Numerology of Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift has a No7 life path, a No25//7 Sun Number, multiple karmic 13s and Three karmic lessons (Nos 4, 5 and 8)
This human futurist research study into the numerology of Taylor Swift mathematically maps her No7 life path from birth to age 60 [2049] in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) and explains in much detail exactly why the No13 has such tremendous significance for her. We have in fact mapped her life path through to Age 100, but for the purposes of this article which seeks to unpack the numerology of Taylor Swift in such a way that you get to understand that her life, your life, in fact all our lives, are experientially coded into a mathematical matrix, our providing illustrative data on her from Birth through to Age 60 (she turns 60 in 2049) suffices. Should Taylor Swift ever get to see this piece of foundational research and carefully study it, she would instantly realise that everything that happened, is happening and will still happen, is according to her Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB]. What futurist life science research like this proves, is that life is not mere random happenstance. Life happens to us and through us by design, a grand organised design of super curious consciousness.
“Everybody has that point in their life where you hit a crossroads and you’ve had a bunch of bad days and there’s different ways you can deal with it and the way I dealt with it was I just turned completely to music.” Taylor Swift
This is Foundational Research work that will change The Future
Has this introduction got you wondering what human futurists do and what the brand-new research field of human futurology is all about? Human futurists, like Chris and Suzanne Styles (human futurology thought leaders) spend their time researching, designing, developing, testing, retesting, and refining predictive models. These predictive models allow curious people like you, who are searching for logical answers to help them better understand life and how it works, to intelligently view their future through a numerically coded 4D matrix. The primary objective of this foundational work is to add a revolutionary forward-looking dimension to your personal and professional strategic thinking and planning as well as to improve your overall personal and professional risk management approach.
To-date Chris and Suzanne have published over 200 thoroughly researched human futurology case studies, work so advanced that it has even revealed exactly why the Apple genius Steve Jobs’ pancreatic cancer surfaced in 2004. You can access all this work through The Pin Code, Numerology for Women, Numerology UK, Amoure Kleu (an author focused website) and The Human Futurist. To help you better understand the numerology of Taylor Swift we will unpack her numbers in three phases. First, we analyse her date of birth (DOB), then her full birth name (FBN) and then, in Phase 3, using DOB, FBN and other data sources (ODS), we will map her entire life path in 4D from birth to age 90.
To help you better understand the numbers presented within the charts and life path mapping tables that follow, here is a table explaining what headline characteristics of each number (1 through 9) as well as including some important detail on The Master Numbers, more specifically, master number 11 and master number 22.
365 Pin Code Table explaining the Headline Characteristics of the numerology numbers of life
“Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.” Taylor Swift
Understanding the 365 Pin Code numerology of Taylor Swift
Phase 1: Date of Birth
365 Pin Code Numerology date of birth chart for Taylor Alison Swift born 13th December 1989
Jocelyn Vena of writes on 05/07/2009 that: Taylor Swift has been seen around London lately with the number 13 drawn on her hand. For some people, that number might represent bad luck, but for Swift it has only ever meant good things. She recently opened up about her love for the number 13 and has credited it with many of her successes in the last few years. “The significance of the number 13 on my hand … I paint this on my hand before every show because 13 is my lucky number; for a lot of reasons,” she explained. “It’s really weird.” Not only is it the day she was born on in December 1989, but over the years it has become so much more. “I was born on the 13th. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My first album went gold in 13 weeks. My first #1 song had a 13-second intro,” she said.
“Every time I’ve won an award I’ve been seated in either the 13th seat, the 13th row, the 13th section or row M, which is the 13th letter.” Some may chalk all of that up to coincidence, but Swift assures everyone that the number can only mean something fantastic will happen in her life. “Basically whenever a 13 comes up in my life, it’s a good thing.”
Taylor Swift’s Above the Line (ATL) numbers:
Life Path Number (TKS-LFP): 2014//7 – Calculate your life path numbers here… To accurately calculate the life path numbers (note plural, not singular!) of Taylor Swift, her Birth DD, MM and YYYY are added together: 13+12+1989 = 2014 = 2+0+1+4 = 7; 2014//7; therefore, she a No7 life path with backing number 2014 influencing. In a nutshell, the No7 life path is the lonely, introspective, and reflective journey of the one who is actively seeking out deeply significant spiritual truths about life; truths that are not “away-with-the-fairies” but make sense on a deep logical level. Given her No7 life path, No7 universal years would have / will impact much on her life, these being: 1996//25//7; 2005//7; 2014//7; 2023//7; 2032//7; 2041//7; 2050//7; 2059//16//7 etc.
Personal Number (Birth DD): 13//4 – Enter Karmic No 13//4 – Being born on the 13th, signals that in terms of the 365 Pin Code numerology of Taylor Swift, she has the No13//4 as her personal number / vibration. Though many consider the No13 to be unlucky and unfortunate, even sinister, sadly these false paradigms flow from sheer ignorance. No13 is one of the four karmic debt numbers in numerology, the other three being 14, 16 and 19. Both authors of this article understand karmic debt numbers intimately as they have both lived them for over 50 years, Suzanne karmic debt No13 because she too is born on the 13th and Chris karmic debt No19 because he has a No19 life path. No13//4, represented as the Death card in the major arcana, speaks to a karmic rebirth and is the No3 (creativity) expressing itself through the No1 (the individual) all of which in turn powers the No4 (work, outputs, focus, dedication, persistence, no nonsense, systematically building towards a clear and practical goal etc.). Certain numerology books allude to karmic debt 13 (as in hard work) being linked to previous lifetimes where the work was shirked. We cannot confirm nor deny this, however, what we do know for certain from our extensive research, is that people born on the 13th will achieve phenomenal things only if they diligently apply themselves and do the required work. Karmic 13 has no free lunches and will get severely penalised if they actively shirk work and always looking for the easy way out. Given her No13//4 in the person, every No4 universal year would impact her, these being: 1993//22//4; 2002//4; 2011//4; 2020//4; 2029//13//4; 2038//13//4; 2047//13//4; 2065//13//4 etc.
Family or Intimate Number (Birth MM): 12//3 – Number 3 is the one who brings happiness, inspiration, motivation, joy etc. December, being the 12th month of the year, has the Number 2 (feminine, nurturing, kind, loving, “We” the equilibrated duality energy) expressing itself through the Number 1 (masculine, leadership, authority, “Me” the individual energy).
World or Career Number (Birth YYYY): 1989//27//9 – Number 9 is the magnetic one. Why is the No9 so magnetic? Because, residing at the end of the numerology number line, means the No9 has all the other numbers, 1 through 8, rolling up into it. All the other numbers will therefore “see” or “recognise” themselves within the No9 and are therefore instant attracted to it. When the No9 has the 27 as its backing number, as is the case in the numerology of Taylor Swift, it has the attractive feminine diplomatic resonance of the 2, and the mysteriously wise spiritual allure of the 7. Having the No9 as the world or career numbers codes with the innate talent to deliver through her chosen work, powerful message of healing as well as elevating general awareness as to the importance of universal consciousness and that we are all connected through, and therefore responsible for, humanity’s collective consciousness.
Sun or Personal Attainment Number (TKSPE): 25//7 – Repeatedly our applied numerology research has revealed that the numerology sequence 25//7 has genius potentiality within it. Where an individual with 25//7 powerfully presenting in their 365 Pin Code numerology, successfully aligns themselves with and to their authentic self and therefore fully lives out their higher purpose, they somehow seem to create something that is beyond spectacular. Take Albert Einstein for example, born on the 14th of March 1879. His Birth YYYY, which defines his world or career number, is 1879 = 1+8+7+9 = 25//7. Later, when we present Taylor Swift’s life path map from Birth through to Age 60, you will see that wherever the No25//7 appears as her Annual Experience Number (AEN), this signals a year (or years) when significantly, her Personal Attainment (Sun) Number and Life Path Number are both powerfully in frame and synchronised. Therefore, these are years when much will happen for her attainment wise.
Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR): 2002//13//4 – yet again, the No13 presents, as one of the backing numbers of her No4 Professional Attainment Number. How do we know this? Her Birth DD is 13//4 and her Birth YYYY is 25//9. Take the two essence numbers, as in DD 4 and YYYY 9, add them together: 4+9 = 13, and there you have it! Her favourite number, 13, presenting yet again within her 365 Pin Code numerology profile, significantly as her Professional Attainment Number. We bet that even though she seems to have a deep love and appreciation for numbers, numerology, and the mathematical mysteries of the universe, she did not know this!
Taylor Swift’s Below the Line (BTL) numbers:
Shadow Numerology, as researched and developed by 365 Pin Code for life path predictive mapping and modelling purposes, is a completely unique approach to numerology. Most numerologists will tell that you shadow numerology deals with the dark or negative side of a given number (e.g., within the shadow side of the No1 [masculine, leader energy] resides authoritarian narcissism and a huge ego that must always be right). Whilst there is a certain merit to this generalised approach to shadow numerology, where it falls hopelessly short, is it completely ignores that our shadow self must be quantified (as in have actual numbers assigned) if it is to properly qualified. Herewith the shadow numerology of Taylor Swift…
Shadow Life Path Number (TSS-LFP): 20//2 – Number 2 energy (caring, loving, nurturing, cooperative, collaborative etc.) amplified by the accompanying 0.
Shadow Personal Number: 5//5 – A deep personal need for change (as in change keeps things fresh and exciting), personal freedom, adventure and to live life fully through the 5-human sense (see, smell, taste, touch, hear).
Shadow Family or Intimate Number: 6//6 – The peacemaker and emotionally connected one who is driven by relationships and responsibility.
Shadow World or Career Number: 9//9 – The one who gives massively of themselves emotionally, so much so, that they need to beware of burn-out. Given all Taylor Swift’s 7’s, she gives her energy to others but has to replenish it by getting away (hermit-like isolation of you will) from everyone and everything. Where her giving energy and replenishing energy balance is out of kilter she will struggle terribly and that is when the hardness that resides within the No4 (and she has plenty of 4s in her numerology!) would surface.
Shadow Personal Attainment Number (TSSPE): 11//2 – Enter master number 11. This indicates that on a personal emotional level she will constantly be looking to grow herself toward enlightenment and chances are high that when she has quiet, alone time, preferably out in Nature, the greatest moments of enlightenment will flow intuitively from within her.
Shadow Professional Attainment Number (TSSPR): 14//5 – This reveals an emotional need to drive change, create and enjoy personal freedom. It also reveals an enjoyment around being on the move and having many different and exciting experiences. Number 5 is a kinetic energy. Therefore, it cannot be contained. Try to contain it and it will rebel and destroy the container that has been placed around it, even if this is at great cost to itself. Do not tell the No5 energy what to do. Ask it what it thinks, and you have will have lit it up its neurology like a Christmas tree. Tell it what to do and it almost always do exactly the opposite.
Pythagoras Square Numerology Birth Chart for Taylor Swift born 13.12.1989
Her Pythagoras Square reveals two birth arrows – The Arrow of The Planner (AoP: the name says it all…) and The Arrow of Frustration (AoF). Her arrow of the planner runs at Level 5 intensity (see the large RED numbers, her DOB has 3x1s, 1×2 and 1×3; 3+1+1 = 5). Having built and analysed thousands of charts over the years, this is one of the highest scores we have ever recorded for this specific arrow. What L5 AoP intensity reveals is that she always has a plan and feels safe and grounded when working according to a practical plan. Invariably, she will have a few backup plans in place to mitigate unforeseen risks should the first plan happen to go awry. The Arrow of Frustration is an emotion-driven arrow. The life lesson that is presented / must be learned through the AoF, is Taylor to arrive at the emotionally enlightened point where she understands fully that she cannot live someone else’s life for them nor is she responsible for another person’s thoughts, decisions, choices, emotions, actions, results and especially, happiness. This arrow’s core lesson is best summed up as follows #NotMyCircus and #NotMyMonkeys… In her younger or formative years, this arrow would have brought about much emotional distress, with her attracting many difficult and/or destructive relationships where the overwhelming feeling she would have had, was that the other person was “never ever ever” putting the same amount of emotional effort into the relationship as she was. Hence the name, The Arrow of Frustration which has as its very core the dominant experience of being emotionally unfulfilled.
365 Pin Code data table revealing the Life Path Timeline of Taylor Swift’s four Pinnacle and Challenge Experiences
Pinnacles and Challenges are the equivalent of deep themes that run through a cycle of our life. Her first pinnacle experience (Birth [1989] to Age 29 [2018]) was driven by karmic debt number 16//7 with challenge No1//1 in play (masculine energy, leadership, independence, self-image etc.). Karmic debt number 16//7 happens like this. The No6 of the 16 (as in extreme experiences linked to family, relationships, responsibility, community, grace and gratitude, loyalty and matters of the heart) powerfully expresses itself through the No1 of the 16 (1 being me the individual, the ego, sense of self, attainment, original creation etc.). This No6 through the No1, in turn drives the No7 overarching experience which is best summed up as: a dramatic and often lonely and introspective spiritual journey of complex personal discovery whose underlying quest is to try to intellectually connect the dots as to how life works and why this is so. 2018 (the year her P1//C1 ended) and 2019 (the year her P2//C2 started) would have been important and significant years for her, as will be the years 2027 & 2028 (when she cycles out of P2//C2 and into P3//C3) and 2036 & 2037 (when she cycles out of P3//C3 and into P4/C4).
“To me, Fearless is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.” Taylor Swift
2019 – AMA Artist of the Decade!! The Numerology of Taylor Swift reveals that 2019 to 2027 are golden professional attainment years!!
Taylor Swift’s second pinnacle experience (2019 to 2027) is driven by numerology sequence 2002//4 and her second challenge resides with 4//4 (work, focus, planning, discipline, law and order, persistence, confinement, restrictions etc.). If you scroll back up to her 365 Pin Code Birth Chart, and look at the top right of her chart, you will notice that her Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR) is 2002//13//4. In frame, for 9 years, from 2019 to 2027, is a perfect synchronicity between her pinnacle experience number (2002//4) and her professional attainment number (2002//4). A synchronicity like this means just one thing – during these years she will enjoy a level of professional attainment the likes of which most of us can only ever dream of. In terms of the numerology of Taylor Swift, it is the ecological (as in systems level thinking) interconnectivity between charts that reveals convergent situations like this, and convergences always have life shaping strategic relevance. That is why every person ought to understand everything that there is to know about their 365 Pin Code Numerology, especially the 4D life path map, which we will be getting to shortly.
“When I was a little girl I used to read fairy tales. In fairy tales you meet Prince Charming and he’s everything you ever wanted. In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so you always know who he is. Then you grow up and you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he’s not easy to spot; he’s really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair.” Taylor Swift
Her third pinnacle experience (2028 to 2036) is driven by Master Number 11 (a highly charged, often anxiety fuelled number powering illumination, enlightenment, teaching, intuition, vision etc.) and her third challenge resides with 3//3 (communication, creativity, self-expression, imagination, happiness etc. Remember that as per the charts we have analysed above, Taylor Swift has the Master Number 11 presenting as her shadow personal attainment number (TSSPE 11//2) and the Number 3 presenting as her family or intimate number (Dec; 12//3). Her fourth and final pinnacle experience (2047 to Death) is driven by numerology sequence 1992//21//3 (creativity, communication, self-expression etc; 21 = The World) and her fourth and final challenge, again, as per C3, resides with 3//3. Given that her No7 life path talks to a spiritual journey that has her hardcoded to be searching for truths her entire life, these may well be years when she takes a huge step back from the celebrity spotlight to live a quieter, more serene, reflective, and introspective life out in Nature. The frenetic energy of the city, bright lights, incessant noise, and constant disturbances make it impossible for the environmentally sensitive No7 to connect with the cosmic wisdom of the Universe and so, the No7 eventually seeks out peace and quiet where such spiritual connectivity is not only possible, but wonderfully amplified!
Phase 2: Full Birth Name
365 Pin Code Numerology analysis: Taylor Alison Swift
Important revelations from her Full Birth Name (FBN):
Phase 2 of the numerology of Taylor Swift (her Full Birth Name analysis) reveals that she has three (3) karmic lessons (as in Result is 0%), pertaining to the numerology numbers 4, 5 and 8. Her No4 karmic lesson presents through her Personal Number [Birth DD, 13//4], her Professional Attainment Number [TKSPR; 4//4], her Primary Expression Number [76//13//4] and her Balance Number [4//4. Her No5 karmic lesson presents through her Shadow Personal Number [5//5], Shadow Professional Attainment Number [TSSPR; 14//5], Primary Soul Urge [32//5] and Spiritual Vibration [Swift; 23//5]. Her third karmic lesson, No8, is absent from both her Full Birth Name and DOB; therefore, this is her Extreme Karmic Lesson [see primary personality 44//8]. Her three karmic lessons reveal that she has a No6 subconscious self (as in that massively important emotional part of her that lies beneath, out of plain sight). The No6 is all about relationships, responsibility, homelife, family, loving and being loved, loyalty, matters of the heart and doing the right thing because that is what decent, good people do.
Numerology of Taylor Swift reveals her Maturity Number is Master Number 11//2
The above table of data reveals that her maturity number (as in the number that she will naturally gravitate towards the more she matures) is master number 11. This is the number of illumination and enlightenment. For much needed healing to happen, MN-11 must first illuminate the darkness of life to reveal all that lurks there, to expose all that which is causing our individual and collective emotional suppurating wounds and devastating invisible internal damage. MN-11 is also the number of enlightenment and teaching. MN-11 is the emotionally charged, anxiety filled journey that leads its owner down a spiritual path whose gift lies with the development of intuitive powers that are beyond what we can ever imagine.
“It’s never been about trying to look well-behaved. It’s just how I am. I guess it’s a weird thing to be 19 and not ever have been drunk, but for me, it just feels normal because I don’t really know any other way. I don’t know if I’d be comfortable getting wasted and not knowing what I’ve said. That doesn’t mean when I’m older I won’t have a glass of wine. I just don’t think it’s such a strange thing for me not to be wasted all the time.” Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift has Karmic 13 as her Primary Expression Number
The numerology of Taylor Swift reveals that not only does she have karmic 13 (work, focus, discipline, persistence, law and order, planning, practicality, building systematically toward an objective or goal etc.) presenting in her Birth DD (personal numerology number) but she also has karmic 13 as her primary expression number 76//13//4. How do we know this? Taylor (28) Alison (25) Swift (23); 28+25+23 = 76 = 7+6 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 76//13//4. This is the number through which expresses herself into the world and in this instance, it would be the No6 (relationships, responsibility, community, matters of the heart, loyalty etc.) expressing itself through the No7 (the mind, specialisation, powerful messages of insightful truths designed to help others connect the dots around the puzzling mysteries of life and the eternally complex and convoluted experience of living life on earth).
Primary Personality 44//8 and Primary Soul Urge 32//5
Her primary personality has 2x4s in it, which against attests to her innate drive to work hard, stay focused and get the job done practically and professionally and without taking short-cuts. The 44//8 reveals the organised, controlling, powerhouse who will entertain the thoughts of others but ultimately makes the final decision and likes to have things done her way. Her 32//5 primary soul urge talks to the love of all things that drive change and enable personal freedom, with the nurturing diplomatic feminine energy (2) expressing itself in a highly imaginative way through the 3 (inspired creative communication).
Phase 3: 4D Life Path Map (Birth [1989] to Age 60 [2049])
We are now going to fast-forward straight into the detail of the applied predictive numerology research work we do. Having your life path numerically mapped in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional; where personal = Your Internal World and Professional = Your External World) changes everything. 365 Pin Code Numerology is the first to achieve this breakthrough in the applied life science of Human Futurism (HF = using numerical and mathematical intelligence to create lines of bespoke code that provide incredibly accurate predictive views of your future).
Below are data tables that reveals unique lines of annual experiential coding as per the numerology of Taylor Swift. They are constructed using a complex predictive numerology model which integrates many critically important numbers sourced directly from her Date of Birth (DOB), Full Birth Name (FBN) and Other Data Sources (ODS). The 365 Pin Code Life Path mapping model delivers lines of code within which reside what we call Annual Experience Numbers (AENs). As you will discover below, these numbers define (or dictate if you will) what the dominant theme of any given year for Taylor Swift will be.
“We have to talk about Folklore not only in terms of artistry, but also in terms of Taylor Swift’s career. She is 30 years old. She has been a superstar since she was a teenager. She’s done the pop thing to the absolute ultimate. And she’s trying to figure out, you know, how to continue what has been a remarkable and in some ways almost unprecedented run — eight albums with arguably no dip in popularity. Yes, Reputation, some people had issues with it, but it was still a massive seller and massive subject of conversation. And here she is at a place where very few pop artists ever get — so how does she make a turn, become more innovative, maybe and explore different aspects of herself? I think she has done it beautifully, and more seamlessly than a lot of people are giving her credit for. There are definitely connections between this record and Lover; she was already exploring this territory in a way. So I see this record as a continuum, not an abrupt about-face.”
Ann Powers, Critic and Correspondent, NPR Music
Numerology of Taylor Swift: 365 Pin Code Life Path Map (Birth 1989 to Age 18 2007)
The first five years of Taylor Swift’s life (1989 to 1993) are driven by 5 different Annual Experience Numbers (AENs are the string of numbers that run down the middle of each half of the above table). 1989 was driven by 4//4 (given her 13//4 personal vibration this experience would have been very personally impactful for her). 1990 was driven by 10//1 which shows a brand-new beginning of sorts. 1991 was driven by 9//9 which reveals dramatic endings. 1992 was driven by 15//6 which reveals matters of the heart and introduces her shadow family number (6). 1993 was driven by 21//3. To have the AEN change every year for 5 consecutive years reveals an incredibly challenging start to life. Her 21//3 AEN for 1993 and 1994 bring her family number (Dec; 12//3) into frame.
1995 through to 1998 introduces 4 years that were driven by AEN 25//7. Taylor Swift has a No7 life path and the No25//7 as her Sun or Personal Attainment Number (see TKSPR top left in her birth chart). These years therefore had both personal attainment and life path significance and were therefore incredibly important years for her.
1999 to 2001 were driven by AEN 21//3. The No3 is Taylor Swift’s Family or Intimate Number therefore that would have been the focal point if you will, of these three years.
“You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you’d experience. You have rejection and you have learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it.” Taylor Swift
2002 brings a concentrated (as in 1 year only) experience into frame around karmic 16//7. This usually indicates a year when devastating events (matters of the heart related; 6) would have taken place that would have impacted massively on her (the individual; 1) and in turn, all this would have caused her to desperately search for answers (7) and even experience much loneliness. The 11//2 that pairs with the 16//7 (red block connect them) indicates much anxiety and emotional upheaval. If you return to the table that lists her Pinnacles and Challenges, you will see that her 1st Pinnacle was defined by 16//7. Therefore 2002 would have been “THE YEAR” when her 1st pinnacle experience would have presented experience wise, with maximum intensity.
2003 sees a concentrated AEN 21//3 in frame which brings Family into frame again but the string of numbers for 2003, the year she turned 14, are all odd ones and so this also talks to a year of much creative communication and self-expression.
2004 to 2007 are four years driven by AEN 18//9. This introduces her World or Career Number (No9) with the 8 (power, control, authority, leading others, status etc.) expressing itself through the 1 (the individual). Numerology sequence 18//9 invariably indicates a time when the forces of life are tremendously active within the individual. Healing forces are working beneath the surface. In Tarot, the number 18 depicts The Moon which is a time of evolutionary growth and personal development powered by the subconscious. It is if you will, a period of spiritual unfoldment that does not come all at once but rather trickle feeds through.
“Fans are my favourite thing in the world. I’ve never been the type of artist who has that line drawn between their friends and their fans. The line’s always been really blurred for me. I’ll hang out with them after the show. I’ll hang out with them before the show. If I see them in the mall, I’ll stand there and talk to them for 10 minutes.” Taylor Swift
Numerology of Taylor Swift: 365 Pin Code Life Path Map (Age 19 2008 to Age 40 2029)
The above chart reveals 2009 to a massively emotional year for her (her 20//2 shadow life path number presents for one year only!) and 2009 triggered two very challenging (16//7; The Tower major arcana No16 – years when she’s desperately searching for answers) life path significant years in 2010 and 2011 especially. Then in 2012 there is a concentrated 15//6 driven experience around relationships, responsibility, family and matters of the heart. The follow year, 2013, sees a brand-new beginning powered by karmic lesson number 19//1 (independence, self-leadership, original creation etc.) with another concentrated 15//6 matters of the heart event happening in 2014. 2015 and 2016 are 17//8 driven and numerology number 8 is one of her karmic lessons, therefore what happened these two years has tremendous learning significance for her, karma wise, around money, power, wealth, status, control, authority, leading others and finding the balance between the material world and spiritual world. Another brand-new beginning (concentrated 10//1) in 2017 with a significant emotional year (shadow life path 20//2 significance) for her following in 2018. Another brand-new beginning in 2019 (again, karmic 19//1 driven) and in 2020 she enters a 7-year cycle powered by 25//7 which bring her Sun or Personal Attainment Number (Birth DD + Birth MM = 13+12 = 25//7) into frame. One of Taylor Swift’s most brilliant marketing strategies is to keep her many millions of followers intrigued as to what is going on with and around her life through “easter eggs.” Out of respect for this incredibly innovative success and marketing strategy we will not unpack her life path coding any further than 2020. What we are prepared to reveal, is that the next few years are coded for much success and many life path significant developments. Beyond these golden years, in 2027 she has another massive new beginning driven by numerology number sequence 10//1. The data table below reveals her life path coding through to Age 60.
Numerology of Taylor Swift: 365 Pin Code Life Path Map (Age 41 2030 to Age 60 2049)
Numerology of Taylor Swift
We conclude this extensive human futurology research work into the numerology of Taylor Swift by reminding you of a statement made in the opening paragraph: “Should Taylor Swift ever get to see this piece of foundational research and carefully study it, she would instantly realise that everything that happened, is happening and will still happen, is according to her Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB]. What futurist life science research like this proves, is that life is not mere random happenstance. Life happens to us and through us by design, a grand organised design of super curious consciousness.”
Numerology UK has writtent a great blog about Joe Alwyn and Taylor Swift being Twin Flames, head on over and read Numerology of Joe Alwyn and Taylor Swift