September 2018 is 11:11

Much of the research material we have published this year has centred around the number 11 and its impact in the lives of those people who have 11 prominently hard coded in to their 365 Pin Code. This article deals with the significance of September 2018 being 11:11 and explains why this month will reveal much around the “shadow aspect of our lives” – that dark part of our lives which we are aware of yet have paid little attention to, as well as bring in to the light, that which we need to address forthwith, life lesson wise.

11:11 365 Pin Code, Master Number 11, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,

What others have to say about 11:11

A most informative website, Forever Conscious, publishes this about 11:11

“Numbers carry their own specific and unique vibration and from this, numerologists have been able to determine what message the Universe may be trying to communicate to you based on what number sequences you are seeing. 11:11 is probably one of the most famous number sequences and many believe it is a message of awakening. When you see 11:11, especially repeatedly, it is a sign from the Universe that you are having a spiritual awakening and opening up to the divine potential that lives within you. Seeing 11:11 is a beautiful reminder that you are aligned with your purpose and destiny and are being supported and guided… 111: carries the vibration of new beginnings and new starts. When you see this number pattern, know that you are being supported by the Universe to take action and make a change. Follow your intuition and make the appropriate steps to start a new cycle in your life. It is also a positive sign if you are looking to start a family or launch a new business.”

A reminder that 11:11 brings your life lessons in to play

Another interesting website, Ask Angels, has this to say about 11:11

“Seeing 11:11 is a reminder that you are one. One with all of life and with All That Is. The moment of seeing 11:11 is an awakening call to raise your vibration and tune into this higher vibrational experience of oneness. Additionally, 11:11 is a vibrational reminder that the past, present, and future are all simultaneously interwoven now, 11:11 reminds you of this Divine interconnected-ness of the One Life Force Energy flowing throughout everything! 11:11 presents an opportunity to reflect on your purpose for being here. It is a call to return to oneness and balance, to pay attention and to claim your power by mastering the life lessons before.”

11:11 365 Pin Code, Master Number 11, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,

365 Pin Code – The significance of September 2018 being 11:11

We believe that 11:11 is all of the above and so much more and here’s why… September is the 9th month of the year and therefore it carries with it the number 9. 2018 is a year which brings the master number 11 in to play because 2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 11. The essence energy of 2018 is also a 2, because 11 = 1+1 = 2. If we add the 9 of September and the 2 Essence Energy of 2018, we get 11. Therefore, September 2018, provides the energetic platform of 11:11 in that it is the month when there is a powerful convergence of a number 11 monthly energy in what is an 11 yearly energy. For people who have the number 11 powerfully coded in one of their 365 Pin Code charts, September 2018 is a month when much will be revealed, and much will be experienced in the way of Illumination, Enlightenment and Teaching (these three life force experiences form a central tenet around which the 11 powerfully resonates).

Where in a 365 Pin Code Chart does number 11 powerfully play out?

There are a number of places where this would absolutely happen, where the number 11 would powerfully and emphatically express itself… For example, if you were born on the 11th or the 29th of the month, your birth month being November (11), your birth year being an 11 e.g. 2009 (2009 = 2+0+0+9 = 11), your having an 11 Life Path, your having an 11 Personal or Professional Attainment Number or an 11 Shadow Personal or Professional Attainment Number, your having an 11 Expression Number, your having an 11 Balance Number, your having an 11 Soul Urge and/or an 11 Personality, and your being squarely in an 11 Pinnacle Experience or an 11 Life Cycle Experience. If you wish to know more about these terms, their personal or professional relevance and how they are calculated, then here’s a great Glossary of Terms for you to study.

So how will the 11:11 of September 2018 most likely be felt?

If you have the number 11 powerfully expressed in your chart, either once or multiple times (if this is the case then best you pay real attention to what September 2018), then what is meant to be revealed to you, will happen through what is guaranteed to be a life changing / shifting event. Depending on how your 365 Pin Code Chart is coded, this experience will either be a physical one or an emotional one. Either way, guaranteed, this 11:11 master energy super convergence will create much change which will bring with it enlightenment (how you now look at life as you connect all the dots from your past dominant thoughts, emotions and actions) and teaching. How so teaching wise? Well, it is very simple, and this is how it will happen…11:11 365 Pin Code, Master Number 11, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,

Learn from 2018 or brace yourself for what’s coming in 2027

Much will now make sense to you and everyone around you too, as the powerful light of the 11 will illuminate that part / those parts of your life (that which has been hidden out of plain sight within your very secretive shadow self) and place them out in the open for all to see and for you to then have to deal with… Those people who choose to see themselves and things for what they are, who then bank the lessons and move on with a new personal growth plan designed to address what the shadow has uncomfortably revealed, will gain much. Those who choose to be victims, who opt to blame everyone and everything for what has now come to light, won’t have learned their life lesson. So, they can be guaranteed, that what needs to be learned, will be re-learned in 2027 (2027 = 2+0+2+7 = 11), the next master number 11 universal energy year. Thing is, this time round the unlearned life lessons will be re-presented in an even greater intensity with more discomfort…

To learn or not to learn from what the 11:11 convergence of September 2018 reveals to you? The choice is all yours…

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