Your Date of Birth holds the Key to your Numerology Karmic Year Number

Numerology Karmic Year Number and Karmic Debt Numbers

We start, by pointing out, that your numerology karmic year number must not ever be confused with karmic debt numbers. The karmic debt numbers are 13, 14, 16, and 19. Each of these numbers carry within them profound lessons which their respective owners (e.g. people born 13th, 14th, 16th, 19th; people with a 13/14/16/19 life path number etc.) must learn (hopefully!). The idea of a karmic debt number is based upon the cyclical nature of our universe and everything in it, including our birth and lifepath experience cycles. It is an indication of the burdens we may need to overcome, or lessons we need to learn, as well as additional obstacles and challenges that we may have to struggle through in this lifetime.

Karmic Debt Number 13

In the case of karmic debt number 13, which signals a karmic rebirth, it has as its central tenet the lesson that hard work pays off and that sustainable, lasting success is not ever created through being lazy nor taking short-cuts. The owners of karmic 13 will most likely meet with much adversity during their formative year, having to work diligently and really apply themselves if they want to get ahead. It may feel to them like nothing comes easy, that everything is a huge struggle. This is their hard and tough and relentless journey. Only once they have learned their number 4 related lessons (as in the importance of patience, work, focus, discipline, planning, conservatism, systems, processes, procedures, progressing step by step etc.) will tremendous success be theirs.

Karmic Debt Number 14

Karmic debt number 14 has as its central tenet the importance of living a life of moderation and will along the way teach its owner that a life of complete excess (as in much booze, drugs, sex, taboo arts, fast cars, carefree adrenaline junkie lifestyle etc.) never works. Once the owners of karmic 14 understand that success flows from focus, discipline, law and order, systems and structures, and when they eventually stop shirking responsibility, that’s when meaningful personal freedom and success flows their way. Thing is, it is not easy for karmic 14’s to learn this lesson. Instead of knuckling down and coming to grips with the harsh but unfortunate drudgery of life, they will most often choose, like colourful birds of paradise, to flit from here to there, hedonistically savouring the sensory overload (as in the 5 senses, see, hear, smell, taste, touch) of life, always looking for the easiest route to adventurous pleasure; always heading away from responsibility.

Numerology Karmic Year, 365 Pin Code, numerology case studies and articles, numerology for women, numerology for business, numerology and politics, futurist numerology Number ,

Karmic Debt Number 16

Karmic debt 16 has as its central tenet the life lesson that for relationships to work requires personal growth, patience, an awareness of others, effort and most importantly, that harsh truth you can’t always play the victim card, that you too, are very much to blame for the “constant-matters-of-the-heart” pain which exists in your life. Once the owners of karmic 16 understand that they in fact are the architects of their own personal relationship misery, and deeply destructive relationships, a wonderful spiritual revelation exists. Only then will they find deeply meaningful relationships. Until they reach this enlightened point, they are if you will, the equivalent of a cold, clinical, narcissistic, self-absorbed human wrecking ball who does tremendous damage to absolutely everyone around them. In numerology, the number 6 also links with family, so the owners of karmic debt 16 might have what seems to them, to be never-ending, extraordinarily unfair family dramas. These soap-opera style dramas with parents and siblings, are in almost all instances caused directly by the karmic 16 family member. And, this is purely because of how they treat those closest to them who on a regular basis, will experience the mercenary and emotional viciousness so typical of the dark side of the 16. The really awful 16’s, as in those who refuse to learn their karmic relationship responsibility lesson, actually enjoy putting others to the sword, and as such, their behaviour is nothing less than that of a most calculating psychopath!

Karmic Debt Number 19

Karmic debt number 19 has as its central tenet, independence, and the importance of finding a positive, engaged balance between serving the needs of self (as in the 1) and serving the needs of others (as in the 9). Some numerology writers portray this karmic number as resulting from the debt accrued in previous lifetimes due to the owner having enriched himself self (1) at the expense of others (9). While their arguments might carry some merit, we at 365 Pin Code Numerology tend to look at karmic 19 in terms of independence and leadership related lessons. No person can ever become a truly effective leader (1) before they have learned how to intelligently follow others (9) and connect with their greater, collective (9) needs. The numbers 1 and 9 represent the two polarised ends of the numerology number line, 1 being the start, the beginning, and 9 being the end, closure. Therefore, this is a most demanding karmic debt number to have in your charts because it constantly brings into frame if you will, the tug-of-war between looking after yourself (“selfish me”) and looking after others (“selfless me”). There is no simple answer to this journey. Each to their own. The one real karmic 19 truth our research has revealed is that if you only ever look after yourself, as in very important me, you will for certain meet with material ruin in order to restore the balance, and, if you only seek to selflessly serve others, extreme resentment eventually sets in.

365 Pin Code Numerology Karmic Year Number

What is meant by your numerology karmic year number? It is a number which reveals a specific, and most important, year along your life path’s journey. In most cases, it is during that specific year, that you will have either an experience, or multiple experiences, all which will have much personal impact. This tremendous impact is not only felt much during that year, but also into your future. The reason we say that this result (which is what karma is; karma is a result, an outcome) happens “in most cases” during your karmic year, is because the research we have done around this, shows that this event or events, can start up to 6 months prior to the commencement of your karmic year.

We conducted a string of research interviews (more than 50) with people on this topic. In all instances their 365 Pin Code Karmic Numerology Year had a most significant impact on their lives. The impact or experiences, ranged from being the year they lost their virginity, to being the year they completed their degree, to being the year they landed their first job, to being the year when their family experienced grave financial losses, to being the year when they personally had the most extreme emotional upheaval, to being the year of two miscarriages, to being the year when the business went under etc. We cannot for certain say what your karmic year experience will be, but what we do know, is it will leave its mark, life path wise.

Numerology Karmic Year, 365 Pin Code, numerology case studies and articles, numerology for women, numerology for business, numerology and politics, futurist numerology Number ,

Your numerology karmic year number [NKY No] is calculated as follows:

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s son, Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson was born on the 29th of April 2020. 29/04/2020 = 29+4+2020 = 2053. His NKY No is 2053. Therefore 2053 is the year when he will encounter what will be very personal, life shaping experiences. His 365 Pin Code Birth Chart is provided below…

Here are SEVEN additional examples illustrating the NYK No calculation…

Example 1: Study subject’s DOB is 1st of February 1969. 01/02/1969 = 1+2+1969 = 1972. The study subject’s NYK No is 1972. Therefore 1972 is the year when the given study subject would encounter what will be very personal, life shaping experiences.

Example 2: Study subject’s DOB is 13th of September 1970. 13/09/1970 = 13+9+1970 = 1992. The study subject’s NYK No is 1992. Therefore 1992 is the year when the given study subject would encounter what will be very personal, life shaping experiences.

Example 3: Study subject’s DOB is 15th of July 1968. 15/07/1968 = 15+7+1968 = 1990. The study subject’s NYK No is 1990. Therefore 1972 is the year when the given study subject will encounter what will be very personal, life shaping experiences.

Example 4: Study subject’s DOB is 8th of March 1944. 08/04/1944 = 8+3+1944 = 1955. The study subject’s NYK No is 1955. Therefore 1955 is the year when the given study subject will encounter what will be very personal, life shaping experiences.

Example 5: Study subject’s DOB is 27th of September 1995. 27/09/1995 = 27+9+1995 = 2031. The study subject’s NYK No is 2031. Therefore 2031 is the year when the given study subject will encounter what will be very personal, life shaping experiences.

Example 6: Study subject’s DOB is 19thth of April 1998. 19/04/1998 = 19+4+1998 = 2021. The study subject’s NYK No is 2021. Therefore 2021 is the year when the given study subject will encounter what will be very personal, life shaping experiences.

Example 7: Study subject’s DOB is 27th of November 2005. 27/11/2005 = 27+11+2005 = 2043. The study subject’s NYK No is 2043. Therefore 2043 is the year when the given study subject will encounter what will be very personal, life shaping experiences.

365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart for Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson, born 29.04.2020

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