Let’s get to grips with the next 5 Brilliant Success Laws

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this 4 Part Series you were introduced to The first Brilliant Success Laws, your programming, how to begin to use the Laws to create phenomenal success and much detail was provided around The Law of Oneness (The First Law), The Law of Vibration (The Second Law), The Law of Attraction (The Third Law) and The Law of Cause and Effect (The Fourth Law). In this Blog, I will now explain in detail:

  1. The Law of Circulation (The Fifth Law)
  2. The Law of Action (The Sixth Law)
  3. The Law of Correspondence (The Seventh Law)
  4. The Law of Transformation (The Eighth Law)
  5. The Law of Relativity (The Ninth Law)

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

Fifth Law:  The Law of Circulation

Before explaining how you should be applying this law in order to be in harmony with it and therefore have it serving you well in turn, let’s turn your attention to the principle of circulation.

Circulation is vital for the well-being of any system and it keeps the system healthy and vibrant. Water circulates all the time.

Life giving rains fall from the clouds in the sky. Some of the rain seeps into the ground and helps plant life to spring forth and some of the rain collects in streams and gulleys which merge into small rivulets, which merge into large swollen rivers some of which flow into huge freshwater catchment dams and some of which just drain into beautiful estuaries and out into the deep blue sea. The sun shines down on the surface of these dams, estuaries and oceans, heating the surface of the water and some of this heated water evaporates, rising up into the sky, where it cools down, condenses, forms clouds and raindrops again fall from the sky. This is a simple yet powerful example of circulation and the importance of circulation for the continual well being of life and nature.

Another very powerful example to use to explain the importance of circulation is the circulation of blood in your body. Circulatory systems – that is, blood and the vessels in which its moves, have evolved to transport materials among various regions of the body in larger animals (e.g. human beings, elephants, lions, cheetahs, otters, whales, dolphins, sharks, fish, birds, reptiles etc.), where adequate rates of transport of material can no longer be met by diffusion alone. These materials include respiratory gases, nutrients, waste products, hormones, antibodies and salts. All circulatory systems can be divided up into a number of parts which have similar functions.

Your blood circulatory system consists of these components:

  1. A main propulsive organ, your heart, which forces blood around your body.
  2. An arterial system which distributes blood and as a pressure reservoir.
  3. Capillaries in which the transfer of material occurs between blood and tissues.
  4. A venous system which acts as a blood reservoir and as a system for returning blood to your heart.

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

The movement of blood through your body results from the forces imparted by rhythmic contractions of the heart, by the squeezing of blood vessels during body movement and by the contractions of muscles surrounding your blood vessels. Blood sweeps from your heart to every extremity of your body and the blood then returns to your heart. Circulation is therefore a key principle for the health of any body and given that you are energy, as it every other thing in this universe, circulation is critical for the flow of energy. Stop this circulation and you and everything else will die as we are all connected (Law of Oneness refers).

The law of circulation is also sometimes referred to as the Law of Reciprocity

This law can be powerfully linked to the Golden Rule, which is ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ which can be further extrapolated to another powerful truth, being ‘the more you give the more you will receive’. This concept of giving is most fascinating because you can give with love or you can give grudgingly, it’s your choice.

Either way, whenever you give, there is an energy attached to the activity and what you give out, you get back, so when you give, give with love and joy as you’ll get love and joy back. If you give grudgingly, as so many of us have done over the years, whatever the emotion is that is linked to your giving is what you’ll get more of. What this means is that giving with resentment means you’re attracting resentment into your life, giving with anger means you’re attracting anger into your life and so on.

Isn’t it interesting to note how the more you understand and learn about the universal laws the more aware you become that they are not separate from each other, but that they are all connected, which takes us back to the first law, the Law of Oneness, the Law of Connectedness?

Enter money and the very powerful lesson that you need to know and remember around the Law of Circulation and money.

It takes a very special state of mind that is able to reject coercion and aggression and allow all that which you are supposed to have, to come to you. Life is all about giving and receiving. Just as you need to be a loving and generous giver, so you need to be an open and grateful receiver. If you can’t give, you can’t receive and if you don’t receive well you’re shutting down all the universal channels which want to give abundance in all its various forms, to you. When you are a generous giver and a grateful receiver, you are in harmony with the principle of circulation.

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

Many of this world’s most important books and works stress the importance of understanding that ‘as you sow (give) so shall you reap (receive)’. The concept of tithing (an act of giving) is a practical reflection of this teaching. The idea of ‘letting go’ (embracing the flow) of money, which really belongs to the universe, Source, Infinite Intelligence, God, Spirit, [whatever your preferred name is] is blessed and therefore after giving, all that you have left in your possession, is truly blessed and treasured. This act of giving with love and joy and gratitude will then act as a powerful multiplier and as you circulate money more freely, more money will flow into your life. Remember this truth, if a tithe is given with underlying motives of trying to get more, then you will not experience the gifts and spiritual freedom of this amazing practice.

Is any of this maybe making you feel uncomfortable right now?

If your immediate answer to this question is yes, then celebrate this moment as the universe, Source, God, is talking directly to you right now, telling you that you are out of harmony with this precious law and that in order to receive more you need to give more and when you do, make sure you give with the right energy and intention. It’s all really very simple, we just make it so difficult for ourselves because we mistakenly believe we live in a world of lack (poverty consciousness) and not abundance (wealth consciousness) and that giving away money will create troublesome cash-flow challenges as opposed to opening the tap of riches for even more money to flow to you. What now comes into play are your beliefs around money and how powerful these are.

So what exactly are your beliefs about money? How does money really make you feel?

If you believe that giving money will make you poor then the sad news is that you will always be poor (especially, poor of spirit). Take the leap of faith and when you receive money, give some of it away with love and gratitude – it’s not the amount that matters, what matters is that when you do this you do so with love, as then you’re telling the universe that you’re in harmony with the Law of Circulation and so it knows that you’re not inhibiting this life giving principle but adding to it.

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

Bob Proctor reminds us that money is a servant and that you are the master and that you must be very careful not to reverse the equation. He also reminds you not to love money and use people but to rather choose to love people and use money to create tremendous good with. Bob teaches his students that money is valuable only as long as it is being used and that once it has been taken out of circulation, it becomes as useless as ‘old newspapers’.

Let’s move on from money and embrace the spirit of giving.

During very challenging economic times you may find that you simply do not have the financial resources to share. There are other ways to stay in harmony with the Law of Circulation and so when you can’t give money, give another precious resource of yours, time. Do something to help someone in need or use your skills to help with a worthwhile cause. Also remember that a kind gesture, an act of selflessness or doing something good and unexpected for someone will go a long way toward making you feel good that even though times are tough, you can still make a difference and stay fully connected with people through the acts of loving and giving.

The Law of Circulation exists to remind you that the spiritual practice of giving is an invitation to deepen your connection with Source (God) and know that its infinite good is already within you; so give with an open, joyful, loving heart; and grow by stretching your abundance consciousness in the arena of loving and giving.

Sixth Law:  The Law of Action

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

I’ve already mentioned that you live in an intelligent, emotionally responsive universe. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What this is telling you is that once you know what you want and you’re emotionally connected with this idea, then it is up to you to do something, to take action, as when you do, you’re telling the universe and its laws that you’re really serious about this and only then will it react and bring its unseen forces into play to help you.

With regard to money, know this one very powerful truth “Money can’t hear, but if you call it (take action) it will come”… Have you ever called money to you? Maybe right now you’re thinking that this is absolute rubbish? If you are, maybe you might want to re-evaluate your beliefs about money, maybe you should just try it with an open mind and a grateful heart. After all, what have you got to lose?

Ask and you will receive. You have to act first, you have to ask. Seek and you will find. Again, you have to act first, you have to seek. That’s what the Law of Action is reminding you – take action, do something, just be bold and brave and make the first move! You cannot think that you can sit in an easy chair and wait for success to show up at your door. For the Law of Attraction to really power great results and success your way you have to cultivate and maintain the right mindset as well as take ferocious action toward what you want. Success requires disciplined actions and a strong work ethic, not a passive and irresponsible attitude.

Planning is one of the fastest ways to put the Law of Action into play

Having said this, you must be mindful that for the Law of Action to really work well for you, you must do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what you want. There’s absolutely no point in taking actions which are out of harmony with what you want as when you do, through the Law of Attraction, you will attract what you didn’t want and therefore you feel frustrated and possibly even like a failure. This is why planning is hugely important and a critical component of every successful winning formula.

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

Planning is one of the fastest ways to put the Law of Action into play and planning helps ease you into a productive flow, plus planning helps you with prioritizing and evaluating. However, beware of planning paralysis. There is no such thing as a perfect plan, so build a simple plan and then act upon it because when you do you will discover where your plan needs tweaking and improving to get you to where you want to be.

It’s important for you to remember that only by taking actions which correspond with your free will desires, will the universe know what to bring into your life to assist you to achieve your dreams.  If for example you wish to acquire knowledge around a certain subject, then don’t just sit there and complain about all the obstacles which exist around your desire to learn, rather take the necessary action steps and do whatever it takes to gain this knowledge – no excuses tolerated! Get yourself a library card, take out the relevant books and then make the time to read and study them. Now the universe knows what you are striving for and it will react to your actions to help you find what you’re looking for.

The Law of Action mirrors the success principle ‘as within so without

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

Don’t be misled by the word ‘action’ into believing that everything you’re doing (all your actions) has to be external, or outside of yourself. This is not true! In fact, during the manifestation process, when your thoughts and ideas are being miraculously and magically shaped into physical form (results with and through laws and forces) most of the work you will do is on the inside as you stay mentally and emotionally connected with your desires, dreams and goals. Many people today believe that for actions to be important and have significance, they have to be external, they have to be visible – well they don’t!

Yes, the internal success creating actions which this book teaches you are invisible, yet when done correctly they are far more powerful than all your confused external actions could ever hope to be. Read this paragraph over and over again until you connect with the universal importance of internal actions and then you’ll understand why all the greatest teachers have always taught ‘as within, so without’ and why they emphasise that if you want more (your visible success on the outside) you first have to become more (your invisible growth on the inside).

Your relationship with the universe, Source, God, Infinite Intelligence, Supreme Being is determined by you and only you. The more you put into this relationship the more you will get out of it and the more you ask the universe for help the more you will receive help as long as you keep the universe and its laws firmly on your side by taking constant action in the right way.

Are you taking action toward what you want in a positive, energised, focused, purposeful, faith-fuelled and persistent manner or are you lazing around, stupidly hoping against all hopes that what you desire will miraculously fall from the heavens as reward for doing nothing?

Seventh Law:  The Law of Correspondence

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

This fascinating universal law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world energy, light, vibration, and motion as we know it, have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. Hence teachers, trainers and coaches making reference to ‘as above, so below’ or ‘as within, so without’.

The conditions with which you meet and greet the world without, correspond to the conditions which you find in the world within you. This is brought about by the Law of Attraction. How then do you determine what is to enter your world? Whatever enters your mind through your senses or conscious mind, will impress itself on your subconscious mind and create a mental image which will become a pattern for the creative energies within you. These experiences are largely the result of environment, chance, past thinking and other forms of negative thought, and must be subjected to careful analysis before being entertained. On the other hand, you can form your own powerful mental images using your own internal processes of thought and you can do this regardless of the thoughts and opinions of others, regardless of exterior circumstances and conditions, regardless of your environment.

You have unlimited power within you which when used correctly will create the most phenomenal corresponding results in your life. By exercising this power, you take your fate out of the hands of chance, and consciously make for yourself the experiences you desire, because when you consciously realize an invisible internal condition of success, this condition will eventually manifest in your life as visible external success. Believing is seeing is the corresponding way of the enlightened, who, because they possess a wealth consciousness always create, whereas seeing is believing is the corresponding way of the unenlightened who because of their scarcity consciousness, always compete.

What I want you to know and remember about the Law of Correspondence is that your outer world, your results, is always a perfect print-out or report card of the condition your inner world has been in. If you want more, which we all do, then you have to decide to become more. You have to grow yourself on the inside first, you have to raise the bar on yourself and actively set about [Law of Action] improving your physical, financial, relationship, mental, emotional, spiritual, vocational, personal and professional internal success blueprint, before you will see the corresponding external health, wealth, peace, prosperity, love, abundance, riches etc.

Now that you know better can you see how this Law works nonstop in your life, can you recall events in your life where your positive thoughts, emotions and actions brought about the corresponding desired results and where your negative thoughts, emotions and actions brought about the corresponding undesired results?

Eighth Law:  The Law of Transformation

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

Over and over again, I’ve written in this series that everything is energy and that energy ‘just is’ – so, it’s up to you to do what you want with the energy that flows to you and through you. You and your alone shape your life personally and professionally and all its results. You do this through how you apply your mind (the thoughts you predominantly think), how you feel about things (your dominant emotions) and what actions you take to bring about your desires (thought, Spirit, invisible) into physical form (products, Matter, visible).

What the Law of Transformation tells you is that energy is always changing into and out of different forms and that this is how the universe works so don’t think you can prevent this from happening as it’s meant to happen like this! From this, the most powerful AHA moment that you can extract for yourself is that in this universe, of which you are part, change is all there is and given that everything is in a constant state of change, the non-physical, invisible and apparent intangible life of your thought energy is always moving into physical form with you and through you.

That’s right – you are the creator, the engineer of absolutely everything around you and better still, you have tremendous and unlimited creative genius within you.

Given this, whatever circumstance you might be experiencing right now are only temporary, the great news is that they’re changing as you read this. Now that you know this, you know better and so there is no reason for you to ever again say “Oh how I want all this to be over so that things can return to normal, as they were” because this won’t happen as there is no normal in the past, the only normality you will know from the past, experience right now and can expect into the future, is change!

Before I build more on this law and its relevance to your personal growth and success, let’s understand more about energy, the science of energy and its transmutation or transformation (same thing really just different words used to describe the same process).

Energy though commonly defined as ‘the ability to do work’ is an elusive concept.

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

It is usually defined operationally, that is, by what it does rather than what it is. Life here on earth depends on the flow of energy from thermonuclear reactions taking place at the heart of the sun. Solar energy, in combination with other factors, is also responsible for the movements of air and water that help set patterns of climate over our earth. Living systems change energy of the sun into the chemical and mechanical energy used by living organisms, hence the science of energy exchanges, also known as the study of thermodynamics.

Here are the 2 laws of thermodynamics:

  1. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be changed from one form to another but energy can never be created or destroyed – energy therefore ‘just is’.
  2. In a biological sense the second law of thermodynamics is the more interesting of the two. It predicts the direction of all events involving energy exchanges; thus it has been called ‘times arrow’. One way of stating this second law is: in all energy exchanges and conversions, if no energy enters of leaves the system under study, the potential energy of the final state will always be less than the potential energy of the initial state. This is in keeping with everyday experiences. A boulder can never roll uphill, it can only roll downhill. Heat will always flow from a hot object to a cold one and never the other way.

Energy transformation is the process of changing energy from one form to another; this process is happening all the time, both in the world and within people and to illustrate this let’s start with you. When you consume food, your body utilizes the chemical energy in the food and transforms it into mechanical energy (work, movement and actions), a new form of chemical energy (your various physiological process), or thermal energy (heat, warmth).

Let’s use a few everyday examples to further illustrate the transformation of energy.

The engine in your car converts the chemical energy of fuel (gas) and oxygen into the mechanical energy of movement. Similarly, a light bulb changes the chemical energy of the bulb into electromagnetic radiation, or light. Windmills harness the energy of the wind and convert it into mechanical energy through the movement of turbine blades and this mechanical energy can then be converted into electrical energy. Solar panels on the roof of your home transform light into electricity.

Another interesting way to describe energy transformation is to do so in terms of potential energy, which is the stored energy of a system and how this can be converted into kinetic energy, which is the energy of movement, the energy of action, doing. A really easy way to explain potential and kinetic energy is to allow your imagination to take a trip to the annual fun fare. What do all great fun fares have that most people love to experience? Rollercoasters! A rollercoaster sitting at the top of its tracks (the highest point of its route if you will) is full of potential energy which is gravitational and which was gained or acquired when the coaster moved up to the top of the hill. As the rollercoaster begins to move downhill along its tracks, the force of gravity is being exerted on it and all the potential energy is being transformed into kinetic energy (movement). Then the rollercoaster bottoms out and rises up again only to then come speeding down the other side. What this rollercoaster example is teaching you is that energy is constantly being transformed with potential energy being transformed to kinetic energy and then back again to potential energy.

Are you getting to grips with this concept of transformation of energy?

If not, here’s are two really simple explanations to help you do so.

The formula for you to remember is: Energy = kinetic energy + potential energy.

  • Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. A ball has kinetic energy as it flies through the air, because it has the ability to do work, in that it can act (impact) upon other objects with which it collides.
  • Potential energy on the other hand is a kind of stored energy that objects have because of their position or configuration. A cup on a table has potential energy, however, if you knock the cup off the table, gravity will accelerate the cup, and its potential energy will convert to kinetic energy.

Now that you’ve understood potential energy and kinetic energy I can move you on to the next most interesting fact about energy which is: energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed; it can only ever be transferred between objects or systems by the interactions of forces between those objects or systems.

So why spend so much time teaching you all this?

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

The answer is simple. You are full of potential energy (mostly ideas and plans) but what’s even more important is what you actually do with all this potential energy to transform it into kinetic energy (actions, results, things). The Law of Action now makes it appearance, yet again reminding you how all these laws are connected and that everything you do, every action you take, triggers a series of reactions from the laws of our universe.

What the Law of Transmutation is reminding you every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year is that the only constant you can count on, is change. So don’t think you can go back to your old ways and that things will be the same because they won’t. Don’t think that you can ever have the same relationships with people in your life because you can’t and don’t think you can stay as you are or keep your life where it is right now, as when you do, you fall foul of this law and instead of growing you now start dying and disintegrating (the Laws of Opposites and Cause and Effect make their appearance).

If you choose to resist change you will become redundant and insignificant, however when you are open to change, you have an open mind to continually improving, learning, contributing, growing and creating. I encourage you go outside for a while and look all around you at what nature is showing you every single day. Everything in nature is either growing or dying, there is no middle ground, no safe area, no ‘quit and wait here safe zone’. This is why Eric Hoffer writes “In times of change, the learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

What are you? Are you a learner or not? Do you embrace change or not? Are you growing or dying? Are you shocked by what you have just discovered about yourself?

Your thoughts are creative energy that’s why your thoughts always become things. The more you focus your thinking on what you desire, the more you harness your creative power to move that energy into results in your life. The Universe organizes itself according to your thoughts so put your energy and effort, your thoughts and actions into attracting what you desire, and you will surely attract the physical manifestation of that energy.

Wallace D. Wattles the author of The Science of Getting Rich writes in his book about the law of perpetual transmutation or energy saying “Man instinctively knows this, and therefore he is forever seeking more. This law of perpetual increase is set forth by Jesus in the parable of the talents: Only those who gain more retain any; from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he has.” What Wattles is teaching you is that limitless and inexhaustible energy from the formless realm (Spirit, Source, Infinite Intelligence, Creator, God) is constantly flowing into the material world and taking form through you and others.

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

As old forms are exhausted (e.g. fax machines), they give way for new forms to emerge from the invisible hidden energy of the universe (the internet). You shape this formless energy using your mind, emotions and actions, so you are the ultimate source of all your wealth and therefore the architect of whether your life is heavenly or utter hell. What you can deduce from this is that you were born rich, connected to a source of infinite supply and that if your life isn’t what you want it to be, the only reason for this is because you don’t know how to tap this infinite supply and manifest from it.

This book changes everything for you and after reading it you will know how to powerfully manifest; you will have discovered how to tap into your internal universal nuclear power station and you will know how to keep it switched on help to create a tremendous amount of good for yourself and others. Not only will you know this, but you will now be aware that your body is a powerful broadcasting station and included in this miracle working, energy transforming, internal technology you possess, is your amazing brain. That’s right, your brain is an organ but your brain it is not your mind – your mind is not an organ nor a thing what your mind is, is an activity.

The real reason I’m highlighting that you are a broadcasting station is to remind you that when you are vibrating in harmony with what you want, you are resonating perfectly with your greatest desire, your most precious dream, your all-consuming goal. By maintaining this resonance through keeping the emotion-charged fantasy picture of your desire/dream/goal firmly on the screen of your mind, through the various universal laws and unseen yet ever-present attractive forces, your fantasy will move to you and you will move to it, bringing it to life, making your fantasy, a fact!

I close the teaching on the Law of Transformation of Energy by saying just this: “Now you know the truth around creation and manifestation; by applying this truth in your life, you will be set free”.

Ninth Law:  The Law of Relativity

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

Teachers, trainers and coaches in the personal development and self-help industry love to teach this law however when they do, most fail to help their clients understand that what they’re teaching really flows from the work done many years ago by none other than the very brilliant Albert Einstein. Einstein who once worked as a clerk in a Swiss patent office realized that Newton’s law of gravity while right most of the time, was incorrect when talking about very large and very distant objects. As such, he revised Newton’s laws of gravity to make them more accurate.  We call today what he developed, The Theory of Relativity. The Theory of Relativity is actually two theories, the one being called General Relativity and the other being called Special Relativity.

General Relativity is the theory which redefined the laws of gravity.  It says that it is impossible to tell the difference between gravity and the force of inertia from a moving object. In other words, if you climb inside of a spinning spacecraft, the inertia will cause you to move towards the outside walls in a way that would feel just like gravity.

Special Relativity states that it is impossible to determine whether or not you are moving unless you can look at another object. Think about that for a moment. If you were in the middle of outer space far from any other objects, how would you know whether or not you were moving? What this tells you, is that all movement is relative to other objects. Another way of explaining this is: assume that right now relative to your desk, computer and workstation, you are not moving at all, but relative to the distant quasars you are moving at nearly the speed of light. Relative to the Earth, most meteorites move at about 40,000 kilometers-per-hour, yet if you were standing on a meteorite looking at another meteorite going in the same direction as you and at the same speed, it would not appear to move at all.

Are you starting to come to grips with how something appears is only ever relative to what you’re comparing it to, to the meaning and significance you’re assigning to it?

Let’s keep on with this journey of discovering and connecting with the mental activity of ‘relative to what?’…

Consider for a moment the movement of the earth’s surface with respect to the planet’s centre. The earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds (called the sidereal period) and its circumference is roughly 40,075 kilometers. Thus, the surface of the earth at the equator moves at a speed of 460 meters per second, or roughly 1,600 kilometres per hour. How fast is this relative to how fast the fastest athletes in the world can run? It’s super-fast – a ‘stationary’ athletics track on the equator is easily ‘outrunning’ the world’s fastest man (Usain Bolt of Jamaica) who runs at a speed of around 37,58 kilometres per hour!

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

As schoolchildren, we learn that the earth is moving about our sun in a very nearly circular orbit. It covers this route at a speed of nearly 30 kilometers per second, or 107,800 kilometers per hour. In addition, our solar system, Earth and all, whirls around the centre of our galaxy at some 220 kilometers per second, or 788,500 kilometers per hour. As we consider increasingly large size scales, the speeds involved become absolutely huge! See how fast everything around you is moving but you don’t think of it this way because you’re not busying your mind by comparing it to something else?

If you go outside on a night when the moon is full and hold up a tennis ball in your hand so that it is positioned next to the moon, the tennis ball will appear to be so much bigger than the moon. The International Tennis Federation (ITF) defines the official diameter of a tennis ball as being 6.54cm – 6.86cm with a mass in the range 56.0g – 59.4g whereas the Moon, which is the fifth largest natural satellite in the Solar System, has a diameter of 3,475 km and a mass of 7.35 x 1022 kg, about 1.2 percent of Earth’s mass! What this fun example is telling you is that the moon is really huge and very heavy, however, when compared with a tennis ball held up next to it in your hand, it appears small and tiny! Therefore, the way something appears is relative to how you are interpreting it.

From the above examples it can be clearly deduced that the law of Relativity has an enormous impact on how you feel about things. Let’s turn our attention to money for a moment. What you’ve learned about this law might have helped explain why more often than not, you don’t feel good about money. Unknowingly, you’re always positioning what money you have relative to what opulence others, who are significantly richer than you, exhibit, leaving you feeling and believing that you’ve never got enough money. This is a wholly destructive consciousness of lack and poverty and places you on the fast-track to unhappiness and embracing the general demeanour of being malcontent.

Is what I’m teaching you striking a powerful chord with you right now?

If yes, then I am thrilled. This is a precious AHA moment for you as you can only feel bad about money and therefore end up repelling it energetically, when you allow yourself to position what money you have in such a way it appears to be significantly less than what it truly is. The same holds true for your wealth, possessions, home, car, children, family, relationships, holidays, life, happiness etc.

The metaphysical aspects of the Law of Relativity tells you that everything in your physical world is only made real by its relationship or comparison to something. Light only exist because you compare it to dark. Good can only exist because you compare it to bad. Hot can only exist because you compare it to cold. Strength can only exist because you compare it to weakness. Opulence can only exist because you compare it to poverty. In all these examples the Law of Polarity or Opposites was in play, again making you aware of how all these laws integrate with each other, taking you back to the Law of Oneness, the Law of Connectedness.

What I want you to know and remember around this law is everything in your life ‘just is’ until you compare it to something else. Nothing in life has any meaning, except for the meaning that you give it. It is all in how you look at your situation and what thoughts and perspectives you choose to think about the situation with. When you choose to focus on good thoughts and powerful energies, more good things will come to you as explained in what I’ve written in the Law of Vibration, Attraction, Cause and Effect etc. Likewise, if you focus on how bad your current situation is, you will attract more bad things to you and your situation will never improve.

The Law of Circulation, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Transformation, The Law of Relativity, Brilliant Success Laws, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology

Thing is, you can always compare your life situation to someone else’s, and it will look better or worse (tennis ball example) depending on your view point and how you are looking at it. If you compare your current situation to someone whose is worse, yours will look so much better. No matter the situation at hand or the circumstances at play in your life, embrace this universal truth, there is always someone worse off than you are right now and there is always someone better off than you are right now – it’s all relative.

That’s why Eckhart Tolle teaches in his book A New Earth that “In form, you are and will always be inferior to some, superior to others. In essence you are neither inferior nor superior to anyone. True self-esteem and true humility arise out of that realization. In the eyes of the ego, self-esteem and humility are contradictory. In truth, they are one and the same.”

During the course of your life, you will receive a number of challenges for the purpose of strengthening you, of growing you, of making you wiser, more compassionate, more loving, more aware, more enlightened, more giving, more human! Use this Law of Relativity to remind yourself to stop comparing yourself and what you have with everyone and everything around you. Choose to always ground yourself in gratitude – be truly grateful for and appreciative of the small things and the bigger things (all those massive goals which you’ve been after for so many years and which just don’t seem to happen for you) will manifest, or, as is so elegantly described in financial terms ‘take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves’.

Here’s what Laws you will learn about in Part 4

  • The Law of Polarity (The Tenth Law)
  • The Law of Rhythm (The Eleventh Law)
  • The Law of Gender (The Twelfth Law)
  • The Law of Shared Purpose (The Thirteenth Law
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