
In July of 2011, Anders Behring Breivik committed one of the deadliest attacks in Norway’s history, killing 77 people and injuring many more. Breivik was a Norwegian far-right domestic terrorist, who carried out his heinous acts with cold calculation and premeditation.

This case study examines the numerical synchronicities that surrounded the year of the attack and sheds light on Breivik’s core number patterns and sequences. By understanding these unique number sequences, we can gain insights into his Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB] and identify important warning signs along his life journey. If Norwegian security authorities had access to this intelligence at the time of the attack, they would have been better equipped to monitor Breivik and prevent this tragic event.

Anders Behring Breivik, 42, has never shown any remorse…

Breivik, now 42, has never shown remorse for his actions. In 2011, he killed eight people with a car bomb in Oslo before turning his attention to a summer youth camp run by the Labour Party, where he shot 69 mostly teenagers. His sentencing to a maximum of 21 years in prison, a term that can be extended if he is deemed a continued threat to society, did little to assuage the pain of the victims and their families.

Recently, Breivik applied for parole, claiming that he had renounced violence. However, during the hearing, he gave Nazi salutes, casting doubt on his claim. Prosecutor Hulda Karlsdottir argued that he was still “a very dangerous man”, and psychiatrist Randi Rosenqvist, who has assessed Breivik several times, maintained that he could not be trusted. The court in Telemark ruled that, as his psychiatric condition had not changed and he still posed a clear danger to society, he would not be released. His lawyer plans to appeal the decision, but Breivik’s lack of remorse and potential for future violence make him a clear threat.

The Breivik case is a sobering reminder of the danger posed by far-right extremism and the importance of vigilant monitoring of individuals who espouse hateful ideologies. The numerical insights offered in this case study provide a unique perspective on the events of 2011 and highlight the potential benefits of incorporating numerology into security assessments.

The date of his mass killing reveals much…

The court said it had “no doubt that [Breivik] still today has the ability to commit new serious crimes that may expose others to danger”. His lawyer Oeystein Storrvik argued that Breivik’s prison conditions made it difficult to prove he could be trustworthy. He said he would appeal against the judge’s unanimous decision, although there is no guarantee that an appeal will be allowed.

As we begin the analytical work of this Breivik criminal futurist case study, there are FOUR headline numbers (4, 22, 7 and 6) that we want you to please remember:

  1. 2011 – the year of his mass killings, is Number 4 [2011 = 2+0+1+1 = 4; 4//4]
  2. 22nd – the day of his mass killings, is Number 22//4 [22 = 2+2 = 4; 22//4]
  3. July – the month of his mass killings, is Number 7 [July is 7th month of the year]
  4. 22 July 2011 is Number 6 [22+7+2011 = 2040 = 2+0+4+0 = 6; 2040//6]

Criminal Futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik: What do his numbers reveal?

Anders Breivik, future crime research, predictive human models, 365 Pin Code, Criminal Case Studies

The mass killings happened on the 22nd of July 2011 and the four important numbers we asked you to remember around this date, were 4, 22, 7 and 6. Looking at the above chart, the crucial question to ask is: “Do any of these numbers present in the core numbers of Breivik’s birth number sequence?” The answer is “Yes they do and in critically significant positions.”

Important birth code sequence for mass killer, Anders Breivik

  • Birth DD: this reveals ABBs personal sequence: 13//4 [number 4 synchronicity (1)]
  • Birth MM: Feb [2] which for ABB then has a “shadow or emotional” 7 underneath [number 7 synchronicity (2)]
  • Sun / Personal Attainment [TKSPE]: DD+MM = 13+2 = 15//6 [number 6 synchronicity (3)]
  • Shadow Life Path [TSS-LFP]: 13//4 [number 4 synchronicity (4)] as well as number 22 synchronicity because 13//4 is the unyielding, my way or the highway, dictatorial karmic octave of number 22 [number 22 synchronicity (5)].
  • Shadow Career Attainment [TSSPR]: 6//6 [number 6 synchronicity (6)]

The cynic, the sceptic, and the Autistic…

A simple criminal futurist test and learn analysis like the one done above, reveals that the date [22.07.2011] of Breivik’s mass killing had SIX POINTS of synchronicity in play around his date of birth. What this means is that the numbers that were flowing on that fateful day were targeting him massively date of birth wise! Is this just a sheer random coincidence?

The Cynic would say “No, this is utter rubbish!” Sadly, cynicism holds true for most people because they simply cannot open their minds to the irrefutable truth that every human has a numbers-driven intelligent mathematical blueprint [IMB] that is directly affected by the ever-changing invisible numerical cocktail that swirls around us, to us and through us, each day!

The Sceptic would say “You have my attention, but you need to provide me with much more proof if you are to convince me that IMBs exist.”

The Autistic: Chris Styles, a human futurist researcher clinically diagnosed with Aspergers who scores high on the autism spectrum, knows that IMBs exist because he has proven this. He is obsessed with number sequences and patterns. He loves to use numbers, sequences, and patterns to try to understand why events happened as they did, when they did. To Chris, a hextuple [6x] synchronicity like that which happened around Anders Breivik on 22 July 2011, is a numerical intelligence rich gold mine which could provide new strategic insights into better managing the societal risks posed by known extremists like Breivik!

“I prayed for the first time in a very long time today. I explained to God that unless he wanted the Marxist-Islamic alliance and the certain Islamic takeover of Europe to completely annihilate European Christendom within the next hundred years he must ensure that the warriors fighting for the preservation of European Christendom prevail.” Anders Behring Breivik

Criminal Futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik: let’s analyse more of his numbers…

Anders Breivik, future crime research, predictive human models, 365 Pin Code, Criminal Case Studies, Criminal Futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik

The above table, which interrogates his full birth name, Anders Behring Breivik [ABB] reveals an additional EIGHT POINTS of synchronicity within his IMB that synchronise with the four numbers we asked you to remember: 4, 22, 7 and 6. This 8 when added to the earlier 6, brings the total points of synchronicity that were fully activated within Breivik’s IMB on 22 July 2011, to 14. That is massive, in fact it is more than massive it is off the charts!

Number 6 synchronicities

Earlier we revealed that the unique sequence of that dreadful mass killing day was 2040//6 [number 6]. See the RED arrow in the above table? It is pointing to the Number 6. The No6 is completely missing from Breivik’s full birth name, making it a karmic or key life lesson for him pertaining to community, relationships, responsibility, people, matters of the heart, loyalty.

  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABBs mass killings happened on a universal No6 day, which synchronises with his No6 key life (karmic) lesson?
  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABBs shadow or emotional career (TSSPR) attainment sequence is 6//6? See birth chart.
  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABBs SUN or personal attainment sequence (TKSPE) is 15//6? See birth chart.

Number 4 synchronicities

The day of the killings, the 22nd [22 = 2+2 = 4; 22//4] brings the No4 energy into play. The year of the killings, 2011 [2011 = 2+0+1+1 = 4] yet again brings the No4 energy into play. No4 as discussed, is a practical, ruthless, rigid, dogmatic, dictatorial, my way or the highway, get it done, law and order type energy that thrives on careful planning and clinical execution.

  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABB is born on the 13th [13//4] which is a No4 energy? See birth chart.
  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABB has a No4 [13//4] shadow or emotional life path? See birth chart.
  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABB has a No4 [13//4] primary personality? See name inclusion chart.
  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABBs surname, Breivik, has sequence 40//4? See name inclusion chart.

Number 7 synchronicities

The month the killings happened was July, which is the 7th month of the year, therefore bringing the No7 into play. No7 is cold, clinical, analytical, logical, emotionless, detached, information driven and intelligent and has as its very dark side, secrecy (impossibly difficult to get an accurate read because of how detached it is).

  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABBs shadow or emotional family number is a 7? See birth chart.
  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABBs first name, Anders, has the sequence 25//7? See name inclusion chart.
  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABBs two maturity numbers are both 7s? See name inclusion chart.
  • Does it not strike you as being odd that ABBs subconscious-self (that which lies beneath, like an iceberg, 4% of visibly above, 96% invisibly below) number is a 7?

Has all the above maybe got you thinking that the day of the mass killings [22 July 2011] was not just a “random day” in the life journey of Anders Breivik, but was in fact a “perfect numerical storm” whose complex cocktail helped to unleash all the rage and darkness that festered deep within him? Breivik underwent his first examination by court-appointed forensic psychiatrists in 2011. The psychiatrists diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia, concluding that he had developed the disorder over time and was psychotic both when he carried out the attacks and during the observation.

Welcome to Breivik’s bespoke experiential numerical data-matrix…

Anders Breivik opening statement at trial: “I stand here today as a representative of the Norwegian and European resistance movement. I speak on behalf of Norwegians who do not want our rights as an indigenous population to be taken away from us. The media and the prosecutors maintain that I carried out the attacks because I am a pathetic, malicious loser, that I have no integrity, am a notorious liar with no morals, am mentally ill and should therefore be forgotten by other cultural conservatives in Europe. They say I have dropped out of working life, that I am narcissistic, antisocial, am prey to bacteria phobia, have had an incestuous relationship with my mother; that I suffer from deprivation of a father, am a child murderer, a baby murderer, despite the fact that I killed no one under fourteen. That I am cowardly, homosexual, paedophile, necrophiliac, Zionist, racist, a psychopath and a Nazi. All these claims have been made. That I am mentally and physically retarded with an IQ of around eighty. I am not surprised by these characterizations. I expected it. I knew the cultural elite would ridicule me. But this is bordering on farce. The answer is simple. I have carried out the most sophisticated and spectacular attack in Europe since the Second World War. I and my nationalist brothers and sisters represent all that they fear. They want to scare others off doing the same thing…”

The final piece of this criminal futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik case study, presents a simplified view of his bespoke experiential numerical data-matrix. Using Chris Styles’ human futurology predictive model which reveal the critically important sequences that theme Breivik’s 2011, the numerical code in play was 1-22//4-13//4-7…

Anders Breivik, future crime research, predictive human models, 365 Pin Code, Criminal Case Studies,Criminal Futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik

Let’s carefully analyse the numerical sequence 1-22//4-13//4-7…

  • 1-22//4-13//4-7: Starting on the left and working to the right. No1 signals a new beginning, the start of a new physical cycle; this is exactly what happened to Breivik with his being jailed post the mass killing.
  • 1-22//4-13//4-7: 22//4 [No4] is the sequence that themes his 2011 full birth name experience. This synchronises perfectly with his Birth DD [13//4], surname [40//4], shadow / emotional life path [13//4] and primary personality [13//4]. 13//4 [No4] is the sequence that themes his 2011 call name (Anders Breivik) experience. As discussed above, it also synchs with 4 critical nodes in his Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB]. What is important for you to note is that No4 themes or defines Breivik’s 2011 through both his full birth name and call name. When predictive human futurology mathematical modelling outputs reveal “Double-Ups” like this, Chris knows it is time to sit up and really pay attention because double-ups always signal a much more intense annual experience!
  • 1-22//4-13//4-7: No7 signals a moment in time in his emotional cycle when all things 7 will come to the fore. This is “the moment” when all that within him which is cold, clinical, analytical, detached, secretive (NB) and mercenary, will surface. The No7 synchs with his shadow / emotional family / intimate number, his subconscious self (NB), his name [Anders 25//7] and his two maturity numbers.

Autism provides a gift whereby numbers and sequences become an intelligent storyboard…

When you read Breivik’s 2011 line of code or number sequences, it is evident that much will go down experience wise. Moreover, whatever it is that he will experience, it will be massively impactful, emotionally, and personally. Given how many antagonistic number combinations (like 1 and 4, Double 4, and 4 and 7) are in play, there is a high likelihood of the experience being negative. All this reveals that the moment Breivik’s IMB was laid down, which happened at birth, 2011 was “numerically hard coded” to be a year that would present a much higher than average risk for him and around him.

Analysing Breivik’s life for brilliant criminal futurist clues!

Through the above research we have come to the clear understanding that the sequences 22//4 and 13//4 exert a massive influence on Anders Breivik. So, let’s turn our attention to the above data table to see what years are “themed” by these two sequences. Chris modelled ABBs experiential life journey from birth to age 100 but for the purposes of this criminal futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik case study, we will only show data extracted for the period, birth to age 77.

22//4 themes these years for Breivik:

  • 1989 (Age 10 – what happened to ABB that year?)
  • 2010 and 2011 (the year of his mass killings)
  • 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047

13//4 themes these years for Breivik:

  • 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 (what was ABB exposed to during these years?)
  • 2010, 2011 (mass killings), 2012, 2013
  • 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038
  • 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047

Isn’t it incredible to be able to look into the future of ABB and know that just like his 2011 was themed by 22//4 and 13//4 so too is his 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047? Just imagine if the Norwegian security authorities that must have “watched” ABB over the years, had this kind of intelligence to hand, with 2011 sticking out like a sore thumb in his IMB as being a year when his numbers collided in a way that revealed an explosive and unstable cocktail…

Welcome to the hidden human intelligence opportunities (need we expand people management and human potential wise?) that exist within autism driven human futurist research. What has been discussed in this case study is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what ABBs IMB reveals.

The patterns are there, again and again, like clockwork!

Thing is, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB] case study research has proven again and again that critically significant sequences always bring about significant outcomes. 2019, the year Boris Johnson finally became UK PM, he had a critically important sequence theming that year. Same for Donald Trump in 2016/2017. Same for Justin Trudeau Canadian PM in 2015. Same for Liz Truss in 2022 and for Rishi Sunak in 2022. Chris Styles’ years of research has birthed a plethora of case studies which conclusively prove that unique number sequences define our lives in a highly organised way. Hopefully all this will get you thinking, seriously thinking…

One day the field of Criminal Futurology, led by skilled Criminal Futurists will exist…

Reading number sequences like this is what Chris Styles is simply brilliant at. Why? Because he is autistic and where others just see numbers, he doesn’t. Numbers and how they combine tell Chris a very powerful story about life and its experiences. Having trained as a research scientist (MSc) he has spent several years and well over ten thousand hours developing and refining his predictive model so that its numerical outputs provide him with an intelligent storyboard of a person’s life. It is this skill that he is actively developing because contrary to popular belief, Chris believes that by using bespoke human futurology codes, it is possible to look into a person’s future with scientific intelligence.

Chris knows that this new field of scientific research is in its infancy stages and that many will scoff at it and think he is a total nutter. Nevertheless, he hopes to compile his years of research and human futurology predictive modelling into a PhD that would provide the platform for expansion R&D wise. Chris believes that it is not ludicrous to think that the science of criminal futurology could develop as a specialised offshoot from his original / seminal IMB work. This specialised field would use bespoke lines of code to identify ultra-high-risk moments within individuals who pose a serious risk to society at large.

Lastly, did you know that in 2017 Anders Breivik changed his name to Fjotolf Hansen?

Anders Breivik, future crime research, predictive human models, 365 Pin Code, Criminal Case Studies

🇳🇴Norwegian mass killer, Anders Breivik, changed his name in 2017 to Fjotolf Hansen. The above THREE columns of coloured numbers reveal the “unique number sequences” that theme his dominant experience in any given year. 🎯Human Futurology predictive data modelling reveals that in 2042 and 2043, all three names, 👀align around the No5. This signals two years of extreme personal emotional change for him, which have life path [sequence is: 1994//23//14//5] shaping significance. 💡This is Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB] research at its very best…

Want to know more about how Chris discovered Intelligent Human Blueprints?

Welcome to Breivik’s bespoke experiential numerical data-matrix…

Anders Breivik opening statement at trial: “I stand here today as a representative of the Norwegian and European resistance movement. I speak on behalf of Norwegians who do not want our rights as an indigenous population to be taken away from us. The media and the prosecutors maintain that I carried out the attacks because I am a pathetic, malicious loser, that I have no integrity, am a notorious liar with no morals, am mentally ill and should therefore be forgotten by other cultural conservatives in Europe. They say I have dropped out of working life, that I am narcissistic, antisocial, am prey to bacteria phobia, have had an incestuous relationship with my mother; that I suffer from deprivation of a father, am a child murderer, a baby murderer, despite the fact that I killed no one under fourteen. That I am cowardly, homosexual, paedophile, necrophiliac, Zionist, racist, a psychopath and a Nazi. All these claims have been made. That I am mentally and physically retarded with an IQ of around eighty. I am not surprised by these characterizations. I expected it. I knew the cultural elite would ridicule me. But this is bordering on farce. The answer is simple. I have carried out the most sophisticated and spectacular attack in Europe since the Second World War. I and my nationalist brothers and sisters represent all that they fear. They want to scare others off doing the same thing…”

The final piece of this criminal futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik case study, presents a simplified view of his bespoke experiential numerical data-matrix. Using Chris Styles’ human futurology predictive model which reveal the critically important sequences that theme Breivik’s 2011, the numerical code in play was 1-22//4-13//4-7…

Anders Breivik, future crime research, predictive human models, 365 Pin Code, Criminal Case Studies, Criminal Futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik

Let’s carefully analyse the numerical sequence 1-22//4-13//4-7…

  • 1-22//4-13//4-7: Starting on the left and working to the right. No1 signals a new beginning, the start of a new physical cycle; this is exactly what happened to Breivik with his being jailed post the mass killing.
  • 1-22//4-13//4-7: 22//4 [No4] is the sequence that themes his 2011 full birth name experience. This synchronises perfectly with his Birth DD [13//4], surname [40//4], shadow / emotional life path [13//4] and primary personality [13//4]. 13//4 [No4] is the sequence that themes his 2011 call name (Anders Breivik) experience. As discussed above, it also synchs with 4 critical nodes in his Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB]. What is important for you to note is that No4 themes or defines Breivik’s 2011 through both his full birth name and call name. When predictive human futurology mathematical modelling outputs reveal “Double-Ups” like this, Chris knows it is time to sit up and really pay attention because double-ups always signal a much more intense annual experience!
  • 1-22//4-13//4-7: No7 signals a moment in time in his emotional cycle when all things 7 will come to the fore. This is “the moment” when all that within him which is cold, clinical, analytical, detached, secretive (NB) and mercenary, will surface. The No7 synchs with his shadow / emotional family / intimate number, his subconscious self (NB), his name [Anders 25//7] and his two maturity numbers.

Autism provides a gift whereby numbers and sequences become an intelligent storyboard…

When you read Breivik’s 2011 line of code or number sequences, it is evident that much will go down experience wise. Moreover, whatever it is that he will experience, it will be massively impactful, emotionally, and personally. Given how many antagonistic number combinations (like 1 and 4, Double 4, and 4 and 7) are in play, there is a high likelihood of the experience being negative. All this reveals that the moment Breivik’s IMB was laid down, which happened at birth, 2011 was “numerically hard coded” to be a year that would present a much higher than average risk for him and around him.

Analysing Breivik’s life for brilliant criminal futurist clues!

Through the above research we have come to the clear understanding that the sequences 22//4 and 13//4 exert a massive influence on Anders Breivik. So, let’s turn our attention to the above data table to see what years are “themed” by these two sequences. Chris modelled ABBs experiential life journey from birth to age 100 but for the purposes of this criminal futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik case study, we will only show data extracted for the period, birth to age 77.

22//4 themes these years for Breivik:

  • 1989 (Age 10 – what happened to ABB that year?)
  • 2010 and 2011 (the year of his mass killings)
  • 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047

13//4 themes these years for Breivik:

  • 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 (what was ABB exposed to during these years?)
  • 2010, 2011 (mass killings), 2012, 2013
  • 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038
  • 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047

Isn’t it incredible to be able to look into the future of ABB and know that just like his 2011 was themed by 22//4 and 13//4 so too is his 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047? Just imagine if the Norwegian security authorities that must have “watched” ABB over the years, had this kind of intelligence to hand, with 2011 sticking out like a sore thumb in his IMB as being a year when his numbers collided in a way that revealed an explosive and unstable cocktail…

Welcome to the hidden human intelligence opportunities (need we expand people management and human potential wise?) that exist within autism driven human futurist research. What has been discussed in this case study is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what ABBs IMB reveals.

The patterns are there, again and again, like clockwork!

Thing is, Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint [IMB] case study research has proven again and again that critically significant sequences always bring about significant outcomes. 2019, the year Boris Johnson finally became UK PM, he had a critically important sequence theming that year. Same for Donald Trump in 2016/2017. Same for Justin Trudeau Canadian PM in 2015. Same for Liz Truss in 2022 and for Rishi Sunak in 2022. Chris Styles’ years of research has birthed a plethora of case studies which conclusively prove that unique number sequences define our lives in a highly organised way. Hopefully all this will get you thinking, seriously thinking…

One day the field of Criminal Futurology, led by skilled Criminal Futurists will exist…

Reading number sequences like this is what Chris Styles is simply brilliant at. Why? Because he is autistic and where others just see numbers, he doesn’t. Numbers and how they combine tell Chris a very powerful story about life and its experiences. Having trained as a research scientist (MSc) he has spent several years and well over ten thousand hours developing and refining his predictive model so that its numerical outputs provide him with an intelligent storyboard of a person’s life. It is this skill that he is actively developing because contrary to popular belief, Chris believes that by using bespoke human futurology codes, it is possible to look into a person’s future with scientific intelligence.

Chris knows that this new field of scientific research is in its infancy stages and that many will scoff at it and think he is a total nutter. Nevertheless, he hopes to compile his years of research and human futurology predictive modelling into a PhD that would provide the platform for expansion R&D wise. Chris believes that it is not ludicrous to think that the science of criminal futurology could develop as a specialised offshoot from his original / seminal IMB work. This specialised field would use bespoke lines of code to identify ultra-high-risk moments within individuals who pose a serious risk to society at large.

Lastly, did you know that in 2017 Anders Breivik changed his name to Fjotolf Hansen?

Anders Breivik, future crime research, predictive human models, 365 Pin Code, Criminal Case Studies, Criminal Futurist insights into mass killer Anders Breivik

Want to know more about how Chris discovered Intelligent Human Blueprints?

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