, NPR reported. “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” she dictated to granddaughter Clara Spera days before her death. As you will discover in the many charts below, the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dominated by a double dose of numerology karmic debt number 16 as well as master number 22 and master number 11.

Ginsburg’s life in a flash

Ginsburg was born and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Her older sister died when she was a baby, and her mother died shortly before Ginsburg graduated from high school. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Cornell University and married Martin D. Ginsburg, becoming a mother before starting law school at Harvard, where she was one of the few women in her class. Ginsburg transferred to Columbia Law School, where she graduated joint first in her class. She became a professor at Rutgers Law School and Columbia Law School, teaching civil procedure as one of the few women in her field. Ginsburg spent much of her legal career as an advocate for gender equality and women’s rights, winning many arguments before the Supreme Court. She advocated as a volunteer attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union and was a member of its board of directors and one of its general counsel in the 1970s. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, where she served until her appointment to the Supreme Court in 1993.

This 365 Pin Code career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg case study will be conducted in three parts, Part A which unpacks her date of birth, Part B which unpacks her birth name and married name and Part C which models her life paths (maiden name and married name) in 4D from 1933 to 2020.

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Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Part A

365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart of Ruth Bader Ginsburg born 15th March 1933

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

The Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has:

  • A karmic debt number 16//7 life path (green arrow TKS-LFP, 1951//16//7 – to check this, enter her DOB into the 365 Pin Code Life Path Numerology Calculator).
  • A karmic debt number 16//7 world / career number. Green arrow Birth YYYY 1933; 1933 = 1+9+3+3 = 16 = 1+6 = 7; 16//7).
  • A master number 22/4 (as in The Master Builder) professional attainment number (green arrow TKSPR; Prof Att. No = Birth DD + Birth YYYY = 15+1933 = 1948 = 1+9+4+8 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 22//4). The powerfully earthed MN-22 is the most materially fortunate of the three master numbers. The career synchronicity significance of numerology sequence 22//13//4 in the life of RBG is revealed through the year she was elected as one of the US Supreme Court Justices. The year was 1993 which itself was a master number 22//4 universal year (1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 22//4) and the year SCOTUS Ginsburg passed away, 2020 (2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4), is a numerology number 4 universal year (No4 being the lower octave of MN-22). She took the oath of office on the 10th of August 1993, a number 4 universal day (10+8+1993 = 2011 = 2+0+1+1 = 4). And the significance of 22//13//4 in the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg continues, with September 2020 (9+2020 = 2029 = 2+0+2+9 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 13//4) the month she died, being a numerology number 13//4 universal month, the karmic debt lower octave version of MN-22. RBG’s date of death was the 18th of September 2020, yet again, a number 13//4 universal day (18+9+2020 = 2047 = 2+0+4+7 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 13//4).
  • A master number 11//2 (as in The Master Intuitive) shadow life path number (green arrow, TSS-LFP 11//2).
  • The No5 (No5 is the massively intelligent energy that questions everything and proactively challenges the status quo) presenting as her shadow professional attainment number (see TSSPR).

Numerology karmic debt No16//7 can be an extremely lonely journey which has at its very core the constant need to search for spiritually significant answers (the 7 of 16//7). This happens primarily through the leadership and independence related part of the self (the 1 of 16//7) being applied in a very loyal, responsible and matters of the heart (the 6 of 16//7) way such that the owner of karmic debt 16//7 serves their community well.

365 Pin Code Numerology Pythagoras Square birth Chart for SCOTUS Ginsburg

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

This numerology chart proves that she was an extremely focussed and determined woman, and once she had made up her mind about something, she would not have been easily turned. Mental score of 4 is high with the 2×1`s indicating that the baseline driver of this arrow for RBG is leadership, independence, original creation, and developing a powerful sense of self!

The Arrow of Determination explained with regards to the Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The Arrow of Determination is the most prolific arrow of the 20th century, so little wonder it was such a century of achievement. Determination underlies almost everything these people undertake. This is coupled with persistence, which is often used to overcome objections to their plans, sometimes to the point of dogged stubbornness. Some will want to enact their plans with haste; others will go to the extreme of waiting until obstacles disperse. The middle path, employing their intuition, compassion, and wisdom, will generally be the most suitable avenue.

One of the most difficult lessons for these people to accept is that not everything they determine is intended for them to do. Often, they will regard obstacles as inconvenient stumbling blocks that must be overcome whatever the costs. Whereas were they to use their intuition and wisdom, they would recognise that the obstacles exist in order to divert them into another more suitable course of action! This approach delivers less frustration and disappointment down the road. The decisiveness of people with this arrow is however a fine quality. The direction of motivation indicated by this arrow is generally toward idealism or ambition (hence the 9 is at its head).

Source: The Complete Book of Numerology by Dr David A. Phillips.

“Over a long career on both sides of the bench — as a relentless litigator and an incisive jurist — Justice Ginsburg helped us see that discrimination on the basis of sex isn’t about an abstract ideal of equality; that it doesn’t only harm women; that it has real consequences for all of us. It’s about who we are — and who we can be. Justice Ginsburg inspired the generations who followed her, from the tiniest trick-or-treaters to law students burning the midnight oil to the most powerful leaders in the land. Michelle and I admired her greatly, we’re profoundly thankful for the legacy she left this country, and we offer our gratitude and our condolences to her children and grandchildren tonight. Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought to the end, through her cancer, with unwavering faith in our democracy and its ideals. That’s how we remember her.” Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States of America

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

The 365 Pin Code Numerology Pinnacles of SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The date of birth is also used to calculate what are called Numerology Pinnacles. The life path (birth through to death) is divided into four pinnacle experiences and each pinnacle has an associated challenge experience accompanying it. Pinnacles are development related and each pinnacle period’s number reveals a key life lesson and dominant theme that must be embraced and worked upon. Pinnacles are also linked with significant turning points in a person’s life and so the year when one is transitioning out of one pinnacle and into the next, is always an extreme year with many endings.

365 Pin Code Table of Pinnacle and Challenge Numbers for Ruth Bader Ginsburg

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

RBG’s 1st Pinnacle Experience lasting from 1933 (Birth) through to Age 29 (1962) Number is driven by numerology sequence 18//9 (18//9 is her Sun or Personal Attainment Number; see TKSPE top left of her birth chart above) with the dominant presenting challenge being numerology number 3//3 (No3 is her Family number; again see her birth chart above). Her 2nd Pinnacle Experience from 1963 (Age 30) to 1971 (Age 38) is driven by master Number 22 (this synchronises 100% with her No22 Professional Attainment Number; see TKSPR top right of her birth chart above and her name, Ruth = 22) with dominant presenting challenge being numerology number 1 (leadership, masculine energy). Her 3rd Pinnacle Experience from 1972 (Age 39) to 1980 (Age 47) is again driven by master Number 22 (Professional Attainment significance and name synchronicity continues) with dominant presenting challenge being numerology number 2 (diplomacy, power behind the throne, feminine energy, her shadow life path). Her 4th and Final Pinnacle Experience from 1981 (Age 48) to 2020 (Death) is driven by karmic debt number 19 (independence, leadership, serving others over self) with dominant presenting challenge being numerology number 4 (work, discipline, structure, rules, law and order, lower octave of her MN-22//4 Professional Attainment Number).

Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Part B

365 Pin Code Numerology maiden name chart of Joan Ruth Bader

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

“When I’m sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, ‘When there are nine,’ people are shocked. But there’d been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  • Maiden name karmic lessons: Karmic Lesson No5: Having to learn how to deal with constant change and understanding that personal freedom comes from the disciplined, focused, and persistent application of self toward an ecological goal. Karmic Lesson No7: Learning to apply the mind in a logical manner and having to develop critical thinking skills. The No7 synchs with research, precision, perfection, wisdom, and much curiosity.
  • Maiden name subconscious self: Numerology number 7. The logical, rational, intellectual who is driven to search for truths, especially deeply significant spiritual ones. The ever-thinking subconscious self No7 requires quiet, alone, so it can connect with the Higher Authority and Source Energy.
  • Maiden Name Primary Soul Urge: Numerology Karmic 16//7 presenting again (The Tower major arcana No16), exactly as per her world / career number and life path number. Maiden Name Primary Personality: Numerology 40//4 (Page of Cups). Organised. No nonsense. Practical. In numerology the No40 is all about law and order, justice, planning, being methodical, doing what is right and reliability.
  • Maiden Name Primary Expression: Numerology sequence 56//11//2 – introduces master number 11. The master intuitive who provides illumination, enlightenment, and profound teachings.
  • Note that the name Ruth [R=9; U=3; T=2; H=8; Ʃ = 22] resonates with the master number 22 – the life which if well lived, will leave an everlasting, tangible legacy.

365 Pin Code Numerology married name chart of Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

“Dissents speak to a future age. It’s not simply to say, ‘My colleagues are wrong and I would do it this way.’ But the greatest dissents do become court opinions and gradually over time their views become the dominant view. So that’s the dissenter’s hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg

When a woman marries and changes her name, much happens, sometimes for the positive, more often than not, for the negative. The above married name data changes for RBG attest to the fact that much happens, in her case, fortunately, for the better. Thing is, the woman (the newly wed bride) and the man (her newly-wed husband) do not understand the enormity of the numerical recalibration process she is undergoes post tying the know, and so often, shortly after the marriage, chaos reigns supreme between the two with neither understanding why she has “suddenly changed so much.” This maiden name to married name vibrational shift research is unique to 365 Pin Code Research as is core to the ongoing work we are doing to advance a much deeper understanding around numerology for women. Back to the above data table with specific emphasis on the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

  • Married name karmic lessons: None. All numbers 1 through 9, are now present. When all numbers are present, the emphasis shifts from a numerically specific karmic lesson(s) to the number 9, which asks that the individual make their life one which has as its central tenets, being of service and providing positive upliftment to others.
  • Married name subconscious self: Numerology number 9. The conscious healer; the one who cares deeply about humanity; the philanthropist; the one who possesses the ability to meaningfully connect with higher callings; the one who is coded to place the needs of others ahead of their own – a critically important quality for a SCOTUS.
  • Married Name Primary Soul Urge: Numerology sequence 28//10//1 – the powerfully independent leader (The Magician major arcana No1 and The Wheel of Fortune major arcana No10). Married Name Primary Personality: Numerology number 71//8 (Three of Pentacles) which is the competent, organised, intellectually astute, powerhouse who excels at creating structure and direction around earthly matters.
  • Married Name Primary Expression: Numerology sequence 99//9 – note the double 9, which implies that how she now expresses herself is linked with everything that the No9 stands for, significantly, in a doubled-up dose! The 99 is considered by some numerologists to represent the master number 99, which symbolises the zenith of universal love and signifies a true visionary in their chosen path of life – again, a wonderful quality for a SCOTUS to have.

The data table below clarifies, numerically, the bridge of change that Ruth Bader crossed (at a vibrational level) when she married and embraced the surname, Ginsburg.

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

365 Pin Code table of Comparative Name Change Numerology Data for SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsburg

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

On support for abortion rights: “This is something central to a woman’s life, to her dignity. It’s a decision that she must make for herself. And when government controls that decision for her, she’s being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Part C

365 Pin Code Numerology life path model data (Annual Experience Numbers, AENs) for Joan Ruth Bader born 15th March 1933 (Birth to Age 22)

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

Joan Ruth Bader born 15th of March. Birth DD 15//6 is her personal number. Note how her AEN for 1954 is 15//6. Proves how personally impactful this marriage was and how it triggered a life path significant event the following year with 1955 being driven by AEN 16//7 which is her life path number! This life path significant event was the birth of Jane Carol Ginsburg, born 21st of July 1955.

365 Pin Code Numerology life path model data (Annual Experience Numbers, AENs) for Joan Ruth Bader born 15th March 1933 (Age 23 to Age 44)

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

Let us focus on the birth of her son, James Steven Ginsburg, born on the 8th of September 1965. The years 1964 and 1965 are both driven by AEN 14//5 which synchs with her maiden name No5 karmic lesson. 1966 (1966 = 1+9+6+6 = 22) was a master number 22 universal year which synchs with her MN-22//13//4 professional attainment number. Note how 1966, the year after the birth of James, is driven by AEN 13//4, a rather painful karmic rebirth number which when presenting as a temporary vibration in the life path coding, always speaks to an immensely challenging year when the person invariably feels tremendously restricted, constrained and limited by their circumstances and immediate environment. 1967 and 1968 are both life path significant years, with AEN 16//7 in frame.

365 Pin Code Numerology life path model data (Annual Experience Numbers, AENs) for Joan Ruth Bader born 15th March 1933 (Age 45 to Age 66)

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

Significantly, in 1993, another master number 22 universal year, Joan Ruth Bade was elected to the role of SCOTUS. Note how significant it is that her 1993 AEN is MN-22//4 which synchs perfectly with her MN-22//13//4 professional attainment number (see TKSPR, top right, 365 Pin Code birth chart). The justice faced her first bout with cancer in 1999 (driven by karmic AEN 19//10//1 – independence themed number) when she was treated for a colon tumour. Note how this karmic 19 experience persists in her life path numbers through to 2002. Another piece of investigative numerology research we did into the life path numbers of British bestselling author, Sir Terry Pratchett, proved that 2008, the year he was diagnosed with a rare form of Alzheimer’s, Posterior Cortical Atrophy, had 365 Pin Code AEN 10//1 presenting.

365 Pin Code Numerology life path model data (Annual Experience Numbers, AENs) for Joan Ruth Bader born 15th March 1933 (Age 67 to Age 87)

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

In 2010, her husband, Martin David Ginsburg died (27th of June 2010 to be precise). Note how this devastating event, triggers the AEN 12//3 in 2011 for her. In her 365 Pin Code numerology profile, the numerology sequence 12//3 presents as her Balance Number, indicating how much his death would have thrown her off balance. Being born on the 15th, brings the number 3 into frame as her shadow personal (emotional) number and the number 3 also presents as her Family Number, being born in the month of March, the 3rd month of the year. Therefore, the concentrated AEN 12//3 presenting in 2011 has a triple impact, balance wise, personal emotion wise and family wise.

2017 presented her final 16//7 life path significant event

The above data table reveals AEN 16//7 (which synchs with her karmic debt 16//7 life path number as well as karmic debt 16//7 world or career number) presenting in concentrated format (i.e. one year only) which always indicates a most extreme experience. So, what happened in 2017 that could have had such a massively dramatic impact upon her? Feb 24th 2017, Kristine Phillips writes in the Washington Post: “Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a noted critic of President Trump, suggested that she doesn’t believe the country is in good hands but said she is hopeful about the future. But, the 83-year-old jurist said the public’s resistance to the new administration — on full display at last month’s Women’s March protests — has given her “reason to hope that we will see a better day. A great man once said that the true symbol of the United States is not the bald eagle; it is the pendulum, and when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it will go back,” she told BBC. “Some terrible things have happened in the United States, but one can only hope that we learn from those bad things,” she added, citing the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II as an example. “We’re not experiencing the best of times,” Ginsburg said Thursday on BBC’s “Newsnight,” though she did not comment directly about the president. Ginsburg didn’t talk about Trump’s controversial executive order barring refugees and citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. But, according to the AP, she reflected on the inscription at the base of the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”” Who wins the US Presidential Election on the 3rd of November 2020, Trump and Pence (Republicans) or Biden and Harris (Democrats)?

Ginsburg died from complications of pancreatic cancer on the eve of Rosh Hashanah

Ginsburg died from complications of pancreatic cancer on September 18, 2020, at age 87. Ginsburg died on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, and according to Rabbi Richard Jacobs, “One of the themes of Rosh Hashanah suggest that very righteous people would die at the very end of the year because they were needed until the very end”. After the announcement of her death, thousands of people gathered in front of the Supreme Court building to lay flowers, light candles, and leave messages. Five days after her death, the eight Supreme Court justices, Ginsburg’s children, and other family members held a private ceremony for Ginsburg in the court’s great hall. Following the private ceremony, Ginsburg’s casket was moved outdoors so the public could pay respects. Thousands of mourners lined up to walk past the casket over the course of two days. After the two days in repose at the court, Ginsburg lay in state at the Capitol. She was the first woman and first Jew to lie in state therein. On the 29th of September 2020 (29+9+2020 = 2058 = 2+0+5+8 = 15 = 1+5 = 6; a numerology number 15//6 universal day which synchs perfectly with her Birth DD of 15//6), Ginsburg was buried beside her husband in Arlington National Cemetery.

Comparing the Life Path AENs for Joan Ruth Bader and Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The final piece of this career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg puzzle rests with an complex data analytical exercise that models the annual life path data codes (as in AENs, Annual Experience Numbers) for both her names (maiden and married), tabulates them and then signals those years when her presenting AENs are identical. In terms of numerology for women, this strategic data table is incredibly important because if the AENs match for both the maiden name and married name, it signals a massively significant year for the study subject! Knowing this in advance, affords women with incredibly valuable insights that can be leveraged strategic thinking and planning wise. This is the level of work that are engaged with in terms of researching and developing the field of Human Futurology, and we are doing this to prove that it is possible to create numerically intelligent views of what our futures look like, using numerology and mathematics.

“There is a tradition of the president foregoing an appointment when you’re closer to the election,” Mr. Clinton said, adding that McConnell four years ago favored giving the American people a say in who will fill the seat. “It didn’t take that long to change their tune, but that is their tune. They’re for whatever maximizes power.” In paying homage to Ginsburg, Mr. Clinton called her “an astonishing human being” and said she “turned out to be even better than I thought.” Mr. Clinton recalled that during the selection process in 1993, he wanted a nominee who was “open-minded,” “passionately committed to equality” and “capable of working in the setting of the Supreme Court.” “Of all the people I’d met, she had the best judgment on when to work with others whenever she could and when to stand up when she couldn’t stand it anymore,” Mr. Clinton said.

The Notorious RBG – her maiden name AENs and married name AENs (1933 – 1978)

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

The RED blocks signal years when her maiden name AEN and married name AEN were identical. These were therefore massively significant years and irrespective of the name change that had occurred and all the numerical recalibrations that had happened around embracing Ginsburg, her “Grand Organised Design” code for that year, remained exactly as is. How utterly mind-blowing is that in terms of our being Intelligent Mathematical Blueprints (IMBs) from the moment of birth?

The Notorious RBG – her maiden name AENs and married name AENs (1979 – 2020)

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

In celebration of the Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The purpose of this in-depth life path case study research into the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg was to celebrate a life well lived. Karmic debt life path numbers (13//4, 14//5, 16//7 and 19//1; hers was 16//7) deliver an experiential journey that is incredibly raw and very demanding, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Because the demands are so extreme and continue for such a long time (i.e. they last the duration of the life), very few owners of a karmic debt life path number, are able to properly honour the incredible development potential they offer up.


There is no doubt in our mind whatsoever that Joan Ruth Bader (married, Ginsburg), aka “The Notorious RBG” achieved the zenith of the potentiality coded into her 16//7 journey. The ‘other number’ that drove and influenced the career numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is master number 22, the numerology number known as The Master Builder. This number has coded within it, legacy creating potential – take for example the life of Sir David Attenborough, who has a MN-22 life path [DOB is 8th of May 1926; 8+5+1926 = 1939 = 1+9+3+9 = 22; master number 22 life path). Is his life not also a life very well lived? Has he not left behind the most wonderful legacy and have his name and works not forever been etched into the annals of history? Just as Sir David honoured his MN-22, so too did SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsburg. RIP RBG – and thank you for inspiring this research!

Burning Question: Will Judge Amy Coney Barrett be the new SCOTUS?

The Answer Is: Everything you want to know, sits in Amy Coney Barrett’s 365 Pin Code numerology!

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365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

Photo by John Chisholm/Paints Institute • Instagram: @paintsinstitue

Artists: DEZ Customz Art And Customs @dezcustomz  •  Shaun Perkins @sptheplug

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

Image by Monika Häfliger from Pixabay

365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, SCOTUS,Career Numerology of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, legal numerology, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Research, life path Ruth Bader Ginsburg, numerology karmic debt 16, numerology pinnacles, human futurology

Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett

She is a proven Conservative with a compelling story!

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, a federal appellate judge and Notre Dame law professor, is a proven conservative with a compelling personal story who has long been atop President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court short list. On September 25, 2020, it was announced that Trump intended to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Barrett, the mother of seven children and a former law clerk to the late right-wing beacon Justice Antonin Scalia, Barrett, now 48, was a finalist for the Supreme Court spot that went to Brett Kavanaugh (learn about Kavanaugh’s numerology) in 2018. Advocates on the far right have backed her possible nomination because of her writings on faith and the law. Religious conservatives were especially energized for Barrett when, during the 2017 confirmation hearing for her current judgeship, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California suggested to her that the “dogma lives loudly within you.” Barrett supporters believed the nominee was being disparaged for her Catholicism. For all the reasons that Trump sees Barrett as a potential successor to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Democratic senators and liberal advocates have long been poised to oppose her, warning particularly that she could roll back abortion rights and invalidate the Affordable Care Act. This numerology case study research into SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett proves that she has a numerology profile loaded with 1’s and 8’s indicating that she was destined for legal leadership greatness and importantly, confirms her appointment as the new SCOTUS.

About SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett

If Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed as the new Supreme Court justice, she will be one of six Catholics on the bench. She would be joined by an Episcopalian who was raised as a Catholic. and two Jewish justices. Never before has the Court been so dominated by one religious denomination, a fact that could conceivably be raised during Barrett’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, scheduled to begin on Oct. 12th 2020. If Amy Coney Barrett’s religious beliefs were to be raised during her confirmation hearings, it would presumably be because her Catholic faith appears to be of unusual intensity and character. In 2006, Barrett told graduates of the Notre Dame Law School, which she had attended and where she was teaching, that they should see their upcoming legal careers “as but a means to an end … and that end is building the Kingdom of God.”

“Judges cannot – nor should they try to – align our legal system with the Church’s moral teaching whenever the two diverge. They should, however, conform their own behavior to the Church’s standard.” Amy Coney Barrett

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

She received the “Distinguished Professor of the Year” award three times

Amy Vivian Coney (married, Barrett, 1999) was born on the 28th of January 1972 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is the eldest of seven children, with five sisters and a brother. Her father, Michael Coney, worked as an attorney for Shell Oil Company and her mother, Linda, was a high school French teacher. The family was Catholic and in the 1980s her father was ordained a deacon. After high school Amy Coney went to Rhodes College on a scholarship, where she majored in English literature and minored in French. She graduated in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. She then studied law at Notre Dame Law School on a full-tuition scholarship. She was an executive editor of the Notre Dame Law Review and graduated first in her class in 1997 with a Juris Doctor summa cum laude. Amy Coney Barrett served as a visiting associate professor and John M. Olin Fellow in Law at George Washington University Law School for a year before returning to her alma mater, Notre Dame Law School, in 2002. At Notre Dame she taught federal courts, constitutional law, and statutory interpretation. At Notre Dame, she received the “Distinguished Professor of the Year” award three times.

“I would decide cases according to rule of law, beginning to end, and in the rare circumstance that might ever arise – I can’t imagine one sitting here now – where I felt that I had some conscientious objection to the law, I would recuse. I would never impose my own personal convictions upon the law.” Amy Coney Barrett

ENTER The 365 Pin Code Numerology profile of SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett a numerical world dominated by 1’s (leadership) and 8’s (power, authority etc.).

365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart of SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett born 28th January 1972

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

Scotus nominee Amy Coney Barrett has:

Three number 1’s in her DOB numerology chart

  • A number 1 personal energy. Birth DD 28th (28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1) reduces to No1. Numerology No1 is the natural leader and loves to win, so true to its vibration, when its owner applies himself or herself, it is coded to get to the very top. Major arcana No1 is The Magician).
  • A Number 1 family energy. Birth MM is January, the 1st month of the year.
  • A World / Career number 1 energy. Again, the leader, the magician. Birth YYYY 1972 (1972 = 1+9+7+2 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1; 1972//19//10//1). What is noteworthy is that her career numerology numbers carry within them karmic debt No19.

Given all her 1’s, whenever a No1 universal year presents (e.g. 2053, 2044, 2035, 2026, 2017, 2008, 1999, 1990, 1981, 1972) something significant will happen in her life.

Three number 8’s in her DOB numerology chart

  • Personal physical vibration No1; Shadow personal vibration No8.
  • Family physical vibration No1; Shadow family vibration No8.
  • World / Career physical vibration No1; Shadow world / career vibration No8.

Numerology No8 synchs with money, power, wealth, status, authority, legal and material matters, leaving a legacy, organising, and karma (as in trying to find the balance between the material world and the spiritual world).

She has a number 3 life path (the inspired, creative, communicator; see TKS-LFP 2001//3) and a number 6 shadow life path (relationships, responsibility, matters of the heart, sense of community; see TSS-LFP 24//6). Her Sun or Personal Attainment Number (see TKSPE) brings the master number 11 (illumination, enlightenment, teaching, intuitive genius) into play. Sun No = Birth DD + Birth MM = 28+1 = 29 = 2+9 = 11; 29//11//2). Her Professional Attainment Number (see TKSPR) brings numerology number No2 (teamwork, diplomacy, nurturing, balance, harmony etc.) into play. Her karmic year would have been 2001 or thereabouts (as in six months prior [July 2000 – end 2001] or six months after [2001 to June 2002]).

“(Catholic judges) are obliged by oath, professional commitment, and the demands of citizenship to enforce the death penalty. They are also obliged to adhere to their church’s teaching on moral matters.” Amy Coney Barrett

365 Pin Code Numerology full married name chart of SCOTUS nominee Amy Vivian Coney Barrett

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

Amy Vivian Coney Barrett has:

  • The No1 (presenting yet again, this is tremendously significant!) as her primary expression number (how she best expresses herself into this world of ours; TKSPE and TKSPR).
  • One karmic lesson pertaining to the number 8 (this is offset by the three 8’s in her birth chart as discussed above). The number 8 deals with money, power, wealth, status, authority, control, organising and of course legal matters, as in balancing the scales of life.
  • Her No8 subconscious self proves how she is innately coded to be the powerful, organised one who leads others and provides structure and order, stability, and security.
  • Her primary balance number No8 talks to the tremendously powerful presence she has and that she is well balanced when placed in powerful and influential positions.
  • Her No58//13//4 primary soul urge talks to her need to create law and order and to give shape and physical substance to thought. The No4 in numerology is the fundamental building block and is linked with work, focus, persistence, discipline, justice, order, systems, protocols, conservatism, an intolerance of nonsense and it never takes short cuts to success, ever! Because it so powerfully earthed and bricklike, this energy is no push over and once it has made its mind up, beware, because it will not be stopped and if you attempt to stop it, you will surely come off second best.
  • Her No65//11//2 primary personality introduces the master number 11 which is the number linked with illumination, enlightenment, and teaching and most importantly, intuitive wisdom. This is the powerfully masculine (double 1) number that understand the feminine energy too and when on song, is ably to masterfully shift between the masculine and feminine energies.
  • Her physical vibration, Amy, is 12//3, the creative, communicative one expressing herself as the feminine energy (2) working through the masculine energy (1).
  • Her emotional vibration, Vivian, is 32//5, the challenging one expressing herself as the feminine energy (2) working through the creative forces (3).
  • Her spiritual vibration, Coney Barrett, is 26//8, the organised, powerful, controlling one who expresses herself through the legal and material plane of life.

The final piece of this numerology puzzle which has SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett as the study subject, is to model or map her life path with specific reference to 2020. At 365 Pin Code we have developed a mathematically informed predictive numerology model that models the life path from birth through to death (whenever that may be). This data is incredibly important because the AENs (Annual Experience Numbers) listed for each year, give strategic insight into what the dominant theme of the given year will be and where it will impact most, numerology chart wise! One day predictive models like this will be core to developing the field of Human Futurology and helping people to better risk manage their personal and professional lives. Because of the name change that happens when a woman marries, numerology for women is significantly more complex than is numerology for men. As such, for the sake of accuracy and data richness, when doing the numerology profile of a married woman, it is imperative that both her names be modelled, hence the two tables below for ACB.

Life Path Model Data: 365 Pin Code Numerology Table of AENs (Annual Experience Numbers) for Amy Vivian Coney born 28th January 1972

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

Life Path Model Data: 365 Pin Code Numerology Table of AENs (Annual Experience Numbers) for Amy Vivian Coney Barrett born 28th January 1972

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

What does the data in the above two tables reveal?

Maiden name: Amy Vivian Coney

Focal data line 2020: The AEN in frame is 12//3. What is critically important to note is that the AEN 12//3 is in frame for only 2020. The preceding year, 2019, has her AEN as 18//9 and her AEN for the following year, 2021, has her AEN as 20//2. Her 2020 AEN 12//3 is therefore sandwiched between different AENs which implies that her 2020 numerology brings about a No3 related concentrated experience. Where does the No3 present in her numerology? As her life path number! In applied numerology, her LFP No is one of her (if not ‘THE’) most significant numbers. Maiden name data therefore reveals that 2020 is a critically important year for SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

Married name: Amy Vivian Coney Barrett

Focal data line 2020: The AEN in frame is 10//1. What is critically important to note is that the married AEN 10//1 is in frame for only 2020. The preceding year, 2019, has her married AEN as 20//2 and her AEN for the following year, 2021, has her married AEN as 18//9. Her 2020 married AEN 10//1 is therefore sandwiched between different AENs which implies that her 2020 married numerology brings about a No1 related concentrated experience. Where does the No1 present in her numerology? As her personal number, family number, career number, and primary expression number! Wow. The No1 married AEN of 2020 therefore synchs with three critically important numerology data points in her birth chart. This is what we at 365 Pin Code Numerology Research call a concentrated super convergence and events like this always bring about some massive event in the study subject’s life! Amy Coney Barrett’s married name data therefore also reveals that 2020 is a critically important year for her.

Will Amy Vivian Coney Barrett born 28th January 1972 be confirmed as the new SCOTUS?

The correct answer as to whether SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as the new SCOTUS, is, yes, she will be. Her maiden name numerology confirms this as a life path significant event. Married name confirms this even more in that the 10//1 heralds a massive new beginning in her life in all three phases, personal, family, and career. What helps her case even more is that October 2020 is a No5 universal month (Oct = 10; 2020 + 10 = 2030 = 2+0+3+0 = 5) which synchs perfectly with her secondary expression number. Congratulations Judge Amy Coney Barrett on this incredible achievement.

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SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

Image by William Murphy from Pixabay

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

Image by James Chan from Pixabay

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, numerology Amy Coney Barrett, 365 Pin Code, Law and Numerology, numerology for women, name change numerology, numerology models, Numerology Readings

Image by Olessya from Pixabay

South Africans must Know this!

Political Numerology of EFF leaders Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu gives cause for Great Concern

The collapse of the South African economy under the greedy and corrupt ANC, exacerbated by the draconian like 2020 Covid-19 lockdown driven by Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and her National Command Council, has wrought cataclysmic chaos in the southern Africa land of milk and honey, so much so that heading into 2021, all South Africans must know this! The EFF leadership team of Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu are individually and collectively entering an extremely powerful period when they will surge, and the misery and pain of the ANC will become the great gain of the EFF. How do we know this? Because, as the detailed information provided below reveals, we have crunched their numbers, built their charts, and mapped their life paths and what the data reveals is so politically significant, all South Africans must know this! In 2021, Julius Malema has a concentrated life path experience is means guaranteed, something huge will happen around him. If you doubt the validity of this data and calculative approach, please understand this. This is the exact approach we used at the very beginning of Rugby World Cup 2019, to correctly predict that Rassie Erasmus’ Springboks would meet England in the RWC2019Final, that they would go on to win the final and that contrary to what 99% of rugby pundits believed, New Zealand would not win the tournament.

South Africans must Know this! Understanding Julius Malema

Julius Sello Malema (born 3 March 1981) is a South African politician and activist who is a Member of Parliament and the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party, which he founded in July 2013.

“Africans are suffering everywhere. When they come back home you still make them suffer, why? What did these Africans do to you? Let’s protect one another, let us be one thing. Let us love our continent, let us fight for our continent. Let Africa one day realise its own freedom.” Julius Malema, Leader, EFF

365 Pin Code Birth Chart of Julius Sello Malema, born 03.03.1981

South Africans Must Know This, Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Africa, Political Numerology

For the purposes of this South Africans must Know this article, we are not going to unpack every number in the above birth chart. There are FOUR critically numbers that we are going to focus specifically on:

  1. What you need to know and remember is that Julius Malema has a number 7 life path (see bright green arrow; TKS-LFP; 1987//25//7). How do we know this about him? Discover for yourself by entering his DOB (03.03.1981) into our Life Path Number Calculator.
  2. JM has a number 2 shadow or emotional life path (see bottom gold square, TSS-LFP; 20//2).
  3. His Sun or Personal Attainment Number is the number 6 (TKSPE, see red oval, top left of chart; Sun No = Birth DD + Birth MM = 3+3 = 6). 2022 (2022 = 2+0+2+2 = 6) is a No6 universal year and so the energy of 2022 synchs perfectly with Malema’s Sun or Personal Attainment Number. In 2019, when the Kolisi-led Springbok team claimed South Africa’s third Webb Ellis trophy, Rassie Eramus’ Sun Number (the No7) was in play, and importantly, in concentrated format! That is how, even before the knock-out games began, we knew that 2019 heralded some very special result for Rassie and therefore in turn, the Boks. No other top-tier team coach at RWC2019, had Rassie’s golden numbers presenting.
  4. Malema’s world or career number (Birth YYYY, 1981 = 1+9+8+1 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1; 19//10//1) synchs with the number 1 and when the No1 is positioned in this space in a birth chart you instantly know you are dealing with someone who whether for better or worse, is coded to be a leader. Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 (Birth YYYY 1918 = 1+9+1+8 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1; 19//10//1).

South Africans Must Know This, Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Africa, Political Numerology

At 365 Pin Code Numerology Research, we have developed a predictive numerical model which we use to create a table of numerically qualified experiential data, driven by what we call Annual Experience Numbers or AENs. AENs provide futurist-style insights (hence our tremendous research interest in developing numerology to being a trusted Futurology tool) into what the dominant theme of a person’s year will be and where the impact will be felt most. Our extensive case study research has proven the model data to be bulls-eye accurate. If you do not believe this to be true, then here are case study links which conclusively prove otherwise:

What is tabled below information wise, needs to be taken very seriously. Hopefully, this research will be shared widely, because all South Africans must know this and plan for the forthcoming leadership risk that is clearly presented in the numerology of both Malema and Shivambu.

“When whites arrived in South Africa, they had committed “a black genocide” when blacks were dispossessed of their land. “They found peaceful Africans here. They killed them. They slaughtered them like animals. We are not calling for the slaughtering of white people, at least for now.” Julius Malema, 2016

Julius Malema: Table of Annual Experience Numbers (AENs) with specific focus on 2021

South Africans Must Know This, Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Africa, Political Numerology

As a starting point, please look at his line of numerical code for 2013. Note the red block which links the sequences 10//1 and 19//1. This signals a dramatic new professional beginning and that is exactly what happened in 2013 when he launched the EFF. Also note how 2012 through to 2015 are years who AEN are driven by 19//1, which as discussed a few paragraphs back, is his career number (Birth YYYY 1981 = 19//10//1). Now, look at his AEN for 2020, which is 10//1. This AEN 10//1 presents in only 2020, it is not spread over a few years as was his 19//1 from 2012 to 2015. Events like these, where the given year’s AEN presents only once, are what we at 365 Pin Code call concentrated life path experiences. Where does the No1 present in Malema’s birth chart? Correct, as his Career Number! The double 1 of 2020 (red block) signals a dramatic new leadership beginning for him, career wise. Given how the EFF leadership and fighters recently terrorised Clicks into submission over the TRESemmé range of shampoos debacle, this numerology convergence confirms a dramatic shift within Malema. Now, what is tremendously concerning and to be blunt, all South Africans must know this, is that in 2021 his numerology data reveals a concentrated life path (No7) experience! What you need to know and remember about 2021, is that it will be a life path changing event for Julius Malema and the No10//1 on the extreme right hand side (professional emotional) of the year’s line of code tells us that this is of a professional / career nature. The year immediately afterward, 2022, which synch with his No6 Sun or Personal Attainment Number, sees a concentrated 11//2 AEN experience. Malema has numerology number 2 as his shadow or emotional life path number. Therefore 2021 and 2022 bring two concentrated life path experiences into play for the man. Numerological events like this tell practising human futurists (people who busy themselves with predicting the future) like us, that by the end of 2022, his world will look significantly different to the way it does right now (Sep 2020). Bottom line is Malema is a political leader who is really on the move. Whether you like him or dislike him, Malema is fabulously charismatic, marvellously magnetic and importantly, because he intimately understands the poverty consciousness mindset of the impoverished masses of South Africa, he knows exactly how to rapidly mobilise them. Malema’s star is on the ascendancy and over the next 24 months his political power and influence, will grow expand quantum fold.

South Africans must Know this! Understanding Floyd Shivambu

Nyiko Floyd Shivambu (born 1 January 1983) is a South African politician serving as a member of parliament for the Economic Freedom Fighters. He was born in Malamulele, Limpopo. He is the Deputy President and lieutenant commander-in-chief of the Economic Freedom Fighters, its Parliamentary Chief Whip in the South African Parliament, who serves in the Trade and Industry Portfolio Committee and the Standing Committee on Finance. Shivambu is also a Member of the Pan African Parliament, serving in the Rural Economy, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Committee.

“When Ghana gained its independence, they wrote about neo-colonialism. Kwame Nkrumah (first prime minister and president of that country) used to say, “Seek first political power and the rest shall follow”. And after careful analysis of what has been happening, they wrote about neo-colonialism, the fact that we have new forms of colonialism. We’re just in control of political power, but not in control of the economy.” Floyd Shivamubu, EFF leader

365 Pin Code Birth Chart of Nyiko Floyd Shivambu, born 01.01.1983

South Africans Must Know This, Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Africa, Political Numerology

  1. Floyd Shivambu has a No5 life path (TKS-LFP; 1983//23//5) which synchs perfectly with the No5 vibrational energy of 2021 (2021 = 2+0+2+1 = 5). Therefore, 2021 presents the opportunity for life path significant events, which are always the most extreme ones in a person’s journey.
  2. His shadow or emotional life path number is the master number 22 (The Master Builder). That explains why 2020 (a No4 universal year) has been the year which presented favourable opportunities for him to capitalise on, power and influence wise. If you focus on the top right of the chart, you will see that his professional attainment number (TKSPR) is 1984//22//4 which happens to be exactly the same sequence for Julius Malema (please refer back to the 1st chart of this research article). Again, the No4 of 2020 would have aligned positively with this attainment in both men’s charts.
  3. His Sun or Personal Attainment Number is 2 (see red oval, top left of chart).
  4. His world / career number is numerology sequence 21//3 (see green arrow, Birth YYYY, 1983 = 1+9+8+3 = 21 = 2+1 = 3; 21/3).

“Judging by what has been happening for the past six years, it looks like we are going straight to running this country. We are going to provide decisive leadership to the people of SA once they have trusted us with that responsibility, and it looks like it will be sooner than many people have anticipated. If you check the EFF numbers from 2014 to 2016, and to 2019, in Johannesburg, they have been consistently and impressively growing and that points to the direction that ultimately, we will take over government. Whether there must be a coalition government or not, it is the decision of the voter. The voters must choose if they want a government that is going to be provided by one political party. We have a conflicted president. When we go into detail with these people of what we can do to deal with illicit financial flows, tax avoidance and profit shifting, there will be no concrete solution, because it will compromise them.” Floyd Shivambu, EFF leader

So, what do Shivambu’s AEN reveal?

Floyd Shivambu: Table of Annual Experience Numbers (AENs) with specific focus on 2021

South Africans Must Know This, Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Africa, Political Numerology

Back in 2013, when the EFF was launched, Shivambu has the No5 in play (AEN 14//5 to be specific) which synchs with his life path number. From 2018 through to 2023, note how these years are all AEN 21//3 driven. Where does the No21//3 appear in his birth chart numerology? As his world / career number, Birth YYYY 1983 (1983 = 1+9+8+3 = 21; 21//3). Therefore, Shivambu’s AEN data table reveals 2018 to 2023 as being career significant years, with 2021 (note the red block in his 2021 data string) standing out head and shoulders above the other years as being the pinnacle year. Then, if you look at his lifepath map data from 2024 through to 2030, you will see that those years all are driven by the AEN 25//7. Where does the No7 present in Shivambu’s 365 pin code birth chart? As his shadow or emotional personal attainment number! See No5 TSSPE bottom left corner. These are therefore attainment coded years (attainment, as in success) which are giving him much emotional satisfaction.

South Africans Must Know This, Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Africa, Political Numerology

Connecting the Dots means What?

Isn’t it fascinating to note that Shivambu’s 2021 career pinnacle year synchs perfectly with Malema’s 2021 life path significant year! Given these shocking leadership revelations coupled with the extremist, militant nature of the EFF, the purpose of our South Africans must know this article is to clearly position in the minds of all moderate, peace-loving, democracy seeking South Africans that come 2021, Malema and Shivambu hit top gear. In 2021 the next round of South African municipal elections take place, to elect councils for all district, metropolitan and local municipalities in each of the country’s nine provinces. We have analysed the 365 Pin Code of DA leader John Steenhuisen and his numbers for the immediate future are revealing everything but a positive outcome. Covid-19 gave the current President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, the opportunity to do something special leadership wise. Truth is, he completely blew it and where millions had openly placed their faith in him, he is now openly scorned by many, hence #RamaphosaMustFall regularly trending on social media. His lack lustre leadership and inability to address rampant internal corruption within the ANC has caused voter confidence in the party to be at an all-time low. To many, he is now nothing more than a ‘dead man walking’ and his 2021 double-6 personal physical numerology experience tell us his already troubled relationships are going to get much worse. Then, there is Herman Mashaba who launched his ACTIONSA political part in August 2020. We have also analysed Mashaba’s 365 Pin Code and his numbers are nothing to write home about until 2027 which will be a year of new beginnings and dramatic endings. Significantly, in 2030, his 23//14//5 Professional Attainment Number kicks in for a three-year period.

Underestimate the EFF at your Peril

Given all the above, be warned. Come 2021, Malema and Shivambu’s numbers are simply fabulous whereas the numbers of their competitors are less than ordinary to dreadfully awful. If you think Malema and Shivambu and the EFF are a joke, think again. If you think the EFF is a flash in the pan that is going nowhere and gaining no further ground, think again. Malema and Shivambu are here to stay and combined, not only are they fearless, they know exactly what they are doing and guaranteed are working a carefully plotted master plan. How do we substantiate this statement? Malema born 3rd (3) of March (3). Shivambu born 1st (1) of January (1). Combine them and you get CoJoined Birth DD 3+1 = 4 and CoJoined Birth MM 3+1 = 4. In numerology the undiplomatic, ruthless, earthed Number 4 has as its primary focus, law and order, justice, discipline, retribution, planning, getting things done, practicality and never ever surrendering! Moreover, Malema is a massively intelligent type, creatively communicative, motivational, yet extremely clinical, energy. Shivambu is a massively militant, law and order type, leadership, dictatorial energy who thrives on changing landscapes. Their combined life paths (Malema: 1987; Shivambu: 1985: 1987+1985 = 3972 = 3+9+7+2 = 21 = 21//3) deliver the numerology 21//3 sequence, which is the pure fire energy of leaders (as in the masculine 1 of 21) mobilising teams of people (as in the feminine 2 of 21) around an inspired collective vision and mission (the 3 which the 21 reduces to)!

If this research does not strike fear deep into the heart of the moderate South African, nothing will. Unless Malema and Shivambu are countered (given the numerology landscape described within this article, its literally going to take a miracle to achieve this!) by the end of 2021 they will be in a considerably more powerful place. What this means for the moderate, peace-loving, democracy-seeking South African, is… You have all the evidence you connect the dots…

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South Africans Must Know This, Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Africa, Political Numerology

Image by Liesel Muhl from Pixabay

South Africans Must Know This, Julius Malema, Floyd Shivambu, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Africa, Political Numerology

Image by Liesel Muhl from Pixabay

Chariots of the Gods

When the International Bestseller Chariots of the Gods was released in 1968, the heavens aligned in favour of Erich von Däniken

We loved studying Chariots of the Gods? published in 1968, so much so that we decided to dedicate an entire numerology research exercise to unpacking exactly what was happening numbers wise in the life of its author, Erich Anton Paul von Däniken, born 14th of April 1935. Von Däniken’s most magical numerology number is number 9, more specifically number sequence 18//9. Within this Chariots of the Gods research we will reveal to you that in 1968 von Däniken had a super concentrated convergence of the both the number 9 and the number sequence 18//9 happening. Little wonder it was the year that shot him to fame and made him a household name.

“If we want to set out on the arduous search for the truth, we must all summon up the courage to leave the lines along which we have thought until now and as the first step begin to doubt everything that we previously accepted as correct and true. Can we still afford to close our eyes and stop up our ears because new ideas are supposed to be heretical and absurd?” Erich von Däniken, Chariots of The Gods

About Chariots of the Gods?

Seven million copy bestseller. The groundbreaking classic that introduced the theory that ancient Earth established contact with aliens. Immediately recognized as a work of monumental importance, Chariots of the Gods endures as proof that Earth has been visited repeatedly by advanced aliens from other worlds. Here, Erich von Däniken examines ancient ruins, lost cities, spaceports, and a myriad of hard scientific facts that point to extra-terrestrial intervention in human history. Most incredible of all, however, is von Däniken’s theory that we are the descendants of these galactic pioneers—and he reveals the archaeological discoveries that prove it…

The dramatic discoveries and irrefutable evidence:

  • An alien astronaut preserved in a pyramid
  • Thousand-year-old spaceflight navigation charts
  • Computer astronomy from Incan and Egyptian ruins
  • A map of the land beneath the ice cap of Antarctica
  • A giant spaceport discovered in the Andes

Includes remarkable photos that document mankind’s first contact with aliens at the dawn of civilization.

About Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken is arguably the most widely read and most-copied nonfiction author in the world. He published his first (and best-known) book, Chariots of the Gods, in 1968. The worldwide best-seller and was followed by 32 more books, including The Eyes of the Sphinx, Twilight of the Gods, History Is Wrong, Evidence of the Gods, and Odyssey of the Gods. His works have been translated into 28 languages and have sold more than 63 million copies. Several have also been made into films. Von Däniken’s ideas have been the inspiration for a wide range of TV series, including the History Channel’s hit Ancient Aliens. He lives in Switzerland but is an ever-present figure on the international lecture circuit.

Earlier we mentioned that Von Däniken’s most magical numerology number is number 9, more specifically number sequence 18//9. We will now reveal to you how we know back in 1968 von Däniken had a super concentrated convergence of the both the number 9 and the number sequence 18//9 happening.

“Could it be that God was an extra-terrestrial? What do we mean when we say that heaven is in the clouds? From Jesus Christ to Elvis Presley, every culture tells us of high-flying bird men who zoom around the world creating magnificent works of art and choosing willing followers to share in the eternal glory from beyond the stars. Can all these related phenomena merely be dismissed as coincidence?” Erich von Daniken, Chariots of The Gods

365 Pin Code Numerology Date of Birth [DoB] Chart for Erich von Däniken born 14th April 1935

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, chariots of the gods, numerology Erich von Daniken, 365 Pin Code Research

The above chart reveals that Erich von Daniken has a No18//9 Life Path Number [TKS-LFP; to confirm this and to learn more about what having a No9 life path means, type his DOB 04//14//1935 into the 365 Pin Code Numerology Life Path Calculator]. He also has a No18//9 Shadow Life Path Number [TSS-LFP]. He also has a No18//9 Sun or Personal Attainment Number [TKSPE; Sun No = Birth DD + Birth MM = 14+4 = 18//9]. The year he was born in, 1935, which denotes his 365 Pin Code World or Career number, also converts to numerology sequence No18//9 [1935 = 1+9+3+5 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; 18//9]. So, in von Däniken’s numerology birth chart the No18//9 presents four times. But it does not end there! He also has the No9 presenting as his Shadow Personal Attainment Number [TSSPE] and as his Shadow World / Career Number. That is an additional two places. In summary, incredibly the No9 presents in six places in the birth chart of Erich von Däniken. The only other numerology birth chart we have analysed that has more 9’s than this, belongs to none other than Colonel Harland Sanders founder of KFC. Astonishingly, the importance of the No9 in von Däniken’s numerology does not stop there.

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, chariots of the gods, numerology Erich von Daniken, 365 Pin Code Research

365 Pin Code Numerology Full Birth Name [FBN] Chart for Erich von Däniken born 14th April 1935

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, chariots of the gods, numerology Erich von Daniken, 365 Pin Code Research

The above name analysis reveals that he has no karmic lessons therefore his subconscious self in No9 and his Secondary Balance Number is also the No9. When combining the numerology profiles of his DoB and FBN it emerges that the No9 features prominently no less than eight times! Having made you aware of this, we will now take this data and feed it into our numerology life path model to see what Annual Experience Number (this number defines the “dominant experiential theme” of a person’s year) was in play for EvD in 1968.

“The time has come for us to admit our insignificance by making discoveries in the infinite unexplored cosmos. Only then shall we realize that we are nothing but ants in the vast state of the universe. And yet our future and our opportunities lie in the universe, where gods promised they would.” Erich von Däniken, Chariots of The Gods

Table of 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers for Erich von Däniken

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, chariots of the gods, numerology Erich von Daniken, 365 Pin Code Research

Incredibly, 1968, the year Chariots of the Gods? was published and released to the world, the AEN in play for Erich von Däniken, is No18//9. Even more importantly, the No19//8 presents only once, as in only in 1968, making it a super-concentrated experienced for EvD! This No18//9 AEN synchronises with all 8 of EvD’s No9 driven key numerology points and what makes 1968 even more incredible is that the 18//9 synchs with both his life path numbers, his world / career number and his Sun or Personal Attainment Number. From the moment he was born and named, 1968 was hardcoded to be a life path and attainment significant year for EvD, and given what happened, it certainly lived up to its numerology promise! We plotted EvD’s life path from birth through to Age 100 and the years when this incredibly important numerology No18//9 presented, were 1950, 1951, 1952, 1952, 1961, 1968 [Chariots of the Gods], 1982, 1983, 1984 and 2002. Our extensive numerology case study research has repeatedly shown that when extreme numerology convergences like this present themselves along a person’s life path timeline, something very dramatic always happens. Being able to identify yours is what matters!

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Chariots of the Gods

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Chariots of the Gods

Image by Karin Henseler from Pixabay

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Numerology for Beginners

When it comes to Numerology for Beginners the Most Important place for You to Start is …

With your Life Path Numbers

So, you are interested in understanding more about yourself. Here is something that will blow your mind. After years of personal development coaching and even having hosted a talk radio show on the subject, we can assure you that there is no better way to get started than Numerology for Beginners.

Welcome to Numerology for Beginners

As a start, understand this: there are two unique data sets which, when correctly applied using numerology analytics, define you in the same detail as do your fingerprints! These are your Date of Birth [DOB] and your Full Birth Name [FBN]. Your date of birth and your full birth name are no accident. Whilst 365 Pin Code Numerology specialises in applied research and numerology life path modelling, we realise that not everyone wants to go there right away and so when it comes to numerology for beginners, also referred to as Numerology 101, we always start the person off by helping them to understand their life path numbers. Please note that we said life path numbers, not life path number! If you Google “What’s my life path number?” you will get over 1,000,000,000 results and every numerology website or calculator that you go to, will give you only one answer.

Here is an example of what we mean:

Denzel Washington: Born 28th of December 1954. The way 99% of numerologists out there calculate the life path number is this way:

28 December 1954 = 2+8+1+2+1+9+5+4 = 32 = 3+2 = 5; and there you have it, Denzel Washington has a Number 5 Life Path! That might seem fine to some, however, this way of doing things, is so simplistic, that these numerologists are missing out on much additional information that is critically important! Data, which you (even though you’re only wanting to engage at numerology for beginners level) must know because if you don’t you are not getting started right!

Here is a Great Numerology for Beginners life path calculator!

To understand what your life path numbers are and to access a practical explanation as to what they reveal, here is the 365 Pin Code Life Path Numerology Calculator. The reason we go to so much trouble with this is because we want you to know absolutely everything about your life path number, right down to whether you have a karmic debt number (as in 13, 14, 16 or 19) presenting in your life path number sequence or not! Or try it here

Do you know that Chris Styles (born on the 1st of February 1969), a co-founder of 365 Pin Code Numerology Research, had countless numerology readings done and none of them ever revealed that his life path numbers had the karmic debt number 19 in it! That is why he designed this calculator the way he did, because he was astonished and dismayed that no numerology reading, nor numerology report, had ever revealed this! Knowing whether you have karmic debt numbers presenting in your numerology profile or not is not a ‘nice to have’ or ‘fun to know’, it is critically important to understand because when you do, you know how to intelligently mitigate the lifelong risk they pose!

Numerology for beginners

Moving beyond Numerology for Beginners

When you are ready to take a quantum leap beyond numerology for beginners, then please do Contact Us. We have developed a mathematical model that successfully models your entire life path, in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional). The in-depth case study research that we have done using this model, has revealed the most astonishing results (Steve Jobs’ 2004 pancreatic cancer) and so if you are serious about personal and professional strategic thinking and strategic planning, then what this modelling exercise will give you, will blow your mind and leave you wondering how you ever did any futuristic planning without it.

Life Path Numerology Calculator

Total Views: 704
Numerology for beginners

Image by Helga Kattinger from Pixabay

Numerology for beginners

Image by Luke Crooks from Pixabay

2020 US presidential election result | 3

What will the 2020 US presidential election result be? This is what 365 Pin Code Numerology reveals

This is Part 3 of a 3 Part numerology investigative research series into what the upcoming 2020 US presidential election result will be. In Part 1 we analysed the 2020 numerology profiles of Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and in Part 2 we analysed the 2020 numerology profile of Republicans Donald Trump and Mike Pence. In this, the final article, using nothing but political numerology analytical techniques that we have researched and developed, we deliver what we believe will be the 2020 US presidential election result.

This explosive election happens on the 3rd of November 2020

The 2020 election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. It will be the 59th US presidential election and comes after a turbulent few months for the nation with the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd protests sweeping the country. Former Vice President Joe Biden officially won the race to be the Democratic candidate on June 5, after storming to a number of influential victories in key states on Super Tuesday on March 3. He will run against the incumbent Donald Trump in a hotly contested election which has seen the polls slide in Mr Biden’s favour in recent weeks. The winner of the 2020 presidential election will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

2020 US presidential election result, Political Numerology, 365 Pin Code

Two significant universal days are in frame

November 3rd 2020, will be a number 9 universal day (11+3+2020 = 2034 = 2+0+3+4 = 9). Numerology number 9 synchs with completion, closure, the end, as well as healing, consciousness, forgiveness, universal love. Given how vitriolic this presidential election is, it is rather apt that the election should happen on a No9 universal day as it brings closure to what will have been the most significant election ever in the history of the USA. January 20th 2021, will be a number 8 universal day (1+20+2021 = 2042 = 2+0+4+2 = 8). Numerology number 8 synchs with control, money, power, status, business, wealth, authority, karma, abundance etc.

2020 US presidential election result, Political Numerology, 365 Pin Code

2020 US presidential election result: Who wins?

Results from Part 1 analysis: Joe Biden

  • No4 of 2020 synching positively with Date of Birth: Three places. Score: Triple positive.
  • No4 of 2020 synching positively with Full Birth Name: No. Score: Zero.
  • Any 365 Pin Code numerology dualities presenting in 2020?  Yes, TWO, professional physical and professional emotional (shadow). Score: Double Negative.
  • Does JB have a No4 karmic lesson? No. Score: Zero.
  • Does JB have the No4 as his Major Lifelong Lesson? No. Score: Zero.
  • Result, Joe Biden: Score: Single Positive = 1.

Results from Part 1 analysis: Kamala Harris

  • No4 of 2020 synching positively with Date of Birth: Two places. Score: Double positive.
  • No4 of 2020 synching positively with Full Birth Name: Two places. Score: Double positive.
  • Any 365 Pin Code numerology dualities presenting in 2020? Yes, ONE, personal physical. Score: Single Negative.
  • Does KH have a No4 karmic lesson? No. Score: Zero.
  • Does KH have the No4 as her Major Lifelong Lesson? No. Score: Zero.
  • Result, Kamala Harris: Score: Single Positive = 3.


Results from Part 2 analysis: Donald Trump

  • No4 of 2020 synching positively with Date of Birth: Two places. Score: Double positive.
  • No4 of 2020 synching positively with Full Birth Name: One place. Score: Single positive.
  • Any 365 Pin Code numerology dualities presenting in 2020? None. Score: Zero.
  • Does DT have a No4 karmic lesson? No. Score: Zero.
  • Does DT have the No4 as his Major Lifelong Lesson? No. Score: Zero.
  • Result, Donald Trump: Score: Triple Positive = 3.

Results from Part 1 analysis: Mike Pence

  • No4 of 2020 synching positively with Date of Birth: Two places. Score: Double positive.
  • No4 of 2020 synching positively with Full Birth Name: None. Score: Zero.
  • Any 365 Pin Code numerology dualities presenting in 2020? None. Score: Zero.
  • Does MP have a No4 karmic lesson? No. Score: Zero.
  • Does MP have the No4 as his Major Lifelong Lesson? No. Score: Zero.
  • Result, Mike Pence: Score: Double positive = 2.


But, in terms of the 2020 US presidential election result, we cannot just end it there, we must also investigate the 365 Pin Code Co-Joined Numerology profiles of Biden-Harris and Trump-Pence.

365 Pin Code Co-Joined Numerology Republican running mates Trump and Pence

2020 US presidential election result, Political Numerology, 365 Pin Code

The single RED arrow in the above chart reveals that the No4 of 2020 synchs with Trump and Pence’s Co-Joined Shadow Life Path Number [13//4]. Result: Single Positive = 1 (Result B).

365 Pin Code Co-Joined Numerology Democratic running mates Biden and Harris

2020 US presidential election result, Political Numerology, 365 Pin Code

The two RED arrows in the above chart reveals that the No4 of 2020 synchs with Biden and Harris’ Co-Joined Personal Number [40//4] and Co-Joined Professional Attainment Number [3946//22//13//4]. Result: Double Positive = 2 (Result B).

2020 US presidential election result, Political Numerology, 365 Pin Code

Conclusion: Result A + Result B = Tied!

Trump and Pence = 5+1 = 6; Biden and Harris = 4+2 = 6. Our political numerology research result delivers a tie. So, who wins, because there simply must be a winner? We believe that it all now comes down to the individual numerology dualities. Part 1 of this 3-part research exercise revealed that Joe Biden has a double No4 duality presenting in his 2020 numerology profile and Kamala Harris has a single No7 duality presenting in her 2020 numerology profile. Part 2 of this 3-part research exercise revealed that neither Trump nor Pence have dualities in their 2020 numerology profiles. Therefore, given that they score 6 a piece, and must now enter a deciding tie breaker, Trump and Pence’s zero dualities when compared with Biden and Harris’ three dualities, signal that the 2020 US Presidential election result goes in favour of the Republicans. Donald Trump and Mike Pence win. Numerology speaking, what costs the Democrats this election is not Kamala Harris (aside from her one duality, her numerology numbers for 2020 are absolutely brilliant) but Joe Biden. He has two numerology dualities presenting in the same year and this almost always signals some or other form of disaster or significantly adverse experience. Looking to 2021, President Trump has a very concerning 7//7&13//4 numerology coding sequence presenting personally physically. This could indicate poor health or extreme exhaustion after his brutal election battle with the Democrats. Could this numerology sequence possibly signal his surviving an assassination attempt on his life? Interestingly, Mike Pence’s Annual Experience Number theme for 2021 is 13//4 which bring his 13//4 Sun or Personal Attainment Number into play as well as his 22//4 professional attainment number and No4 hidden passion. Could we possibly be seeing an astonishing series of events happening within the numerology numbers of these two men whose narrative has Trump “being forced” through his physical condition, to take a back seat and rest, whilst VP Pence steps up to take control of America through 2021 and 2022? Unthinkable? Time will tell. One guaranteed outcome from this election war between the Democrats and the Republicans, is that America loses and all Americans are adversely affected by this. This reveals how valuable a futurology tool applied numerology is, when it comes to next level strategic thinking and planning!

Life Path Numerology Calculator

Total Views: 869
2020 US presidential election result, Political Numerology, 365 Pin Code

Image by conolan from Pixabay

2020 US presidential election result, Political Numerology, 365 Pin Code

Image by Foto-Rabe from Pixabay

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence | 2

Political Numerology Research Case Study: Analysing 2020 US Election Republicans Trump and Pence

Our September 2020 monthly forecast explained how this month, the two most antagonistic numbers ever, being 4 and 5, clash terribly, and so with regards to the 2020 US Election Republicans Trump and Pence team, guaranteed there are going to be explosive fireworks! In Part 1 of this 3 Part series which unpacked the core numbers that are in play during 2020 for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we concluded by saying this: “There are many wonderful positives (mostly linked to Kamala Harris) and some very worrying negatives (as in the model generated dualities, two of which [he has 2 of the 3 = 66.66%] sit with Joe Biden).” In this 2020 US Election Republicans Trump and Pence team research exercise, we reveal the numbers that are in play during 2020 for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. This will help us to get a detailed view on how their personal and professional numerology is stacking up ahead of Election Day, 3rd November 2020.

“Biden is a Trojan horse for socialism. If Joe Biden doesn’t have the strength to stand up to wild-eyed Marxists like Bernie Sanders and his fellow radicals, then how is he ever going to stand up for you? The most dangerous aspect of the Biden platform is the attack on public safety. The Biden-Bernie manifesto calls for abolishing cash bail, immediately releasing 400,000 criminals onto your streets and into your neighbourhoods. When asked if he supports cutting police funding, Joe Biden replied, “Yes, absolutely.” When Congresswoman Ilhan Omar called the Minneapolis police department a cancer that is “rotten to the root,” Biden wouldn’t disavow her support and reject her endorsement – he proudly displayed it on his website. Make no mistake, if you give power to Joe Biden, the radical left will defund police departments all across America. They will pass federal legislation to reduce law enforcement nationwide. They will make every city look like Democrat-run Portland, Oregon. No one will be safe in Biden’s America.” Donald Trump, 45th US President, September 2020

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence: Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump (Born June 14, 1946) is the very definition of the American success story, setting the standards of excellence in his business endeavours, and now, for the United States of America. A graduate of the Wharton School of Finance, President Trump has always dreamed big and pushed the boundaries of what is possible his entire career, devoting his life to building business, jobs and the American Dream. This was brought to life by a movement he inspired in the people of America when he announced his candidacy for President of the United States in June 2015. This movement would ultimately lead to one of the most unique Presidential campaigns in history.  Ever the leader, Trump followed no rule book and took his message, “Make America Great Again” directly to the people.  Campaigning in historically democratic states and counties across the country, Trump was elected President in November 2016 in the largest electoral college landslide for a Republican in 28 years. President Trump is working hard to implement his ‘America First’ platform, continuing his promise to the American people to lower taxes, repeal and replace Obamacare, end stifling regulations, protect our borders, keep jobs in our country, take care of our veterans, strengthen our military and law enforcement, and renegotiate bad trade deals, creating a government of, by and for the people. He is making America First, again, restoring our nation’s faith, ushering in a bright, new future now and for generations to come.

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence: Mike Pence

Michael Richard Pence (Born June 7, 1959) is an American politician and attorney serving as the 48th and current vice president of the United States, since 2017. He previously was the 50th governor of Indiana from 2013 to 2017 and a member of the United States House of Representatives from 2001 to 2013. Pence was born and raised in Columbus, Indiana, and is the younger brother of U.S. representative Greg Pence. He graduated from Hanover College and earned a law degree from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law before entering private practice. After losing two bids for a congressional seat in 1988 and 1990, he became a conservative radio and television talk show host from 1994 to 1999. Pence was elected to the United States Congress in 2000 and represented Indiana’s 2nd congressional district and Indiana’s 6th congressional district in the House of Representatives from 2001 to 2013. He served as the chairman of the House Republican Conference from 2009 to 2011. Pence described himself as a “principled conservative” and supporter of the Tea Party movement, stating that he was “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.”

We will now begin to systematically unpack the 2020 political numerology of US Election Republicans Trump and Pence… As we do this, please keep in mind that 2020 is a number 4 universal year (2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4; 4 is a practical, earthed number linking with justice, law and order and it takes no prisoners!) and as such it will impact massively wherever the No4 presents in their individual numerology profiles.

365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart of Donald Trump for 2020 (a No4 Universal Year)

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence, 365 Pin Code, Political Numerology

The DOB numerology profile for Donald Trump reveals that he has the Master Number No22//4 as his Life Path Number (this is massively significant as LFP No the most NB No in Numerology; see TKS-LFP 1966//22//4, middle top of chart). The No4 universal energy of 2020 will synchronise very powerfully with his No4 essence life path number (22=2+2=4). Trump also has the No4 as his Personal Shadow (Emotional) Number, so 2020 targets his numerology birth chart in two places and positively so. Further investigation of his DOB reveals that Trump has The Arrow of Heightened Sensitivity and The Arrow of The Enquirer. His Major Lifelong Challenges reside with the Number 2 (diplomacy, feminine energy, cooperation, collaboration, peace, harmony, equilibrium etc.). Analysing his Full Birth Name reveals: Donald 23//5; John 20//2; Trump 25//7; Balance Number 7; Primary Expression Number 68//14//5; Secondary Expression Number [Donald Trump] 48//12//3; Soul Urge Number 16//7; Personality Number 52//7; Karmic Lesson Number 5; Subconscious Self Number 8; Hidden Passion Number 4. The No4 of 2020 synchs with his full birth name analytics in one massively powerful place, his hidden passion number!

365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart of Mike Pence for 2020 (a No4 Universal Year)

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence, 365 Pin Code, Political Numerology

The DOB numerology profile for Mike Pence reveals that he has the Karmic Debt No13//4 as his Sun or Personal Attainment Number (this is massively significant as the Sun No is one the most NB Nos in Numerology; see TKSPE 13//4, top left of chart; Sun No = BirthDD + BirthMM = 7+6 = 13//4). The No4 universal energy of 2020 (2020=2+0+2+0=4) will synchronise very powerfully with his No4 Sun number and when convergences like this happen, it is usually very clear sign that something positive will happen, personally! It is fascinating to note that Pence also has the No4 also presenting as his Professional Attainment Number. Again, this is massively significant as the Professional Attainment No is one the most NB Nos in Business / Career / Numerology; see TKSPR 13//4, top right of chart; Prof Att No = BirthDD + BirthYYYY = 7+1959 = 1966 = 1+9+6+6 = 22, The Master Builder; 22//13//4). Pence is in a No8 personal year and a No8 professional year, which gives him a double dose of No8 energy which synchs with power, authority, status, leading others, organising etc. From this we can deduce that in 2020, Mike Pence is in a numerological moment that is hugely favourable. Further investigation of his DOB reveals that Mike Pence has The Arrow of Determination (Level 4 intensity). His Major Lifelong Challenges reside with the Number 0 (zero, implies multiple challenges that are not specific to any number). Analysing his Full Birth Name reveals: Michael 33//6 (master number 33); Richard 43//7; Pence 25//7; Balance Number 20//2; Primary Expression Number 101//2; Secondary Expression Number [Mike Pence] 45//9; Soul Urge Number 35//8; Personality Number 66//12//3; Karmic Lesson Numbers 2 and 6; Subconscious Self Number 7; Hidden Passion Number 9. The No4 of 2020 synchs with MP’s personal and professional attainment numbers. Wow!

365 Pin Code Futurology Modelling connects all the pieces, Strategically!

Having established these facts, we can now move to the next phase of this US Election Republicans Trump and Pence, case study. What we now do is to model the lifepath data for both Donald Trump and Mike Pence. This predictive futurology, Annual Experience Number (AEN) exercise, reveals phenomenal intelligence with regards to events (past, present, future) in a person’s life. Once we have this information to hand, we can see whether the numerological convergences are positive, neutral, or negative. This tells much!

“In these challenging times… our country needs a president who believes in America. Who believes in the boundless capacity of the American people to meet any challenge, defeat any foe, and defend the freedoms we all hold dear…America needs four more years of President Donald Trump in the White House! For the last four years, I have watched this President endure unrelenting attacks and get up every day and fight to keep the promises he made to the American people. So, with gratitude for the confidence President Donald Trump has placed in me, the support of our Republican party, and the grace of God, I humbly accept your nomination to run and serve as Vice President of the United States. Over the past four years, I’ve worked closely with our President. I’ve seen him when the cameras are off. Americans see President Trump in lots of different ways but there’s no doubt how President Trump sees America. He sees America for what it is… a nation that has done more good in this world than any other . . . a nation that deserves far more gratitude than grievance . . . and if you want a president who falls silent when our heritage is demeaned or insulted, then he’s not your man. We came by very different routes to this partnership and some people think we’re a little bit different. But I’ve learned a few things watching him deal with all we’ve been through these past four years. He does things his own way, on his own terms. Not much gets past him and when he has an opinion, he’s liable to share it. He’s certainly kept things interesting, but more importantly, he’s kept his word. In a city known for talkers…President Donald Trump is a doer. Few presidents have brought more independence, energy, and determination to that office.” Mike Pence, Election Speech, August 2020

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence: Donald Trump’s AEN for 2020

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence, 365 Pin Code, Political Numerology

Donald Trump, who turned 74 in June, has the numerology number 21//3 in play as his 2020 Annual Experience Number (bold, red, 21//3). He is in a No6//6 personal year (relationships, responsibility, community, helping others, family, matters of the heart etc.), a No11//2 personal shadow year (illumination, emotions, enlightenment, vision, intuition etc., a No11//2 professional year (intuition, emotions, cooperation, teamwork etc.) and a No6//6 professional shadow year (emotions around community, relationships etc.). This No21//3 driven experience started in 2019 and ends in 2020. Whenever the No21 (as in The World) presents in life path data as the AEN, it is indicating a very favourable time. It is revealing if you will, that everything is coming together very nicely and importantly, in your favour! There is no doubt that predictive numerology wise, things are looking very good for Trump, but understand this, whether he wins or loses this 2020 Presidential Election, things do not look good for America going forward. In 2021, Trump has a worrying personal physical and professional emotional convergence presenting in his numbers, in the way of 7&4. The numerology numbers 7 and 4 are massively antagonistic and serve to clearly indicate a year of much trouble. Lastly, does DT’s 2020 AEN (as in 21//3) synch with either of his Life Path Numbers (Physical 22//4 and Emotional 14//5)? No, it does not.

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence: Mike Pence’s AEN for 2020

US Election Republicans Trump and Pence, 365 Pin Code, Political Numerology

Mike Pence who turned 61 in June, has the karmic debt number 13//4 in play as his 2020 Annual Experience Number (bold, red, 13//4). This is massively significant because aa revealed earlier, his Sun No or Personal Attainment No, is exactly 13//4. This is a perfect numerology convergence, starting in 2020 and lasting through 2021. What the data reveals is that Mike Pence is in a two-year zenith personal attainment experience. He is a No8//8 personal year (power, status, authority etc.), a No9//9 personal shadow year (closure, endings, completion etc.), a No8 professional year (status, power, authority etc.) and a No9 professional shadow year (closure, completion, endings etc.). As with Trump, there are no dualities (as in doubled up numbers) presenting in his 2020 nor 2021 data strings, which is a most positive outcome for both men! Lastly, does MP’s 2020 AEN (as in 13//4) synch with either of his Life Path Numbers (Physical is karmic 19//10//1 and Emotional 8)? No, it does not.

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

Conclusion: US Election Republicans Trump and Pence (Part 2 of 3)

The No4 of 2020 aligns with Donald Trump’s Hidden Passion Number. This is positive. The No4 of 2020 aligns with Mike Pence’s Sun Number / Personal Attainment Number and Professional Attainment Number. This is tremendously, as in double, positive and convergence with attainment numbers always serve to be a sure-fire applied numerology indicator that things are lining up, very positively, attainment wise. Trump’s life path modelling exercise reveals no dualities presenting in 2020. This is a positive. Pence’s life path modelling exercise also reveals no dualities presenting in 2020. This is a positive. From this US Election Republicans Trump and Pence research, we can conclude that numerology wise, these two men have all positives and no obviously presenting negatives, apart from Trump’s 4&7 personal physical numerology combination in 2021. This, we believe, is sounding warning bells early on, in terms of both his physical wellness and his emotional family state (Trump was born in May [5], this means his shadow family no is 4). Moreover, Trump’s 2021 and 2022 are both driven by AEN (Annual Experience Number) 13//4 which is the lower octave of his Master Number 22 Life Path and if this is anything to go by, it indicates that America is headed into a real internal disaster post the 2020 elections and Covid-19 pandemic. If you care to look further along Trump’s string of AEN’s, you will note that in 2023 and 2024, the AEN 20//2 appears, which synchronises perfectly with his Sun or Personal Attainment Number (20//2; Birth DD + Birth MM = 14+6 = 20; 20//2) and Career / World Number (Birth YYYY = 1946 = 1+9+4+6 = 20; 20//2). This is tremendously positive. So, from a Human Futurist perspective, we predict two very difficult years (2021 and 2022) for Trump (could these two years, especially 2021, be when Mike Pence has to step up and play a ‘much bigger role’?) and then two much better years (2023 and 2024).

If you want to better understand the Life Path Numerology of Donald Trump (Born 14th June 1946) and Mike Pence (Born 7th June 1959) just type their DOBs into this Life Path Numerology Calculator.

“We have to give law enforcement, our police, back their power. They are afraid to act. They are afraid to lose their pension. They are afraid to lose their jobs, and by being afraid they are not able to do their jobs. And those who suffer most are the great people who they want so desperately to protect.” – President Donald Trump, 2020

In Part 3 (the final part of this US Election numerology research series), we will compare everything and give our numerically informed prediction as to who wins the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Want to know more about your Life Path?

Life Path Numerology Calculator

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US Election Republicans Trump and Pence, 365 Pin Code, Political Numerology

Image by BarBus from Pixaba

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

2020 US Election Democrats Biden and Harris | 1

Political Numerology Research Case Study: Analysing 2020 US Election Democrats Biden and Harris

It is early September 2020 and all eyes are on the 2020 US Election Democrats Biden and Harris team. Have they got what it takes to topple Trump and Pence? Will President Trump get a second term in the Oval Office? Back in 2019, using only that year’s 365 Pin Code Numerology profile combinations for coaches and captains, we correctly predicted that against all the odds (New Zealand’s All Blacks were the firm favourites to win), the Springbok rugby team of South Africa would win the 2019 Rugby World Cup Championship in Japan, and that they would play England in the RWC2019 Final. Applying exactly the same predictive numerology techniques that we used back then, we now thoroughly investigate the numbers of Democratic Team Biden and Harris (Part 1), the numbers of Republican Team Trump and Pence (Part 2) and we then compare these datasets (Part 3) to provide you with our numerically informed prediction as to which team will win the upcoming US Presidential Election.

“Let’s speak truth here today — this president isn’t trying to make America great; he’s trying to make America hate. So, it is critical to our security, our dignity, and our unity as a nation when I say: ‘We need a new president.'” – Kamala Harris, Politico, 2019

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris: Joe Biden

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (Born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He served as a United States Senator for Delaware from 1973 to 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, Biden is the Democratic presidential nominee for the 2020 election, running against the incumbent, Donald Trump. Biden unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and 2008. After leaving the White House in 2017, the Bidens took their first Amtrak ride as private citizens in eight years back to their home in Delaware. In the months to come, they will continue their efforts to expand opportunity for every American with the creation of the Biden Foundation, the Biden Cancer Initiative, the Penn Biden Centre for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, and the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware. April 25, 2019: Joe steps up to ask for the honour of representing his country once again, announcing his candidacy for President of the United States.

“Let’s speak the truth: People are protesting because Black people have been treated as less than human in America. Because our country has never fully addressed the systemic racism that has plagued our country since its earliest days. It is the duty of every American to fix. No longer can some wait on the sidelines, hoping for incremental change. In times like this, silence is complicity.” Kamala Harris, Cosmopolitan.com, 2020

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris: Kamala Harris

Kamala Devi Harris (Born October 20, 1964) is an American politician and lawyer who has served as the junior United States senator from California since 2017. She is the Democratic vice-presidential nominee for the 2020 election. Born in Oakland, California, Harris graduated from Howard University and the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. She began her career in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, before being recruited to the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office and later the City Attorney of San Francisco’s office. In 2003, she was elected district attorney of San Francisco. She was elected attorney general of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. She defeated Loretta Sanchez in the 2016 Senate election to become the second African-American woman and the first South Asian American to serve in the United States Senate.

We will now begin to systematically unpack the 2020 political numerology of US Election Democrats Biden and Harris… As we do this, please keep in mind that 2020 is a number 4 universal year (2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4; 4 is a practical, earthed number linking with justice, law and order and it takes no prisoners!) and as such it will impact massively wherever the No4 presents in their individual numerology profiles.

“And let me just tell you, as president, I will fight every day for a woman to make the decision for herself, which means I will respect any woman who decides that is not the decision she wants to make, that she wants to make a different decision, but we have got to respect women in this country.” Kamala Harris, MSNBC Town Hall, 2019

365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart of Joe Biden for 2020 (a No4 Universal Year)

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

The DOB numerology profile for Joe Biden reveals that he has the No31//22//4 as his Sun or Personal Attainment Number (see TKSPE, top left of chart; Birth DD + Birth MM = 20+11 = 31 = 3+1 = 4; 31//4; with optional master number 22 in frame, 20+2 = 22; 22//4). The No4 universal energy of 2020 will synchronise perfectly with his No4 Sun or Personal Attainment Number. When this kind of numerology synchronicity occurs, much happens, hence no surprise that he is the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee for 2020. He is also in a No4 professional or career year (see PRYr No13//4, top right side of chart). Further investigation of his DOB reveals that he has The Arrow of The Enquirer and his Major Lifelong Challenges reside with the Number 5. Analysing his Full Birth Name reveals: Joseph 28//10//1; Robinette 45//9; Biden 25//5; Balance Number 12//3; Primary Expression Number 98//17//8; Secondary Expression Number [Joe Biden] 37//10//1; Soul Urge Number 50//5; Personality Number 48//12//3; Karmic Lesson Number 3; Subconscious Self Number 8; Hidden Passion Number 5.

365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart of Kamala Harris for 2020 (a No4 Universal Year)

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

The DOB numerology profile for Kamala Harris reveals that she has the No1984//22//4 as her Professional Attainment Number (see TKSPR, top right of chart; Birth DD + Birth YYYY = 20+1964 = 1984 = 1+9+8+4 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 1984//2//4; master number 22). The No4 universal energy of 2020 will synchronise perfectly with her No22//4 Professional Attainment Number. Kamala Harris also has a Master No22//4 Shadow (Emotional) Life Path (see TSS-LFP). When a rare double numerology master number driven synchronicity occurs, much happens, guaranteed! Again, no surprise that she is the Democratic Party’s Vice-Presidential nominee for 2020. Further investigation of her DOB reveals that she has The Arrow of The Enquirer and her Major Lifelong Challenges reside with the Number 1. Analysing her Full Birth Name reveals: Kamala 12//3; Devi 22//4; Harris 37//1; Balance Number 14//5; Primary Expression Number 71//8; Secondary Expression Number [Kamala Harris] 49//13//4; Soul Urge Number 27//9; Personality Number 44//8; Karmic Lesson Numbers 3, 5, 6 and 7; Subconscious Self Number 5; Hidden Passion Number 1. The analysis of her name reveals that 2020’s No4 synchronises perfectly with her Middle Name (Devi, emotional vibration), her secondary expression number (49//13//4) and synchs in part (doesn’t count though as 44 not a master number!) with her personality number (2×4’s; 44//8). With all the date of birth and name related synchronicities happening, things look tremendously positive for her in 2020, more so in fact than for her running partner, Joe Biden!

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

365 Pin Code Futurology Modelling connects all the pieces, Strategically!

Having established these facts, we can now move to the next phase of this US Election Democrats Biden and Harris, case study. What we now do is to model the lifepath data for both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This predictive futurology, Annual Experience Number (AEN) exercise, reveals phenomenal intelligence with regards to events (past, present, future) in a person’s life. Once we have this information to hand, we can see whether the numerological convergences are positive, neutral, or negative. This tells much!

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris: Joe Biden’s AEN for 2020

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

Joe Biden who turns 78 in November, has the master number 22//4 in play as his 2020 Annual Experience Number (bold, red, 22//4). He is in a No8 personal year (power, status, authority etc.), a No9 personal shadow year (emotional endings, closure, completion), a No13//4 professional year (work, focus, delivery) and a No13//4 professional shadow year (emotions around justice, law and order etc.). This No22//4 driven experience started in 2019 and ends in 2022, and should he win this election race and become the 46th President of the United States, understand this, Biden’s MN-22 does not bode well for the future of America. Our extensive numerology case study research has revealed that whenever the same essence number (as in No4) presents itself as a doubled-up experience (13//4&22//4) in a given year, an extreme experience plays itself out and rarely in the positive sense. Given this, the two red blocks (as in 2 x double 4’s) presenting for Biden in his 2020 365 Pin Code professional physical and emotional data string, is not a positive futuristic sign. Lastly, does JB’s 2020 AEN (as in 22//4) synch with either of his Life Path Numbers (20//2 and 16//7)? No, it does not.

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris: Kamala Harris’s AEN for 2020

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

Kamala Harris who turns 56 in October, has the karmic debt number 16//7 in play as her 2020 Annual Experience Number (bold, red, 16//7). She is in a No7 personal year (seeking answers, karmic lesson year, wisdom, introspection, reflection etc.), a No10//1 personal shadow year (new beginnings, leadership, innovation, the ego etc.), a No8 professional year (status, power, authority etc.) and a No9 professional shadow year (closure, completion, endings etc.). It is incredibly important to note that this karmic debt No17//6 driven experience is concentrated into only one year, 2020, therefore this year was always is coded to provide her with a significant experience. Our extensive numerology case study research has revealed that whenever the same essence number (as in No7) presents itself as a doubled-up experience (7//7&16//7) in a given year, an extreme experience plays itself out and rarely in the positive sense. Given this, the one red block presenting for Harris in her 2020 365 Pin Code personal physical numerology data string, is not a positive futuristic sign. Lastly, does KH’s 2020 AEN (as in 16//7) synch with her Sun or Personal Attainment Number (30//3) or with either of her Life Path Numbers (Physical 23//5 and Emotional 22//4)? No, it does not.

Conclusion: US Election Democrats Biden and Harris (Part 1 of 3)

US Election Democrats Biden and Harris, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

The No4 of 2020 aligns with Joe Biden’s date of birth numerology through his Sun or Personal Attainment Number. This is positive. The No4 of 2020 aligns with Kamala Harris’s date of birth numerology through her shadow life path number and professional attainment number. Harris also has the No4 of 2020 aligning with three numerology numbers generated from her full birth name. This is tremendously, as in triple positive. Biden’s life path modelling exercise reveals two No4 dualities presenting, professionally, in 2020. This is a double negative. Harris’s life path modelling exercise has one karmic lesson related No7 duality presenting, personally, in 2020. This is negative. From this US Election Democrats Biden and Harris research, we can therefore conclude that there are many wonderful positives (mostly linked to Kamala Harris) and some very worrying negatives (as in the model generated dualities, two of which [he has 2 of the 3 = 66.66%] sit with Joe Biden). If you want to better understand the Life Path Numerology of Joe Biden (Born 20th November 1942) and Kamala Harris (Born 20th October 1964) just type their DOBs into this Life Path Number Calculator

“This is a life-changing election. This will determine what America is going to look like for a long, long time. Character’s on the ballot, compassion is on the ballot. Decency, science, democracy – they’re all on the ballot. Who we are as a nation, what we stand for, most importantly, who we want to be – that’s all on the ballot. The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division. Here and now, I give you my word, if you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. … And make no mistake, united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America.” Joe Biden, Democratic National Convention, August 2020

In Part 2, we will perform the same numerology analysis exercise for Donald Trump and Mike Pence, and, in Part 3 we will compare everything and give our numerically informed prediction as to who wins the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Life Path Numerology Calculator

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US Election Democrats Biden and Harris, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology

Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

Numerology Number 9 Life Path

What You need to Know about Numerology Number 9 Life Path

KFC’s Colonel Sanders provides the perfect number 9 life path case study information

Harland David Sanders born on the 9th of September 1890 has a number 9 life path. KFC was founded on the 24th of September 1952, in North Corbin, Kentucky, United States. As you will learn later in his life path map, 1952 was an Annual Experience No7 driven year for him. Numerology number 7 (precision, art, logic, research, perfection etc.) was his expression number, his maturity number, his personality number and one of his karmic lessons too. The real Col. Sanders was an entrepreneur who didn’t become a professional chef until he was 40, didn’t franchise Kentucky Fried Chicken until he was 62, and didn’t become an icon until after he sold his company at 75. It seems Sanders’ pursuit was never really about becoming rich, but rather about becoming renowned for his food. That’s why he constantly grumbled and swore about the more profitable but lower quality gravy that the corporate KFC began producing. “If you were a franchisee turning out perfect gravy but making very little money for the company and I was a franchisee making lots of money for the company but serving gravy that was merely excellent, the Colonel would think that you were great and I was a bum,” a KFC executive told the New Yorker. “With the Colonel, it isn’t money that counts, it’s artistic talent.”

“I could see it wasn’t going to be easy. I couldn’t give a franchise to any old greasy spoon. And I knew the chicken had to be cooked the way I told them to cook it if it was going to be as popular as it could be.” Colonel Sanders

Sanders may have lacked the motivation to become as wealthy as he could have been, but he’s now known in 115 countries for his favourite fried chicken recipe, which is more than he ever could have hoped for when he hit the road at age 65 with a car full of cooking supplies. Colonel Sanders epitomised the number 9 life path. Number 9 life path people are philanthropic humanitarians who are very generous and usually extraordinarily humble. They are the idealistic reformers of this world who opt for perfection and balance in this world by helping those in need.

“No hours, nor amount of labour, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me.” Colonel Sanders

365 Pin Code Birth Chart Colonel Sanders, born 09.09.1890 – Number 9 Life Path

9 Life Path Numerology, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology,

Colonel Sanders has a number 9 life path. How do we know this? The life path number is calculated as follows: Birth DD + Birth MM + Birth YYYY = 9+9+1890 = 1908 = 1+9+0+8 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; therefore his 365 Pin Code life path number was 1908//18//9 – essence number 9 life path. What makes his birth chart so fascinating to analyse, is that every significant numerology number is 9.

Colonel Sanders has a 9 Life Path (TKS-LFP) and he has a 9 Shadow Life Path (TSS-LFP; 27//9) too. Born on the 9th, makes his Personal Number a 9 and his Shadow Personal Number is also a 9. Born in the month of September, makes his Family or Intimate Number a 9 and his Shadow Family Number is also a 9. Born in 1890 (1890 = 1+8+9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9), makes his World or Career Number a 9 and his Shadow World Number is also a 9. He has a 9 Sun or Personal Attainment Number (TKSPE; 18//9) and he has a 9 Shadow Personal Attainment Number (TSSPE; 18//9). He has a 9 Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR; 1899//27//9) and a 9 Shadow Professional Attainment Number (TSSPR; 18//9). The man’s entire birth chart is loaded with 9’s.

9 Life Path Numerology, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology,

Lance Armstrong’s numerology chart is also packed with 9’s

Another birth chart that we have analysed which is also loaded with 9’s and has a number 9 life path, belongs to American professional cyclist Lance Armstrong, born on the 18th [18 = 1+8 = 9] of September [9] 1971 [1971 = 18 = 1+8 = 9]. Seems like Colonel Sanders got the positive traits of the 9 and Lance Armstrong the dark traits of the 9’s. By dark traits we mean shape-shifter ability which allows the massively intelligent often narcissistic 9 to morph into whatever the other person needs it to be. This shape-shifter ability gives dark 9’s extreme power, control and influence over others, a power which they will ruthlessly and cynically leverage for maximum personal gain.

Other famous people who have a number 9 life path, are:

  • Morgan Freeman: Born 1st of June 1937 = 1+6+1937 = 1944 = 1+9+4+4 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; 1944//18//9.
  • Rowan Atkinson: Born 6th of January 1995 = 6+1+1955 = 1962 = 1+9+6+2 = 18 = 1+8 = 8; 1962//18//9.
  • Whitney Houston: Born 9th of August 1963 = 9+8+1963 = 1980 = 1+9+8+0 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; 1980//18//9.
  • Sharon Stone: Born 10th of March 1958 = 10+3+1958 = 1971 = 1+9+7+1 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; 1971//18//9.
  • Jim Carrey: Born 17th of January 1962 = 17+1+1962 = 1980 = 1+9+8+0 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; 1980//18//9.

Did Colonel Sanders have any other 9’s in his 365 Pin Code Numerology?

“I was sixty-six years old. I still had to make a living. I looked at my social security check of 105 dollars and decided to use that to try to franchise my chicken recipe. Folks had always liked my chicken.” Colonel Sanders

Remember that the No9 is the number of selfless service and selfless service is not to be confused with being a doormat for everyone to use and abuse. Selfless service means the carrier of this number (9) is intimately connected with and to a much higher emotional cause, with and to an inspired vision, with and to something far bigger than himself/herself. When this happens, the number 9 is on song and when in this place and state, the more it helps people, the greater the reward it receives.

When we analysed Colonel Sanders’ full birth name, we discovered that he had a No9 soul urge. If you have a soul urge number 9 then you should know that it is the most selfless number in addition to being the biggest dreamer. Furthermore, No9 soul urge people are charismatic, sympathetic and their primary desire is to make the world a better place.

365 Pin Code Inclusion Chart for Harland David Sanders

9 Life Path Numerology, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology,

If you are serious about creating success, and want to leverage numerology for strategic thinking and planning, then it is critically important that you understand your life path number and know when this number presents itself experience wise, along your timeline. The only way to do this, is to get the 365 Pin Code Numerology Research Unit to analyse your entire life path. They do this by using their predictive numerology model to break it down into annual numerical data sets. Here is an example of what they can do, detail wise. Below is the number 9 life path Annual Experience Numbers (AENs) map for Colonel Sanders. His No9 life path number presents in 1898, 1906, 1907, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1917, 1930, 1931, 1948, 1965 (the year he turned 75, sold his company and became an icon) and 1966.

365 Pin Code Life Path Map: Annual Experience Number for Colonel Sanders (Birth to Age 30)

9 Life Path Numerology, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology,

365 Pin Code Life Path Map: Annual Experience Number for Colonel Sanders (31 to 60)

9 Life Path Numerology, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology,

365 Pin Code Life Path Map: Annual Experience Number for Colonel Sanders (61-90)

9 Life Path Numerology, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology,

In the above chart, pay attention to 1952, the year KFC as founded. See how the RED 7 (his Annual experience Number) presents itself only once? No7 was the Colonel’s expression number, his maturity number, his personality number and one of his karmic lessons too.

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9 Life Path, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings

Image by truthseeker08 from Pixabay

Colonel Saunders Numerology, KFC, 365 Pin Code, Numerology Readings, 9 Life Path

Photo by Maxime Lebrun on Unsplash

Celebrity Numerology Numbers

Profile of Giorgio Armani explains his Success, Status, and Wealth.

Executive Summary

Armani best described his approach to fashion as follows: “I was the first to soften the image of men and harden the image of women. I dressed men in women’s fabrics and stole from men what women wanted and needed—the power suit.” His androgynous approach rarely disappointed fashion critics, who dutifully appeared each season at shows staged at his 17th-century palazzo on Via Borgonuovo in central Milan. Armani’s reputation grew phenomenally through the popular film American Gigolo (released in 1980), in which actor Richard Gere was featured as the dashing owner of a closetful of tailored Armani clothing. In this numerology research case study, we unpack the numbers of Giorgio Armani and reveal that his 1980 success was no random event, that this was in fact hardcoded into his life path experiences. 1980 was the year when he had the number 9 powerfully in play [this is his personal attainment or sun number], as well the number 5 [his most extreme karmic lesson number]. Astonishingly, his life path numerology map also reveals the tragic loss of his partner Sergio Galeotti in 1985 and reveals why the nineties were such a golden decade for him. You are about to Enter the 365 Pin Code celebrity numerology numbers profile of Giorgio Armani, a man who in every way epitomises the status, wealth and legacy creating success of the number 8 life path.

“In the fashion world, you have to make clothes to sell. You have to make clothes for the press. You have to make clothes for yourself. What I mean is, everything is an obligation. But a writer? A pure artist? Maybe he doesn’t make one lira – but he does what he wants.” Giorgio Armani

Celebrity Numerology Numbers of Giorgio Armani explained

About Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani grew up with his two siblings in northern Italy. Aspiring to study medicine, Armani enrolled at the University of Bologna. In 1953, after two years of study, Armani left to serve in the Italian army at a military hospital. The experience in the service made him realise that medicine was not for him.  In 1957 Armani accepted a job as a merchandiser for the well-known department store La Rinascente. This was followed by Armani working as a designer for Nino Cerruti, and then as a freelance designer for various companies. The experience enabled Armani to develop a rich and varied style.

With his skills honed and several years of experience behind him, Armani was ready to launch his own label. Following his friend Sergio Galeotti’s suggestion that they open a company together, the two business partners officially founded Giorgio Armani S.P.A. in 1975, launching a men’s and women’s ready-to-wear collection. The business steadily grew gaining international customers and success. In 1980 the company still had not gained recognition within the United States. But, that year, Armani was asked to costume design Richard Gere’s outfits for Paul Schrader’s “American Gigolo”. The huge success of the film and Armani’s perfect drapery of the silk and sartorial fit helped launch Armani into American and increased worldwide success.

With Armani’s recognition established in America, he started costume designing for the popular show “Miami Vice” and began a long collaboration costume designing for films. His designs started becoming regular features on the red carpet. Giorgio Armani was in high demand. In 1982 Armani appeared on the cover of Time magazine, the first designer to do so since Christian Diorin 1940, cementing his American success. In 1987 Armani designed the costumes for Brian de Palma’s “The Untouchables”. The classic American gangster designs emulated Armani’s classic tailoring. Armani has been honoured with many awards during his career including the award for the Best International Designer and the Lifetime Achievement Award for menswear from the Council of Fashion Designers of America.

We will now carefully unpack the 365 Pin Code celebrity numerology numbers profile of Giorgio Armani, with specific reference to the number 8 life path, and this will be done in three parts:

  • Part A which analyses his date of birth
  • Part B which analyses his full birth name
  • Part C which uses data-rich predictive modelling to reveal his life path’s coding

“I don’t have a formula to pass on. I always did it my own way. Even today, I hold my independence close. It’s what’s most precious to me. Passion. Risk. Tenacity. Consistency. This is my professional history.” Giorgio Armani

Part A: The Celebrity Numerology Numbers Profile of Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani’s 365 Pin Code Numerology Birth Chart

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, : Robert Kiyosaki numerology Rich Dad Poor Dad, Giorgio Armani, number 8 life path, celebrity numerology numbers profile

How do we know that Armani has a number 8 life path?

Giorgio Armani was born on the 11th of July 1934. The correct way to calculate someone’s numerology life path number is: Birth DD + Birth MM + Birth YYYY = 11+7+1934 = 1952 = 1+9+5+2 = 17 = 1+7 = 8; therefore his 365 Pin Code Life Path Number can be written as 1952//17//8 – otherwise states as a number 8 life path which has as its backing or supporting numbers, 1952 and 17.

What is numerology number 8 most associated with?

See Table below. Money, power, wealth, status, authority, leading others, organising on a large scale, abundance (as in the number 8 turned on its side ∞), karma and trying to find a way to intelligently way to balance the tremendous challenges posed by both the material and spiritual worlds. Too much materialism from the No8’s owners and a tough spiritual karmic lesson awaits, as in for example, tremendous financial loss. Too much spirituality and the person will never have any money and always be struggling to make ends meet.

365 Pin Code Numerology numbers traits including Master Numbers 11 and 22

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, : Robert Kiyosaki numerology Rich Dad Poor Dad

Note that Giorgio Armani was born on the 11th, this brings the pure (as in born on the 11th and not 29th; those born on the 29th of a month, 29 = 2+9 = 11; also written as 29//11), master number 11 into play as his personal vibration. The above table explains the master number 11, also referred to as The Master Intuitive, the one who intuitively or instinctively knows. His surname, Armani, is also linked with the 29//11 vibration (see his Full Birth Name analysis chart further on).

Giorgio Armani’s birth chart is loaded with the Numerology Number 8

Born in the year 1934 [1934 = 1+9+3+4 = 17; 17//8] brings the number 8 into frame again, as his Career or World Number. Again, the numerology number 17//8 presents itself into the 365 Pin Code numerical framework of Armani, just as was the case with his life path [1952 = 1+9+5+2 = 17//8]. Are you starting to see why he did so well materially, given that the number 8 has at its very core, the proprietary essence of abundance, wealth, and prosperity? And, are you starting to see the critically important synchronicity of his backing number 17 within this number 8 (as in the Impression of Increase) business and wealth success related numerology research? And, quite amazingly, the number 8 appears a third time in his birth chart, as his Shadow (as in emotional) Professional Attainment Number (see TSSPR 8//8, bottom right). From this we can intelligently deduce that whenever the number 8 comes into frame experience wise along his lifepath, much will happen professionally.

The numerology chart below, Armani’s 365 Pin Code Pythagoras Square birth chart reveals that he has two birth arrows, the Arrow of Heightened Sensitivity and the Arrow of Practicality which runs at Level 5 intensity. This is an extremely high level of intensity for this specific arrow therefore he is extremely practical and instinctively knows what will work and what won’t!). Both are very uncommon arrows and to have them pair up like this, is most unusual.

365 Pin Code Pythagoras Square birth chart for Giorgio Armani, born 11.07.1934

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, : Robert Kiyosaki numerology Rich Dad Poor Dad, Giorgio Armani, number 8 life path, celebrity numerology numbers profile

Part B: The Celebrity Numerology Numbers Profile of Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani’s 365 Pin Code Numerology Birth Name Analysis

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, : Robert Kiyosaki numerology Rich Dad Poor Dad, Giorgio Armani, number 8 life path, celebrity numerology numbers profile

The name Giorgio, resonates or vibrates in accordance with the Number 8. His balance number (as in this number when honoured, will place him in a powerful and superbly balanced state = also known as PRAXIS) is also the Number 8. If you look at each letter of his name and the associated numerology number allocated to it, you will notice there are zero 8’s. This implies that the Number 8 represents a karmic lesson of his. You would be surprised at how many billionaires and extremely successful businesspeople, whom we have analysed, also have the number 8 missing from their full birth names.

Armani’s most Extreme Karmic Lesson resides with the Number 5 (The Human Experience)

The numerology chart below, which is called an Inclusion Chart, reveals karmic lesson(s) (as in the number is absent from the study subject’s birth name) and hidden passion(s). Giorgio Armani has no 2’s (teamwork, supporting others, nurturing, supporting, diplomacy etc.), 3’s (creativity, self-expression, communication, imagination etc.), 5’s (change, the 5-senses driven human experience, adrenaline, adventure, sensuality, personal freedom etc.) nor 8’s (money, wealth, business, success, legacy style fame and fortune etc.) in his name. These are therefore his FOUR karmic lessons. He would therefore experience many very intense lessons around all these numbers throughout his entire lifepath journey. If you are unsure as to what each numerology number resonates with, look three charts back, at our table of numerology number traits. Armani’s most extreme lesson (as negative 1, or -69% of target) resides with the number 5 which also happens to be his Subconscious Self Number. Understand this, -69% of target is a result which is very deep in the Red Zone if you will, therefore it will bring the most extreme experiences imaginable. So, where does the number 5 appear in his 365 Pin Code Birth Numerology? Shockingly, it does not, which makes its impact so much more extreme! Nor does it present as one of his four Pinnacle Experiences. It does however present as his Primary Challenge from Birth to Age 28. Incredibly, as you will learn later in this article when we present our modelling data strings, it was very much in play in 1980 as his 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Number [AEN], 1980 being the year when he rocketed to fame in association with Richard Geere and the blockbuster movie, American Gigolo.

Giorgio Armani has a Number 9 Hidden Passion

His number 9 hidden passion is a most interesting one to unpack. We thoroughly enjoy the way the number 9 hidden passion is explained by Hans Decoz: Warm, generous and compassionate, you would do well and be quite happy in any undertaking that not only supplies you with a decent living but also is for the good of all. You are artistic, the nine is responsible for many of our creative geniuses, however these talents are often suppressed, sometimes coming to the surface at middle or old age. You have a strong desire for insight and universal knowledge. You are emotional, your feelings are not always sensible, and they too are often suppressed. You can get caught up in dreams and ideals without being practical but with enough fire and enthusiasm to attract support. Your oratorical abilities save many a situation. You are driven to do your own thing and are quite independent.

Giorgio Armani, number 8 life path, celebrity numerology numbers profile

What about Armani’s Number 8 karmic lesson?

The very interesting thing about the number 8 karmic lesson, is that the person’s having it, can attract a considerable amount of money during their lives and even be exceptionally good at business, but, just as wealth flows in easily, so too does it flow away easily if there is not sufficient care taken around the handling of financial resources, in other words, money. That is why, as per our research, many billionaires will have the karmic number 8 presenting within their 365 Pin Code Numerology. They will make a fortune, lose a fortune, and so on and so forth, until they learn to intelligently control the ebb and flow of money, until the realise that money is energy and energy must circulate to keep the system healthy and productive.  Please do not be fooled into thinking that just because you have a number 8 karmic lesson, you are destined to be super-rich. Remember, the number is associated with karma, with needing to understand the balance that must exist between the material and spiritual sides of life. Many people with the number 8 karmic lesson spend their life in a state of complete financial lack, of never having enough, and that it because deep down, subconsciously, money control them and they do not control money. Their toughest karmic lesson is to learn to be efficient with money. This money and materialism versus consciousness and spirituality conundrum is far more complex that you are led to believe through pop-psychology books and movies like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. She in fact did the world a tremendous disservice when she completely misinterpreted the Law of Attraction as being Ask, Believe, Receive, that if you apply your mind in a certain way, you will attract what you want. You do not attract what you want, you attract what you must learn. Big difference. Uncomfortable truths like this do not create bestselling books nor blockbuster movies. Back to Giorgio Armani’s number 8 karmic lesson. Although the number is completely absent from his full birth name [FBN], it does present as his balance number and it also presents multiple times in his Date of Birth [DOB], as his life path, career or world number and shadow professional attainment number! These multiple points of presence, thankfully, drastically reduce or diminish, the effects of this specific karmic lesson on his life.

365 Pin Code Inclusion Chart for Giorgio Armani (reveals his Karmic Lessons!)

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Part C: The Celebrity Numerology Numbers Profile of Giorgio Armani

Now we are going to fast-forward straight into the meat of the applied numerology modelling research work we do. Below is a data table which reveals unique lines of annual experiential coding. This table belongs to iconic fashion designer, Giorgio Armani. It is constructed using a complex predictive numerology model (see Futurist Numerology ; wholly unique to 365 Pin Code Numerology) which uses many critically important numbers sourced directly from GA’s Date of Birth [DOB], Full Birth Name [FBN] and other data sources [ODS]. The model delivers lines of code (what we call Annual Experience Numbers; AENs) which as per our exhaustive Numerology Research have been proven to be bulls-eye accurate. Here for example is brilliant numerology modelling work we did to explain:

Giorgio Armani’s 365 Pin Code Numerology Data Table of Annual Experience Numbers [AENs]

365 Pin Code, numerology research, leading numerology research, Futurist Numerology, Applied Numerology, Numerology for Women Futurist Numerology, : Robert Kiyosaki numerology Rich Dad Poor Dad, Giorgio Armani, number 8 life path, celebrity numerology numbers profile

The above table of data (as in annual lines of experiential code) clearly shows how in 1980, the year Giorgio Armani shot to fame, he had the Number 5 in play as his Annual Experience Number [AEN] which, given its karmic debt 14//5 synched perfectly with his most extreme karmic lesson. The two years that follow, 1981 and 1982 are both driven by the AEN master number 11, and given that GA is born on the 11th, this is indicative of how tremendous the impact of American Gigolo’s success was on him, personally. In 1985 he experiences the tragic loss of his business partner Sergio Galeotti. Note how 1985 (or more specifically, the years from 1983 through to and including 1986) is driven or powered by the AEN 15//6, which, if you have an interest in Tarot cards, references major arcana number 15 The Devil, which more often than not, indicates a time of circumstantial bondage, and especially challenging times around family, relationships, responsibility and matters of the heart. This 15//6 experience coincided with Armani’s 4th and Final Pinnacle Experience (GA’s pinnacle charts have not been included in this article).

1992 is a Life Path Number significant year for GA

In 1992, the year he turned 58, Giorgio Armani has a concentrated (as in it presents for one year only!) number 8 life path experience. This was the first time his life path number, as in 8, had presented itself as an AEN since the first year of his birth. This shows numerically, what a massively important and significant year 1992 was coded to be. And, true to the 365 Pin Code numerology script of his life, that is exactly what happened. So, what exactly happened in 1992? Gio was released to the market, and he completely shocked the conservative Italian city of Milan…

1992 Highlight: Giorgio Armani totally rocks Milan!

March 9th 1992, Lisa Anderson of the Chicago Tribune, writes: A quirky breeze blew up the skirts of the Italian fashion world over the weekend as the fall 1992 ready-to-wear shows began with a double-barrelled blast from designer Giorgio Armani and a blow-out party, the likes of which this conservative city had never seen before. The Italian collections are the first in an international series that winds up in New York next month. And for the first time, Armani, Milan`s biggest fashion gun, opened, rather than closed, them. If that were not enough of a shock to the staid Milanese establishment, the post-show disco party Armani threw blew them away. Disco is hardly the elegant Armani`s usual style. But there was nothing usual about the party he threw, from the 18,000 fresh roses he flew in from Marrakesh to decorate the trendy Rolling Stone discotheque to the 20 transvestite cabaret performers he imported from New York to entertain his 2,000 somewhat bewildered guests.

Giorgio Armani, number 8 life path, celebrity numerology numbers profile

Led by Suzanne Bartsch, the queen of Manhattan`s downtown party scene, who appeared encased in little more than a chandelier, the transvestite troupe danced ”Swan Lake” in feathered tutus, twirled lariats in sequinned cowboy suits and pranced around the stage dressed as pink poodles. This all went on into the wee hours for a champagne-soaked audience that included Olympic gold medalist skier Alberto Tomba, singers Tina Turner and Seal, and actresses Ornella Muti and Kim Basinger. ”I love it,” said a breathless Basinger, on her way to the dance floor. ”Just having a good time being entertained for a change,” said Turner, an Armani fan. ”It pleases me to break the rules a bit,” the 57-year-old Armani had told the Italian press earlier. ”For my fashion, it`s also a moment of breaking away, of courage. It will be a collection a bit over the line, but in my style.” He was right. The back-to-back collections he showed for his signature line and his lower-priced Emporio label displayed a surprising, if delicate, edge of a trendy, semi-punk panache.

1992 Highlight: Gio perfume for Women!

Fragrance Gio perfume for Women by Giorgio Armani was released in 1992. It is an aroma highlighted by a bouquet of fragrant woody, powdery and floral scented tones that will bring a sensual, warm and calming perfumed sensation. Once applied you will notice a lingering quality of softer fragranced balsamic, animal wildlife and sweet floral hints that hide an essence of inviting, passionate and deep feelings. Based on the combination of notes Giorgio Armani Gio is classified as Floral Fruity fragrance to the nose. The fragrance composition is a creation of Francois Demachy. The emanation of flavours and scent notes for Gio unfurl in a whiff of floral and citrus opening top notes including tangerine, hyacinth, jasmine, rose, violet, peach, and Brazilian rosewood. The floral and white flowers heart centre notes blend in with carnation, gardenia, iris, lily of the valley, orange blossom, tuberose, white flowers, orris root, myrrh, cassia, cloves and Ylang Ylang while the deep woody and amber base notes leave an impression of amber, musk, styrax, vanilla, cedar and sandalwood. Designer fragrance Gio was released in Eau de Parfum concentration.

The years 1994 through to 2001

Note how 1994 through to and including 2001 are driven by the AEN 18//9 and this synchs 100% with Giorgio Armani’s sun or personal attainment number. How do we know this? Sun or Personal Attainment Number (see TKSPE in his 365 Pin Code Birth Chart) = Birth DD + Birth MM = 11th of July = 11+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 8; written as 18//9. Whenever a person’s sun number comes into play numerology wise as their AEN, much happens. These are either years of much personal attainment (as in these years offer up tremendously positive results which indicate that the life up to that point has been well lived and honoured according to the grand plan) or they are years of personal disaster (which is indicative of the person not having lived their life in positive accordance to their coded numerical blueprint). The 90’s were years of tremendous success, glory, fame and fortune for Giorgio Armani. They were if you will, golden years and this all makes so much now when you look at the model generated numerical sequences which run along his 365 Pin Code life path.

So, what now, as in 2020 and beyond, for Giorgio Armani?

Our 365 Pin Code Table of AENs reveals much

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Note how in 2018, Armani began a three-year karmic 16//7 driven AEN period. The number 16//7 is usually indicative of a time when much soul searching is being done, a time of reflection, introspection, questioning, searching for deeply significant spiritual answers – a time of when the person seems to be preoccupied with a spiritual quest (is looking to the heavens) and shows little interest in material matters (has lost interest in earthly matters). 2020 has the number sequence 4&7 presenting for him, personally physically and personally emotionally; this indicates a deeply troubled time for this great man.

In 2021, Giorgio Armani has a number 8 concentrated life path experience (just as he did back in 1992). This is only the third time through his entire life’s journey, that his life path number codes into frame and therefore 2021 will be presenting something massively significant around him, his life path’s journey, his career and his shadow (emotional) professional attainment. Could this be when he steps away completely and calls it a day? Might very well be, especially given that 2022 through to 2024 are driven by AEN 16//7 which talks to a more hermit like life, away from the spotlight. Remember that Armani is born in the month of July, so the number 7 is his Family or Intimate Vibration Number. The years 2022 through to 2024 therefore have a family, relationships, responsibility and matters of the heart focus for him. These are most likely not going to be easy years, 16//7 coded years never are, and, they may well indicate emotional distress that he experiences around his business and what happens to the “family of people” whom he worked with over the years, post 2020’s most horrific Covid-19 economic fall-out.

“Movies always fascinated me. They are an endless source of inspiration. There are countless images by great directors that made a profound impression on me, and I see the film as a sublime example of teamwork.” Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani, number 8 life path, celebrity numerology numbers profile

The Celebrity Numerology Numbers Profile of Giorgio Armani summed up

The numerology of Giorgio Armani reveals why the number 8 is not only indicative of wealth, status, money, power, influence, business, organising and leading others etc. but also karma. What few people understand, is that the word ‘karma’ means a ‘result’ or an ‘outcome’; therefore, as far as the number 8 is concerned, as you sow so shall you reap! What this man has achieved this lifetime is simply phenomenal. True to all the 8’s in his 365 Pin Code Numerology, he has indeed created a legacy business and lived up to the wealth creating potential linked with the karmic lesson 8. As of 2020, Giorgio Armani’s net worth is roughly $9.6 Billion dollars. That is massively impressive! Well done sir. You sowed intelligently and therefore you harvested abundantly.

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