About Chris and Suzanne Styles

For almost a decade now Suzanne and Chris Styles have coached, mentored, and guided people from many different walks of life, on many different topics. They’ve made it their business to never stop learning, to never stop growing, to never stop thinking critically about their and others’ results and to never stop questioning. They have attended a huge number of free and paid-for seminars and have studied, worked alongside, and conducted in-depth interviews with a number of the world’s leading authorities in the fields of personal development, self-help and business success. Given this, they have a most thorough understanding of the different personal freedom and success creating models out there

Numerology of Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has a No7 life path, a No25//7 Sun Number, multiple karmic 13s and Three karmic lessons (Nos 4, 5 and 8)

This human futurist research study into the numerology of Taylor Swift mathematically maps her No7 life path from birth to age 60 [2049] in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) and explains in much detail exactly why the No13 has such tremendous significance for her. We have in fact mapped her life path through to Age 100, but for the purposes of this article which seeks to unpack the numerology of Taylor Swift in such a way that you get to understand that her life, your life, in fact all our lives, are experientially coded into a mathematical matrix, our providing illustrative data on her from Birth through to Age 60 (she turns 60 in 2049) suffices. Should Taylor Swift ever get to see this piece of foundational research and carefully study it, she would instantly realise that everything that happened, is happening and will still happen, is according to her Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB]. What futurist life science research like this proves, is that life is not mere random happenstance. Life happens to us and through us by design, a grand organised design of super curious consciousness.

“Everybody has that point in their life where you hit a crossroads and you’ve had a bunch of bad days and there’s different ways you can deal with it and the way I dealt with it was I just turned completely to music.” Taylor Swift

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

This is Foundational Research work that will change The Future

Has this introduction got you wondering what human futurists do and what the brand-new research field of human futurology is all about? Human futurists, like Chris and Suzanne Styles (human futurology thought leaders) spend their time researching, designing, developing, testing, retesting, and refining predictive models. These predictive models allow curious people like you, who are searching for logical answers to help them better understand life and how it works, to intelligently view their future through a numerically coded 4D matrix. The primary objective of this foundational work is to add a revolutionary forward-looking dimension to your personal and professional strategic thinking and planning as well as to improve your overall personal and professional risk management approach.

To-date Chris and Suzanne have published over 200 thoroughly researched human futurology case studies, work so advanced that it has even revealed exactly why the Apple genius Steve Jobs’ pancreatic cancer surfaced in 2004. You can access all this work through The Pin Code, Numerology for Women, Numerology UK, Amoure Kleu (an author focused website) and The Human Futurist. To help you better understand the numerology of Taylor Swift we will unpack her numbers in three phases. First, we analyse her date of birth (DOB), then her full birth name (FBN) and then, in Phase 3, using DOB, FBN and other data sources (ODS), we will map her entire life path in 4D from birth to age 90.

To help you better understand the numbers presented within the charts and life path mapping tables that follow, here is a table explaining what headline characteristics of each number (1 through 9) as well as including some important detail on The Master Numbers, more specifically, master number 11 and master number 22.

365 Pin Code Table explaining the Headline Characteristics of the numerology numbers of life

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

“Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.” Taylor Swift

Understanding the 365 Pin Code numerology of Taylor Swift

Phase 1: Date of Birth

365 Pin Code Numerology date of birth chart for Taylor Alison Swift born 13th December 1989

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Jocelyn Vena of MTC.com writes on 05/07/2009 that: Taylor Swift has been seen around London lately with the number 13 drawn on her hand. For some people, that number might represent bad luck, but for Swift it has only ever meant good things. She recently opened up about her love for the number 13 and has credited it with many of her successes in the last few years. “The significance of the number 13 on my hand … I paint this on my hand before every show because 13 is my lucky number; for a lot of reasons,” she explained. “It’s really weird.” Not only is it the day she was born on in December 1989, but over the years it has become so much more. “I was born on the 13th. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My first album went gold in 13 weeks. My first #1 song had a 13-second intro,” she said.

“Every time I’ve won an award I’ve been seated in either the 13th seat, the 13th row, the 13th section or row M, which is the 13th letter.” Some may chalk all of that up to coincidence, but Swift assures everyone that the number can only mean something fantastic will happen in her life. “Basically whenever a 13 comes up in my life, it’s a good thing.”

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Taylor Swift’s Above the Line (ATL) numbers:

Life Path Number (TKS-LFP): 2014//7Calculate your life path numbers here… To accurately calculate the life path numbers (note plural, not singular!) of Taylor Swift, her Birth DD, MM and YYYY are added together: 13+12+1989 = 2014 = 2+0+1+4 = 7; 2014//7; therefore, she a No7 life path with backing number 2014 influencing. In a nutshell, the No7 life path is the lonely, introspective, and reflective journey of the one who is actively seeking out deeply significant spiritual truths about life; truths that are not “away-with-the-fairies” but make sense on a deep logical level. Given her No7 life path, No7 universal years would have / will impact much on her life, these being: 1996//25//7; 2005//7; 2014//7; 2023//7; 2032//7; 2041//7; 2050//7; 2059//16//7 etc.

Personal Number (Birth DD): 13//4Enter Karmic No 13//4 – Being born on the 13th, signals that in terms of the 365 Pin Code numerology of Taylor Swift, she has the No13//4 as her personal number / vibration. Though many consider the No13 to be unlucky and unfortunate, even sinister, sadly these false paradigms flow from sheer ignorance. No13 is one of the four karmic debt numbers in numerology, the other three being 14, 16 and 19. Both authors of this article understand karmic debt numbers intimately as they have both lived them for over 50 years, Suzanne karmic debt No13 because she too is born on the 13th and Chris karmic debt No19 because he has a No19 life path. No13//4, represented as the Death card in the major arcana, speaks to a karmic rebirth and is the No3 (creativity) expressing itself through the No1 (the individual) all of which in turn powers the No4 (work, outputs, focus, dedication, persistence, no nonsense, systematically building towards a clear and practical goal etc.). Certain numerology books allude to karmic debt 13 (as in hard work) being linked to previous lifetimes where the work was shirked. We cannot confirm nor deny this, however, what we do know for certain from our extensive research, is that people born on the 13th will achieve phenomenal things only if they diligently apply themselves and do the required work. Karmic 13 has no free lunches and will get severely penalised if they actively shirk work and always looking for the easy way out. Given her No13//4 in the person, every No4 universal year would impact her, these being: 1993//22//4; 2002//4; 2011//4; 2020//4; 2029//13//4; 2038//13//4; 2047//13//4; 2065//13//4 etc.

Family or Intimate Number (Birth MM): 12//3 – Number 3 is the one who brings happiness, inspiration, motivation, joy etc. December, being the 12th month of the year, has the Number 2 (feminine, nurturing, kind, loving, “We” the equilibrated duality energy) expressing itself through the Number 1 (masculine, leadership, authority, “Me” the individual energy).

World or Career Number (Birth YYYY): 1989//27//9 – Number 9 is the magnetic one. Why is the No9 so magnetic? Because, residing at the end of the numerology number line, means the No9 has all the other numbers, 1 through 8, rolling up into it. All the other numbers will therefore “see” or “recognise” themselves within the No9 and are therefore instant attracted to it. When the No9 has the 27 as its backing number, as is the case in the numerology of Taylor Swift, it has the attractive feminine diplomatic resonance of the 2, and the mysteriously wise spiritual allure of the 7. Having the No9 as the world or career numbers codes with the innate talent to deliver through her chosen work, powerful message of healing as well as elevating general awareness as to the importance of universal consciousness and that we are all connected through, and therefore responsible for, humanity’s collective consciousness.

Sun or Personal Attainment Number (TKSPE): 25//7 – Repeatedly our applied numerology research has revealed that the numerology sequence 25//7 has genius potentiality within it. Where an individual with 25//7 powerfully presenting in their 365 Pin Code numerology, successfully aligns themselves with and to their authentic self and therefore fully lives out their higher purpose, they somehow seem to create something that is beyond spectacular. Take Albert Einstein for example, born on the 14th of March 1879. His Birth YYYY, which defines his world or career number, is 1879 = 1+8+7+9 = 25//7. Later, when we present Taylor Swift’s life path map from Birth through to Age 60, you will see that wherever the No25//7 appears as her Annual Experience Number (AEN), this signals a year (or years) when significantly, her Personal Attainment (Sun) Number and Life Path Number are both powerfully in frame and synchronised. Therefore, these are years when much will happen for her attainment wise.

Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR): 2002//13//4 – yet again, the No13 presents, as one of the backing numbers of her No4 Professional Attainment Number. How do we know this? Her Birth DD is 13//4 and her Birth YYYY is 25//9. Take the two essence numbers, as in DD 4 and YYYY 9, add them together: 4+9 = 13, and there you have it! Her favourite number, 13, presenting yet again within her 365 Pin Code numerology profile, significantly as her Professional Attainment Number. We bet that even though she seems to have a deep love and appreciation for numbers, numerology, and the mathematical mysteries of the universe, she did not know this!

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Taylor Swift’s Below the Line (BTL) numbers:

Shadow Numerology, as researched and developed by 365 Pin Code for life path predictive mapping and modelling purposes, is a completely unique approach to numerology. Most numerologists will tell that you shadow numerology deals with the dark or negative side of a given number (e.g., within the shadow side of the No1 [masculine, leader energy] resides authoritarian narcissism and a huge ego that must always be right). Whilst there is a certain merit to this generalised approach to shadow numerology, where it falls hopelessly short, is it completely ignores that our shadow self must be quantified (as in have actual numbers assigned) if it is to properly qualified. Herewith the shadow numerology of Taylor Swift…

Shadow Life Path Number (TSS-LFP): 20//2 – Number 2 energy (caring, loving, nurturing, cooperative, collaborative etc.) amplified by the accompanying 0.

Shadow Personal Number: 5//5 – A deep personal need for change (as in change keeps things fresh and exciting), personal freedom, adventure and to live life fully through the 5-human sense (see, smell, taste, touch, hear).

Shadow Family or Intimate Number: 6//6 – The peacemaker and emotionally connected one who is driven by relationships and responsibility.

Shadow World or Career Number: 9//9 – The one who gives massively of themselves emotionally, so much so, that they need to beware of burn-out. Given all Taylor Swift’s 7’s, she gives her energy to others but has to replenish it by getting away (hermit-like isolation of you will) from everyone and everything. Where her giving energy and replenishing energy balance is out of kilter she will struggle terribly and that is when the hardness that resides within the No4 (and she has plenty of 4s in her numerology!) would surface.

Shadow Personal Attainment Number (TSSPE): 11//2 – Enter master number 11. This indicates that on a personal emotional level she will constantly be looking to grow herself toward enlightenment and chances are high that when she has quiet, alone time, preferably out in Nature, the greatest moments of enlightenment will flow intuitively from within her.

Shadow Professional Attainment Number (TSSPR): 14//5 – This reveals an emotional need to drive change, create and enjoy personal freedom. It also reveals an enjoyment around being on the move and having many different and exciting experiences. Number 5 is a kinetic energy. Therefore, it cannot be contained. Try to contain it and it will rebel and destroy the container that has been placed around it, even if this is at great cost to itself. Do not tell the No5 energy what to do. Ask it what it thinks, and you have will have lit it up its neurology like a Christmas tree. Tell it what to do and it almost always do exactly the opposite.

Pythagoras Square Numerology Birth Chart for Taylor Swift born 13.12.1989

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Her Pythagoras Square reveals two birth arrows – The Arrow of The Planner (AoP: the name says it all…) and The Arrow of Frustration (AoF). Her arrow of the planner runs at Level 5 intensity (see the large RED numbers, her DOB has 3x1s, 1×2 and 1×3; 3+1+1 = 5). Having built and analysed thousands of charts over the years, this is one of the highest scores we have ever recorded for this specific arrow. What L5 AoP intensity reveals is that she always has a plan and feels safe and grounded when working according to a practical plan. Invariably, she will have a few backup plans in place to mitigate unforeseen risks should the first plan happen to go awry. The Arrow of Frustration is an emotion-driven arrow. The life lesson that is presented / must be learned through the AoF, is Taylor to arrive at the emotionally enlightened point where she understands fully that she cannot live someone else’s life for them nor is she responsible for another person’s thoughts, decisions, choices, emotions, actions, results and especially, happiness. This arrow’s core lesson is best summed up as follows #NotMyCircus and #NotMyMonkeys… In her younger or formative years, this arrow would have brought about much emotional distress, with her attracting many difficult and/or destructive relationships where the overwhelming feeling she would have had, was that the other person was “never ever ever” putting the same amount of emotional effort into the relationship as she was. Hence the name, The Arrow of Frustration which has as its very core the dominant experience of being emotionally unfulfilled.

365 Pin Code data table revealing the Life Path Timeline of Taylor Swift’s four Pinnacle and Challenge Experiences

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Pinnacles and Challenges are the equivalent of deep themes that run through a cycle of our life. Her first pinnacle experience (Birth [1989] to Age 29 [2018]) was driven by karmic debt number 16//7 with challenge No1//1 in play (masculine energy, leadership, independence, self-image etc.). Karmic debt number 16//7 happens like this. The No6 of the 16 (as in extreme experiences linked to family, relationships, responsibility, community, grace and gratitude, loyalty and matters of the heart) powerfully expresses itself through the No1 of the 16 (1 being me the individual, the ego, sense of self, attainment, original creation etc.). This No6 through the No1, in turn drives the No7 overarching experience which is best summed up as: a dramatic and often lonely and introspective spiritual journey of complex personal discovery whose underlying quest is to try to intellectually connect the dots as to how life works and why this is so. 2018 (the year her P1//C1 ended) and 2019 (the year her P2//C2 started) would have been important and significant years for her, as will be the years 2027 & 2028 (when she cycles out of P2//C2 and into P3//C3) and 2036 & 2037 (when she cycles out of P3//C3 and into P4/C4).

“To me, Fearless is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.” Taylor Swift

2019 – AMA Artist of the Decade!! The Numerology of Taylor Swift reveals that 2019 to 2027 are golden professional attainment years!!

Taylor Swift’s second pinnacle experience (2019 to 2027) is driven by numerology sequence 2002//4 and her second challenge resides with 4//4 (work, focus, planning, discipline, law and order, persistence, confinement, restrictions etc.). If you scroll back up to her 365 Pin Code Birth Chart, and look at the top right of her chart, you will notice that her Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR) is 2002//13//4. In frame, for 9 years, from 2019 to 2027, is a perfect synchronicity between her pinnacle experience number (2002//4) and her professional attainment number (2002//4). A synchronicity like this means just one thing – during these years she will enjoy a level of professional attainment the likes of which most of us can only ever dream of. In terms of the numerology of Taylor Swift, it is the ecological (as in systems level thinking) interconnectivity between charts that reveals convergent situations like this, and convergences always have life shaping strategic relevance. That is why every person ought to understand everything that there is to know about their 365 Pin Code Numerology, especially the 4D life path map, which we will be getting to shortly.

“When I was a little girl I used to read fairy tales. In fairy tales you meet Prince Charming and he’s everything you ever wanted. In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so you always know who he is. Then you grow up and you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he’s not easy to spot; he’s really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair.” Taylor Swift

Her third pinnacle experience (2028 to 2036) is driven by Master Number 11 (a highly charged, often anxiety fuelled number powering illumination, enlightenment, teaching, intuition, vision etc.) and her third challenge resides with 3//3 (communication, creativity, self-expression, imagination, happiness etc. Remember that as per the charts we have analysed above, Taylor Swift has the Master Number 11 presenting as her shadow personal attainment number (TSSPE 11//2) and the Number 3 presenting as her family or intimate number (Dec; 12//3). Her fourth and final pinnacle experience (2047 to Death) is driven by numerology sequence 1992//21//3 (creativity, communication, self-expression etc; 21 = The World) and her fourth and final challenge, again, as per C3, resides with 3//3. Given that her No7 life path talks to a spiritual journey that has her hardcoded to be searching for truths her entire life, these may well be years when she takes a huge step back from the celebrity spotlight to live a quieter, more serene, reflective, and introspective life out in Nature. The frenetic energy of the city, bright lights, incessant noise, and constant disturbances make it impossible for the environmentally sensitive No7 to connect with the cosmic wisdom of the Universe and so, the No7 eventually seeks out peace and quiet where such spiritual connectivity is not only possible, but wonderfully amplified!

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Phase 2: Full Birth Name

365 Pin Code Numerology analysis: Taylor Alison Swift

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Important revelations from her Full Birth Name (FBN):

Phase 2 of the numerology of Taylor Swift (her Full Birth Name analysis) reveals that she has three (3) karmic lessons (as in Result is 0%), pertaining to the numerology numbers 4, 5 and 8. Her No4 karmic lesson presents through her Personal Number [Birth DD, 13//4], her Professional Attainment Number [TKSPR; 4//4], her Primary Expression Number [76//13//4] and her Balance Number [4//4. Her No5 karmic lesson presents through her Shadow Personal Number [5//5], Shadow Professional Attainment Number [TSSPR; 14//5], Primary Soul Urge [32//5] and Spiritual Vibration [Swift; 23//5]. Her third karmic lesson, No8, is absent from both her Full Birth Name and DOB; therefore, this is her Extreme Karmic Lesson [see primary personality 44//8]. Her three karmic lessons reveal that she has a No6 subconscious self (as in that massively important emotional part of her that lies beneath, out of plain sight). The No6 is all about relationships, responsibility, homelife, family, loving and being loved, loyalty, matters of the heart and doing the right thing because that is what decent, good people do.

Numerology of Taylor Swift reveals her Maturity Number is Master Number 11//2

The above table of data reveals that her maturity number (as in the number that she will naturally gravitate towards the more she matures) is master number 11. This is the number of illumination and enlightenment. For much needed healing to happen, MN-11 must first illuminate the darkness of life to reveal all that lurks there, to expose all that which is causing our individual and collective emotional suppurating wounds and devastating invisible internal damage. MN-11 is also the number of enlightenment and teaching. MN-11 is the emotionally charged, anxiety filled journey that leads its owner down a spiritual path whose gift lies with the development of intuitive powers that are beyond what we can ever imagine.

“It’s never been about trying to look well-behaved. It’s just how I am. I guess it’s a weird thing to be 19 and not ever have been drunk, but for me, it just feels normal because I don’t really know any other way. I don’t know if I’d be comfortable getting wasted and not knowing what I’ve said. That doesn’t mean when I’m older I won’t have a glass of wine. I just don’t think it’s such a strange thing for me not to be wasted all the time.” Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has Karmic 13 as her Primary Expression Number

The numerology of Taylor Swift reveals that not only does she have karmic 13 (work, focus, discipline, persistence, law and order, planning, practicality, building systematically toward an objective or goal etc.) presenting in her Birth DD (personal numerology number) but she also has karmic 13 as her primary expression number 76//13//4. How do we know this? Taylor (28) Alison (25) Swift (23); 28+25+23 = 76 = 7+6 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 76//13//4. This is the number through which expresses herself into the world and in this instance, it would be the No6 (relationships, responsibility, community, matters of the heart, loyalty etc.) expressing itself through the No7 (the mind, specialisation, powerful messages of insightful truths designed to help others connect the dots around the puzzling mysteries of life and the eternally complex and convoluted experience of living life on earth).

Primary Personality 44//8 and Primary Soul Urge 32//5

Her primary personality has 2x4s in it, which against attests to her innate drive to work hard, stay focused and get the job done practically and professionally and without taking short-cuts. The 44//8 reveals the organised, controlling, powerhouse who will entertain the thoughts of others but ultimately makes the final decision and likes to have things done her way. Her 32//5 primary soul urge talks to the love of all things that drive change and enable personal freedom, with the nurturing diplomatic feminine energy (2) expressing itself in a highly imaginative way through the 3 (inspired creative communication).

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Phase 3: 4D Life Path Map (Birth [1989] to Age 60 [2049])

We are now going to fast-forward straight into the detail of the applied predictive numerology research work we do. Having your life path numerically mapped in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional; where personal = Your Internal World and Professional = Your External World) changes everything. 365 Pin Code Numerology is the first to achieve this breakthrough in the applied life science of Human Futurism (HF = using numerical and mathematical intelligence to create lines of bespoke code that provide incredibly accurate predictive views of your future).

Below are data tables that reveals unique lines of annual experiential coding as per the numerology of Taylor Swift. They are constructed using a complex predictive numerology model which integrates many critically important numbers sourced directly from her Date of Birth (DOB), Full Birth Name (FBN) and Other Data Sources (ODS). The 365 Pin Code Life Path mapping model delivers lines of code within which reside what we call Annual Experience Numbers (AENs). As you will discover below, these numbers define (or dictate if you will) what the dominant theme of any given year for Taylor Swift will be.

“We have to talk about Folklore not only in terms of artistry, but also in terms of Taylor Swift’s career. She is 30 years old. She has been a superstar since she was a teenager. She’s done the pop thing to the absolute ultimate. And she’s trying to figure out, you know, how to continue what has been a remarkable and in some ways almost unprecedented run — eight albums with arguably no dip in popularity. Yes, Reputation, some people had issues with it, but it was still a massive seller and massive subject of conversation. And here she is at a place where very few pop artists ever get — so how does she make a turn, become more innovative, maybe and explore different aspects of herself? I think she has done it beautifully, and more seamlessly than a lot of people are giving her credit for. There are definitely connections between this record and Lover; she was already exploring this territory in a way. So I see this record as a continuum, not an abrupt about-face.”

Ann Powers, Critic and Correspondent, NPR Music

Numerology of Taylor Swift: 365 Pin Code Life Path Map (Birth 1989 to Age 18 2007)

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

The first five years of Taylor Swift’s life (1989 to 1993) are driven by 5 different Annual Experience Numbers (AENs are the string of numbers that run down the middle of each half of the above table). 1989 was driven by 4//4 (given her 13//4 personal vibration this experience would have been very personally impactful for her). 1990 was driven by 10//1 which shows a brand-new beginning of sorts. 1991 was driven by 9//9 which reveals dramatic endings. 1992 was driven by 15//6 which reveals matters of the heart and introduces her shadow family number (6). 1993 was driven by 21//3. To have the AEN change every year for 5 consecutive years reveals an incredibly challenging start to life. Her 21//3 AEN for 1993 and 1994 bring her family number (Dec; 12//3) into frame.

1995 through to 1998 introduces 4 years that were driven by AEN 25//7. Taylor Swift has a No7 life path and the No25//7 as her Sun or Personal Attainment Number (see TKSPR top left in her birth chart). These years therefore had both personal attainment and life path significance and were therefore incredibly important years for her.

1999 to 2001 were driven by AEN 21//3. The No3 is Taylor Swift’s Family or Intimate Number therefore that would have been the focal point if you will, of these three years.

“You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you’d experience. You have rejection and you have learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it.” Taylor Swift

2002 brings a concentrated (as in 1 year only) experience into frame around karmic 16//7. This usually indicates a year when devastating events (matters of the heart related; 6) would have taken place that would have impacted massively on her (the individual; 1) and in turn, all this would have caused her to desperately search for answers (7) and even experience much loneliness. The 11//2 that pairs with the 16//7 (red block connect them) indicates much anxiety and emotional upheaval. If you return to the table that lists her Pinnacles and Challenges, you will see that her 1st Pinnacle was defined by 16//7. Therefore 2002 would have been “THE YEAR” when her 1st pinnacle experience would have presented experience wise, with maximum intensity.

2003 sees a concentrated AEN 21//3 in frame which brings Family into frame again but the string of numbers for 2003, the year she turned 14, are all odd ones and so this also talks to a year of much creative communication and self-expression.

2004 to 2007 are four years driven by AEN 18//9. This introduces her World or Career Number (No9) with the 8 (power, control, authority, leading others, status etc.) expressing itself through the 1 (the individual). Numerology sequence 18//9 invariably indicates a time when the forces of life are tremendously active within the individual. Healing forces are working beneath the surface. In Tarot, the number 18 depicts The Moon which is a time of evolutionary growth and personal development powered by the subconscious. It is if you will, a period of spiritual unfoldment that does not come all at once but rather trickle feeds through.

“Fans are my favourite thing in the world. I’ve never been the type of artist who has that line drawn between their friends and their fans. The line’s always been really blurred for me. I’ll hang out with them after the show. I’ll hang out with them before the show. If I see them in the mall, I’ll stand there and talk to them for 10 minutes.” Taylor Swift

Numerology of Taylor Swift: 365 Pin Code Life Path Map (Age 19 2008 to Age 40 2029)

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

The above chart reveals 2009 to a massively emotional year for her (her 20//2 shadow life path number presents for one year only!) and 2009 triggered two very challenging (16//7; The Tower major arcana No16 – years when she’s desperately searching for answers) life path significant years in 2010 and 2011 especially. Then in 2012 there is a concentrated 15//6 driven experience around relationships, responsibility, family and matters of the heart. The follow year, 2013, sees a brand-new beginning powered by karmic lesson number 19//1 (independence, self-leadership, original creation etc.) with another concentrated 15//6 matters of the heart event happening in 2014. 2015 and 2016 are 17//8 driven and numerology number 8 is one of her karmic lessons, therefore what happened these two years has tremendous learning significance for her, karma wise, around money, power, wealth, status, control, authority, leading others and finding the balance between the material world and spiritual world. Another brand-new beginning (concentrated 10//1) in 2017 with a significant emotional year (shadow life path 20//2 significance) for her following in 2018. Another brand-new beginning in 2019 (again, karmic 19//1 driven) and in 2020 she enters a 7-year cycle powered by 25//7 which bring her Sun or Personal Attainment Number (Birth DD + Birth MM = 13+12 = 25//7) into frame. One of Taylor Swift’s most brilliant marketing strategies is to keep her many millions of followers intrigued as to what is going on with and around her life through “easter eggs.” Out of respect for this incredibly innovative success and marketing strategy we will not unpack her life path coding any further than 2020. What we are prepared to reveal, is that the next few years are coded for much success and many life path significant developments. Beyond these golden years, in 2027 she has another massive new beginning driven by numerology number sequence 10//1. The data table below reveals her life path coding through to Age 60.

Numerology of Taylor Swift: 365 Pin Code Life Path Map (Age 41 2030 to Age 60 2049)

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Numerology of Taylor Swift

We conclude this extensive human futurology research work into the numerology of Taylor Swift by reminding you of a statement made in the opening paragraph: “Should Taylor Swift ever get to see this piece of foundational research and carefully study it, she would instantly realise that everything that happened, is happening and will still happen, is according to her Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB]. What futurist life science research like this proves, is that life is not mere random happenstance. Life happens to us and through us by design, a grand organised design of super curious consciousness.”

Numerology UK has writtent a great blog about Joe Alwyn and Taylor Swift being Twin Flames, head on over and read Numerology of Joe Alwyn and Taylor Swift

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Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

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Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Image by Dr StClaire from Pixabay

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

Image by Dr StClaire from Pixabay

Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

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Numerology of Taylor Swift, 7 Life Path, Numerology Research, 365 Pin Code, Karmic Debt 13, Human Futurology, Human Futurist Research, Numerology for Women, Celebrity Numerology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles

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Numerology Forecasts

Your numbers open You to the Benefits of Strategic Futurism and Human Futurology

Numerology forecasts designed with tremendous care, gift you wonderfully strategic insights that make the world of difference as to how you think and how you plan. 365 Pin Code provides the best, practical, numerology forecasts in yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily number format. You get vanilla numerology forecasts (that sadly is most of them) which are entertaining but useless and you get practical numerology forecasts which are strategic and valuable. Welcome to the latter. 365 Pin Code specialises in numerology research and development and has now published over 200 detailed case studies which can be found here:

365PC Page Tags: numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

For Numerology Forecasts to add Strategic Value, you require:

  • Your Annual Experience Numbers (1) as generated by predictive life path modelling (example provided below).
  • Your Quarterly Pinnacle and Challenge numbers (2) for the year (example provided below).
  • Your Monthly Numerology Forecast numbers for the year (personal physical [3] and professional physical [4]; examples provided below). Weekly forecasts available too!
  • Your Shadow monthly Numerology Forecast numbers for the year (personal emotional [5] and professional emotional [6]; examples provided below).
  • Your Personal Daily Numbers Numerology Forecast (7) for the year (example provided below) as well as the Daily Universal Numbers (8) for the years (NB for synchronicity identification).
  • The Universal Number (9) for the given year as well the Universal Monthly Forecast for the given year. We regularly publish universal monthly forecasts through our two other numerology websites, Numerology for Women and Numerology UK. Here is an example of what we mean by universal (i.e. big picture!) monthly forecasts:

Reviewing the above bullet points reveals there are in fact 11 (which by the way is the master number of illumination, vision and intuition) detail rich forecasting data sets! Bet not for one moment did you ever think there could be so much information and so many charts in play around creating accurate numerology forecasts. And in a nutshell, this is what makes the numerology of 365 Pin Code, strategic and not entertaining.

Example of 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers

365PC Page Tags: numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

The above data reveals the Annual Experience Numbers (in RED) for Sir Richard Branson. He has a No3 shadow (emotional) professional number and a No3 primary expression number. His double 3 (personal physical RED block) in 2021 reveals the worst of times for him in terms of creativity, communication, self-expression, imagination, and general happiness. Then, in 2022 his shadow life path number (which is numerology number 5) presents through the karmic debt vibration 14//5. This talks to a tremendously challenging year with his having to cope with extreme change and loss of personal freedom. Sir Richard has a master number 22 life path (if you would like to check this, enter his DOB which is 18th of July 1950 into the 365 Pin Code Life Path Calculator), which reveals that he is The Master Builder. 2023 and 2024 are two years that both have 22//4 presenting as his Annual Experience Number. This means both those years have life path significance – these are always the years that define and shape our lives. Looking at all the RED blocks showing for those two years, we can safely say they will be awful to horrific. In 2025, we see 9//11 (RED block) presenting in that year’s line of numerology forecasts code and, as you well know by now, 911 or 9-11 signals the worst of disasters. Suffice to say, when we as Strategic Human Futurists and Human Futurology Researchers, look at the detailed life path data that the 365 Pin Code predictive model has delivered for Sir Richard Branson, his life post Covid-19, both personally and professionally, is simply horrid.

Example of Quarterly Pinnacle and Challenge Numbers (Pinnacles)

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The table above and the table below reveal the 2021 Quarterly Pinnacle and Challenge numerology forecasts for Chris Styles born on the 1st of February 1969. His Pinnacle 1 [P1] experience, from January 2021 to March 2021, is driven by numerology number 8 (8//8). His Challenge 1 experience, which runs concurrently with P1 from January 2021 to March 2021, is driven by numerology number 2 (2//2). His Pinnacle 2 [P2] experience, from April 2021 to June 2021, is driven by numerology master number 11 (11//2). His Challenge 2 experience, which runs concurrently with P2 from April 2021 to June 2021, is driven by numerology number 5 (5//5). His Pinnacle 3 [P3] experience, from July 2021 to September 2021, is driven by numerology karmic debt number 19 (19//1). His Challenge 3 experience, which runs concurrently with P3 from July 2021 to September 2021, is driven by numerology number 3 (3//3). Lastly, his Pinnacle 4 [P4] experience, from October 2021 to December 2021, is driven by numerology karmic debt number 13 (13//4). His Challenge 4 experience, which runs concurrently with P4 from October 2021 to December 2021, is driven by numerology number 3 (3//3).

Example of Quarterly Pinnacle and Challenge Numbers (Challenges)

365PC Page Tags: numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

Examples of personal monthly numerology forecasts

Ellen DeGeneres born 26th of January 1958 (life path numbers: 1985//23//5). In 2021, Ellen is in a number 5 personal year and her 2021 is driven by Annual Experience Number 15//6. The data in the table below reveals that September 2021 is a number 5 [41//5] personal month for her. Therefore, in September 2021, through numerology number 5, her personal year and personal month numbers synchronise which implies an amplified No5 (change, adaptability, flexibility, adrenaline, personal freedom, the 5-senses driven human experience etc.) related experience. Her AEN6 of 2021 synchronises with the No6 monthly energies of January 2021 (33//6) and October 2021 (42//6). Drilling down into this level of data is incredibly valuable when it comes to building strategically insightful personal physical numerology forecasts which are number synchronicity driven exercises.

Personal Monthly Numbers for Ellen DeGeneres for 2021

365PC Page Tags: numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

“What we have created at Numerology for Women wise, is the most advanced numerology analysis available internationally. It takes the understanding of self and her birth codes into such a new dimension that no woman should meet and greet the day without understanding and being fully connected to, her 365 Pin Code. It also gifts her a completely different framework against which to make important strategic life decisions. In a nutshell, it offers her the most brilliant way to intentionally and deliberately design the life she wants to live and experience.”

Chris and Suzanne Styles, Founders, Numerology for Women

Kamala Harris born 20th of October 1964 (life path numbers: 1994//23//5). In 2021, Kamala is in a master number 11 shadow (emotional) personal year and her 2021 is driven by Annual Experience Number 21//3. The data in the table below reveals that September 2021 is a master number 11 [29//11//2] shadow personal month for her. Therefore, in September 2021, through numerology master number 11, her shadow personal year and shadow personal month numbers synchronise which implies an amplified shadow MN-11 (i.e. emotions linked to illumination, enlightenment, emotions, reveals all that lurks within the shadowy darkness of our lives) related experience. Her AEN3 of 2021 synchronises with the No3 shadow monthly energies of January 2021 (21//3) and October 2021 (30//3). Drilling down into this level of data is incredibly valuable when it comes to building strategically insightful personal emotional numerology forecasts.

Shadow (Emotional) Personal Monthly Numbers for Kamala Harris for 2021

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“Everything you are looking for answer wise, success strategy wise, personal risk management wise, authentic-self wise, sits within your numbers. Thing is, how do you access your bespoke matrix of numerical intelligence? Through numerology… Not conventional numerology, or everyday numerology, I am talking Strategic Applied Numerology which is totally next level! Tragedy is, less than a handful of practising numerologists today know how to strategically unpack and intelligently model your numbers. I do.”

Chris Styles, Strategic Futurist, Numerologist

Examples of personal monthly numerology forecasts

Professional Monthly Numbers for US President Donald Trump for 2021

365PC Page Tags: numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

Donald Trump born 14th of June 1946 (life path numbers: 1966//22//4). In 2021, Trump is in a number 3 professional year and his 2021 is driven by Annual Experience Number karmic debt 13//4. The data in the table above reveals that September 2021 is a number 3 [21//3] professional month for him. Therefore, in September 2021, through numerology number 3, his professional year and professional month numbers synchronise which implies an amplified No3 (communication, creativity, imagination, self-expression, inspiration, motivation etc.) related experience. His AEN6 of karmic 13//4 synchronises with the No4 monthly energies of January 2021 (13//4 again!) and October 2021 (22//4 – this is particularly significant given his No22 life path). Drilling down into this level of career related data is incredibly valuable when it comes to building strategically insightful professional physical numerology forecasts.

“Today, every person including you, lives in a world of information overload. Most of it is inaccurate and irrelevant. Of that which has relevance, 1% has great value, and 1% of this 1% is utterly priceless. Stop looking outside yourself for “Best-Kept-Secrets” to answer the questions you have around “Who am I, Why am I here, Why all the mistakes and What should I be doing to sort my Life?” Now is the time for you to access your numbers-driven Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint wherein all the priceless 1% answers lie. Put an End to your confusion by Entering your 365 Pin Code. No Secrets Involved.”

Chris and Suzanne Styles, Founders, Numerology UK

Shadow Professional Monthly Numbers for 2020 US Open Champion pro golfer Bryson DeChambeau Trump for 2021

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Professional golfer Bryson DeChambeau born 16th September 1993 (life path numbers: 2018//11//2; karmic year 2018). In 2021, DeChambeau is in a number 3 shadow (emotional) professional year and his 2021 is driven by Annual Experience Number karmic debt 19//1. The data in the table above reveals that September 2021 is a number 3 [21//3] shadow professional month for him. Therefore, in September 2021, through numerology number 3, his shadow professional year and shadow professional month numbers synchronise which implies an amplified shadow No3 (i.e. emotions linked with communication, creativity, imagination, self-expression, inspiration, motivation etc.) related experience. His AEN6 of karmic 13//4 synchronises with the No4 shadow monthly energies of January 2021 (13//4 again!) and October 2021 (22//4 – this is particularly significant given his No22 life path). Drilling down into this level of career related data is incredibly valuable when it comes to building strategically insightful professional emotional numerology forecasts.

numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

A most interesting fact for you to know and remember, is that 10 of the 11 numerology forecasts listed in this article, flow directly from your Date of Birth which forms part of your Human Futurist Intelligence pin code. The only chart which uses multiple data points other than those contained within your DOB, is the very first one provided above, which lists the complex strings of experiential data derived from the predictive modelling exercise done on Sir Richard Branson’s life path.

“At 365 Pin Code we have done some fabulous research on relationship compatibility numbers and love numerology. It fascinates me that when it comes to sex problems, two of the biggest culprits are the numbers 4 and 5. When applying our co-joined numerology techniques to analyse where things are going wrong in the bedroom, it is amazing to see how often 4 and 5 will pop up. 5 wants to spice things up, whereas 4 is conservative. These are two of the most antagonistic numbers in numerology.”

Suzanne Styles, Founder, The Best Digital Agency

Example of Weekly Personal Number Numerology Forecasts

Weekly Experience Numbers (WENs) for Chris Styles (Oct – Dec 2020)

365PC Page Tags: numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

Just as we can calculate Annual Experience Numbers (AENs) which reveal the dominant annual theme of any given year along your life path, so too can we calculate Weekly Experience Numbers (WENs). We divide your month into 4 quarters as listed above, and then calculate what number sequence will be shaping that specific week. For example, the first week of October 2020 will be consciously shaped by numerology number sequence 17//8 with No6 acting upon the subconscious (emotions) whilst No5 will be presenting his dominant challenge theme for the month of October 2020. This is yet another level of data drilling which when locked together with all the other data sets, allows you to develop much deeper insights into what “number cocktails” are defining your life at any given moment!

Example of Daily Universal Numbers and Personal Daily Numbers

numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

Universal Day Numbers for December 2020

If you are enjoying studying and connecting this information, then you will love the many detailed investigative research articles / case studies published in these Three TOP Numerology Blogs.

Personal Day Numbers for December 2020 for numerology researcher Chris Styles

numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

The 365 Pin Code of Chris Styles reveals that he has a No1 in the person (as in he was born on the 1st) and a No1 life path (sequence is 1972//19//1). The above data table reveals that he has No1 personal days on the 9th, 18th and 27th of December. So, on these three days, as per his personal numerology profile, the No1 converges if you will in triplicate. As such, the likelihood that the events taking place on these days will impact him personally, is much higher than average and therefore he should be consciously aware of this for personal risk mitigation purposes.

Are you now connecting the dots as to how enlightening numerology forecasts really are?

When it comes to numerology forecasts, this is the type of data richness that you a strategic thinking and planning individual, are looking for. We hope that you are now connecting the dots as to why stock standard numerology forecasts (as provided by 99% of numerologists out there) are entertaining, but tragically, rather useless. If you want to do accurate, numerically informed forecasting, you will to be working across multiple numerology forecasts, looking for numerical synchronicities that when identified, always reveal much! Should you wish to better understand your numerology numbers and what they mean, here are some wonderfully insightful numerology services and numerology reading options that will give you exactly what you need to know and so much more. The logical, bespoke, intelligence that Strategic Applied Numerology provides you, moves you light years beyond the metaphysical manifesting nonsense (e.g. The Secret) that you have been taught through others completely misunderstanding how to use the Law of Attraction, which in turn results in their misrepresenting how the Law of Attraction really works! And when it comes to your numbers and money, there is so much more to this than meets the eye.

365PC Page Tags: numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

The reason we have gone to so much trouble to develop all these forecasts is because when you analytically combine multiple datasets you can make sense of your past (very important for the purposes of healing, forgiveness etc.) and, critically importantly, you can actually “see into your future” with astonishing accuracy, hence 365 Pin Code Research leading the field of Human Futurology.

Here are 11 case studies whose predictive analytics supporting the statement we have just made:

  1. Question: Why was Ruth Bader Ginsburg elected to the role of #SCOTUS Justice in 1993? Answer: It was so coded.
  2. Question: Why did Amy Coney Barrett become a #SCOTUS Justice in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  3. Question: Why did Steve Jobs’ pancreatic cancer surface in 2004? Answer: It was so coded.
  4. Question: Why did F1 legend Michael Schumacher’s tragic skiing accident happen right at the end of 2013? Answer: It was so coded.
  5. Why did Romanian gymnast Nadia Comăneci score a perfect 10 at the Montreal Olympics in 1976: Answer: It was so coded.
  6. Question: Why did thought paradigm buster Erich von Däniken’s international bestseller, Chariots of The Gods, appear in exactly 1968? Answer: It was so coded.
  7. Question: Why did US women’s tennis ace Billie Jean King come out in 1981 as being lesbian? It was so coded.
  8. Question: Why did celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s empire collapse? Answer: It was so coded.
  9. Why did abused Nike elite female athlete Mary Cain expose the horrors of working with Nike Oregon Project lead coach Alberto Salazar in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  10. Question: Why did Kylie Jenner give birth to Stormi in 2018? Answer: It was so coded.
  11. Question: Why did UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov’s father die in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
numerology forecasts, Richard Branson numerology, numerology research, strategic futurists, human futurology, 365 Pin Code, numerology for women, numerology UK, predicting the future, monthly numerology, weekly numerology, daily numerology

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2021 Numerology Predictions

9/11 happened on the 11th of September 2001: 11+9+2001 = 2021

These 2021 numerology predictions will leave you astonished so best you put all cynicism aside, open your mind and read this carefully. Pause for a moment and cast your mind back to the year 2001, more precisely the 11th of September 2001. What comes to mind? That’s right, 9/11… On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which triggered major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defined the presidency of George W. Bush.

Do the maths with 365 Pin Code Research: 11th September 2001 = 11+9+2001 = 2021… We are about to enter 2021 and understand this, number sequences repeat themselves! Also, our predictive life path modelling has revealed that something extremely dramatic (as in personal physical) will happen to President Donald Trump in 2021. People around the world are sick of being lied to about absolutely everything by the agenda driven media. Is this definitely-going-to-happen-event around Donald Trump (DT), going to be THE EVENT that triggers a total global meltdown, to such an extent that even The United Nations as we know it right now, might split apart and disintegrate? And in case you are wondering how we know this about DT, not only we can see this in his numbers, we can also see the enormous impact of whatever this event is, in the numbers of his daughter Ivanka Trump. 2021 sees the start of three devastating shadow (as in emotional) life path number [hers is 22//4] related years which also impact on her both personal and professional attainment wise.

2021 is a Numerology number 5 Universal Year so YOU must Expect the Unexpected!

If you think 2020 was a year of the turmoil, then think again, because 2021 has as its underlying theme, Expect the Unexpected! 2021 [2021 = 2+0+2+1 = 5; 5//5] is number 5 universal year and numerology No5 has as its dominant experiential themes, change, personal freedom, rebelling against the status quo, questioning everything, challenging everything, adaptability, flexibility, the human senses (5: see, smell, hear, taste, touch), adrenaline, adventure etc. People with the No5 powerfully expressing itself through their numerology will be affected much by the universal energy of 2021. These are people who seek freedom above everything else. “Conservative” is not a word that describes them well, as they love taking risks, and hate routine and repetition. Fives are very persuasive and excel at motivating people which makes them ideal candidates to become salespeople. For the purposes of this 2021 numerology predictions article, No5 people are:

  • Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of any given month.
  • Those born in the month of May (May is the 5th month of the calendar year).
  • Those born in No5 years (e.g. 2012, 2003, 1994, 1985, 1976, 1967, 1958, 1949 etc.).
  • Those who have a No5 life path (e.g. Beyoncé, born 4th September 1981, Life Path Numbers = 4+9+1981 = 1994 = 1+9+9+4 = 23 = 2+3 = 5; 1994//23//5 – if you don’t know your life path numbers (note the emphasis on plural, yes, there are more than one!), calculate them now with our 365 Pin Code Life Path Numbers Calculator.
  • Those who have a No5 shadow life path (e.g. Meghan Markle, Donald Trump, David Attenborough, Oprah Winfrey etc. – they all have numerology essence No22//4 life paths which means their shadow or emotional life path number is a 5).
  • Those who have a No5 sun / personal attainment number (Sun No = Birth DD + Birth MM; Example 1: born 10th April, 10+4 = 14 = 1+4 = 5, Sun No5; Example 2: born that January, 4+1 = 5, Sun No5; Example 3: born 11th of December, 11+12 = 23 = 2+3 = 5, Sun no5).
  • Those who have a No5 professional attainment number (you will discover much more about this and many other numbers in your 365 Pin Code Numerology Report).

Those who have a No5 Expression Number (e.g. USA = 3+1+1 = 5) or a No5 Balance Number or a No5 Karmic lesson (learn about these and more in our numerology of names article) are also affected.

More about these No5 2021 numerical synchronicities (plus others) later in the article…

“Numerology number 5 is sex, adrenaline, challenging the status quo and adventure. Hellraisers. The 5 is driven by the 5-senses which are see, smell, taste, touch and hear. It is the human experience they seek, and they just love you drink deeply from what the trough of life can offer them. 5’s are incredibly quick assimilators of information and they know exactly how to twist things to their advantage. That is why 5’s are such brilliant sales people. 5’s love to live on the edge but this is often their undoing. I really feel for those who have to deal with karmic debt 14//5, because more often than not, they are unable to find that happy medium, which means living a life of moderation.” Suzanne Styles, Co-Founder Numerology UK

Our numerology predictions for 2020, a number 4 universal year, were published on the 8th of December 2019 and here is an extract from the article:

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

365 Pin Code headline numerology predictions for 2020

“During 2020 you will begin to see the start of the systematic collapse of the European Union, corrupt South Africa rapidly accelerating toward its cataclysmic business and infrastructure collapse and the United Kingdom under Boris Johnson surging in a direction which proves the Brexit was the best thing that could have ever happened. You will also see Liverpool and Jurgen Klopp shooting the lights out performance wise. Meghan Markle (who BTW has a master number 22 life path) will reveal her clinical ruthlessness (this is the very dark side of the number 4) and desire to control absolutely everything, choosing to do her own celebrity thing and not toeing the line demanded by The Firm. This brings much trouble Prince Harry’s way and looking into the future we see a very ugly divorce happening. Climate activist Greta Thunberg will enjoy another year of being in the limelight but its short lived before her very dark years arrive and sadly, there are many ahead for her. Great British Bake Off presenter Paul Hollywood will have a nightmarish year too. Everything possible will be done to bring US President Donald Trump (who like Meghan Markle, also has a 22 life path) to book, but he survives and goes on to win a second term, which leaves America more divided than ever before. Now, because 2020 is an earth energy (2020 = 4; number 4 = earth) one thing you can be guaranteed of, is that matters of the earth (over population, starvation, ecological disasters, extreme weather conditions, disease etc.) will cause much global upheaval, sending all economies and markets into complete turmoil. Given this, we are expecting to see gold surge massively during 2020 and from basic analytics done pre 2020, we see South Africa’s Harmony Gold shares absolutely skyrocketing during the second half of 2020; might be an idea to buy now.”

Much of what we forecast for 2020, happened. As of now (as in mid-November 2020), the Trump vs Biden final electoral result is still unclear, however, given that our detailed research pitched the 2020 Election results as being 6 all (with “the deciding 6-6 tiebreaker” eventually going to Trump 7-6) we have done incredibly well, way better than most of the “highly respected polling stats companies” and the fake media. Instead of sitting on the fence like many strategic commentators do, we are brave enough to make futurist type calls based on how we have researched numerical combinations. And on the matter of Meghan Markle, next year her world starts to implode in spectacular fashion, so seems things between her and Harry might be about to smash headlong into the rocks.

Below is a table that reveals what the 365 Pin Code numerology sequence is for each month of 2021. It is tremendously helpful to know this because you can then understand what the dominant universal theme of any given month is. Knowledge like this elevates your conscious awareness as to what is going on around you and why this is so. Suddenly you will start to see patterns and make powerful cosmic connections. With this comes the understanding that everything we are experiencing is working according to an intelligently organised design or blueprint, expressing itself at a macrolevel (as in what is happening around and throughout the world) and a microlevel (as in what is happening in our lives).

365 Pin Code Table of Monthly Universal Essence Numbers and numerology sequences for 2021

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

Understanding the monthly essence number of every month for 2021 helps tremendously because these provide insights into what the dominant theme of any given month will be.

June 2021 is numerologically coded to be a month of extreme global revelation

Take for example June 2021. June (6) 2021 (5) is a master number 11 (MN-11) universal month (6 + 2021 = 2027 = 2+0+2+7 = 11; master number 11; lower octave number 2). There are three master numbers and MN-11//2 is the masculine/feminine energy combination, which is all about ecological leadership, intuition and critically important, enlightenment. The No11 (synchs with major arcana Justice [11] and High Priestess [2]) lights up the darkness and powerfully shines clear bright light onto all that is hidden away in the dark crevasses of our lives. When 11 is in play, know this, all the skeletons that have been lurking in the cupboard will come crashing out for all to see. Therefore, June 2021 is numerologically coded to be a month of extreme global revelation. As the emotionally charged veil is lifted on absolutely everything, much will become clear and with this, collective emotions will escalate to fever pitch. Donald Trump is born in the month of June, so not only will this month be one of extreme emotional upheaval for him, guaranteed this is when the collective emotional controversy around him, spikes in the USA so things will be getting really ugly then.

We’ve already written detailed notes as to why it does not really matter who wins this 2020 US Presidential election because within the numbers, the only outcome is that America and all Americans lose terribly and June 2021 will be the month when the dramatic and irreversible collapse of this superpower starts. Thing is, when America (USA = 3+1+1 = 5, so USA = 5) catches a nasty cold the rest of the world catches pneumonia, so guess what is in store for the world as the American economy literally goes down the drain! Prepare for this, plan for this and do not scoff nor thumb your nose at this – America is in much more trouble than you can ever imagine. Another country’s acronym that totals 5 is “UK”, short for United Kingdom. In 2021, the “UK” as it is commonly known, will face a brutally difficult fiscal year as it desperately tries to plot its way out of the 300billion+ pound hole created by the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. This is very evident in the antagonistic (negatively predictive!) 4&5 personal physical numbers displaying in the 2021 365 Pin Code numerology profile of Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the UK.

And what about the German economy?

An article published on the 23rd of June 2020, writes: “Back in March, Germany’s panel of economic advisers agreed that the unfolding coronavirus crisis would deal a severe blow to Europe’s powerhouse and predicted a 2.8% drop in gross domestic product for 2020. The calculation was based on the assumption that lockdowns would last for no more than five weeks and restrictions would be eased swiftly thereafter. But the novel coronavirus wouldn’t play along, and some restrictions are still in place today and keep weighing heavily on the economy. In a revised forecast presented Tuesday, the German economic experts conceded that the country’s output would shrink by 6.5% this year, plunging the nation into its worst recession since the end of World War II. Industrial production has already decreased to its lowest level in two decades and export figures for May were devastating, highlighting Germany’s heavy dependence on fellow European and overseas markets. German shipments abroad would dip by 14.5% this year, the pundits predicted. The five economic advisers said unemployment was likely to rise further in the months ahead to an annual average of 2.72 million in 2020, up from 2.27 million last year.”

Adding further Numerology Perspectives using continent names

So, the two major powerhouses of the European Union, who no doubt held the EU together over all the years, are both in terrible economic trouble, as is the USA. Are you still thinking that somehow 2021 is miraculously going to be a much better business year than 2020 was? If you are, you seriously need your head read! To keep adding deeper strategic perspectives into this 2021 numerology predictions review, let us run some more numbers, this time analysing continental names!

365 Pin Code Numerology Research: Numerology Numbers defining the 7 Continents of our World

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

What the above table reveals, name numerology wise, is that North America (62//8) and Europe (35//8) share numerology essence number 8 which synchs with money, power, status, authority, control, wealth, business, abundance etc. Australia and Asia share numerology essence number 3 (communication, creativity, self-expression, imagination etc.). South America has number 7 as its numerology essence number which synchs primarily with seeking deeply significant spiritual answers, metaphysics, nature, reflection, wisdom etc. Antarctica has the number 9 (healing, philanthropy, higher causes, universal laws, consciousness etc.) as its essence number. Africa has the number 2 as its essence number 2 which synchs with the innate need to never really be on its own because the No2 is all about supportive partnerships and being supported. The purpose of this data table is to reveal to you where money and wealth naturally originates and circulates from, North America and Europe. Therefore, it does not take a rocket scientist to work out that with the USA, UK, and Germany (therefore, Europe in general!) going into an extreme downward economic spiral, the rest of the world will enter an irreversible freefall. The devastating effects of this global economic collapse will persist as aftershocks through to the end of 2025 (2025 = 2+0+2+5 = 9; 9 is the end of the numerology number line) the year that heralds the closure of this universal cycle on 9. 2026 is a number 1 universal year which brings with it a much-needed new beginning for absolutely everything. The continent that will be the worst hit during the five years spanning 2021 (Universal Year No5) to 2025 (Universal Year No9), is Africa. Within Africa, the country that experiences the greatest economic collapse is South Africa. Right now, white farmers within the country are being mercilessly targeted and brutally murdered each week, however, what the world does not yet understand is that the greatest civil conflict that will erupt within South Africa in 2021, is not white on black or black on white, but black on black. This may well manifest in the way of the SA Police and Army being at war with the EFF led by Malema and Shivambu.

“Stop looking outside yourself for ‘Best-Kept-Secrets’ to answer the questions you have around ‘Who am I, Why am I here, Where should I be focusing, Why all the mistakes, What should I be doing to sort my Life and How do plan more strategically for my future?’ Now is the time for you to access your numbers-driven Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint wherein all the priceless 1% answers lie. Put an End to your Confusion by Entering your 365 Pin Code. No Secrets Involved Numerology…”

Chris and Suzanne Styles, Founders 365 Pin Code, World’s Leading Numerology Research Team

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

The month of September 2021 brings THREE triple Five Universal Convergences into frame!

As the table of data below reveals, the 9th, 18th and 27th of September bring triple convergences (5//5//5 ; No5 universal day in a No5 universal month in a No5 universal year) into frame, with the most volatile being the 27th (2057 happening with neither 2, nor 0, nor 5, nor 7 being earthed energies). When convergences like this happen in numerology, you must pay attention because guaranteed much will happen, either on that exact date or just around it. As of now, what you can begin to prepare yourself for, because the numbers never lie, is that September 2021 will be the month when the activities of those who are rebelling against the system, who are questioning it and challenging it, will reach their zenith. This is without doubt THE month, when the aftershocks of what happened in June (master number 11 driven month) create massive change and when issues relating to personal freedom and quality of life, will be totally maxed out and at the forefront of the minds of billions of people. Thing about numerology and what we hope you are connecting with through this 2021 numerology predictions article, is it provides brilliant material to think and plan around. That is why many people who are looking to actively reduce resistance levels in their lives by intelligently aligning themselves with and to the governing universal forces that in play, rely heavily on well-constructed numerology forecasts.

9th, 18th and 27th September 2021 are Triple 5’s so that’s epic fireworks!

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

2021 numerology predictions: Will it affect you?

Absolutely it will. At the beginning of this 2021 numerology predictions we made it clear that 2021 will target those people who have the No5 presenting in their numerology profile, however, what must be understood is that 2021 will have a dramatic impact on all of us. Why will we all be affected? Because we are dealing with a No5 universal energy that synchronises 100% with The Human Experience as lived through the 5 senses (see, smell, taste, touch, hear). The greatest challenge you will no doubt face during 2021, is finding ways to protect the sovereignty of your mind as you are incessantly peppered with lies, misinformation and agenda-driven propaganda, the rocket fuel of the massive media houses. The natural way of the 5 is to question everything, so come 1st of January 2021, let this questioning approach become a default operational setting of yours. Question absolutely everything. Accept nothing at face value. Find your own significant truths and do not waste precious mental energy on all the rhetoric and nonsense that will again flood your life in 2021.

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

Concluding Remarks

2021 carries the same number sequence as 9/11. That tells much. The way the world has been set up is such that if America catches a cold the rest of the world gets pneumonia. Well, during 2021 America is going to catch much more than a cold so connect the dots for yourself. Anyone who thinks 2021 will be an easy year needs their head read. We see the public and governments around the world, clashing terribly. People will en masse, resist the ridiculous law and order situations that are being imposed upon them right now. This in turn, will lead governments to do whatever it takes to crush these uprisings, which will only serve to fuel all the divisive rifts that currently exist within society.

In 2021, people will demand positive change (everyone is sick of living under the restraints of lockdown) and that their freedom be restored because that’s what the No5 in numerology is all about, change, personal freedom and living life large. Bottom line is, the single most important message that this 2021 numerology predictions work is wanting to get across to you, is that 2021 is the year when everything, and we mean absolutely everything, boils over. Expect this and prepare for this. By the end of 2021, the world as you and I know it right now, will be extremely different to what it is right now, so best you learn how to rapidly adapt and develop the skills to think for great results on the fly, or you will surely die (by this we mean become irrelevant, living like everyone else within the sea of sameness as opposed to intelligently operating from within the river of relevance)!

Unpleasant truth: We are in a Dark Cycle until end 2025 but there is a Silver Lining

We understand that our 2021 numerology predictions are negative and that this will make many people feel extremely uncomfortable. Thing is, what people do not want to accept is that we are in a dark cycle of 9. It started in 2017 (2017 = 2+0+1+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1; the 1st or No1 universal year of the cycle of 9), and given that 2021 is the 5th year of this cycle (5 sits slap bang in the middle), this dark cycle will persist through to 2025 (2025 = 2+0+2+5 = 9; 9th and final year of this dark numerology cycle). What few people realise right now, is that probably the single greatest threat the USA and other democracy loving countries of this world will have to face down in 2021, comes from Russia, more specifically President Vladimir Putin. We have carefully analysed his 365 Pin Code and talk to the extreme threat he poses the 2021 numerology forecast article we have published through Numerology UK and in the 2021 Numerology Predictions we published through Numerology for Women. Only in 2026 will things start to turn for the better for everyone. By then we will be dealing with a world that is vastly different to what we now know; a world that is being driven by leaders who have a completely different set of human ecological values. Much must change and much will change so do not give up hope, but know and remember this, 2021 will be as extreme, if not more so, than was 2020 so crack open the New Year’s champagne bottle with your greater consciousness fully activated.

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

And the 2021 Numerology Predictions silver lining is…

The 2021 numerology predictions silver lining is this: new order always flows from tremendous chaos. Of the many symbols and phrases of Freemasonry, a few mottoes are important enough to be prominently, and sometimes publicly displayed on flags, seals, or regalia. The phrase “Ordo Ab Chao,” is the motto of the 33rd degree (did you know the surname Kennedy (think JFK) totals 33?), which can be found on the grand decorations of the Order of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, one of the highest honours and roles which can be bestowed upon a Mason. It is also featured on other seals and flags representing various Orders. This phrase being depicted so prominently, particularly in relation to the 33rd degree (did you know 33 is a numerology master number?), indicates a tremendous importance to Freemasonry. Indeed, Ordo Ab Chao, translated to “Order from Chaos,” is also associated with another Latin phrase, Lux In Tenebris, which translates to “Light from Darkness.” And, on an even deeper level, what is this universe made of? There are many ways to answer that, and one of them is that it is made of gradients of Order and Chaos. We can see in history and in our own lives that these are not two separate things, but are both a continuum, and a dynamic process of change. As Chaos ensues, old orders are broken down to allow new ones to emerge. Like Ying and Yang, death and rebirth, Order and Chaos follow from and give birth to one another, in an ever-renewing cycle of creation and evolution.

Everything happens in Cycles – so learn how to Flow with Yours!

Just as there are lean times and plentiful times, so it is possible to thrive during these dark and demanding cycles. Thriving however requires a mindset shift away from the stressed-out myopic inward looking mental state of “let me just focus on me and look after me” to the resourceful, outward looking state of “let me find a positive balance between looking after my needs and the needs of others.” What this means, is that from 2021 through to 2025, your Numerology Balance Number is going to feature massively. So, if you do not know what your balance number is, nor how to intelligently activate it in your life, now what your bigger 365 Pin Code means and how to flow with this, then you should be talking to us right now…

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

Image by Lothar Dieterich from Pixabay

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

2021 numerology predictions, 365 Pin Code, 2021 insights, numerology research, strategic futurists, futurism wisdom, human futurology, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, numerology number 5, 9/11 attacks USA, Trump assassination 2021, Trump tragedy 2021, United Nations collapse

Image by Noupload from Pixabay

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Life Coaching Strategies that Work

Life Coaches must Understand how to Tap into the Genius of Applied Numerology!

If you have consulted with one or more skilled life coaches, you will understand that there are some life coaching strategies that work and some that simply do not. As entrepreneurial futurists and ICF accredited coaches who hosted a life and business coaching talk radio show for almost four years, what we discovered was that even the best life coaching strategies that work, have a sell by date. Know and remember this: unless the life success strategies that you are using are dynamically evolving, you are stagnating and once that happens you are going backwards.

Human Futurology will dramatically change the World of Life Coaching

Tragically, what most life coaches today do not understand, is how to tap into the genius of applied numerology. Applied numerology (has strategic value) is vastly different from stock standard numerology (has entertainment value) and you should never compare the two. Our job as human futurology researchers (i.e. we help you make sense of your past, understand your present and intelligently plan for your future) is to make you aware of the fact that life coaching strategies that work, improve much, when personal numerology charts and strategic predictive life path modelling is included.

What exactly is Personal Numerology and Life Path Modelling?

An uncomfortable truth is this: most people are utterly clueless as who they are, why they are here, or what their purpose is. Their quest to understand more about themselves sees them investing heavily in expensive ‘guru-led’ personal development programmes, many of which deliver little to zero value. When you choose to work with Strategic Applied Numerologists, like ourselves, you are introduced to your bespoke numerical blueprint. We unpack your personal numerology profile in such a way that you are introduced to over 100 critically important data points. So, if you have had enough of all the “best kept success secrets” and love numbers, detail and practicality, then understanding your personal numerology will pave the way for you to make a quantum leap forward in terms of empirically understanding who you are, why you are here and what your purpose is.

Life Coaching Strategies that Work, 365 Pin Code, numerology research, holistic coaching, life coaching techniques, Chris Styles, Suzanne Styles, futurist thinkers, human futurology, life success strategies, personal numerology, entrepreneurial futurists

365 Pin Code R&D has developed a Predictive Model that maps Your Life in 4D

It took many years to develop, but 365 Pin Code has cracked a mathematical model that maps your life path, year on year, in 4D (internal physical, internal emotional, external physical, external emotional) numerical detail. Imagine how astonishing it is to see each year of your life accurately laid out before you in numerical code [study the fascinating 4D life path maps of KFC Founder Colonel Harland Sanders and Notorious RBG, SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsburg]! Suddenly past significant events make sense, as does what you are experiencing right now in the present. Incredibly, this rich predictive data matrix also allows you to intelligently look to your future and identify opportunity rich moments [SCOTUS Amy Coney Barrett case study] as well as years when you are at a higher than average risk [Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs case study]. Personal numerology done this way, powers personal strategic thinking and planning into a new dimension.

“Years back, when I was first introduced to numerology, I did not think it to be strategic. The numerologist who read my numbers kept everything very high level and whilst it was all very interesting, it’s not like I walked out of the two hour session completely blown away by what I had been told. Only many years later, when Chris, a research scientist, began to test how numerology could power strategy, did the lights really go on for me. It was then when I realised that every woman should understand her numbers and then think and plan around them. It made so much sense. We are such complex beings that there had to be some clever mathematical design to us.”

Suzanne Styles, Founder, Numerology For Women

Now you finally understand why, even the life coaching strategies that work, improve much, when personal numerology charts and strategic predictive life path modelling is included. If all this has gotten you thinking then here are links to three fabulous numerology research blogs.

Total Views: 736

Marriage Love | Relationship Compatibility

There is so much more to marriage love numerology than just number compatibility

Marriage love numerology is a practical, insightful science. If your relationship is on the rocks and you are desperate to find a practical way to heal, fix and save it, then open your mind right now to the incredible revelations that 365 Pin Code’s marriage love numerology provides. We understand this is not for everyone, that some people think numerology is absolute nonsense. Tragically they are wrong. Our investigative case study work has proven that numerology adds incredible value, strategic thinking and planning wise. That said, if everything you have tried to save your doomed marriage (e.g. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard) has failed and it is last chance saloon for the both of you, then you would be foolish to not give this revolutionary approach a sporting chance. Understand this, 365 Pin Code specialises in numerology research and development (R&D). As such, how we do things has been researched, tried, and tested hundreds of times over before being made available as a strategic service to help people. What you will learn below, which is the tip of the iceberg in terms of what we know about marriage love numerology, and has immediate practical value if done correctly.

Numbers that ADD up to Nine are the Hardest to Navigate

In numerology we make use of the numbers 1 (the beginning of a cycle) through 9 (the end of a cycle), including two master numbers, master number 11 (the master intuitive) and master number 22 (the master builder). Only very rarely does the master number 33 occur; in fact, it is so rare that we do not list it. Numerology number 9 is the number of completion (but not finality!), consciousness, healing, forgiveness, universal love, selflessness, charity, generosity, having a higher perspective etc. Thing is, whilst all these characteristics might seem wonderfully noble, the journey that goes with them is extreme, to say the very least. That is why numbers that add up to nine always bring with them the hardest and most extreme journey for two people to navigate. Did you know that the Founder of KFC Colonel Harland Sanders, has 365 Pin Code numerology charts crammed full of No9’s?

relationship numerology, marriage love numerology, 365 Pin Code, divorce numerology, numerology research, relationships numbers, twin flame numbers, save my marriage, cojoined numerology, numerology readings

Here is a simple illustrative example that explains all

365 Pin Code relationship numerology research resulted in our developing a brand-new field of numerology called Co-Joined Numerology (i.e. the numerology of combined numbers). Person 1, born 1st of February 1993 is attracted to and falls in love with Person 2, born 17th of July 1994. The attractive is so powerful and they both feel it. They are drawn to each other (wild horses could not keep these two apart) but once they are together, things horribly wrong, often! They pull apart (when things get too extreme!) yet they are drawn back together (they simply cannot stay apart!). Worse still, this happens over-and-over again. To people on the outside, this extreme “fight-flight-reunite” relationship appears almost pathological and the non-stop destruction it wreaks often spills over into family and friendship circles causing further damage there. Why? Here’s why:

These two people have Co-Joined Numerology No9 in the Person

The day that you are born on reveals your 365 Pin Code personal number. Person 1, born 1st: 1st = 1; numerology number 1… Person 2, born 17th: 17th = 1+7 = 8; numerology number 8… Now, 8 + 1 = 9. Numerology number 9 is, if you will, the powerful revealing cosmic mirror that reflects back at you exactly what you do not like about yourself. Those parts of yourself that you do not like, nor feel comfortable with, are exactly where you need to put in the most self-development healing work. Because 1 and 8 add up to 9, this indicates that numbers 1 and 8 are in fact polar opposites and so when they collide, in the way of a relationship, there is a 99% probability that all hell is going to break lose!

To make matters WORSE, these two people ALSO have a Co-Joined No9 in the Family

The month that you are born in reveals your 365 Pin Code family or intimate number. Person 1, born in the month of February, Feb = 2nd month of the year = 2, numerology number 2… Person 2, born in the month of July, July = 7th month of the year = 7, numerology number 7… Now, 2 + 7 = 9.

To make matters DISASTROUS, these two people ALSO have a Co-Joined No9 in the Career

The year that you are born in reveals your 365 Pin Code career or world number. Person 1, born in the year 1993, 1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4, numerology number 4… Person 2, born in the year 1994, 1994 = 1+9+9+4 = 23 = 2+3 = 5, numerology number 5… Now, 4 + 5 = 9.

It TRAGICALLY does not end there because they ALSO have a Co-Joined No9 Life Path Number

Person No1: DOB is 1st Feb 1993 = 1+2+1993 = 1996 = 1+9+9+6 = 25 = 2+5 = 7; 1996//25//7. So, person No1 has a No7 essence life path number. Person No2: DOB is 17th July 1994 = 17+7+1994 = 2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 11 = 1+1 = 2; 2018//11//2. So, person No2 has a No2 essence life path number. As you will intuitively know by now, to calculate their Co-Joined life path number all you do is to simply add the 2 to the 7, and 2 + 7 = 9.

relationship numerology, marriage love numerology, 365 Pin Code, divorce numerology, numerology research, relationships numbers, twin flame numbers, save my marriage, cojoined numerology, numerology readings

One Co-joined 9 in marriage love numerology is Usually Enough to keep things RED HOT!

The above example has been specifically designed such that their dates of birth deliver co-joined 9’s in the person, the family, the career and life path. This is the most extreme example possible and two people with this many 9’s in their co-joined numerology chart would have the most torrid of times. Unless they sourced professional help early on in their relationship, they would do untold damage to each other.

In real life, we find that just one Co-joined 9 in marriage love numerology is usually enough to keep things RED HOT! The most intense 9’s that exist between two people are in the person, family and life path. Co-Joined 9’s in the career position (i.e. Birth YYYY numbers!) usually exist at work. These are almost always the most troubled professional relationships ever to have to manage. Try as you may with positive interventions, in most cases these two people will just rub each other the wrong way to such an extent that they have to separated and plans set in place that they never get to work together. An example of a No9 co-joined career relationship is US women’s tennis star Billie Jean King (Birth YYYY, 1943; 1943//17//8) and her husband Larry King (Birth YYYY, 1945; 1945//19//1).

365 Pin Code Co-Joined Numerology: Example of Numbers that ADD up to 9

relationship numerology, marriage love numerology, 365 Pin Code, divorce numerology, numerology research, relationships numbers, twin flame numbers, save my marriage, cojoined numerology, numerology readings

Marriage Love Numerology and more…

As we wrap up this data-rich article which, as we stated earlier, is just the tip of the marriage love numerology iceberg, we must remind you that if you want to use numerology strategically, you need to interpret your all your numerology numbers in association with each other and never in isolation of each other! That is why if you want to save your rocky marriage and you are open and receptive to the incredible insights that love numerology offers, then best to make sure you work with a skilled numerologist who really understands how numbers combine and how to develop practical success creating strategies around these datasets. Lastly, know and remember this: where your and someone else’s numbers converge into a 9, let it always be a sure-fire indicator that although the relationship may be a particularly challenging one, it will definitely present tremendous growth, learning and development opportunities for both parties. And that after all, is why we are here! If you found this article enlightening, then here is a link to other fabulous numerology blogs that will keep you entertained for hours on end.

Example of a Co-Joined No9 in the Family, that worked fabulously (Barack and Michelle Obama)

relationship numerology, marriage love numerology, 365 Pin Code, divorce numerology, numerology research, relationships numbers, twin flame numbers, save my marriage, cojoined numerology, numerology readings

Example of a Co-Joined No9 in the Family, that posed many challenges (Bill and Hillary Clinton)

relationship numerology, marriage love numerology, 365 Pin Code, divorce numerology, numerology research, relationships numbers, twin flame numbers, save my marriage, cojoined numerology, numerology readings

Total Views: 2,181

Assassination of JFK – What his Numerology reveals

On the Day JFK was assassinated ALL three Master Numbers were in frame. Why?

On the Day JFK was assassinated ALL three Master Numbers were in frame. Why?

Much has been written about the assassination of JFK, the 35th President of the United States of America. What few people realise is the shot responsible for the assassination of JFK was fired on a day which brought all three numerology master numbers into play, master number 11 (the master luminary; giver of intuitive illumination), master number 22 (the master builder; extreme manifestation power) and the very rare master number 33 (the master teacher; Christ consciousness). Random coincidence? Probably not. We think it was by intentional design that ALL three master numbers were in play on that fatal day. Why go to such lengths hidden message coding wise? Because collectively, the numbers 11, 22 and 33 sent a powerful message which only those who carried “the knowledge” would understand. A message that had at its very core, a stern reminder that those who are really in charge, are The Masters, and that this will forever be how things work! To take it one giant step further, was this a message that revealed even the President of the United States of America, the leader of The Free World, is a puppet dancing to the tune of the Higher Authority who really control this world of ours?

The Assassination of JFK happened on 22nd November 1963

A light rain was falling on Friday morning, November 22, but a crowd of several thousand stood in the parking lot outside the Texas Hotel where the Kennedys had spent the night. A platform was set up and the president, wearing no protection against the weather, came out to make some brief remarks. “There are no faint hearts in Fort Worth,” he began, “and I appreciate your being here this morning. Mrs. Kennedy is organizing herself. It takes longer, but, of course, she looks better than we do when she does it.” He went on to talk about the nation’s need for being “second to none” in defense and in space, for continued growth in the economy and “the willingness of citizens of the United States to assume the burdens of leadership.” The warmth of the audience response was palpable as the president reached out to shake hands amidst a sea of smiling faces.

Back inside the hotel the president spoke at a breakfast of the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, focusing on military preparedness. “We are still the keystone in the arch of freedom,” he said. “We will continue to do…our duty, and the people of Texas will be in the lead.” The presidential party left the hotel and went by motorcade to Carswell Air Force Base for the thirteen-minute flight to Dallas. Arriving at Love Field,President and Mrs. Kennedy disembarked and immediately walked toward a fence where a crowd of well-wishers had gathered, and they spent several minutes shaking hands.

assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

The first lady received a bouquet of red roses, which she brought with her to the waiting limousine. Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie, were already seated in the open convertible as the Kennedys entered and sat behind them. Since it was no longer raining, the plastic bubble top had been left off. Vice President and Mrs. Johnson occupied another car in the motorcade. The procession left the airport and travelled along a ten-mile route that wound through downtown Dallas on the way to the Trade Mart where the President was scheduled to speak at a luncheon.

Crowds of excited people lined the streets and waved to the Kennedys. The car turned off Main Street at Dealey Plaza around 12:30 p.m. As it was passing the Texas School Book Depository, gunfire suddenly reverberated in the plaza. Bullets struck the president’s neck and head and he slumped over toward Mrs. Kennedy. The governor was shot in his back. The car sped off to Parkland Memorial Hospital just a few minutes away. But little could be done for the President. A Catholic priest was summoned to administer the last rites, and at 1:00 p.m. John F. Kennedy was pronounced dead.

“If by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a “Liberal”, then I’m proud to say I’m a “Liberal.” John F. Kennedy

Date of Death numerology reveals much if you know what to look for!

Let us now set about analysing the date of death numbers that make up the numerology of the assassination of JFK:

  • Day of Death: the 22nd: this brings master number 22 into play (double earth).
  • Month of Death: November (11): this brings master number 11 into play (double wind).
  • Sun / Attainment Number of that Day: 22nd November = 22+11 = 33; this brings master number 33 into play (double fire). Much has been written about the Masonic significance of No33. Did you know that the numerology of the surname Kennedy totals 33? See table at the very end of this article for details.
  • Year of Death: 1963 (1963 = 1+9+6+3 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1; 19//10//1): this brings karmic debt number 19 into play (balancing the needs of self [1] with needs of others [9]; you shall not enrich yourself at the expense of others).
  • Universal Day of Death: 22nd November 1963 (22+11+1963 = 1996 = 1+9+9+6 = 25 = 2+5 = 7; 1996//25//7) is a number 7 universal day and No7 symbolises wisdom, introspection, reflection, analysis, research, the cosmos, intelligence, mental acuity, perfection, truths.

The charts below help this murder numerology study to unpack the assignation of JFK in such a way that you can visually see the links to his karmic 16//7 life path, karmic 19 and master numbers 33, 22 and 11.

365 Pin Code Date of Death chart: JFK assassinated on 22nd November 1963

assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

Focus on the THREE RED circles above. Master Number 22. Master number 11. Master number 33. All three occurring on the personal physical side of JFK’s 365 Pin Code date of death numerology chart! The day JFK was assassinated was a No7 universal day (1996//25//7 to be precise).

“There is nothing in the record of the past two years when both Houses of Congress have been controlled by the Republican Party which can lead any person to believe that those promises will be fulfilled in the future. They follow the Hitler line – no matter how big the lie; repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as truth.” John F. Kennedy

So, how does the numerology of the day of his assassination tie into his core 365 Pin Code numerology and what does this reveal?

365 Pin Code Birth Chart of John Fitzgerald Kennedy born 29th May 1917

assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

What does his 365 Pin Code birth chart reveal?

JFK as No16 karmic debt life path. How do we know this? DOB is 29 May 1917 = 29+5+1917 = 1951 = 1+9+5+1 = 16, karmic debt number 16//7. If you want to ratify this, enter JFK’s DOB into the 365 Pin Code Numerology Life Path Number Calculator. Karmic debt 16//7 in a nutshell talks to a challenging life path journey which is all about searching for logical yet spiritually significant truths (this is the 7 of 16//7). All the personal development lessons (this is the 1 of 16//7) are delivered to the owner through relationships, responsibility, community and matters of the heart (this is the 6 of 16//7). Significantly, as revealed in the information already provided above, the day of the assassination of JFK was a No7 universal day. It therefore synchronised perfectly with his life path number (16//7), his shadow personal number (7), his shadow professional attainment number (16//7; see TSSPR) and his sun or personal attainment number (34//7; see TKSPE).

Master number 11 was JFK’s personal number

JFK was born on the 29th ; 29 = 2+9 = 11 ; thus his personal number is master number 11, the intuitive visionary. MN-11 brings the light that illuminates the darkness. It is often a most uncomfortable light, in that it reveals all hides away within the darkness or shadows of life, all that does which not want to be revealed because it functions best in the secretive unseen and importantly, unknown and not understood, world. Therefore, MN-11 is a most challenging number to have in your numerology, especially in the person (i.e. born 11th or 29th of any given month) because your poisoned chalice is that you will be lighting up the darkness within everyone you meet and therefore creating many enemies. JFK also carries MN-11 as his shadow personal attainment number (11//2; see TSSPE) and professional attainment number (11//2; see TKSPR).

His Birth YYYY brought The Moon into play

The year he was born in, 1917 (1917 = 1+9+1+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9), brings numerology sequence 18//9 into play which in turn links with major arcana No9 being The Hermit and major arcana No18 being The Moon. The moon synchs with shadow numerology and all that which defines our shadow selves. When we encounter the Moon, we see a path that leads off into the distance. On either side of the path stand a wolf and a dog, representing our animalistic nature – one is civilized, and the other wild and feral. There is a crawfish that is crawling out of the pond from which the path stems from. In the distance, we can see two towers flanking the central path, once again alluding to the doubles visible in this card. Everything in this card seems to echo the other, as if to allude to two possibilities. When we walk down the path, we walk the fine line between conscious and unconscious, between the tamed side of civilization of the dog, and the forces of nature represented by the wolf. The towers on the opposing ends represent the forces of good and evil, and their similarity in appearance can allude to the difficulties that we face in distinguishing between them.

“I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute – where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote – where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference – and where no man is denied public office merely because his religion differs from the President who might appoint him or the people who might elect him. I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish – where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source – where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials – and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all.” John F. Kennedy

assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

The numerology sychronicities between JFKs birth and death charts

With regards to the assassination of JFK, as outlined above, there are multiple numerology synchronicities that exist between the day of his birth (29th May 1917) and the day of his death (22nd November 1963). Given that all three numerology master numbers were in play for him, personally, on that fateful day, we conclude that even the timing of his assassination had been planned in such a way as to carry a much deeper message, one which only the very powerful few who were truly in the know, would understand.

What is incredible, numerology synchronicity wise, is that the year of his assassination, 1963, had him placed in his Third Pinnacle and Challenge Experience (table below outlines the detail of this). His 3rd pinnacle was defined by numerology sequence 18//9 which is exactly his World or Career Number (Birth YYYY 1917; 1917//18//9). His 3rd Challenge was defined by the numerology number 1 (1 is leadership, and this brings into frame the double edged sword of having to boldly lead as an original, whilst simultaneously having to take instruction from those who are above you). Connecting the dots much? We hope so!

Table of Pinnacle and Challenge Experiences for JFK

assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

A final and tremendously significant synchronicity lies with the family name, Kennedy. As the data table below reveals, Kennedy totals 33 which brings master number 33 into play. Where have we seen MN-33 presenting? It was the Attainment Number of the day of the assassination of JFK. 22nd November: 22//11 or 22+11 = 33. Kennedy’s 3rd pinnacle challenge lay with numerology number 1. The table below reveals that the word “Conservatives” totals numerology number sequence 55, which translates into 365 Pin Code 55//10//1. Dallas, Texas the city where the assassination took place, totals 28 which translates into 365 Pin Code 28//10//1 – this again bring JFKs 3rd Challenge number, being the number 1, into play. “Free Masons”, totals 43 which translates into 365 Pin Code 43//7. Kennedy had loads of 7s and was assassinated on a No7 universal day. Such fascinating numerical synchronicities for you to ponder upon. What our research does reveal is that the probability of the assassination of JFK being random, is around zero. The numbers and how they present carry too many hidden messages around karmic debt and overall mastery, or definite rules as to how things will be, as defined by our Higher Masters. Maybe one day we will know the truth as to exactly what the deeper plan was around the assassination of JFK… What is a given, numerology synchronicity wise, is that in 2021, a No5 universal year (2021 = 2+0+2+1 = 5) the USA (U=3; S=1; A=1; 3+1+1 = 5) will explode and given the ugly electoral war that raged between Trump and Biden, or to be more precise, the Conservatives and the Democrats with the involvement of the Deep State.

Numerology of Names from the Assassination of JFK

assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

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assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

assassination of JFK, numerology research, murder numerology, 365 Pin Code, life path of JFK, karmic debt 19, karmic debt 16, numerology number 7, master number 33, death numerology, numerology synchronicity, deep state

Image by Alemko Coksa from Pixabay

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Numerology of Names

Your full birth name was No Accident and it divulges much About You

As you are about to discover in this numerology of names research article, when your full birth name is combined with your date of birth and other data points, they collectively create a cosmic blueprint that is unique to you and when decoded, your passport to incredible self-awareness. Your intelligent mathematical blueprint (IMB) contains so much precious information, that numerologists like us who are skilled in the science of predictive modelling, can accurately map your entire life path’s experiential journey in numerical code from birth to death. Understanding the numerology of name also allows you to generate incredible insights into those numbers that define a person’s balance (primary and secondary), soul urge (primary and secondary), personality (primary and secondary) and expression (primary and secondary). An individual’s first name reveals their physical vibration, the middle name(s) their emotional vibration and surname or last name their spiritual vibration. Numerology of names also reveals karmic lessons, which name numbers are over target (score more than 100%) and which are under target (score less than 100%), the subconscious self, the path to maturity and more. Just as the day you were born is celebrated and respected, so too should your full birth name be celebrated and respected, because it was no accident and within it lie significant clues as to why you are here. We will now systematically unpack the 365 Pin Code Numerology of two study subjects, one male and the other female (who is married and underwent a numerology name change when she adopted the surname of her husband). As we do this, you will understand why numerology for women is significantly more complex than is numerology for men.

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

Numerology of Names made easy by 365 Pin Code Research

Study Subject A: James Andrew O’Connor (male).

Study Subject B: Angelique Yolanda Mitchell (female; full maiden name); Angelique Yolanda Simmonds (female; full married name).

“When a woman gets married, she almost always adopts the surname of her husband. This name change sets up a massively chaotic numerical recalibration process within her. Few understand the enormous impact this name change has on her. We have conducted much in-depth research into this which conclusively proves that Numerology for Women is significantly more complicated than is Numerology for Men. No woman should get married without understanding what the consequences of her marital name change mean for her, on every level, physical, emotional, spiritual.” Suzanne and Chris Styles, Strategic Numerologists

Study Subject A: James Andrew O’Connor (male)

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

  • Physical Vibration: James: Numerology number 3; 365 Pin Code sequence 12//3.
  • Emotional Vibration: Andrew: Numerology master number 11; 365 Pin Code sequence 29//11//2.
  • Spiritual Vibration: O’Connor: Numerology number 4; 365 Pin Code sequence 40//4.
  • Primary Expression: Numerology number 9; 365 Pin Code sequence 81//9.
  • Secondary Expression: Numerology number 7; 365 Pin Code sequence 52//7.
  • Primary Balance: Numerology number 8; Secondary Balance: Numerology number 7.
  • Primary Soul Urge: Numerology number 3; 365 Pin Code sequence 30//3; Secondary Soul Urge: Numerology number 6; 365 Pin Code 24//6.
  • Primary Personality: Numerology number 6; 365 Pin Code sequence 51//6; Secondary Personality: Numerology number 1; 365 Pin Code sequence 28//10//1.
  • On closer inspection, note the name James Andre O’Connor has no 2’s 7’s or 8’s in it, therefore his THREE karmic lessons pertain to numerology number 2, number 7 and number 8. Three karmic lessons reveal to us that his subconscious self is defined by numerology number 6.

Study Subject B: Angelique Yolanda Mitchell (female; full maiden name)

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

  • Physical Vibration: Angelique: Numerology number 1; 365 Pin Code sequence 46//10//1.
  • Emotional Vibration: Yolanda: Numerology number 9; 365 Pin Code sequence 27//9.
  • Spiritual Vibration: Mitchell: Numerology number 1; 365 Pin Code sequence 37//10//1.
  • Primary Expression: Numerology number 2; 365 Pin Code sequence 110//2.
  • Secondary Expression: Numerology master number 11; 365 Pin Code sequence 83//11//2.
  • Primary Balance: Numerology number 3 (12//3); Secondary Balance: Numerology number 5.
  • Primary Soul Urge: Numerology number 9; 365 Pin Code sequence 45//9; Secondary Soul Urge: Numerology number 1; 365 Pin Code 37//10//1.
  • Primary Personality: Numerology master number 11; 365 Pin Code sequence 65//11//2; Secondary Personality: Numerology number 1; 365 Pin Code sequence 46//10//1.
  • On closer inspection, note the maiden name Angelique Yolanda Mitchell has ALL numbers 1 to 9 present, therefore she has ZERO karmic lessons. Zero karmic lessons reveal to us that her subconscious self is defined by numerology number 9.

And then she marries into the surname Simmonds, experiences the name change from Angelique Yolanda Mitchell, to Angelique Yolanda Simmonds, and this happens:

Study Subject B: Angelique Yolanda Simmonds (female; full married name)

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

  • Married Physical Vibration: Angelique: Numerology number 1; 365 Pin Code sequence 46//10//1. No change.
  • Married Emotional Vibration: Yolanda: Numerology number 9; 365 Pin Code sequence 27//9. No change.
  • Married Spiritual Vibration: Simmonds: Numerology number 7; 365 Pin Code sequence 34//7. Changed; Mitchell was 37//10//1.
  • Married Primary Expression: Numerology number 8; 365 Pin Code sequence 107//8. Changed; Angelique Yolanda Mitchell was numerology number 110//2.
  • Married Secondary Expression: Numerology number 8; 365 Pin Code sequence 80//8. Changed; Angelique Mitchell was numerology master number 11, 83//11//2.
  • Married Primary Balance: Numerology number 9. Changed; AYM was numerology number 3 (12//3); Secondary Balance: Numerology number 2. Changed; AM was numerology number 5.
  • Married Primary Soul Urge: Numerology number 8; 365 Pin Code sequence 107//8. Changed; Angelique Yolanda Mitchell was numerology number 9 (45//9);
  • Married Secondary Soul Urge: Numerology number 8; 365 Pin Code sequence 80//8; Changed; Angelique Mitchell was numerology number 1 (37//10//1).
  • Married Primary Personality: Numerology number 7; 365 Pin Code sequence 61//7; Changed; Angelique Yolanda Mitchell was numerology master number 11 (65//11//2);
  • Married Secondary Personality: Numerology number 6; 365 Pin Code sequence 42//6; Changed; Angelique Mitchell was numerology number 1 (46//10//1).
  • On closer inspection, note the married name Angelique Yolanda Simmonds has no 2’s in it, therefore she has ONE karmic lesson (Change; from zero maiden karmic lesson to one married) pertaining to numerology number 2. One karmic lesson reveal to us that her married subconscious self has changed and is defined by numerology number 8.

Numerology of Names is so Poorly Understood

Look at all those changes in RED! Have you connected the dots as to why numerology for women is significantly more complex than is numerology for men? Good, and that is why so much more detailed research needs to be done with regards to the numerology of names. Now you finally understand why when a woman changes her name, absolutely everything about her changes. This helps explain why shortly after getting married, couples go through so much conflict because the husband cannot understand why the woman who is now his wife, is so different from who she was before they tied the knot. And he is quite right, but what he is ignorant of, is that she is undergoing an extreme numerical recalibration process which wreaks total havoc in her life until she finally settles into the new series of vibrations. Tragically, 99% of people out there do not understand this, and, because they are sceptical (even cynical) of numerology, they remain unenlightened. This keeps humanity locked in this never-ending cycle of newly married name change chaos. Things would be different if couples only understood exactly what the name change meant for the new bride and how to proactively address the fire-line creating vibrational shifts.

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

A Strategic Numerologist can do so Much More with Your Name than just this!

Numerology UK is part of the 365 Pin Code Group of Research and Development companies. It has been positioned specifically to address the strategic thinking and planning needs of those visionary individuals and businesses who are seeking to incorporate the predictive insightful genius of numerology into dynamic strategy creation.

“There’s every-day numerology, as in the woo-woo pseudoscience fluff, which is entertaining. Then there’s Strategic Applied Numerology (SAN) which exposes you to a whole new world of intelligent opportunity. Numerology UK focuses on SAN. It is incredibly important for you to understand this: most numerology reports available right now are aligned with a volume-driven model e.g. “for the discounted price of just $11 you can get this mind blowing report that will change your life.” What you are not told, is that this is in fact a generic, mass generated, system back-end coded report that treats you as if you are just another number. There is nothing bespoke about this experience and the information is superficial and lacks ‘big picture integration’! Numerology UK offers you exactly the opposite experience. Why so? Because we are a value-driven model. When you decide to work with us, we analyse absolutely everything about you and then use predictive numerology modelling to map your entire life path in 4D. This allows us to create an intricate mathematically informed view of who you are. Now that is bespoke! This requires tremendous attention to detail and takes a lot of time to build, but the upside to this is you get a strategically relevant numerology report that simply put, is the world’s best numerology report by far. This information helps you develop new and practical, personal, professional, business, and even corporate success strategies. Now you know why the Unique Value Proposition of Numerology UK is: Your New Winning Strategies Start Here.”

Chris and Suzanne Styles, Founders: Numerology UK

Can you imagine how incredible it is to see your entire life path laid out before you, experience wise, in 4D? Well this is no longer a pipedream it is in fact a reality. Years of R&D work at 365 Pin Code has developed a predictive numerology model that maps your life. Here is the entire life path map of Colonel Harland Sanders, founder of KFC. The data required to do this comes from your full name, your date of date and other data points. This proves how incredibly important it is for your critical thinking development, to understand the numerology of names, especially, yours! Here is an example (data extract) of what a life path looks like when mapped in 4D by 365 Pin Code. This is an extract from the life path data of The Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce and shows how incredibly accurate Numerology, well let’s say Strategic Applied Numerology, really is.

“A soulmate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes. We are attracted to another person at a soul level not because that person is our unique complement, but because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with an impetus to become whole ourselves.” Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet

Who was Edgar Cayce and what made him unique?

Cayce was born on a farm in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in 1877, and his psychic abilities began to appear as early as his childhood. He was able to see and talk to his late grandfather’s spirit, and often played with “imaginary friends” whom he said were spirits on the other side. He also displayed an uncanny ability to memorize the pages of a book simply by sleeping on it. These gifts labelled the young Cayce as strange, but all Cayce really wanted was to help others. Later in life, Cayce would find that he had the ability to put himself into a sleep-like state by lying down on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach. In this state of relaxation and meditation, he was able to place his mind in contact with all time and space — the universal consciousness, also known as the super-conscious mind. From there, he could respond to questions.

365 Pin Code Numerology: Life Path data table extract: Edgar Cayce, Born 18th March 1877

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

Focussing on 1889. What happened that year that was so life changing? He was taken to church when he was 10, and from then he read the Bible, becoming engrossed, and completing a dozen readings by the time he was 12. In May 1889, while reading the Bible in his hut in the woods, he ‘saw’ a woman with wings who told him that his prayers were answered and asked him what he wanted most of all. He was frightened, but he said that most of all he wanted to help others, especially sick children. He decided he would like to be a missionary. Whether you choose to believe this or not, if you refer to his life path data and focus on his 1889 line of code, you will see the red block connecting the numbers 11 (master number on visionary intuition and enlightenment) and 1 (his shadow life path number!). Isn’t it incredible to think that by modelling his critically important numerology data points we generated a table of code that revealed a significant personal experience for him, pertaining to intuitive development, in exactly 1889? What is extremely important to place on record, is that 1889 was a No8 universal year (1889 = 1+8+8+9 = 26 = 2+6 = 8; 365 Pin Code numerology sequence 26//8) which synchronised perfectly (as in 100%) with:

  • The life path numbers of Edgar Cayce (DOB: 18th March 1877; Life Path Numbers = 18+3+1877 = 1898 = 1+8+9+8 = 26 = 2+6 = 8; 365 Pin Code numerology sequence 26//8 – see his numerology birth chart below).
  • The physical vibration of his birth name in that Edgar (the name by which he went forth in the world) is also 365 Pin Code Numerology sequence 26//8 (see his Numerology for Names, 365 Pin Code full birth name analysis table below).

Guaranteed, these two bullet points will have gotten you thinking – hopefully realising that what Edgar Cayce experienced in 1889 was were not random nor a fabricated event – there’s just way too many critically significant numerology synchronicities which speak to it being when his intuitive portal gift was taken to a whole new level!

“A soulmate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes. We are attracted to another person at a soul level not because that person is our unique complement, but because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with an impetus to become whole ourselves.” Edgar Cayce

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

In 1881 Edgar Cayce’s brother Thomas, drowned

Focusing on 1881. What happened that year that was so life changing? Thomas Jefferson Cayce (Edgar’s brother) drowned in 1881 (when Edgar was four years old) after being thrown by a horse into the middle of a pond where he was knocked unconscious. According to his memoirs, Edgar Cayce saw him go under. Intriguingly, many years later Edgar Cayce would identify his newborn grandchild, future ARE president Charles Thomas Cayce, as the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson Cayce. Again, whether you choose to believe this historical record or not, when we map the life path of Edgar Cayce, 1881 has an extreme (hence the red block) number 3 related experience coded and with his being born in March, the 3rd month of the year, it had to be family related. Are you finally starting to make the quantum shift understanding wise that the numerology of names and the numerology of dates of birth are in fact sacrosanct? They carry within them cosmically coded data which proves that the lives of people were thoroughly defined well before you they born and therefore from this we can conclude that your full birth name and date of birth were no random accident!

“There will be a shifting of the poles. There will be upheavals in the Arctic and the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanos in the Torrid areas… The upper portion of Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.” Edgar Cayce

365 Pin Code Birth Chart Numerology: Edgar Cayce, born 18th March 1877

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

Edgar Cayce has a No1898//26//8 life path and a karmic debt No19 shadow life path (note that his surname, Cayce, also totals 19//10//1). His world or career number and his professional attainment number (TKSPR) are numerology sequence 23//5 (understand more about 23//5; the Page of Wands).

365 Pin Code Full Birth Name Numerology: Edgar Cayce “The Sleeping Prophet”

numerology of names, numerology alphabet, 365 Pin Code, numerology expression number, Edgar Cayce numerology, The Sleeping Prophet

Would you Like us to Calculate your 365 Pin Code?

If this numerology of names research has piqued your interest and you would like to understand much more about your birth name, date of birth, complete numerology profile and have your life path mathematically mapped, please Contact Us. If you are curious to discover what your life path numbers are what they mean, just ENTER your details into our Life Path Numbers Calculator.

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Image by Karin Henseler from Pixabay

Total Views: 1,744

Michael Schumacher after his accident

Karmic Debt Number 16 influences the life path experience of Michael Schumacher after his skiing accident

This detailed numerology research case study on Michael Schumacher after his accident, reveals that in 2013, the year of his tragic skiing accident (29 December 2013), he entered a karmic 23//5 pinnacle experience which simultaneously introduced his number 5 numerology karmic lesson. To make this study massively comprehensive, we also unpack the skiing accident related numerology of his wife, Corinna Schumacher, born 2nd of March 1969, whom Michael married in August 1995. The question that everyone wants answered most, is “Will Michael Schumacher ever properly recover and if so, when?” We have mathematically modelled the life path numerology of Michael Schumacher after his accident. What our investigative findings reveal, is that this combined No5 karmic lesson and pinnacle experience persists all the way through to the end of 2022. Post 2022, Michael’s other karmic lesson, No16//7 (which, significantly, synchronises perfectly with his 16//7 Shadow Life Path Number) is in play until the end of 2025. Karmic debt numerology sequence 16//7 is driven by the need for silence, isolation, and privacy all of which afford the person with the immediate environmental requirements necessary for much personal growth, mental development, introspection, and reflection. The upshot of this is that the person having the 16//7 experience connects the dots around their life in such a way that they provide both logical and spiritually significant revelations. As such, his request for privacy, which is what Corinna is constantly communicating to the world through the media, makes perfect sense, life path map wise. Michael Schumacher’s 365 Pin Code numerology reveals the presence of the rare Arrow of the Intellect (BTW, Corinna too has this arrow!), so logical, rational, practical answers are extremely important to him. His wishes for privacy must therefore be respected because without that, he cannot fully honour his 16//7 spiritual seeking experience. What this Michael Schumacher after his accident research also reveals, is the astonishing 2013 / 2014 pinnacle experience synchronicity between him and Corinna, which begs the question whether the significant events in one’s life are ‘simply random’ or in fact hardcoded and contracted at soul group level.

The 7 times World Champion’s head hit a rock

On December 29, 2013, mere days away from his 44th birthday, Michael Schumacher suffered a near-fatal accident whilst skiing in the French Alps. The 7 times World Champion’s head hit a rock while crossing an unpatrolled skiing area. Thankfully, he survived because of his ski helmet. However, his injuries were severe. Brain injury resulted in Schumacher being placed in a medically induced coma. Michael regained consciousness only in June 2014. Following this, Schumacher left the hospital to recover and rehabilitate from his home in Switzerland. There have been several conflicting reports regarding Schumacher’s condition and proceeding sequence of events. Some reports claim the 7 times World Champion is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Moreover, some sources suggest Schumacher has difficulty speaking and is suffering from memory loss. His family hasn’t gone on record to speak about the F1 legend’s health. However, his manager revealed that Michael was slowly progressing and making small steps towards recovery.

“You win a race, the next race it’s a question mark. Are you still the best or not? That’s what is funny. But that’s what is interesting. And that’s what is challenging. You have to prove yourself every time.” Michael Schumacher

The seven-time Formula One world champion is still fighting

11th September 2020: Former Ferrari boss Jean Todt has revealed he saw Michael Schumacher last week and says the seven-time Formula One world champion is fighting to overcome the devastating injuries that have kept him out of public view for almost seven years. FIA president Todt, 74, is among just a handful of visitors to see the 51-year-old – who is being cared for in Switzerland by his wife Corinna and their two children Gina-Marie and Mick – since the accident.

Todt, 74, offered positive news after his visit. “I saw Michael last week. He is fighting,” Todt told the PA news agency. “My God, we know he had a terrible and unfortunate skiing accident which has caused him a lot of problems. But he has an amazing wife next to him, he has his kids, his nurses, and we can only wish him the best and to wish the family the best, too. All I can do is to be close to them until I am able to do something, and then I will do it,” he added.

The accident related Numerology of Michael Schumacher

As mentioned earlier, this study on Michael Schumacher after his accident reveals how his injury synchronised with numerology karmic pinnacle 1976//23//5 which in turn coincided with many years linked directly to his personal karmic lesson number 7. Therefore the focal numbers around Michael Schumacher’s accident are 5 and 7. Let us now delve deep into all the detail as to how we know this and once we’ve unpacked his accident related numerology, we will then do the same for his wife, Corinna Schumacher.

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

Understanding the Karmic Lessons of Michael Schumacher

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

The name Michael Schumacher has no number 5’s [letters E,W and N] in it, nor number 7’s [letters G, P, Y] in it. Therefore, these respective numbers represent two of his four karmic lessons, the other two being the numbers 2 (Corinna was born on 2nd, number 2!) and 6 (linked with family, relationships, responsibility, matters of the heart etc.). With further regard to his No6 karmic lesson, note that 2013 [2013 = 2+0+1+3 = 6] the year of his accident, is a No6 universal year. Michael’s skiing accident took place on the 29th of December 2013, just two days (48 hours) before 2014 began, 2014 [2014 = 2+0+1+4 = 7] being a No7 universal year. The above table also reveals that the No7 also presents as his Numerology Maturity Number [2051//7]. The number 7 is linked with much mental and emotional activity searching for deeply significant spiritual answers. It is the number of privacy, introspection, reflection, Nature and the cosmos, research, perfection, maths and art, specialisation, analytics and of course, metaphysics. The number 5 is linked with his Subconscious Self Number (the hidden need for adrenaline, to live on the edge, to push boundaries…) as well as his Balance Number. His No5 balance number implies that if he did not have a regular adrenaline rush, he would not feel alive, or stated otherwise, balanced.

Now, let us analyse Michael Schumacher’s DOB to see what this might reveal especially with regards to the number 5 and 7…

Understanding the Date of Birth Numerology of Michael Schumacher

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

With regards to the No7, Michael Schumacher has a No7 world / career number (Birth YYYY: 1969 = 1+9+6+9 = 25 = 2+5 = 7; 25//7]. He also has a Karmic Debt Number 16//7 Shadow or Emotional Life Path Number [TSS-LFP; 16//7]. How do we know this? Shadow Life Path Number = Shadow Birth DD + Shadow Birth MM + Shadow Birth YYYY = 6+8+2 = 16 = 1+6 = 7, 16//7. Michael’s life path number [TKS-LFP] is 1973//20//2, his Sun or Personal Attainment Number [TKSPE] is the No4 which is linked with work, focus, discipline, structure, systems, practicality, no short-cuts, law and order, persistence, endurance etc. Importantly, his Shadow (as in emotional) Personal Attainment Number [TSSPE] is the karmic debt number 14//5 which talks to the emotional ‘need for speed’. Schumacher won his first Formula One World Championship in 1994, a season in which he won eight races. Please do note that 1994 [1994 = 1+9+9+4 = 23 = 2+3 = 5; 23//5] was a No5 universal year. Given the significance of the No7 in the 365 Pin Code Numerology Profile of Michael Schumacher, it is most interesting to note that he won the Formula One World Championship 7 times and holds the record (77) for the most fastest laps. He was the World Champion in 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. Winning, as in being No1, was firmly coded into his numerology DNA – see his Professional Attainment Number [TKSPR; 10//1].

Now that you understand a little more about some of the numbers making up his numerology, let us dig into what the numbers says about Michael Schumacher after his accident. The best way to do this is to map his pinnacle experiences and model his life path as therein lies numerical genius, insight wise.

Pinnacle and Challenge Experience Numbers for Michael Schumacher after his accident

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

In numerology, the life path (as in the birth to death journey) is broken up into four pinnacles or major experiential themes. The devastating accident took place on the 29th of December 2013. The full impact of the accident therefore presented during 2014. In 2013, as the above table reveals, Michael Schumacher was in his Third Pinnacle and Challenge Experience, his physical pinnacle experience being driven by his karmic lesson No5 (numerology sequence 1976//23//5) and his emotional challenge experience being driven by the numerology sequence 2//2. As we alluded to earlier, 5 synchs with his Shadow Personal Attainment Number [14//5], one of his karmic lessons, his Subconscious Self Number and his Balance Number. Therefore, during his pinnacle 3 experience which lasts from beginning January 2013 to end December 2021, all of these would be very much in frame! To help you better understand the mechanics of his 23//5, let us break the number sequence down into its individual units. The No3 (“the 3 of the 23”) deals with communication, creativity, self-expression, imagination, happiness, joy and 3 also happens to be his life path number. The No2 (“the 2 of the 23”) deals with love, teamwork, diplomacy, patience, supporting and being supported etc. The No5 (23 = 2+3 = 5) is linked with change, personal freedom, adaptability, flexibility, adventure, adrenaline, the living life large kinetic energy etc. 23//5, presenting as a karmic pinnacle in the case of Schumacher, implies the complete loss or dramatic reduction (‘karmic outcome’) of all of the above as well as much loss of balance. Having built and analysed thousands of numerology charts, many of which have been published as part of our on-going in-depth numerology case study research, has taught us that whenever a pinnacle period synchronises with a karmic lesson, much happens.

“People get excited around me and behave differently than they would normally. I don’t feel different from anyone else, except that I drive a racing car round in circles faster than somebody else.” Michael Schumacher

Enter the fascinating Numerology World of Annual Experience Numbers

The next data table is constructed from the annual life path data provided by our 365 Pin Code Predictive Numerology Model. This is the advanced level to which we have developed the applied numerology research work we do. What makes this table so valuable in terms of human futurology (that is studying humans and predicting their future) is that it provides unique lines of annual experiential coding. This table is constructed by using many critically important numbers sourced directly from MS’s Date of Birth [DOB], Full Birth Name [FBN] and Other Data Sources [ODS]. The model generates complex lists of numbers, the most important number in each annual data string, being what we call the 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers.

“The first thing, when I got the money, I knew I would support somebody. And the person I supported was my family. Because we were really in debt with the money. And – so I gave to my father this suitcase full of money. And he couldn’t believe it. And that was something very special.” Michael Schumacher

365 Pin Code Numerology: Table of Annual Experience Numbers [AENs] for Michael Schumacher

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

The 2014 Annual Experience Number [AEN] for Michael Schumacher is 10//1 and the No1 always signals a new beginning. This numerology number sequence occurs only once, as in only in 2014. In 2013 his AEN was 18//9 and in 2015 his AEN was 6//6, so the 10//1 is therefore sandwiched if you will, between the other two different AENs. When this happens in numerology model data, it indicates what we call a concentrated annual experience and when such concentrated experiences present, much happens guaranteed. Take for example, Albert Einstein’s 1905 miracle year (Annus Mirabilis) when his world / career No7 (Birth YYYY: 1879 = 1+8+7+9 = 25 = 2+5 = 7; 25//7) presented for just that year! Another example is the 2004 pancreatic cancer of Steve Jobs where again the No7 presented for only one year, bringing both his shadow family and career numbers into play simultaneously! It is important to note that MS’s 2013/2014 accident happened one year into his No23//5 third pinnacle experience (from 2013 to 2021) and how the accident-created loss of personal freedom, double synchs with his karmic 16//7 AEN (the intense spiritual search) from 2018 through to end 2021. Though his 16//7 persists through to 2025, in 2022 he makes the shift out of 3rd pinnacle 23//5 into 4th pinnacle 17//8. This numerical shift could bring about some minor changes.

Michael Schumacher and the Number 1

If you return to Schumacher’s date of birth chart, the No1 presents twice, as his Family Number and as his Professional Attainment Number [TKSPR; 10//1]. In numerology, the number 1 also synchs with new beginnings and given that as per his life path modelled experiences, which were laid down the moment he was born, the year 2014 was always coded to bring a massively dramatic new beginning his way. And tragically, that is exactly what happened because of his skiing accident, a mere 48 hours before 2014 started. Given his No1 in the Family, this concentrated new beginning would also impact on his family – and it did. 2015 through to 2017 are driven by AEN 6//6 which synchs with his shadow or emotional self (Birth DD, 3rd, shadow self no 6), as well as his soul urge number, expression numbers and these three years also signal a karmic lesson period for him, given that he has the No6 as one of his four karmic lessons. From 2018 through to 2025, the karmic debt AEN 16//7 presents which has direct shadow life path significance. In 2026, the No4 presents only once and in doubled up format (see the red block linking the 2×4’s, personal physical). In MS’s numerology, significantly, No4 synchs with his Sun or Personal Attainment Number [TKSPE; 4//4].

Having comprehensive unpacked the numerology of Michael Schumacher after his accident, we now need to repeat the same exercise for his wife, Corinna.

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The accident related Numerology of Corinna Schumacher

17 November 2019: She has been accused of cruelly hiding away Formula One legend Michael Schumacher from the world – and disguising the truth about his condition. But devoted wife Corinna Schumacher claims she is simply paying back her husband for 24 happy years of marriage by fulfilling his wish for privacy. The German seven-times world champion has not been seen since he suffered a traumatic brain injury after falling while skiing in the French alps on December 28, 2013, and his condition has been shrouded in secrecy. This week his former manager for 20 years, Willi Weber, said: “I’d like to know how he’s doing and shake hands or stroke his face. “But unfortunately, this is rejected by Corinna. She’s probably afraid that I’ll see right away what’s going on and make the truth public.” Corinna, 50, has barely spoken to the media, yet just days before Weber’s claims, she gave a rare interview to She’s Mercedes magazine. In it, she revealed it is her notoriously private husband who has dictated the news blackout.

Understanding the Karmic Lessons of Corinna Schumacher

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

Just like Michael, Corinna has the No7 as one of her two karmic lessons, the other one being No2 (please note that Michael Schumacher born 3rd January 1969, has a No2 life path). Her Subconscious Self is the No7 as is her Soul Urge Number 25//7. Interesting that both of her Expression Numbers [83//11//2] synch with master number 11, the emotionally charged, often anxiety-filled journey of the intuitive, visionary giver of illumination, enlightenment, and teaching. Like Michael, she has numerology number 3 as her Hidden Passion Number (creativity, communication, self-expression, happiness, inspiration, imagination etc.). Her Primary Personality Number [58//13//4] introduces another numerology karmic debt No13 which reduces down to essence number 4 (earthed, work, focus, order, planning, structure, discipline, no-nonsense, practical, reliable etc.).

Understanding the Date of Birth Numerology of Corinna Schumacher

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

The No7, which is massively significant with regards to understanding Michael Schumacher after his accident, presents twice in her birth chart numerology, first as her World / Career Number [Birth YYYY, 1969; 25//7] and then as her Shadow Self Number [Birth DD, 2nd, shadow self No7]. What this does reveal, is that the impact of her No7 karmic lesson will be felt most in these two places (external world, as in career; internal world as in personal emotional). Her other karmic lesson No2 (nurturing, supporting, teamwork, diplomacy, mediation, feminine energy, love, being the power behind the throne etc.) will be experienced through her Personal Number [Birth DD 2nd, No2] and through her Shadow World / Career No2.

Pinnacle and Challenge Experience Numbers for Corrina Schumacher after Michael’s 2013 accident

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

In 2012, Corinna Schumacher entered a No5 driven third pinnacle experience. Numerology wise, it is coded to last from beginning 2012 until end 2020. During these nine years, her pinnacle experience number is 1976//23//5 and her challenge experience number is 4//4 (being incredibly limited / boxed in / confined / restricted). If you scroll back up to Michael’s third pinnacle data table, you will notice the identical set of pinnacle numbers [1976//23//5] are presenting for him, from 2013 through to 2021. How incredible is this? The year immediately after his accident, 2014, is a No7 universal year. In 2014, both Michael and Corinna are in their respective 23//5 third pinnacle experience which forces personal freedom related issues upon them that require much adaptability, flexibility, and acceptance of change. Coincide? We believe not. It is our contention that events like this, where two people’s intelligent mathematical blueprint numerology numbers synchronise in a manner that reveals the presence of a super-intelligent grand-organised-design to all things here on earth, indicate soul entanglement and contracted soul journeys. Using numerology as a human futurology tool, we hope that our on-going R&D efforts will help people to better make sense of all this, especially on a love relationship level (i.e. those closest to us will always be our greatest teachers).

365 Pin Code Numerology: Table of Annual Experience Numbers [AENs] for Corinna Schumacher

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerology

Concentrate your attention on Corinna’s 2014 line of experiential numerology code. What do you see AEN wise? The No7 appears, only once! This signals a concentrated karmic event (remember, just like Michael, she has a No7 karmic lesson). Where would the No7 of 2014 impact? Shadow Self (emotional) and career as well as primary soul urge (25//7) and subconscious self. The year immediately after, 2015, brings another concentrated numerology experience, this driven by AEN 9. Numerology No9 synchs with endings, closure, consciousness, humanity, philanthropy, forgiveness, unconditional love etc. 2015 therefore is a year of many dramatic endings with her two No9 professional attainment numbers (refer back to her 365 Pin Code birth chart; TKSPR and TSSPR). Importantly, note how in 2018 she enters a No17//8 AEN driven period which lasts all the way through to 2025. Where does the No8 present in her numerology? Is it evident in her full birth name? No. Is it evident in her date of birth chart? No. This means that these years will test her to the limit in terms of what the No17//8 represents and if you look deeper into the meaning of No17//8, you will discover this: it is the No7 (privacy, isolation, searching for answers etc.) expressing itself through to the 1 (me, sense of self, independence) such that the No8 surfaces (money, power, control, authority, organising, leading others, and of course karma because the No8 is all about trying to find the balance between the spiritual world and the material world). In 2026, Corinna AEN sequence changes from 17//8 to 14//5 which itself is a karmic debt number again linked with change, personal freedom, adaptability etc.

What does all this Research reveal about Michael Schumacher after his Accident?

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerologys

The life path numerology data of Michael Schumacher reveals that because AEN16//7 is in play, he is locked into his No7 spiritual answer seeking karmic lesson through to end 2025. The life path numerology data of Corinna Schumacher reveals that because AEN17//8 is in play, she is locked into her No8 experience through to 2025. Therefore, we are of the opinion that nothing much will change until 2026. Significantly, in 2026, the AEN’s for Michael and Corinna change, in MS’s case 2026 being a concentrated No4 experience and in Corinna’s case, 2026 introducing change and personal freedom through AEN14//5. Mapping life path data the way we have done in his research case study is so important because it helps people to make more sense of significant emotional events. We see this kind of scientific work as being core to helping transform our understanding of why we are and how things really work, hence our actively developing the field of human futurology. Moreover, we are of the firm opinion that by using strategic applied numerology it is possible to understand so much more about a person’s future which in turn, opens a whole new world of risk mitigation.

As stated earlier, it is hugely significant that the Michael’s awful skiing accident happened at a time when both he and his beloved wife were both in exactly the same pinnacle experience, 1976//23//5, which itself is steeped in bringing about tremendous change. Could it be that Michael Schumacher’s Grand Organised Design is one that after an extreme life of being in the spotlight and always on the edge with adrenaline coursing his veins, from 2014, his life path map would take him away from all that, into privacy and silence, where he could then experience the another piece of his journey, karmic 16//7 which is connecting the dots outside of purely what the material world offers? Remember, unlike what religion teaches, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience here on earth, we are in fact spiritual beings having a human experience here on earth! The soul does not die when we die, it merely experiences through our physical bodies what it needs to know and understand, so that it can further evolve. What this research does reveal about the lives of Michael and Corinna Schumacher is that not much will change until late 2025, mid 2026, when another concentrated life path experience happens for Michael Schumacher. We conclude by celebrating the lives of these two amazing souls whose numerology clearly reveals that their incredible love story is not mere happenstance, but by actual mathematical universal design.

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerology

Photo by Martin King on Unsplash

365 Pin Code, World's Leading Numerologist, Michael Schumacher after his accident, karmic lessons, numerology pinnacles, soul entanglement, soul contracts, love numerology, relationship numerology

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

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Using the Law of Attraction

The Secret sent you down the wrong Rabbit Hole in terms of using The Law of Attraction

If you are open and receptive to learning a practical, scientific approach with regards to intelligently using the Law of Attraction [LoA], then this is the article you want to read. Rhonda Byrne released her blockbuster movie The Secret in 2006 [here are two investigative case studies (Case Study 1 and Case Study 2) that we conducted] and then followed it up in 2020 with another movie The Secret: Dare to Dream. Both are fun to watch but in terms of science, accuracy and all importantly strategic practicality, these popcorn productions unfortunately score a zero. Why, when The Secret took the world by storm, allocate such a harsh rating you might ask? Because in our measured and scientifically considered opinion (data and evidence is provided below), they incorrectly portray how the Law of Attraction works and as such set people up for tremendous disappointment when ‘nothing happened like I intentioned it’.

Roger Ebert wrote a scathing review of The Secret: Dare to Dream

Based on the 2006 self-help book from Rhonda Byrne, which has sold tens of millions of copies with the help of Oprah Winfrey’s blessing, this romantic drama is filled with vapid platitudes about the power of positive thinking. Director and co-writer Andy Tennant’s film takes place in a generically quaint small town full of blandly nice people who are woefully devoid of characterization, even though they’re frequently stuck standing around explaining themselves to each other. Even something as potentially thrilling as an approaching hurricane can’t liven things up. There is nothing new, exciting or particularly challenging about what “The Secret: Dare to Dream” is selling. You’d be forgiven for thinking you’d seen this movie before, as it hews so closely to the kind of comforting fare airing 24/7 on the Hallmark Channel. This overly simplistic philosophy might seem borderline dangerous in these difficult times if it weren’t presented in such silly, predictable fashion. (Rom-com veteran Tennant co-wrote the script with Rick Parks and Bekah Brunstetter.) Got Covid? Just wish it away. Lost your job because of the pandemic like tens of millions of other Americans? If you want your dream gig badly enough, it’ll magically happen. Can’t pay the rent? Money will show up in your bank account if you put it on your vision board. In a place where birds chirp pleasantly and twinkly piano music accompanies the most banal of errands, anything is possible.”

365 Pin Code, strategic numerology, using the law of attraction, numerology for women, the secret, law of vibration, Suzanne Styles, Chris Styles, female numerology, The Secret Dare to Dream, LoA experts, mind power

It is time to Get Real and exit Cloud Cuckoo-Land

In a post Covid-19 ravaged world that has seen how we live and how we conduct business go through quantum level change, people are desperately looking for awareness creating material that is strategically relevant, substantially richer and definitely more cerebrally taxing than what these two saccharine sweet misrepresentations of using the Law of Attraction, provide! Ask, Believe, Receive – wrong! Here’s The Real Secret behind The Secret: and as is always the case, the numbers reveal all. The Secret = (2+8+5) + (1+5+3+9+5+2) = 15 + 25 = 40 = 4+0 = 4. The essence number of the name, The Secret, is number 4 and No4 deals with work, focus, discipline, planning, systems, law and order, structure, processes, procedures, patience, building methodically and NEVER taking short-cuts! Nothing sexy about numerology number 4 now is there? Nope. It is all the hard stuff, but without No4 nothing happens, because No4 is what gives shape, form, substance, usability, and tangibility to ideas (which flow from the creative machinery of numerology number 3)!

The Law of Attraction is a sub-law of the primary law being The Law of Vibration

Few people who are interested in using the law of attraction, understand that LoA is sub-law of the primary law, being the Law of Vibration, LoV. The LoV reminds us that everything in this universe vibrates (agreed, proved by science and quantum mechanics) and therefore from this, it can be intelligently extrapolated that as you vibrate, so are you. No issue with this thinking. The vibrations we are giving off are both tangible and detectable. That is why you will walk into a room where an unpleasant exchange is taking place between two people and you will instantly know this, because you will intuitively pick up on “the bad vibes!” That is how for example, a great white shark using its Ampullae of Lorenzini which are located in abundance around its nose and along its sides, instantly knows when a fish or seal is in distress (its vibration in the water changes!) and closes in on it for the kill.

Where Byrne and all the other thousands of “LoA experts out there” get it horribly wrong, is they teach that you will attract what you want. Nonsense! Our many applied numerology investigative research case studies have proven that you do not attract what you want, you attract what you need to learn according to your life path journey! This is not such a sexy sale is it? No Ferraris involved here, nor dream houses, nor fabulous holidays, nor hey-presto life of abundance vision boards! Not that easy to create a blockbuster movie around this unpleasant and harsh truth is it?

365 Pin Code, strategic numerology, using the law of attraction, numerology for women, the secret, law of vibration, Suzanne Styles, Chris Styles, female numerology, The Secret Dare to Dream, LoA experts, mind power

What exactly is The Pure, calculable Science behind Using the Law of Attraction as it is currently taught?

LoA = You Attract what YOU Want… The Secret – Ferraris, Boats, Houses, Cash in a Flash, Abundant lifestyle etc. Absolute nonsense! You would do well to bullet this junk right out of your mental orbit.

LoA = You Attract what YOU Are… Hugely debatable because why is it then that ‘two really wonderful people’ have a terminally ill child, or that ‘an upstanding citizen’ loses his business?

LoA = You Attract what YOU must Learn… Shockingly, astonishingly, aggravatingly, this is the truth. If you doubt this, then why has our research conclusively proved that life path significant events were hardcoded into the study subject’s numerology blueprint from the moment they were born?

Here are 30 wonderfully illustrative examples:

  1. Question: Why was Ruth Bader Ginsburg elected to the role of #SCOTUS Justice in 1993? Answer: It was so coded.
  2. Question: Why did Amy Coney Barrett become a #SCOTUS Justice in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  3. Question: Why did Steve Jobs’ pancreatic cancer surface in 2004? Answer: It was so coded.
  4. Question: Why did F1 legend Michael Schumacher’s tragic skiing accident happen right at the end of 2013? Answer: It was so coded.
  5. Why did Romanian gymnast Nadia Comăneci score a perfect 10 at the Montreal Olympics in 1976: Answer: It was so coded.
  6. Question: Why did thought paradigm buster Erich von Däniken’s international bestseller, Chariots of The Gods, appear in exactly 1968? Answer: It was so coded.
  7. Question: Why did Steve Wozniak exit Apple in 1985? Answer: It was so coded.
  8. Question: Why did US women’s tennis ace Billie Jean King come out in 1981 as being lesbian? It was so coded.
  9. Question: Why was 1906 Einstein’s Annus Mirabilis (miracle year)? Answer: It was so coded.
  10. Question: Why did celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s empire collapse? Answer: It was so coded.
  11. Why did abused Nike elite female athlete Mary Cain expose the horrors of working with Nike Oregon Project lead coach Alberto Salazar in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  12. Question: Why did the Springboks win the 2019 Rugby World Cup? Answer: It was so coded.
  13. Question: Why did Kylie Jenner give birth to Stormi in 2018? Answer: It was so coded.
  14. Question: Why did UFC champ Khabib Nurmagomedov’s father die in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  15. Question: Why did Peter Benchley release JAWS in ’74//’75? Answer: It was so coded.
  16. Question: Why did WAGS Vardy and Rooney end up at WAR in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  17. Question: Why did it take so long for 1986 Top Gun sequel to happen? Answer: It was so coded.
  18. Question: Why did Harper Lee’s brilliant book, To Kill A Mockingbird make its appearance in 1960? Answer: It was so coded.
  19. Question: Why did pro golfer Bryson DeChambeau’s career take off in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  20. Question: Why did author Sir Terry Pratchett’s Alzheimer’s present in 2008? Answer: It was so coded.
  21. Question: Why is Julius Malema the greatest threat in South Africa’s future? Answer: It was so coded.
  22. Question: Why did celebrity Ellen DeGeneres’ career implode in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  23. Question: Why was Epstein’s partner Ghislaine Maxwell arrested in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  24. Question: Why was New Zealand’s PM Jacinda Ardern re-elected in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  25. Question: Why did WeWork’s CEO Adam Neumann’s world implode in 2020? Answer: It was so coded.
  26. Question: Why did Liverpool Football Club and coach Jurgen Klopp enjoy such wonderful collaborative success? Answer: It was so coded.
  27. Question: Why will 2021 and beyond be awful years for Greta Thunberg? Answer: It is so coded.
  28. Question: Why was 2019 such a huge year for Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage? Answer: It was so coded.
  29. Question: Why did Danish billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen meet with such terrible personal tragedy in 2019? Answer: It was so coded.
  30. Question: Why will the UK’s Labour Party under the leadership of Sir Keir Starmer, surge massively again in the next general election? Answer: It is so coded.

Everything that was achieved above in the way of success stories, happened because THEY DID THE WORK! Back to numerology number 4, which as revealed earlier, aligns perfectly with THE SECRET. So then, what is the biggest secret to success? Shock, horror, gasp – you have to work for it! That’s right, you don’t just sit in your lounge on your backside, visualising a bright red Ferrari and hey-presto, puff of blessed cosmic smoke, there it is! How tragic that the 1986 movie The Secret has sent so many millions of people desperate to know how to create more personal and professional success, down the wrong path in terms of manifestation strategies. And that is why we seriously question the value and authenticity of these massive and brilliantly marketed “guru led success manifesting sellathon events” that regularly happen around the world, now mostly online given Covid-19 imposed crowd restrictions and regulations.

365 Pin Code, strategic numerology, using the law of attraction, numerology for women, the secret, law of vibration, Suzanne Styles, Chris Styles, female numerology, The Secret Dare to Dream, LoA experts, mind power

Makes You Think doesn’t it?

To be a success you must have a great mindset! Absolute truth! However just because you are firing on all cylinders between the ears, does not mean that you are coded for success right now. Sometimes, all the work you are doing (as in developing your roots) will only bear fruits in 7 or more years. Tragically, people learn about the Law of Attraction, get all excited, pour their life and soul and even every cent they have into it for many months and then, when nothing happens, lose heart and become massively despondent. These people are life path timeline ignorant and to make matters worse, they do not understand the bespoke numerical seasonality of their lives. For example, if you are in a karmic debt No13 driven temporary experience, try as you will and pray as you may, your life is just not going to take a quantum leap forward. Things do not happen that way under the karmic No13 vibration! Yet, the LoA gurus do not tell you this now do they? Why not? Because tragically, they themselves do not understand this!

Strategic Applied Numerology and Realistic Mind Power go together fabulously!

Another concept you must grasp, is even if you are numerologically coded for success right now, if you do not have the right mindset, you will never realise that success pinnacle. That is why we say that strategic applied numerology and realistic mind power go together fabulously! All the hard evidence (detailed case studies) presented above, proves that significant events are in fact life path coded. Stated differently, success events exist within our numbers from the moment we are born, but we must work hard for them! Given this, how can what is being taught right now by life coaches, prosperity gurus, LoA numerologists etc. to hundreds of millions of people (the global LoA lemming personal development audience) around using the Law of Attraction, be anything other than fabricated sales-powering metaphysical drivel? Makes You Think doesn’t it?

You attract What YOU need to Learn

With regard to The Law of Attraction, you do not attract what you want (wasted, foolish energy expenditure, stop using this technique now!) nor do you really attract what you are, you attract what you must learn. And, all this happens according to your numbers, your life path journey, your soul contract, your karmic lessons, your karmic debts (13, 14, 16 and 19) and much more. That explains why using the Law of Attraction properly, is massively complex and not nearly as simplistic as 1, 2 and 3 [Ask, Believe, Receive – Really? Yawn!] or “Just do these 5 easy things blah-blah-blah, yap-yap-yap and you will attract riches” which many of the LoA gurus who appeared in The Secret, would have you believe!

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365 Pin Code, strategic numerology, using the law of attraction, numerology for women, the secret, law of vibration, Suzanne Styles, Chris Styles, female numerology, The Secret Dare to Dream, LoA experts, mind power

Image by Arthur Halucha from Pixabay

365 Pin Code, strategic numerology, using the law of attraction, numerology for women, the secret, law of vibration, Suzanne Styles, Chris Styles, female numerology, The Secret Dare to Dream, LoA experts, mind power

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

365 Pin Code, strategic numerology, using the law of attraction, numerology for women, the secret, law of vibration, Suzanne Styles, Chris Styles, female numerology, The Secret Dare to Dream, LoA experts, mind power

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020?

If you think Bryson DeChambeau is having a Great Year wait until 2021

Will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020 at Augusta in November? Our applied research reveals the probability of this happening, is extremely high. Bryson DeChambeau has a master number 11 life path. November is the 11th month of the year. There exists success synchronicity event number 1. He was born in 1993 which makes his career or world number the master number 22 (1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 1993//22//4). When we run his personal monthly data profiles, November 2020 calculates as being exactly 22//4. There exists success synchronicity event number 2. Next, when we apply predictive modelling to his life path, his data reveals that in 2020 he entered a three year period (2020 to 2022) driven by Annual Experience Number 19//1 which carries within it the potential for greatness. There exists success synchronicity event number 3. Lastly, as our data tables below reveal, he is in a No11//2 personal physical year and 11//2 professional emotional year. These 11//2 events synch with his life path number, professional attainment number and personal emotional attainment number. This brings another four powerful alignments into frame. There exists success synchronicity event number 4. We have done extensive investigative case study research and have built and analysed thousands of charts, and so we know that to have so many synchronicities (4!) aligning all once, is extremely rare. That is why we say the answer to the question, will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, is, highly likely! So much so, that the probability of this happening runs north of 90% or P=0,9+.

“I’m a total nonconformist; for me, it’s about going down rabbit holes.” Bryson DeChambeau

Will Bryson DeChambeau Win The Masters 2020?

To help you understand how we know that 4 powerful synchronicities are in play for him we will analyse his key datapoints in 3 phases. Phase 1 unpacks his date of birth. Phase 2 unpacks his full birth name. Phase 3 is the Human Futurology predictive modelling exercise which unpacks his life path data, in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) into annual experiential themes as defined the 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers. All this also gives you incredible insights into the “mathematically coded” nature of this sportsman. If you think this is a load of nonsense, think again. Our predictive model has conclusively proven why:

Phase 1: Enter the 365 Pin Code of Bryson DeChambeau

365 Pin Code Numerology Birth Chart of US golf pro Bryson DeChambeau born 16th September 1993

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

With regards to “will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters?” we will focus on just a few of the above listed numbers – the ones that help answer the question.

If you look at the LARGE black, white and red numbers in the above chart, you will see that the numbers 7 (logical thinker; 16//7) and 2 (intuitive feeler; 11//2) dominate. There are also two 9’s which, given the composition of numerology 9 (i.e. has all the numbers within it), accentuates the 7’s and the 2’s, and a 4 and 5.

Karmic Debt number 16 presents powerfully in DeChambeau’s birth chart

Birth DD: 16th [16 = 1+6 = 7] – numerology number 16 (a karmic debt number!) reduces to essence number 7 which is the number of research, test and learn analytics, logic, curiosity, perfection, cosmic wisdom, introspection etc. It is important to note that he also has No16//7 presenting as his Shadow or Emotional Life Path number (see TSS-LFP 16//7 above, light brown block). His personal attainment number combination (see TKSPE top left; 25//16//7) is also driven by the No7. All this reveals that he is hardcoded to be intensely analytical and loves research and data and critical thinking driven test-and-learn methodologies that will help him systematically move toward performance excellence and sporting perfection (No7).

Birth YYYY: 1993 [1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 1993//22/4; master number 22, The Master Builder] – his career numerology master number 22 (which reduces to essence number 4) carries tremendous momentum during 2020 [2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4 – note the 2×2’s!] which is a No4 universal year. This is because of the 4 on 4 synchronicity.

Numerology master number 11 presents powerfully in DeChambeau’s birth chart

Bryson DeChambeau has numerology master number 11 as his life path number (see TKS-LFP; 2018//11//2; blocked off in pink). To have the No11 as your life path number is rare! This talks to a very emotionally demanding life journey (especially when young) during which the No11’s owner will be given many extreme experiences all of which are designed to build his/her levels of intuitive mastery. MN-11 is driven by vision and intuition. Note that his professional attainment number (see TKSPR; 2009//11//2 top right of chart) is also MN-11. What all this reveals, is that to many it will appear as if he is somehow magically guided by the heavens, which is exactly the case. MN-11 is powerfully connected with the invisible forces that govern our Universe and therefore “out of nowhere” innovative performance enhancing ideas will simply ideas rocket into his head. These leadership defining ideas are total game changers because they are being downloaded from a Higher Intelligence. When he goes quiet, detaches, and SEEKS (he goes deep inside searching for new truths, which is exactly what the karmic 16//7 does), he will FIND (via the intuitive mastery of his MN-11).

“BRYSON DeCHAMBEAU has transformed himself into a big-hitting monster after packing on 20kg of muscle in just nine months as part of a stunning body transformation. The world No 7 has ballooned to just over 17st (107kg) and gone up from a size medium shirt to extra large after pumping iron in the gym. And he has seen the length of his drives increase massively, as evident by the gigantic 365 yard bomb he hit during the second round of the Charles Schwab Challenge in June. That was just one of NINE drives over 300 yards during a second straight round of five-under 65. His average drive now goes more than 320 yards – the longest on the PGA Tour by more than a yard. DeChambeau – who gained 20lbs of muscle in lockdown alone – swings the driver at just shy of 140mph and the ball leaves his clubface at more than 200mph. Eat your heart out, Lewis Hamilton. DeChambeau – who is known as the ‘mad scientist’ because of the complex way he plays the game – looks totally different to the skinny kid who joined the tour in 2016.” Sam Morgan, The Sun, Sport, Golf

365 Pin Code Pythagoras Square of US golf pro Bryson DeChambeau born 16th September 1993

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

Arrow of The Intellect, Level 5 intensity, is totally off the charts! Highest score yet in the thousands of charts we have built. Arrow of Heightened Sensitivity means he is intensely aware of other people’s emotions and feels things on a very intense level. Isolated No7 speaks to his willingness to embrace what to others would appear to be “extreme self-sacrifice” in order to go places and his isolated No1 talks to a person who is easily misunderstood (most deep, critical thinkers are, because they live inside their heads and get totally lost in their thoughts).

On Tuesday, DeChambeau detailed what his diet now consists of, and it’s quite something. One of the most mind-boggling aspects of the diet is that DeChambeau consumes at least six protein shakes every day. DeChambeau consumes two shakes each of his three daily meals, but sometimes three in the midday. Back in December, DeChambeau was up to 225 pounds because he wanted to improve his game and prevent future injuries. In an interview with Golf.com, DeChambeau revealed that he’d been dealing with back injuries and was considering getting surgery. Says Bryson: “I was literally thinking I’d need surgery but I talked to Greg (Roskopf), he was like no, no, no, don’t do any of that, we’re going to teach your body to tolerate the force,” DeChambeau said. “Usually when ligaments get torn or bones get broken or whatever it’s because the muscles aren’t functioning properly, so that’s what I’ve been doing. I’m going to become like a gymnast. I watch online, on Instagram, these gymnast influencers, and that’s where I want to get.” Chris Bengel, CBS Sports, Golf

Phase 2: Enter the 365 Pin Code of Bryson DeChambeau

365 Pin Code Numerology Name analysis of US golf pro Bryson James Aldrich DeChambeau

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

His full birth name has every number (as in 1 through 9) presenting, therefore, he has no obvious karmic lessons. This brings his subconscious self No9 into frame. Numerology No9 synchs with humanity, philanthropy, universal love, forgiveness, helping others, healing, drawing inspiration from being aligned to higher causes (e.g. ecological consciousness etc.). See how powerfully the No7 again makes its presence felt in his name, with his primary expression number being 115//7 and his primary balance number also being a 7. The thinker, the researcher, the analyst, the one who is always seeking for the next level of logical, quantifiable, perfection. His No1 hidden passion number talks his having a tremendously competitive spirit and that he loves to win, both of which are critically important if you want to be a top golf pro. His primary soul urge 44//8 talks to the desire to enjoy fame and fortune, to leave a legacy, to be tremendously wealthy (all 8’s) and that he is prepared to work (2×4’s – double intensity) for this and make the required sacrifices (see his isolated 7 in his Pythagoras Square chart above). His primary personality is 71//8 which is the controlled, organised powerhouse (8) with the 1 (self, me, winning etc.) expressing itself through the 7 (research, analysis, critical thinking, searching for answers etc.).

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

Bryson totals 30, the Creative Communicative One

His first name, Bryson, totals 30 [30 = 3+0 = 3] which reduces to numerology essence number 3. No3 synchs with creativity, communication, self-expression, imagination, inspiration and the No3 also has a “project management” element to it, in that 3’s love to have a goal driven timeline with a regular checkpoints to see how they’re progressing relative to target. This is his physical vibration. The No3, just like the No7, loves to explore and is therefore most willing to “creatively go down the rabbit hole” to discover what it is that they don’t know that they don’t know!

His middle names, James Aldrich total 49 [49 = 4+9 = 13 = 1+3 = 4; 49//13//4] which intriguingly brings karmic debt number 13 into frame. Karmic No13 is linked with focus, work, discipline, planning, justice, law and order, no short cuts whatsoever! It is the creative essence (3) expressing itself through the individual (1) via an orderly, planned, methodical, systemic, work-driven approach (4). This is his emotional vibration.

DeChambeau totals 36 the Number of Determination and Perseverance

His ancestral or spiritual vibration is defined by his surname, DeChambeau, which totals 39 [36 = 3+6 = 9]. Numerology number 9 (BDC has No9 as his subconscious-self number and maturity number; see table data above) is the number of completion, consciousness, healing, humanity, philanthropy, higher causes, forgiveness etc. It is considered by some numerologists to be the most advanced of all the numbers, but this is up for debate. If you want to understand more about numerology number 9, here is a detailed investigative case study we did on KFC Founder Colonel Harland Sanders, who numerology charts are packed full of 9’s. As a universal vibration, No36 will have to overcome many obstacles and is therefore equipped with tremendous determination and persistence. People with the No36 presenting powerfully within their numerology, as is the case with DeChambeau, may be called upon to carry a heavy burden of some kind during their life. The No36 is a very intuitive number that has an inspired nature to it and so it not uncommon for the bearers of No36 to have the gift of being able to “accurately sense the future.” No36 is salt of the earth.

“People don’t realize all the stuff I gave up growing up. I could have gone to parties and had fun at adventure parks with friends on weekends and things like that. But I went out and worked my butt off for eight hours playing golf.” Bryson DeChambeau

Phase 3: Enter the 365 Pin Code of Bryson DeChambeau

365 Pin Code Predictive Numerology Model: Annual Experience Numbers [AENs] for US golf pro Bryson James Aldrich DeChambeau’s life path

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

“The only reason why I don’t win is because of a bad decision, misjudged the wind, misjudged the read on the greens and wet conditions. Those are the three or four things that will cause me not to win. That’s it.” Bryson DeChambeau

The futuristic research that we are working on, is geared toward proving people with insightful and strategically relevant personal (internal world) and professional (external world) information that helps them to better predict, and therefore better prepare for, the future. The predictive numerology model we have developed is bullseye accurate (we confidently know this because we proved this, many times over!) and is the first of its kind, ever! It maps in 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) what a person’s bespoke mathematically designed data codes are for any given year and from there we can drill down into the numerology science of your months and even your days. That’s why in our research articles and case studies we will often refer to your Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint (IMB) or Grand Organised Design (GOD) because when you unpack intelligence on this level you realise that nothing about our lives is random nor accidental, that everything is in fact hardcoded and so it is up to us to intelligently align with and to our masterfully created blueprint, as therein lies the zenith of purposeful living.

Back to the burning question: Will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020?

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

Let us Focus on DeChambeau’s string of AENs from 2014 to 2017

Please focus on the string of 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers (see 365PC AEN column) for DeChambeau from 2014 to 2017. The numbers in the 365PC AEN column define his “dominant experiential theme” for the year. In 2014, the year he turned 21, he entered a four-year period driven by AEN19//1. What is 19//1? Numerology number 19 is one of the four karmic debt numbers (the other three are 13, 14 and 16). Whenever it presents within data sets, either as a permanent vibration (e.g. someone being born on the 19th or having a No19 life path – discover more by entering DOB 1st February 1969 into our Life Path Numbers Numerology Calculator) or as a temporary vibration (e.g. 2014 to 2017 for BDC) it brings with it experiences linked to leadership, winning, innovation, independence, original creativity and the ego (as in a powerful sense of self) into play.

So, what happened with DeChambeau during those 19//1 AEN driven years?

He performed and brilliantly so, which gives us the strategic insight that whenever 19//1 presents in his life path number line, the probability that his performance will be red hot, is extremely high! In June 2015, he became the first SMU Mustang to win the NCAA individual championship, recording a score of 280 (−8) to win by one stroke. In August, he won the U.S. Amateur title, defeating Derek Bard 7&6 in the 36-hole final. He became the fifth player to win both the NCAA and U.S. Amateur titles in the same year, joining Jack Nicklaus (1961), Phil Mickelson (1990), Tiger Woods (1996), and Ryan Moore (2004). DeChambeau made his PGA Tour debut as an amateur in June 2015 at the FedEx St. Jude Classic near Memphis, Tennessee, and finished in 45th place. He played in his first major championship at the U.S. Open at Chambers Bay, but missed the cut by four strokes. DeChambeau was unable to defend his NCAA title in 2016 after the SMU athletic department was handed a postseason ban by the NCAA. He decided to forgo his senior season to play in a number of events before turning professional. At the 2015 Australian Masters in November, DeChambeau was runner-up with John Senden and Andrew Evans, two shots behind the winner Peter Senior. He was the low amateur at the Masters in 2016 and tied for 21st place. Immediately after the Masters in mid-April 2016, DeChambeau turned professional and signed a long-term agreement with Cobra-Puma Golf. He made his pro debut days later at the RBC Heritage in South Carolina and tied for fourth, earning over $259,000. The decision to turn professional meant the forfeiture of his exemptions to the U.S. Open at Oakmont and Open Championship at Royal Troon but qualified his way into the U.S. Open, tied for 15th place to earn over $152,000, and improved his world ranking to 148. Despite the strong start, DeChambeau did not earn enough non-member FedEx Cup points that season to qualify for a 2017 PGA Tour card but did qualify for the Web.com Tour Finals. He was successful at earning his card through the Finals, thanks to a win at the DAP Championship. On July 16, 2017, DeChambeau earned his first PGA Tour victory by winning the John Deere Classic by a single stroke over Patrick Rodgers. He carded a round of 65 in the final round to win his maiden title in his 40th start on tour. The win coming the week before, gained DeChambeau a place in the 2017 Open Championship.

Will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020?

With reference to the original question that initiated this investigative research, that being, will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020, the best way for us to give an informed opinion is to look at his numbers! And what do we see? In 2020, he entered a 19//1 AEN driven three year period that persists through to 2022 and given the string of odd numbers in 2021, if you think 2020 has been a blistering performance year for DeChambeau, you ain’t seen nothing yet because the best is yet to come! Now you understand why, in the very opening paragraph, we stated that: “The answer to the question, will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, is, highly likely! So much so, that the probability of this happening runs north of 90% or P=0,9+.”

So, what about the AEN16//7 that appeared in 2018/2019 and again in 2023/2024?

DeChambeau is born on the 16th of September. 16//7 is therefore his personal number or personal numerology vibration and as such, whenever 16//7 presents AEN wise in his data string, it is indicative of years that will be tremendously personal for him, or stated differently, whatever happens that year or during those years will impact massively on him, directly in the person. If you are curious enough, refer back to his 365 in Code birth chart, the very first in this article. There you will see, in the top left corner, his Sun or Personal Attainment Numbers 25//16//7. 16//7 therefore also synchs with moments when he will be enjoying much personal attainment, or if you will, the deserved fruits of hard work.

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

And what does DeChambeau’s future hold?

Looking into DeChambeau’s future, we see an extremely significant and interesting numerical convergence happening in 2025. If you carefully study that specific data string, you will see his Sun or Personal Attainment Number (16//7) aligning with AEN19//1 and, all importantly, for one year only which results in a super concentrated experience! It does not end there though! There is another critically important number presenting, which is 11//2, can you see it to the right of the RED blocks? DeChambeau has master number 11//2 as his life path number (TKS-LFP), as his Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR, top right), and as his Personal Shadow Attainment Number (TSSPE, bottom left). That is a super convergence of note! Literally, 2025 is the perfect storm, in a positive, beautiful way. Whatever it is that happens to him that year, guaranteed, it will etch his name into history and the hall of fame, forever. FYI, after 2025, the next time AEN 19//1 appears in his life path is in 2064, the year he turned 71 and again, it is a concentrated experience (i.e. 19//1 presents in 2064 only!). Going backwards in his life path data, AEN 19//1 presented from 1999 to 2001.

Between the end of last week’s Shriners Hospitals for Children Open and the Masters, there are four PGA Tour tournaments. This week’s CJ Cup. Next week’s Zozo Championship. The Bermuda Championship at the end of the month. The Houston Open the first week of November. Bryson DeChambeau will play in zero. He walked off the 18th green at TPC Summerlin last Sunday. He began marching toward the 1st tee at Augusta National. No PGA Tour event in between. From after his U.S. Open win at Winged Foot, to the Masters, he will have played in just the Shriners. “It’s going to be just trying to figure more stuff out as always,” DeChambeau said last Sunday of his preparation. “I still got some equipment stuff coming in the next two months, that’s mainly why I’m taking it off,” he said in response to another question. “I feel like the advantages that I usually have could be much improved upon with the equipment, and we don’t have it yet, but we’re diligently working on it behind the scenes. I’ll have that in a couple weeks, we’ll prototype and test it and see if it works. If it doesn’t, we’ll go back and tool it and hopefully have it ready for Augusta.” Week 1 of Masters prep: Working out. And no golf. He wants to go from 235 pounds – he’s put on about 40 in the past year – to 245. “I’m going to be working out like crazy,” he said. “This first week back home, I’m not really going to touch a club too much and going to be training pretty hard and getting myself up to hopefully around 245, something like that, in weight. Be the first time I’ve ever done that, so I’m going to be consuming a lot and working out a lot and see what can go from there.” Nick Piastowski, Golf.com, Oct 18 2020

Putting our Money where our Mouth is will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020?

Moving beyond probabilities, “could-bes, should-bes and maybes” and boldly putting our money where our mouth is, will Bryson DeChambeau win The Masters 2020? Yes, he (Bryson DeChambeau, secondary expression 66//12//3, the hugely responsible, family values driven, relationship-focused, creative one) will win The Masters and here is the final chart to prove why we are brave enough to predict this… Do you see that his November 2020 is a 22//4? Where does 22//4 present in his 365 Pin Code numerology? As his career or world number! Birth YYYY 1993 = 1+9+9+3 = 22 = 2+2 = 4; 22//4. Moreover, November is the 11th month of the year and significantly its master number 11 vibration synchronises with DeChambeau 3 x11’s (life path, Sun, professional attainment). In a nutshell, Nov 2020 sees both of DeChambeau’s master numbers (11 and 22) in frame and so do not be surprised if, like he did in the 2020 US Open hosted at Winged Foot, he again wins by a massive margin. Chances are he will make a massive move at Augusta on Saturday 14th November 2020 (14+11+2020 = 2045 = 2+0+4+5 = 11) and then on Sunday 15th November 2020 (15+11+2020 = 2046 = 2+0+4+6 = 12 = 1+2 = 3; 12//3 synchs perfectly with his 12//3 Secondary Expression Number!) it will all just magically come together and defending champion, Tiger Woods, will be setting the coveted green jacket upon his very broad shoulders…

For those of you who are now beyond curious in terms of what your and others’ numbers reveal, did you know that we have published a case study proving that in 1905, Einstein’s Annus Mirabilis (his miracle year), his career number (Birth YYYY 1879 = 1+8+7+9 = 25 = 2+5 = 7; 25//7; essence number 7) and AEN (also a No7 essence) synchronised perfectly, proving it was coded to be. It all happened because he managed to successfully live up to this event’s full potentiality.

365 Pin Code chart of Monthly Experience Numbers (MENs) for Bryson DeChambeau

Will Bryson DeChambeau win the masters 2020, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

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Bryson DeChambeau, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

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Bryson DeChambeau, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Bryson DeChambeau, numerology research, sport numerology, karmic debt 16, 365 Pin Code, golf numerology, golf sports betting, human futurology. Numerology and Sport

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