Much has been said on the Avery Nixon Prediction, but not much has been written on the how…

How exactly did Kevin Quinn Avery author of The Numbers of Life, so accurately predict Richard Nixon’s resignation?

In this Blog or mini case study if you will as it is after all a very extensive piece of work, I shall attempt to retrace the steps of the numerical genius Kevin Quinn Avery who using number patterns, predictive charts and unique universal vibrations, calculated months in advance, that President Richard Nixon at the Age of 61 would resign and be formally relieved his duties at exactly 12:00 noon on the 9th of August 1974.

I shall attempt to intelligently present a series of data points which when locked together, could have well been how Avery came to the incredibly accurate conclusion that he did. Then, using all the data points assimilated and the insights gained, I shall endeavour to expand on these with regard to the highly controversial US President Donald Trump, in order to see whether there might be a key date in the future when a similar event might possibly present itself for him.

When researching Kevin Quinn Avery, author of The Numbers of Life book, one of the links selling his books posts this: “A numerologist for over 25 years and the author of 27 books, Kevin Quinn Avery (1933-1984) is a towering figure in his field. In addition to his professional studies, he obtained a master’s degree in mathematics from Princeton University and competed as an amateur polo player. As a numerologist he advised many household names on their careers and personal lives. He is known for having correctly predicted President Nixon’s resignation to the date and hour 11 months before it happened.” Thing is – to-date – nobody knows how he did it…

Being the trained research scientist I am, I need to know how!

Over the many years that I worked as a field biologist / ecologist in Africa, the one thing I learned was the importance of others being able to clearly understand how you came to the conclusions you did. Then, there was also the other all-important factor of their being able to replicate your results, as therein lay the personal satisfaction that you’d contributed meaningfully to your chosen field’s body of scientific knowledge.

No doubt my interest in applied ecology and natural systems, how they function, all the players and the vastly complex inter-relationship between all things, resulted in my also becoming interested in numbers. More specifically, how all relationships whether simple or complex can be well described and thoroughly understood with and through numbers. And so began my love affair with numbers and their unique vibrational qualities and with this came thousands of hours spent building many different charts, replicating charts which the greats like Kevin Quinn Avery had built and also expanding on these charts and introducing new, exciting angles, many of these being driven by Carl Jung’s profound teachings on the shadow as well as the individual unconscious and the larger collective unconscious.

Given my scientific training and all the biological statistical analysis which we researchers had to diligently apply to field data in order to get a real feel for whether we were on to something relationship wise, or not, all these charts once built had to be stress-tested. I did this over and over again, night after night, month after month, year after year, until I had a high enough confidence level that what I was building numerical intelligence wise was both accurate and insightful and of sufficiently robust predictive substance to make powerful interpretive calls around.

I was hitting the bulls-eye more often than not!

As I got better and better at this and as my predictions became more and more accurate, the one matter which never ceased to puzzle me was how on earth did Avery calculate exactly when US President Richard Nixon would resign, an event surrounded by much controversy, an event which happened at exactly midday, 12:00 noon, on the 9th of August 1974. Nowhere could I lay my hands on information or records as to how he came to the conclusion he did, but nevertheless, it is

written, as evidence above, that this genius of a Numerologist accurately predicted Nixon’s resignation. That nobody knows how he did it, leaves a gaping hole in the world of Numerology – one which simply has to be worked on.

Let’s begin with listing the important Numerology Headline Numbers for President Richard Nixon and from there let’s drill down in to the yearly, monthly and daily energy profiles which are in play around the all-important day of 09.08.1974.

Richard Milhous Nixon

Richard Nixon’s 4 Keystone Triangles

Note in the above 365 Pin Code Chart, how the 4 Keystone Triangles, assemble themselves in to a structure which, when imagination is applied, resembles the shape of a pyramid viewed from above…

Headline Numbers for Richard Milhous Nixon, born 09.01.1913

  • First Name: Richard = 43 = 4+3 = 7 ; The number which denotes his physical entity is 7
  • Second / Middle Name: Milhous = 34 = 3+4 = 7 ; The number which denotes his emotional entity is 7
  • Surname / Last Name: Nixon = 31 = 3+1 = 4 ; The number which denotes his spiritual entity is 4
  • His Full Name Totals 108 = 1+0+8 = 9 ; His Expression Number is 9
  • His Initials, RMN, total 18 = 1+8 = 9 ; His Balance Number is 9
  • His Full Name Cycle has 19 (7+7+5) letters in it, therefore we know that every 19 years incidents of major importance will occur, whether good or bad
  • His DD of Birth is 09 ; His Number in the Person / Self is 9
  • His MM of Birth is 01 ; His Family / Intimate Number is 1
  • His YY of Birth is 1913 ; 1913 = 1+9+1+3 = 14 = 1+4 = 5 ; His World / Career Number is 5
  • His Life Path Number is DD+MM+YY = 9+1+1913 = 1923 = 1+9+2+3 = 15 = 1+5 = 6(24)
  • His Formative Life Cycle Number from Birth to Age 30, is 1
  • His Productive Life Cycle Number from Age 31 to Age 57, is 9
  • His Harvest Life Cycle Number from Age 58 to Death, is 5
  • His Shadow / Emotional Self Number is 9
  • His Shadow / Emotional Family Number is 8
  • His Shadow / Emotional World Number is 4
  • His Shadow / Emotional Life Path is 3(21)
  • His Conscious Self Personal Attainment Number is 1(10)
  • His Conscious Self Professional Attainment Number is 5(14)
  • His Unconscious / Shadow Self Personal Attainment Number is 8(17)
  • His Unconscious / Shadow Self Professional Attainment Number is 4(13)
  • His Pythagorean Chart reveals two Arrows, The Arrow of Hypersensitivity and The Arrow of Frustration
  • He has 3 Karmic Lessons – pertaining to the Number 2, Number 5 and Number 7
  • His Subconscious Self Number is 6
  • His Inclusion Chart has an over-abundance of 9’s – 237% of the normalised average to be precise
  • His Number 1 related profile reveals an under target result of 63%
  • His Number 3 related profile reveals an over target result of 142%
  • His Number 4 related profile reveals an under target result of 95%
  • His Number 6 related profile reveals an over target result of 142%
  • His Number 8 related profile reveals an under target result of 95%
  • His Hidden Passion Number is 9
  • His Maturity Number is 6
  • His Primary Soul Urge is 7(43)
  • His Secondary Soul Urge is 7(25)
  • His Primary Personality is 11/2(65)
  • His Secondary Personality is 13/4(49)
  • His First Pinnacle Experience Number, from Birth to Age 30, is 1
  • His First Challenge Experience Number, from Birth to Age 30, is 8
  • His Second Pinnacle Experience Number, from Age 31 to Age 39, is 5
  • His Second Challenge Experience Number, from Age 31 to Age 39, is 4
  • His Third Pinnacle Experience Number, from Age 40 to Age 48, is 6
  • His Third Challenge Experience Number, from Age 40 to Age 48, is 4
  • His Fourth and Final Pinnacle Experience Number, from Age 49 onwards, is 6
  • His Fourth and Final Challenge Experience Number, from Age 49 onwards, is 4
  • His Spiritual Initiation Number is 4(31)
  • His Cornerstone Number is derived from the letter R and is 9
  • His Key Number is derived from Richard = 43 = 7
  • His First Vowel in the name Richard is I = 9
  • His Eccentricity Number is 7+9 = 16 = 7
  • His Capstone Number is derived from the letter D = 4
  • His Life Number = 6+9 = 15 = 1+5 = 6
  • His Keystone Number relates to the H right in the middle of RicHard = 8

Are you getting to grips with this?

Visit our blog on Numerology Terms for a comprehensive interpretation of the Richard Nixon’s Number

To help you make sense of all the above, here’s a brief interpretation of what each number means:

Number 1: Independence, Essence of Masculinity, Leadership, Attainment, Bold, Bravery, New Beginning, Innovation, Individuation, Pioneering Spirit, Sense of Self.

Number 2: Diplomatic, Nurture, Essence of Femininity, Motherly, Power Behind The Throne, Cooperation, Collaboration, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Others Focus.

Number 3: Creativity, Self-Expression, Artistic, Communication, Sensitive, Social.

Number 4: Work, Focus, Discipline, Order, Limitation, Being Boxed In, Practical, Reliable, Systematic, Foundational, Service.

Number 5: Change, Personal Freedom, Constructively Challenging, Assimilating, Travel, Exploring, Adaptable, Versatile, 5-Senses Driven, Rebellious.

Number 6: Balance, Relationships, Responsibility, Love, Caring, Protecting, Sense of Community, Matters of the Heart.

Number 7: Analytics, The Mind, Cosmic Matters, Introspection, The Hermit, Isolation, Reflection, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Spiritual Matters.

Number 8: Material Matters, Money, Riches, Legal Matters, Abundance, Power, Status, Authority, Ambition, Giving and Receiving, Karma, Wealth.

Number 9: Humanitarianism, Selflessness, Idealist, Compassion, Completion, Healing, Universal Love, Consciousness, The End.

Master Numbers

Number 11: Master Number – The Master Teacher – therefore indicative of a VERY intense experience, which if honoured, delivers mastery, greatness and extreme spiritual growth. If not honoured it delivers its polar opposite which is Number 2 – the Duality of Man – which is experienced through receiving both ends of the spectrum e.g. extreme riches and poverty / being completely broke, phenomenal success and absolute failure etc. 11 is all about Illumination, Enlightenment, Teaching, Spirituality Amplified, Powerful Lessons delivered through the most appropriate Emotional Platform.

Number 22: Master Number – The Master Builder – therefore again indicative of a VERY intense experience, which if honoured, delivers mastery, greatness and extreme material abundance. If not honoured it delivers its polar opposite which is Number 4 – the Limitation of Man – which is experienced through feelings of being very confined and boxed in, of working hard for little or no gain, of having to achieve everything through much disciplined, sweat and toil etc. 22 is all about Building on a Very Grand Scale things which we be of tremendous benefit to all mankind, and, doing so in a harmonious, cooperative, collaborative way with and through others.

Nixon’s Energetic Profile

Now that I have presented Nixon’s string of Headline Numbers and what each number 1 through 9, with 11 and 22 represent, let’s delve down into the energetic profile of his Presidential Term which lasted from 20.01.1969 through to 09.08.1974. As we do this, let’s place specific emphasis on the day he resigned, being 9th of August 1974 so that for the very first time ever, we can try to make sense of what it was that Avery was seeing as critically important clues ahead of this Nixon D-Day event…

First off, I have to try to get to grips with how Avery understood that 1974 was to be “THE YEAR” for Nixon…

When faced with such challenges, we at 365 Pin Code apply what we call our 365 Pin Code Quadratic View Chart, an intelligence driven, highly personalised chart we created specifically to get a much deeper level of yearly data granularity at the individual blueprint level.

365 Pin Code Quadratic View Chart depicting unique year-on-year data strings for President Richard Nixon from the period 1969 through to 1976.

So what do the above uniquely coded data strings from 1969 (Age 56) through to 1976 (Age 63) tell us for President Richard Nixon?

In 1969 Nixon is in an 8 Personal Year and the number 8 always has to do with power, status, money, wealth, manifestation and the abundant (if of course you’ve done the right things…) harvest of the past 7 year’s focus and effort. This 8 Personal Year is linked with his having a 5 Essence Experience (see 8-5 code string at top left of chart adjacent to his age at the time, 56) and the number 5 is all about change and personal freedom. Then, on his shadow or emotional side if you will, the Essence Experience number 5 links with the Shadow Personal Number 6 and the number 6 is always linked with responsibility so no coincidence really that on the 20th of January 1969, Richard Nixon became the 37th President of the United States of America. On his professional side for 1969, the numbers 3 and 5 link in the professional physical experience space and the numbers 3 and 5 always go very well together, the number 3 representing creativity and all importantly, self-expression. Then, on the professional emotional side of his chart, the numbers 5 and 2 link which is indicative of change and the need for him to now nurture professional matters, to look to collaborate, to support and to wherever possible, find harmony and to foster calm and peaceful emotional working environments.

1970 as can be seen from the Double 4 red coded block on the professional side of his chart, represents work and lots of it. His 1970 professional year is dominated by the number 4 which is derived from the karmic number of 13 and so this tells of a time when he must have worked night and day as karmic 13 is unforgiving and if honoured, demands that the person diligently work themselves through this experience, not taking short cuts and not loafing or slacking off either. The number 4 does align well with the number 5 and so 1970 would have been a year which energetically went exactly against his Professional Attainment Number of 5. The 4-3 emotional combination on his professional side is not a good combination and so one can deduce from this that it was a very emotionally draining year for him professionally. The 9-4 and 4-7 numerical coding on the personal side of his chart also reveal tough number combinations so all round 1970 was a tough, possibly even brutal year, for Nixon. Now, this is where the magic of Numerology really comes to the fore, because numbers never lie! Remember in the Headline Numbers for Nixon that I said that every 19 years his life cycle would bring forth a very extreme experience, either positive or negative. Well, in 1970, Nixon entered his 3rd life Full Name Cycle in that 3×19 = 57 and in 1970 it is no coincidence that he was exactly age 57. That Essence Experience of a concentrated 4 – as his 365 Pin Code Quadview chart shows – lasted for only 12 months. To make matters even tougher, it was also the year when his major life long challenge, which revolves around the number 4 (i.e. work, discipline, focus, much effort, creating progress through a doggedly determined step by step approach) would surface and present itself like a raging tsunami in his personal and professional worlds. The concentrated 4 energy would bring into play his Shadow / Emotional Personal Attainment Number as well as his Secondary Personality as well as his Spiritual Initiation as well as his Capstone Number – wow, what a phenomenally intense numerical convergence for the man!

From 1971 to 1973 he shifts in to a 3 year Essence Experience dictated by the Number 2. This is never an easy time as the number 2 demands diplomacy, to support others, to find the harmonious balance between others and self etc. Given that the Number 2 represents a Karmic Lesson for him (I refer you back to the above list of Headline Numbers which I have provided for you around Nixon) and because 2 is the polar opposite of 7 (go back to his headline numbers and see how many 7’ he has – in his two names, in his soul urges, his eccentricity number, his key number) this would have been a time when his buttons would have been majorly pushed on many levels. 1972 was however a very good year for him personally with the Double 2 red coloured block revealing that he used all his diplomatic prowess and endless charm to win the presidential race hands down with a gigantic landslide victory!

Though many may view numerology as Pseudo-Science, Kevin Quinn Avery is a Princeton University educated Mathematician

In 1974, the year when Nixon is forced to resign, the numbers stack up REALLY badly for him career wise, yet his bigger picture numerical cocktail which we reveal later in detail, provides much relief for him in the way of a get-out-of-fail-free card. Here’s where the genius of Kevin Quinn Avery, the Princeton University educated Mathematician, comes in to play. It is these various and unique number sequences which he connected with when he made his prophetic announcement that Richard Milhous Nixon would step down as the President of the United States of America at noon on the 9th of August 1974…

Avery Nixon

Focusing only (see above) on the unique 365 Pin Code data string revealed for Richard Milhous Nixon in 1974, we see that:

  • The 1st black block connecting 4 with 5 – an awful combination in that this numerical combination brings forth extreme conflict
  • The 1st Grey block connecting 5 with 2 – indicative of Nixon’s making many emotionally driven mistakes
  • The 2nd black block connecting 8 with 5 indicates professional discord as the 8 crosses the 5
  • The 2nd grey block connecting the 5 with the 7 – indicative of complete discord as the life has not been lived correctly and so personal freedom matters [the 5] are in direct conflict with the spirit or the Universal Force of Spirit [the 7]
  • His Personal Year of 4, brings into play his Life Long Challenge of 4, his surname of 4, his Shadow Emotional Attainment Number of 4, his Secondary Personality of 4, his Spiritual Initiation of 4 and his Capstone Number of 4
  • His Essence Experience Number for the year, a 5(14), brings into play that his life is undergoing much change, which is also sweeping through his World / Career Number of 5, his Final / Harvest Cycle Number of 5 as well as his Professional Attainment Number of 5(14). All this aligns perfectly with the Essence Experience Number indicating what only the very experienced Numerologist would be able to identify early on as being, The Perfect Professional Storm.
  • His Shadow / Emotional Personal Year Number of 11/2 brings into play his Primary Personality of 11/2 and though I have only paid cursory attention to the number 11 thus far in the Blog, please do know this – number 11, a Master Number, is always associated with Illumination, Enlightenment and Teaching. Given this, there is little doubt that 1974 was to be the year when all these experiences were to be boldly presented to Richard Nixon.
  • On the Professional Side of his 1974 data string, the number 8 brings forth his Keystone Number and when linked with 5, that is 8-5, we know that discord is the order of the day as the 8 crossing the 5 is never a pretty sight to behold.
  • Finally numbers wise, for 1974, we have the 5 linking with the 7 on the Shadow Professional Side of Nixon’s chart and as described above in bullet point 4, this is yet another disastrous number combination for President Nixon.
  • Now to the wisdom provided through the letters, as Advanced Numerological Intelligence is both number and letter driven! In 1974, Nixon’s Physical Experience letters shift from an “I” in 1973 to a “C” in 1974 and the letter C always brings with it a positive physical outcome and a general state of happiness and being at ease if you will. In 1974 Nixon’s Emotional Experience letter is an “O” and this implies the emotional protection of Venus which in turn translates to emotional happiness. Finally, in 1974 Nixon’s Spiritual Experience letter is an “N” and this indicates change – in this instance given the two previous positive letters, change for the better!
  • The grand upshot of all this – 1974 for Richard Nixon = GAME OVER – but softly so – and without being impeached! Bravo Kevin Quinn Avery, bravo! I celebrate your genius with numbers and letters and the metaphysical sciences and I am truly grateful to learn from you with regard to Nixon’s resignation’s number cocktail.

Lastly, in 1975, we have the dead give-away – the coup de grace if you will – that numerical gold nugget which made Avery decide well ahead of time that 1974 was definitely the year when it was all going down for President Nixon. Note the Double 5 red block on the Personal Physical Experience side of Nixon’s unique year-on-year data string? Well that’s always tells of massive change – of extreme personal freedom – of having avoided the hangman’s noose. So, when Avery saw this in Nixon’s charts he would have known that this the year when Nixon would be reflecting on all that was, knowing that he got away relatively unpunished – in this lifetime that is. His next physical incarnation will however be a very different story for Richard Nixon’s soul…

Now that I have solved how Avery arrived at 1974 as being “THE YEAR”, I next have to get to grips with how he determined that August was to be “THE MONTH” in which Nixon would resign…

The Key lies with his emotional state and when it comes to endings and beginnings, there are two numbers which powerfully present themselves, these being 9 (the end, closure) and 1 (the new beginning). Below we have the monthly shadow (which is always emotionally driven) personal energy profile for Richard Nixon for 1974 and the red colour coded block for Number 1 – the new emotional beginning for Nixon – appears in August. Given that we are emotional beings and that our emotional state always influences our physical state, Avery’s genius tuned in to the emotional or shadow months, to look for any new personal beginnings for Nixon in 1974. And the month which came up as new beginnings, was August – number 28 to be more precise. Brilliantly intuitive! The shadow personal code which Avery discovered around Nixon’s resignation was 5(E)-11/2(Y)-1(M).

Now, if we also look at Nixon’s Personal Monthly Energy Profile for 1974, we see below, that August is represented by the Number 3 – or number 21 to be more precise. And where is the number 3 most powerfully represented in Nixon’s various charts? In his Shadow / Emotional Life Path, with 3 being all about happiness, creativity, self expression, having fun – being released if you will from the arduous tasks which go with much responsibility, represented by the number 6, which is the polar opposite of the number 3. The personal code which Avery discovered around Nixon’s resignation was 5(E)-4(Y)-3(M).

With regard to the Professional Month’s coding around Nixon’s August resignation, it was 5(E)-8(Y)-7(M) – the 7 monthly energy being all about introspective reflection of what was, and the Shadow Professional Month’s coding was 5(E)-7(Y)-6(M) – the 6 shadow energy bringing with it the reminder that he had much to answer for responsibility wise. If Nixon was wise to the ways of the Universe, this would have meant a powerfully charged moment in time when he would have connected with the universal truth that nobody ever escapes the Law of Cause and Effect; that as you sow, so shall you reap, if not in the given moment then definitely in the future.

Now that I have solved how Avery arrived at August as being “THE MONTH”, I finally have to get to grips with how he determined that the 9th was to be “THE DAY” on which Nixon would resign…

In the four 365 Pin Code unique personal and professional daily energy profile charts displayed below, we reveal for the very first time ever, all the daily cocktail of energies in play for President Richard Nixon on the 9th of August 1974.

Given that this was such a massively significant event for him, I look for numerical convergences and numerical alignments, especially on the personal front. Why do I do this? Because when these daily energies are perfectly aligned with the same or similar energies, especially a monthly energy, it drastically amplifies the energy of the overall numerical cocktail and therefore magnifies the experience much.

As we begin this really deep analytical dive into the numerical 365 Pin Code data string for Nixon on 09.08.1974 there are four numbers firmly in play. They are 21(3), 28(1), 25(7) and 24(6). The first of the magical numbers, being 21, is because August 1974 is a 21/3 Personal Energy Month for Nixon. The tables below show that the 9th of August just also happens (and not coincidentally I hasted to add as the more I study and research unique and significant events in history, the more I realise that there is nothing random about them ever!) to be 21/3 Personal Energy Day for Nixon. This monthly and daily convergence of the energy number 21, the higher octave of number 3, deals with self-expression, joy, happiness, release and finally being at ease. Number 21 is the mystical number of the cosmic consciousness and is also a number of general good fortune. Given his resignation and pardon, he had certainly been lucky, having successfully dodged what was a huge bullet. As a temporary vibration the number 21 is indicative of change, of the old order making way for the new order and in his life at that moment, change was definitely the order of the day.

Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,

The second of the magical numbers, being 28, is because August 1974 was a 28/10/1 Shadow Personal Energy Month for Nixon. The tables above show that just as was the case with his personal profile, the 9th of August also happens to be a 28/10/1 Shadow Personal Energy Day for Nixon. So, for a second time on the 9th, his monthly and daily energies align and converge perfectly, right down to the larger backing number of 28. The number 28 exists to remind us that if we use care and good judgement, irrespective of what might have been, there are great possibilities in our lives. There is a vital, stimulating, resourceful quality in this number, one which is always ready for action and adventure. It is also reminding us of the need to practice self-control in order to regain lost balance. As a temporary vibration, 21 reminds us that the outcome of everything stems from the actions we took – the Universal Law of Cause and Effect if you will.

The third of the magical numbers, being 25, is because August 1974 was a 26/7 Professional Energy Month for Nixon. The tables above show that just as happened with his personal and shadow personal profiles, the 9th of August also happened to be a 25/7 Professional Energy Day for Nixon. So, for the third time on the 9th, his monthly and daily energies align and converge. This is really powerful because seeing this 3 out of 4 or 75% result told me that I was really on to something massive now in terms of how Avery had worked it all out. The number 25 exists to remind us that we have to awaken to the truth within and through this, gain wisdom. 25 instructs us that now is the time to piece together all of the whole and to arrive at profound conclusions, conclusions which should massively elevate your consciousness, awareness and intuitive powers. As a temporary vibration, the number 25 brings forth a change of residence, many different trials and success after much difficulty; that success will not just be handed to you again but will only come with much hard work and through the diligent application of your mind in a positive way to all that is.

The fourth and final of the magical numbers, being 24, is because August 1974 was a 24/6 Shadow Professional Energy Month for Nixon. The tables above show that just as happened with his personal, shadow personal and professional profiles, the 9th of August also happened (that’s now 4 out of 4, a 100% score – boom!) to be a 24/6 Shadow Professional Energy Day for Nixon. So, for the fourth time on the 9th of August 1974, his monthly and daily energies align and converge – thereby implying super-convergence. Super convergences are always indicative of a day like none other. The number 24 exists to remind you that you a magnetic personality and a proficiency with words which gives you much power over people – a power which must be used wisely as given your natural air of authority people will actively seek you out as a leader, as one who can bring harmony and peace to troubled situations. As a temporary vibration, the number 24 brings forth family matters because it is a love vibration. This is a time when you need to be very understanding of the feelings of other family members.

Piecing this all together has revealed such a powerful, perfectly aligned, energy convergence series for Nixon on the 9th of August 1974. This is what Avery must have seen and being scientifically and mathematically trained, he would have known that this extreme melting pot of perfectly aligned numbers could only mean one thing – the end for Richard Nixon – in a rather good way.

So, I can now reveal to you that the never-been-seen before Day of Resignation (9th of August 1974) unique Energetic Codes for President Richard Milhous Nixon are:

  • Personal Energetic Code: 5/14(ESS)-4/4(PEYR)-3/21(PEMTH)-3/21(PEDAY) – which can be shortened to its essence of 5-4-3-3-6
  • Shadow / Emotional Energetic Code: 5/14(ESS)-2/11(SHPEYR)-1/28(SHPEMTH)-1/28(SHPEDAY) – which can be shortened to its essence of 5-4-1-1-4
  • Professional Energetic Code: 5/14(ESS)-8/8(PRYR)-7/25(PRMTH)-7/25(PRDAY) – which can be shortened to its essence of 5-8-7-7-1
  • Shadow / Emotional Energetic Code: 5/14(ESS)-7/7(SHPRYR)-6/24(SHPRMTH)-6/24(SHPRDAY) – which can be shortened to its essence of 5-7-6-6-9

It is also no coincidence that on this day for Nixon, the first number listed in the above four strings, is the number 14, which in this position represents his Essence Experience for 1974, or stated another way, reveals what the dominant driving energy of 1974 would be for him both personally and professionally. The number 14 is a Karmic Debt Number which although it reduces down to 5, powerfully reminds us that what is happening in that given moment in time, is as a result of the misuse of personal freedom. Nixon had done just this – he had abused his position of power – and so even though he was not impeached because of a presidential pardon granted by his successor, Gerald Ford, he nevertheless would have carried this karmic baggage forward with him!

Now that I have drilled all the way down into the daily energies for Nixon, the final piece of this massively complex Numerology puzzle which Avery so brilliantly solved, went around “THE HOUR” – his correctly predicting that the resignation would come in to play at 12:00 noon.

Here are the 365 Pin Code hourly profiles for President Nixon at exactly 12:00 noon on the 9th of August 1974 – let’s review them and see what we come up trend wise and what each hour’s number means and its significance to this event.

Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,

His Personal Hourly Energy at 12:00 is number 33, which is a master number, often referred to as the Christ Vibration because it represents the highest love vibration which is compassion. The lower vibration of 33, which is 6, means responsibility – in the case of Nixon, the hour when he was having to take full responsibility for what he had done.

His Shadow Personal Hourly Energy at 12:00 is number 40, the number which informs us that life is to be lived systematically, orderly and with structure and most importantly, discipline. The obstacles that are presenting themselves with and through the 40 may seem limiting – this is typical of the lower octave number 4 – but they are in fact a blessing as through the solutions you find, you grow. Nixon was facing many challenges and simultaneously experiencing much spiritual growth.

His Professional Hourly Energy at 12:00 is number 37 and this is always a very positive number as it represents self-expression, the number 3, enabled through spiritual growth, the number 7 – all new beginning if you will on the professional front as 37=3+7=10=1+0=1 and number 1 all about new beginnings.

His Shadow Professional Hourly Energy at 12:00 is 36. The number 36 reveals a powerful energy which through tenacity and perseverance, overcomes all obstacles. It is also indicative of a heavy burden which must be borne but this would not happen if you did not have the grit to overcome and master it. The losses, separations, endings and even suffering which go with this number are all necessary to free you for the next cycle you are about to enter. For Nixon it was most definitely all this and more – it was the end which is always revealed through the number 9, the number which 36 reduces to.

So, the 365 Pin Code Hourly Energy Comprehensive Data Strings, once again, never-been-seen-before Numerology results for President Nixon around his Day of Resignation (9th of August 1974), are:

  • Personal Energetic Code: 5/14(ESS)-4/4(PEYR)-3/21(PEMTH)-3/21(PEDAY)-6/33(PEHR) – which can be shortened or reduced down to its essence number string of 5-4-3-3-6
  • Shadow / Emotional Energetic Code: 5/14(ESS)-2/11(SHPEYR)-1/28(SHPEMTH)-1/28(SHPEDAY)-4/40(SHPEHR) – which can be shortened or reduced down to its essence number string of 5-4-1-1-4
  • Professional Energetic Code: 5/14(ESS)-8/8(PRYR)-7/25(PRMTH)-7/25(PRDAY)-1/37(PRHR) – which can be shortened or reduced down to its essence number string of 5-8-7-7-1
  • Shadow / Emotional Energetic Code: 5/14(ESS)-7/7(SHPRYR)-6/24(SHPRMTH)-6/24(SHPRDAY)-9/36(SHPRHR) – which can be shortened or reduced down to its essence number string of 5-7-6-6-9

These are the type of unique personal and professional energy codes which we need to do much more research around, which we need to interrogate much more to fully understand on a much deeper level, their relevance. It is these codes, which drive the most important moments of our lives, and it is only because we do not yet fully understand them, nor have a comprehensive database of them, that we cannot fully appreciate their pre-coded impact on our choices, our lives, our growth, our destiny, our soul journeys.

Last but not least, let’s reflect on Nixon’s two Arrows – his Arrow of Hypersensitivity also known as the Arrow of Acute Sensitivity and his Arrow of Frustration. These arrows are shown below, with his Pythagorean Chart being compiled from his date of birth.

These are two very difficult arrows to live with and here’s why…

The Arrow of Hypersensitivity tends to cause the carrier of this arrow to mistakenly believe that everyone is against them and conspiring to get them. As such, when fully activated – through stressful circumstances usually – this arrow can result in their behaving in an irrational, even manic, way. David Hartmann who has extensive first-hand experience with this Arrow of Acute Sensitivity, writes that “The hypersensitivity comes across as two distinct features: Acute sensitivity to others views about them. This can be real or perceived – it doesn’t actually matter because they are both real to them. People with this arrow will be offended, hurt, and upset over the smallest things, especially when it’s targeted at them. This can be directed at them face-to-face, or more like a snake-in-the-grass; regardless it hurts!! Even if someone were to just think a bad thought about them they will feel it. Their hypersensitivity has them very in-tune with Universal energy, and thoughts hurt just as much as a physical or verbal action. They are also easily offended by the assumption that someone thinks ill of them.”

Now let’s understand Nixon’s Arrow of Frustration. Again, I refer to the insightful writing of David Hartmann who has this Arrow in his chart and who is therefore actively engaged with its challenges every single day. He writes “Guess what one of my favourite words to use is when I am stressed or under the pump? No surprises – “frustrated”! But, how/why do people with this arrow get so very frustrated? Basically, the frustration is directed towards two areas – themselves and those around them. Frustration with themselves – let’s face it, everyone on the planet has that little voice inside their heads that can be both complementary and critical. And that voice is particularly uncomplimentary for people with this arrow. It gets stuck into you ‘Royal’! Nothing you do is ever good enough, and that voice lets you know about it 24/7. As you can imagine, after a while this builds into a serious level of frustration about yourself which can be a real negative hit to your self-esteem and self-worth. Even if you do manage to do something amazing, that little voice will still find something that you did which wasn’t perfect, and will home in on that little negative nugget, and will torture your sense of achievement, and sense of self-worth. Then there’s the frustration with those around you – because you are so self-critical, this naturally leads into you lumping an unrealistic expectation on other people. We should realise that frustrations could be avoided if only we learnt to appreciate people for what they are, rather than what they can be or should be” (David Phillips 1980, The Complete Book of Numerology). The goal for people with this arrow is to realise that life is challenging, but that’s the point; because life’s challenges will force them into evolving into the best person they can be. One that understands and appreciates themselves and others for all their strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is perfect after all.”

Now that you understand a little more about these arrows, especially the Arrow of Hypersensitivity, guess which American President also has this arrow? That’s right – you guessed it – Donald Trump!

Donald John Trump the the 45th President of the United States of America or more commonly known on Twitter as @RealDonaldTrump

Not only does Trump share this Arrow with Nixon, he also has the Arrow of The Enquirer [as does American author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach Tony Robbins]. Recently we’ve seen how in 2018, an 11 Universal Master Energy Year, it all went very horribly wrong for Australian Cricket Captain Steve Smith, who was exposed as a cheat of the highest order. Smith has this Arrow of The Enquirer in his charts and he also has the number 11 very prominently displayed in his Keystone Charts as his Professional Attainment Number.

President Trump has the number 11 heavily loaded in to his Keystone Charts as both his Personal Attainment Number and Shadow Professional Attainment Number and given that his Year of Birth, 1946, totals 20, the lower octave of 11, there will be many duality related troubles ahead for him, professionally. So, there’s no way round this, 2018 is going to be the year when the 11 Universal Master Energy will bring much forth for Donald Trump to experience illumination, enlightenment and teaching wise, especially around love and matters of the heart.

And from Trump’s Personal Energy Profile for 2018, we can deduce that July 2018 is going to be a very interesting month for him. That’s when the 11 Universal Year Master Energy, his 11 Personal Attainment Energy, his 22 Personal Year Master Energy, his Karmic 19(1) Essence Experience Energy and his 11 Personal Month Energy align and converge. Given what I now know from having built and interpreted thousands of different charts and from studying what Avery saw in the numbers, this is one massive an energy convergence for President Trump.

And, when I run Trump’s Shadow Professional Energy Chart – the monthly energies perfectly match and mirror those of the above personal chart, with the master number 11 presenting itself exactly as it did before, in July of Trump’s 2018 Shadow Professional Monthly Energy profile. Therefore, I can with much confidence say that in June, all that which must happen, will begin to happen. July 2018 which brings forth his 11 master energy experience, is the month when President Trump will experience directly, an extremely intense series of events which will bring with them much Teaching, Illumination and Enlightenment. July will be the month when the full fury of what 2018’s master number 11 energy needs to reveal to Trump, will be felt. What fascinating times we live in. Now, let’s have a quick go at Trump’s numbers and see if there’s a possible Nixon type energetic convergence.

Here’s an excerpt Trump’s 365 Pin Code Quadratic View for 2017, 2018 and 2019

This reveals the master number 22 in play in 2018, personally and shadow professionally – this is a not-to-be-trifled with numerical cocktail…

Trump’s 365 Pin Code Personal Month Energy Profile 2018

As seen below, when I run Trump’s Personal Day Energy profile / chart for July 2018, I see that his 29/11/2 master energy monthly profile for July [as above] is perfectly matched on the 18th of July 2018, a personal day for President Trump which itself has a 29/11/2 master energy profile. This brings very powerful numbers in to play on the 18th, because as you know by now, 11 is the all-correcting master energy which is sweeping through this year, shedding light on all the darkness, exposing all and getting everything out in the open so that everyone can see things for how they truly are. Even more interesting is that in Trump’s Shadow Professional Daily Energy profile or chart we see the 18th of July 2018 also coding out as 29/11/2. So here are two very powerful master energy convergences with monthly and daily master energies aligning personally and shadow professionally. Is this convergence, this matching of core number sets for President Trump an early indication that things are headed in the same direction as was the case for President Nixon? It certainly seems what we can deduce from this is that the 18th of July 2018 is likely to be a very eventful day for President Trump and possibly, for the whole of America. It will be a day of Enlightenment, Teaching and Illumination – a day when massively profound lessons will be presented around love and matters of the heart – because that’s how the 11 universal energy works.

Donald Trump. Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Donald Trump, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Donald Trump, Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,
Donald Trump, Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services,

The 18th of July 2018 is a day for Donald Trump which is best represented as:

  • Personal Energy Code: 19(10/1)-22(4)-29(11/2)-29(11/2) – which can be shortened or reduced down to its essence number string of 1-4-11-11 (I do not reduce master numbers where these appear prominently in a person’s Keystone Charts). Note how the 11 monthly and daily master energy alignment bring his Personal Attainment Number of 11 in to play.
  • Shadow Personal Energy Code: 19(10/1)-18(9)-25(7)-34(7) – which can be shortened or reduced down to its essence number string of 1-9-7-7. Note how the 7 monthly and daily energy alignment bring his Shadow Personal Attainment Number of 7 in to play.
  • Professional Energy Code: 19(10/1)-18(9)-25(7)-34(7) – which can be shortened or reduced down to its essence number string of 1-9-7-7. Note how the 7 monthly and daily energy alignment bring his Professional Personal Attainment Number of 7 in to play.
  • Shadow Professional Energy Code: 19(10/1)-22(4)-29(11/2)-29(11/2) – which can be shortened or reduced down to its essence number string of 1-4-11-11 (I do not reduce master numbers where these appear prominently in a person’s Keystone Charts). Note how the 11 monthly and daily master energy alignment bring his Shadow Professional Attainment Number of 11 in to play

All of the above indicates that for President Donald Trump, the 18th of July 2018 is a day whose personal and professional energy alignments and convergences match and mirror in many ways, those of President Richard Nixon for the 9th of August 1974…

What is very important to note in the above four data strings for Trump is that each string begins with the number 19 – which is indicative of the collection of karmic debt around independence related matters. So, if Trump has abused and misused his independence and power much, and, if he has allowed his ego (which is powered by the number 1) to drive him in a way which is not beneficial to elevating consciousness, healing humanity and fostering universal love (which is powered by number 9) then when number 19 appears it will bring forth much reckoning for him! A karmic number 19 powered by a 3-deep string of master numbers… Wow… Truth be told, I shudder to think of the size of the universal tsunami of karmically driven, corrective, master number fuelled energy which is on its way to President Trump – only time will tell how big it really is…

And, lest we forget the global significance of the 18th of July… Rolihlahla Nelson Mandela was born in Mvezo, a village near Mthatha in the Transkei, on the 18th of July 1918. Now President Trump – given Nelson Mandela’s inclusive approach to healing all of South Africa, here’s some real food for thought for you over the next few months. You see, anyone who vengefully expected brutal retribution and extreme war-crime trials from South Africa’s post-apartheid government would have been bitterly disappointed. Instead of chasing down those who tortured and murdered in the name of apartheid, President Mandela’s government set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The revolutionary concept behind it? Forgiveness. That’s right – forgiveness – the polar opposite of what you, the so-called Leader of The Free World, actively fuel every day!

Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Nelson Mandela
Richard Nixon,Kevin Quinn Avery, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Nelson Mandela
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