German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer throws down the gauntlet to Angela Merkel

The staid German political landscape rarely creates the drama of the last week. The refugee and migrant crisis across Europe has ruffled many feathers and the far right is gaining momentum across many European countries. The doyenne of Europe’s political landscape since 2005 could be unceremoniously decamped from her elevated status as many are saying enough is enough.

Can Angela Merkel weather this storm, she must be itching to fire the insolent interior minister, but if she does she risks the CDU-CSU collapse, bringing down the government with it?

What do Angela Merkel’s numbers reveal, after all numbers never lie, what will this 11 Master year bring for the Chancellor in the next two weeks?

Want the short story…

Angela Markel became Germany’s first ever female Chancellor, a position she has held since 2005 to now. During this four-term stint as the country’s leader she fended off much opposition, cleverly forged workable coalitions which kept her at the helm of power and successfully navigated her way through tough European crises. One of Merkel’s consistent priorities has been to strengthen transatlantic economic relations. She signed the agreement for the Transatlantic Economic Council on 30 April 2007 at the White House. Angela Merkel enjoyed good relations with U.S. Presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama, who in 2016, described her as being his “closest international partner” throughout his tenure as President. She played a crucial role in managing the 2008 financial crisis at the European and international level, and she has been referred to since then as “The Decider.” With all this success though, right now she has her back to the wall and having analysed her 365 Pin Code (all the numerically informed detail lies below for you to explore) we believe the end of her illustrious political career is closing in very rapidly.

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Chancellor Merkel’s phenomenal political success was no random event

Much can be gleaned from a person’s full birth name and date of birth. In fact, so much information exists within these two sets of unique personalised blueprints that massively accurate predictive charts can be built from this. Charts which reveal important events and circumstances along a person’s life path or life timeline – knowing and understanding this information places you in a very powerful position ahead of time to proactively think around and manage these upcoming risks. This is what we at 365 Pin Code do with astonishing accuracy. We build personal and professional coded charts to get you way ahead of the game in every way. As you delve in to what lies below for Angela’s Merkel, our various year on year sets of data-strings will reveal to you exactly why her four term stint as German Chancellor was powerfully coded in to her numbers at birth, as is the current vicious political chaos which she is experiencing in 2018 around her open immigration policy.

365 Pin Code birth chart for German Chancellor Angela Dorothea Merkel (nee Kasner) born 17.07.1954

Though much more could be written about the above birth chart of Chancellor Angela Merkel, of specific importance in the above birth chart is:

She has a 7 Life Path (see number 7 in red circle above) which has as one of its backing or supporting numbers, the number 16, a karmic debt number representing a deeply spiritual lesson or lessons (hence the number 7) which will be presented through experiences and learnings which link independence, leadership, winning and attainment (number 1 characteristics) with responsibility, relationships, community and matters of the heart (number 6 characteristic). The number 16 is literally this: the Tower of Success that you have proudly built for all to clearly see, unexpectedly comes crashing down all around you. All that has been patiently created, is destroyed in the wink of an eye or the flash of a lightning bolt, that’s how fast it happens. And when this happens, its purpose is to awaken you to important spiritual life lessons which could not have been taught to you whilst you were comfortably and powerfully within your ivory tower.

Next, she has a Shadow Life Path of 11 (see the number 11 circled in blue above). The number 11 is a Master Number which deals with Illumination, Enlightenment and Teaching. Its lower octave is the number 2 (11 = 1+1 = 2) which deals with matters concerning the Duality of Man (war and peace, love and hate, truth and lies etc…). Many of the numerically informed case studies which we have published this year are about people who though in positions of much influence and power, have this year (2018) seen much of their world instantly shattered (in a flash, all that was, is literally no more). Even more incredible is to see how many of them have much of their unique 365 Pin Code linked to the master number 11. So too does Angela Dorothea Merkel (nee Kanser) and as you continue below you will understand why it is no coincidence that 2018 is the year which heralds the end of her as Germany’s Chancellor. And the master teaching energy of 2018 is not yet done with global leaders, not by a long shot, as it still has to go to work on the person who many consider to be the “Leader of the Free World” US President Donald Trump

At 365 Pin Code we have developed and continue to develop highly accurate numerically driven models which map, using data strings, an individual’s personal and professional year on year coding. Using this personalised intelligence we can get a really good idea of what is on its way to you as well as why something is happening to you right now (your present situation) / happened to you back then (your past situations) / will happen to you in the future (your future situations). Below is some of the intelligence extracted from our 365 Pin Code Quadratic View Chart for Chancellor Merkel, mapped from 2004 through to 2019 and though there’s loads of detail, is reveals so much…

365 Pin Code Quadratic View Chart for German Chancellor Angela Dorothea Merkel (nee Kasner) born 17.07.1954

What the above 365 Pin Code data strings mean:

In 2005 Angela Dorothea Merkel became Germany’s first ever female Chancellor, doing so as the head of what was then a grand coalition. That’s why in her 2005 data string there’s the 1-1 Personal Shadow Duality Experience which represents her ascent to a leadership position which carried with it real power. The right-hand-side coding of that year’s data string brings the 16/7-1-16/7 code in to play and given her Number 16/7 Life Path (as explained above in her Birth Chart) this reveals that this is a year when much would happen for her professionally, life path wise.

Her 2010 (Age 64) data string has a 9-9 Personal Duality Convergence for her and this always represents a deeply troubled time and loss. Then her 2011 (Age 65) data string has a 7-7 Personal Shadow Duality Convergence for her and this most likely represents a time of much introspection when she went deep inside herself in order to search for much needed answers. All this was happening midway through her second term as German Chancellor. It was then when her approval had plummeted in Germany, resulting in heavy losses in state elections for her CDU party. An August 2011 poll had found her coalition had only 36% support compared to a rival potential coalition’s 51%. However, she was able to turn all this adversity around and in 2012, the year which has her data string coded as a concentrated Number 3 Essence Experience (the number 3 being all about self-expression, optimism, creative inspiration etc.) she re-established herself as a leadership powerhouse when she scored well on her handling of the euro crisis (69% rated her performance as good rather than poor), and with this her approval ratings reached an all-time high of 77%.

In 2013, Merkel won one of the most decisive victories in German history, achieving the best result for the CDU coalition since reunification and coming within five seats of the first absolute majority in the Bundestag since 1957. No surprise her as her 2013 data string has on her Personal Shadow side the 7-9 link which is always a golden number combination. Her number 7 Essence Experience Number for 2013 has as its backing number a 16 and given that she has a 16/7 Life Path, this tremendous victory makes much sense as this glorious experience was a life path coded result and these always the most spectacular results (whether positive and negative).

Now, notice the Double 6 Personal Duality Experience coded in to her 365 Pin Code Year on Year View for 2016. The Double 6 always represents much responsibility and if you go back to her Birth Chart, on the top left side you will notice the number 15/6 which is her Personal Attainment Number. What this means is that it has hard so coded for 2016 to be the year when she would experience maximum personal attainment. And so, given all this success hardcoding for her what exactly happened to her in and around this year? Well, in December 2015, Merkel was named as Time magazine’s Person of The Year, with the magazine’s cover declaring her to be the “Chancellor of The Free World.” Then, in May 2016, Merkel was named the most powerful woman in the world for a record twelfth time by Forbes. Following the election of Donald John Trump to the U.S. Presidency in November 2016, Merkel was then described by The New York Times as being “the Liberal West’s Last Defender.” And, during 2016, she was described by many political commentators as the “True Leader of The Free World.”

Now, what about the rest of 2018? Not a good prospect at all for her. In the 2018 data string not the number 7 circled in red. This number 7 has again as its backing number, a 16, so this means this is a year which brings in to frame a life path significant event. Her Professional Datastring code is 20/2-16/7-20/2 and this does not bode at all well as the numbers 7 and 2 do not go well together, plus as explained earlier, the 2 is the lower octave of the 11 and therefore brings in to play for her to know and experience, the Duality of Man. Her Personal Datastring for 2018 is 17/8-16/7-14/5 which indicates endings and change. Put all this together and what the numbers reveal for Angela Merkel (nee Kasner) is that her being the German Chancellor is fast approaching its end and as discussed earlier, The Tower, Her Magnificent Tower is about to collapse. This is perfectly in keeping with the 11 Universal Master Energy of 2018.

What we do know, given her shadow personal monthly energy chart below, is that by October 2018 all will be crystal clear as to her levels of responsibility (see circled number 6) going forward and by then she will know much (Illumination, Enlightenment, Teaching) about those around her and what they truly always stood for (all her various relationships with have shown themselves for what they truly are).

365 Pin Code Shadow Personal Monthly Energy Profile Chart for 2018 for German Chancellor Angela Merkel born 17.07.1954

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