Numerical Human Blueprint of Piers Morgan
Love him or hate him, he is a Master of his Craft
Love him or hate him, he is a master of his craft, which is to challenge and question absolutely everything through creative, imaginative communication, a number3 trait. His birth chart is one of the very few we have ever analysed which is made up, above the line [i.e., physical realm] of ONLY 3s [BirthDD: 30th = 30//3; Birth MM: March = 3//3; Birth YYYY: 1965 = 21//3; 3-3-3; the birth chart of Klaus Schwab [30 March 1938; 30//3-3//3-21/3] founder of the World Economic Forum is also all 3s]. With such a No3 [fire-energy] dominant human futurology or authentic-self organised architecture no wonder he is such a firebrand. In this research case-study we unpack the intelligent numerical human blueprint of Piers Morgan, whose grand design, as you will discover, is powerfully driven by numbers 3 (communication), 6 (family), 7 (curiosity) and 9 (humanity). Looking to his future, we prove that 2026 is a life-changing year for him.
There is a certain advantage to the British accent. I do notice that Americans love it; they think the we Brits are smarter than perhaps we are. Piers Morgan
Back on GMB?
Piers Morgan has revealed he could be set for a return to Good Morning Britain. The broadcaster and former ITV presenter wrote on Twitter that he was due to appear on Lorraine this week and hinted he could make a trip back to his former show. Sharing a photo of him opposite fellow broadcaster Lorraine Kelly, Piers wrote: “BREAKING: I’ll be returning to ITV tomorrow for first time since the Markle Debacle… live & definitely uncensored on @lorraine with the fabulous @reallorraine – should be fun.” Piers then added: “(May even storm back onto @GMB while I wait, & get those ratings back up).” The 57-year-old is set to front his brand-new show on TalkTV named Uncensored, which launches this week. Piers famously stormed off the set of Good Morning Britain in March 2021 following an on-air row with ITV’s weatherman Alex Beresford while discussing the Oprah Winfrey interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex after they stepped down as senior royals.
Numerical Human Blueprint of Piers Morgan: Date of Birth [Physical Dimension]
Piers Stefan O’Meara [his original birth name] was born on the 30th of March 1965. Birth DD: 30th = 3+0 = 3; Birth MM: March = 3; Birth YYYY: 1965 = 1+9+6+5 = 21 = 2+1 = 3, 21//3; All 3s. Life path sequence 1998//27//9 [30+3+1965 = 1998; number 9 life path]. His three attainments (internal, external, balanced) are 6, 6, 6 and his overall attainment is 18//9. What is critically important is to know that his personal attainment number is the very rare master number 33 [BirthDD + Birth MM = 30+3 = 33//6]; 33//6 is the number of The Master Teacher, the double 3 (creative, imaginative, communication and self-expression) through the 6 (relationships, responsibility, family, community, loyalty, community, matters of the heart etc.). Knowing these attainments and their shadow counterparts (chart below) is critically important for the 8-Dimensional Life Path Modelling exercise (used to be 4D but now improved to provide deeper strategic intelligence views) unique to 365 Pin Code.
Numerical Human Blueprint of Piers Morgan: Date of Birth [Shadow Dimension]
Given all the 3s (DD personal, MM family, YY career) in his physical chart, it is no surprise to see the 6s revealing their shadow or emotional counterpart. No6 is the vibration whose traits resonate strongly with relationships, family, loyalty, responsibility, matters of the heart etc. The most negative and unpleasant trait of the shadow six is what we call the princess vibration – when a person enters this state, they become emotionally obtuse even abusive, usually because they didn’t get their own way. His shadow or emotional life path number is 18//9 which introduces The Moon (major arcana number 18) and unexpected emotional subconscious eruptions.
The Life Cycles and Challenges of Piers Morgan
What is tremendously significant is that ALL the defining numbers for his challenges, whether major physical and emotional, or minor physical and emotional, is ZERO. This signals that his entire life will be littered with multiple challenges pertaining to ALL the numerology numbers, 1 through 9 and master numbers 11 and 22. It is very rare to see this and reveals what will most definitely be a very challenging and tumultuous life. His final life cycle, 21//3, starting at age 54, requires a shift in approach, from the firebrand No3 of Cycles 1 and 2, to a more diplomatic and considerate feminine energy (the number 2 of 21) working in harmony with logical innovative leadership (the number 1 of 21). This was a very important shift for him to make, but it may not have been an easy one, especially given all the 3s in his physical birth chart view.
“Cancel culture’, as it’s become known, is one of the very worst things about modern society, and it’s driven by the same woke liberals who profess to stand for tolerance.” Piers Morgan
Numerical Human Blueprint of Piers Morgan – name numbers
“This is the amazing thing about you. Had I not known anything about your story, I would have absolutely not a clue that you had ever been a boy – a male. Which makes me absolutely believe you always should have been a woman.” Piers Morgan
Having a No7 hidden passion (curiosity, research, analytics, detail, intelligence, connecting the dots, cosmic consciousness, clinical, aloof, emotionally detached etc.) is rare, having one that scores 327% is almost unheard of! His adopted name, Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan, has all the numbers present, rendering his Subconscious Selft No9 (universal consciousness, forgiveness, humanity, philanthropy, serving others, healing etc.). Although he only carried the surname O’Meara for a very short time of his life, his full birth name vibration and its numerical characteristics persist forever; that is why we have also displayed number sequences pertaining to his full birth name (Piers Stefan O’Meara). It is interesting to note that his birth name and name change expression numbers [77//14//5 and 113//5] both have number 5 as their essence, No5 being the rebellious, challenging, cannot be told anything, senses-driven human experience. The name Piers Morgan totals 63 [63//9] which again is his fiery communicative, creative No3 expressing itself through the responsible people and community centric No6, in a way which is hopefully making a meaningful difference in the collective lives of many (No9).
“I want to interview the most important people in the world and have everyone in America the next day going, ‘Did you see that?’” Piers Morgan
What’s the deeper purpose behind understanding your human futurology blueprint?
So, in terms of the numerical human blueprint of Piers Morgan, all the above is interesting, but really, so what? Well, the real magic happens when all these datapoints and many more that are not discussed within this case study, are fed into our 8D life path predictive experience model. Suddenly the information shifts from being interesting and anecdotal at best, to intelligently strategic. Why? Because all his raw data has been cleverly integrated to provide bespoke views of the life journey of this man. Views which give important insights into the shape of his life, past, present and future.
These views, once understood and strategically contextualised, should help us realise that we are in fact living a Grand Organised Design, that we are a mathematically intelligent cosmic cocktail of numbers that define our individual experiences here earth, day in, day out, month in, month out, year in, year out. Therefore, the only thing we have REAL control over (freewill…) is how we respond to these events all of which are hardcoded into our lives from birth. Much as we would love to think our lives are so dreadfully important, we are in fact little more than a datapoint (right now, given earth’s population, there are around 8 billion+ such dynamic datapoints in play) which is feeding back experiential intelligence into a cosmically curious experiment that is learning from us and developing and evolving with and through us.
Table of Annual Experience Numbers: Life Path: Piers Stefan O’Meara
Piers Morgan (PM; 1988) has a No9 life path – therefore whenever the No9 presents in his life path modelled results (PSO’M) through an Annual Experience Number (AEN; study the columns of red numbers), that is a year (or years) that will significantly shape and define his life from thereon out. So, what were, and still will be, life path significant years for him? 1968 to 1970; 1972 (NB year as this is a concentrated, as in 18//9 for one year only, life path significant event(s)); 2023 to 2024; 2049 to 2052.
Now, let’s focus on the yellow blocked data – these years, irrespective of the name data used when modelling his life journey (PSO’M & PM) have identical AENs in play. These years are 2000 and significantly, 2026. Note that both these incredibly RARE events, are driven by the No7 and as discussed earlier, No7 is (!!) his Hidden Passion Number as well as the number which defines his birth name expression sequence [77//14//5 – the one who will challenge (5) everything in a practical (14) way using data-driven logical thought processes (7)]. No7 is also the number of learning, reflection and isolation; it is the number when theming a year of our lives, that forces us to embark on a journey of spiritual discovery to understand more, develop more, become more aware and hopefully through this, connect the dots around what the lesson is that we need to become conscious of.
What we have done, through unpacking the intelligent numerical human blueprint of Piers Morgan, is to prove to you that his mathematical design is driven through the numbers 3, 6, 7, 9. We could spend days on end deciphering every sequence within his numbers, but that’s not necessary, well not yet. It soon will be, once we begin to apply our minds as to how this human blueprint intelligence could help us to identify risk bearing events (e.g., 2004 pancreatic cancer in Steve Jobs) early on and look to mitigate these.
Snapshot of the 8D Datamatrix we use for Human Futurology Coaching
We conclude this numerical human blueprint of Piers Morgan research case study by providing you with a snapshot (below) of the multiple views we work with when helping a client to understand the construct of their mathematical design. This is the first time ever that we are publishing our 8D model view, previously we only ever published 4D, which carried within it more than enough information to literally blow client’s minds. However, given that we are constantly striving to improve, refine and expand our life path mapping and modelling capabilities, this shift from 4D to 8D represents a massive leap forward for us, both R&D and coaching intelligence, wise. We think it fitting that Piers Morgan is the study subject for this quantum shift forward in understanding who we are, human design wise, because he is brave and bold and abrasive enough to speak his truths and not be drawn into the emperor’s new clothes mindset.
The RED blocks indicate duplexities (significant to extreme experiences around that given AEN number or vibration!) and what our years of research and thousands of chart builds have revealed to be antagonistic number sequences (e.g., 7&4 or 4&7, 4&9 or 9&4, 9&11, 1&9 etc.); The PURPLE blocks are revealing exactly the same duplexities as the RED blocks, however, at different stages of his life, they are based on intelligence sourced from the modelling exercise that used his everyday call name, Piers Morgan. If you are detail minded and carefully study the views, you will note that they are identical. Why? Because his physical and shadow birth chart is made up of the same numbers (physical, all 3s; shadow all 6s). This is rare and talks to what we call a HOT chart, because the right half of the star tetrahedron is a mirror image of the left half; most people do not have charts like this with different numbers presenting, thereby if you will, diluting the internal / external experience dynamics. In Piers Morgan’s charts this is not the case, which means that whatever impact him internally, impacts him externally too with the same intensity, and vice versa. This matching and mirroring always makes for an extreme life journey, something most people (because their charts do not exhibit this matching and mirroring) would not understand…
View A [2D – internal physical and emotional: 2010-2040]
View B [2D – external physical and emotional: 2010-2040; this makes 4D]
In 2023 and 2024 Piers Morgan’s life path is driven by sequence 18//9. 2023 has 9&1 colliding emotionally. This means dramatic beginnings and endings. 2024 brings 9&11 which talks to his experiencing emotional fall-out anxiety around what happened in 2023. His 7&4 combination in 2026 reveals that it will be a very tough year for him, emotionally. Our human futurology research has 7&4 coded as being THE MOST antagonistic number combination in data-driven numerology. 2027 sees his having to deal with much personal emotional change (Double 5; red block).
View C [2D – balanced physical and emotional: 2010-2040; this makes 6D]
View D [2D – collective physical and emotional: 2010-2040; this makes 8D]
Final Chart: 2026 – one of the most CRITICALLY IMPORTANT years of his life because it themes around his No7 Hidden Passion [from Birth to Age 100, this is the ONLY time AEN7/7, The Chariot, presents…]
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