Numerology Meanings of Number 8 Energy explained

In this 11-part series, we explain the deeper meanings or most significant characteristics of a number, and in this article our focus is on the Numerology Meanings of Number 8 Energy. The previous seven dealt with the Numerology Meanings of Number 1 Energy ; the Numerology Meanings of Number 2 Energy ; the Numerology Meanings of Number 3 Energy ; the Numerology Meanings of Number 4 Energy ; the Numerology Meanings of Number 5 Energy ; the Numerology Meanings of Number 6 Energy ; and the Numerology Meanings of Number 7 Energy.

“You have to come to your closed doors before you get to your open doors… What if you knew you had to go through 32 closed doors before you got to your open door? Well, then you’d come to closed door number eight and you’d think, ‘Great, I got another one out of the way’… Keep moving forward.” Joel Osteen

Interesting Knowledge about the Number 8

In kabbalistic teachings, the number seven symbolizes perfection – perfection that is achievable via natural means – while eight symbolizes that which is beyond nature and its (inherently limited) perfection.

Eight (8) is a composite number, its proper divisors being 1, 2 and 4. It is twice 4 or four times 2. Eight is a power of two, being 23 (two cubed), and is the first number of the form p3p being an integer greater than 1. 8 is the first number which is neither prime nor semiprime. It is the base of the octal number system, which is mostly used with computers. In octal, one digit represents three bits. In modern computers, a byte is a grouping of eight bits, also called an octet. Eight is a Fibonacci number, being 3 plus 5. The next Fibonacci number is 13. 8 is the only positive Fibonacci number, aside from 1, that is a perfect cube. It is the only nonzero perfect power that is one less than another perfect power, by Milhailescu’s Theorem.

“You can train and train until you are blue in the face, but you’ve got to diet, you’ve got to have that leanness because if you are not lean, your abs won’t show. Of course, the training has to be put in, but then you’ve to shed all the fat and keep the fat off. And that’s how you get an eight pack.” Henry Cavill

Eight is the order of the smallest non-abelian group all of whose subgroups are normal. 8 is the dimension of the octonians and is the highest possible dimension of a normed division algebra. It is the first number to be the aliquot sum of two numbers other than itself; the discrete biprime 10, and the square number 49. Eight is a number is divisible by 8 of its last three digits, when written in decimal, are also divisible by 8, or its last three digits are 0 when written in binary. There are a total of eight convex deltahedra. A polygon with eight sides is an octagon. A polyhedron with eight faces is an octahedron. A cuboctahedron has as faces six equal squares and eight equal regular triangles. A cube has eight vertices.

“My own eight children all march to the beat of their inner music, and in some cases, it is definitely far away from what I hear. I’ve had to honour their instincts and their choices, and merely guided them out of harm’s way until they could be their own guides.” Wayne Dyer

Characteristics associated with Numerology Number 8

  • Number 8 is most often associated with money and power and business and authority; also karma, given the sinusoidal ebb and flow of this number.
  • Number 8 places much emphasis of material matters, career, business, financial matters and positions of public power.
  • This number exists in order to remind us of the importance of balance (material versus non material).
  • It epitomises the Law of Cause and Effect – that as you sow, so shall you reap.
  • Eight is if you will, a double 4, two blocks, standing on top of each other – therefore just as 4 represents building through using the block (4’s usually build alone, by themselves), 8 represents building much more than what the 4 does and with a much greater intensity (they build through supervising others).

Number 8 Energy, 365 Pin Code, Executive Risk Management, Executive Personal Development, Executive Business Success, People Risk Management, Employee Understanding, Strategic Human Intelligence, Corporate Executive Development, Shadow Numerology, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology,

“In 1994, Estonia became the first European country to adopt a flat tax, and its 26 percent flat tax dramatically energized what had been a faltering economy. Before adopting the flat tax, the Estonian economy was literally shrinking. In the eight years after 1994, Estonia experienced real economic growth – averaging 5.2 percent per year.” Arthur Laffer

  • When fully balanced this number is both material and spiritual.
  • The number 8 all about results and outputs.
  • This energy is characterised by drive, ambition, authority, management, control etc.
  • People with the number 8 energy prominently represented in their charts are very goal orientated and usually display good judgement.
  • This, like number 1, its polar opposite if you will (1+8=9), is a very powerful number and it tends to have a deeper set of diplomatic skills than does the 1.
  • Number 8 affords either the potential for great wealth or extreme financial struggles.
  • The number 8 has a few negative traits, the most notable being frustration, anger, aggression, greed and intolerance.

“I get up at 7:30 and work four hours a day. Nine to twelve in the morning, five to six in the evening. Businessmen would achieve better results if they studied human metabolism. No one works well eight hours a day. No one ought to work more than four hours.” Kurt Vonnegut

  • This number brings a very powerful sense of “we-can-do” to the table.
  • Number 8 people generally have a practical and straight forward approach to life and business.
  • What makes number 8 energy people quite remarkable, is their staying power, strength of will and endurance.
  • Number 8 is the number of karma in that your actions give your results and in any 9 year cycle, the number 8 year always represents the year of manifestation / results.
  • This number has a wonderful gift to bring safety and security to others in every situation.
  • A key life lesson for number 8’s to learn is to take good advice.
  • This is the number of the law maker.

Number 8 Energy, 365 Pin Code, Executive Risk Management, Executive Personal Development, Executive Business Success, People Risk Management, Employee Understanding, Strategic Human Intelligence, Corporate Executive Development, Shadow Numerology, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology,

“I write every day. Most weekdays, I write about ten hours a day. That doesn’t mean eight hours of surfing the Net or watching videos on YouTube. I park my butt in a chair and write… I learned that writer’s block is a myth created by people who don’t have, or understand, a writing process.” Jonathan Maberry

  • Eights can have a very stubborn streak and will insist on having things done their way.
  • Number 8 people must learn how to balance their innate desire for safety and security with risk taking.
  • The number 8 has an intense internal desire for success and authority in their career.
  • This number must learn not to abuse its tremendous earthly power else karma will bitch slap them hard – and worst of all – when they are least expecting this!
  • This number will make and lose fortunes until the required money-power balance is found.
  • A huge benefit of this number is that it is not afraid to confront and deal with problems.
  • The number 8 is the number associated with manifestation, therefore in an 8 personal year, you will from your results, see exactly what you have been up to the past seven years.
  • 8’s must learn the ecological use of power and that in order to succeed, they must enable flow, as everything flows and the moment things stop flowing, life ceases.
  • When turned on its side the number 8 gives the infinity symbol and this in turn represents abundance and abundance knows no limits – it just is!

Number 8 Energy, 365 Pin Code, Executive Risk Management, Executive Personal Development, Executive Business Success, People Risk Management, Employee Understanding, Strategic Human Intelligence, Corporate Executive Development, Shadow Numerology, 365 Pin Code, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Strategic Numerology,

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