What is Numerology How does it Work?
Over and over again we are asked this question: What is Numerology and How does and Work? Sometimes this question is asked of us by a curious sceptic mind and that’s perfectly okay, because one can always work with a sceptical mind as it is still an open mind. However, when this question is asked of us by someone whose mindset is cynical, we don’t even bother to try to answer them as a cynical mind is a closed mind and a closed mind cannot be ever worked it.
How does it Work?
Numerology is the Intelligently Applied Science of Numbers
In a nutshell, Numerology is the Intelligently Applied Science of Numbers delivering an intricately, magnificently designed matrix of numbers which when accurately plotted, provides a bespoke numerical blueprint as to who and what you really are. Those people who really understand their numerical make-up and who align their thoughts, emotions, actions and results to this knowledge, have an enormous competitive advantage over those who don’t. Some people are just fortunate enough to have unconsciously found ways to tap into their genial numerical blueprint. They’re the ones seen as being “the ultra-fortunate ones”, the ones who “always get the lucky breaks”, the ones who somehow always “end up on the right side of success”.
The Strategic Intelligence within 365 Pin Code analytics now levels the playing field in that our carefully created and highly personalised numerical views now afford everyone (that’s right, even you!) with the opportunity to tap into this “unfair competitive advantage” and leverage it for great all-round gain.
Numerology is all about Numbers and Your Numbers Never Lie!
Each number has a specific vibrational energy and within this energy exists a unique set of characteristics. Where these numerical traits are positively in play in terms of how you are living your life, you will naturally be in a state of synchronistic harmony with this given number. The upshot of this is that the given number(s) will be working for you and so it will appear to others that you somehow have the gift to effortlessly create success and live a happy and fulfilled life. However, where you are out of harmony, or out of synch with a given number / multiple numbers in your Numerology Charts, you will encounter much resistance and frustration and because of this your life will feel like a never-ending struggle. Know this much – your Numbers Never Lie – and if you’re searching for performance enhancing intelligence then look no further because 365 Pin Code dials you direct into your passport to much bigger and better things.
If you think Numerology is from “The-Dark-Side” then think again
We’ve been using numerology intelligently for a number of years and it has made the world of difference in our lives, personally and professionally, strategic planning and strategic thinking wise. That said, we’ve also encountered many people who are extremely sceptical, believing that numerology is a dark art or a channel through which information is received from “The Dark Side.” They’re entitled to their views however, if they are able to move beyond this limiting paradigm and muster up the courage to have their charts mapped, 365 Pin Coder style, their beliefs melt as quickly as does an ice block on a sweltering day.
Your Date of Birth and Full Birth Name synchronise into an Experiential Life Path
Using just their Date of Birth (DOB) and Full Birth Name (FBN), modelled through our 365 Pin Code Quadratic Predictive Model (i.e. a model which creates bespoke data codes for a person in 4D format) we reveal unto them their hardcoded life path. Going through these unique data sequences year by year leaves them utterly astonished and wondering how could this be?
Right there before them, mapped and coded using only their DOB and FBN are all the significant events, such as the birth of other siblings, times of deep family trouble, the death of someone very close, parents getting divorced, significant events during their schooling experience, lovers entering and leaving, career changes, health issues etc. It is so mind-blowing for most that at first, they battle to comprehend all this and for some it is safer to just turn away and console themselves with the belief that this cannot be real, that it has to come from the “very-dark-side”.
From Birth your Life Path is numerically hardcoded by an Intelligent Grand Organised Design
Only a few are able to actually connect with the truth that our life’s events are not as random as we might have liked to believe; that we are in fact living and experiencing life along a time-driven, numerically intelligently coded number line; that we are if you will, being led according to an Intelligent Grand Organised Design (I-GOD) which is expressing itself with and through us.
We are therefore all interconnected parts of a much bigger whole and here on earth where we are locked within a physical environment (i.e. in the flesh) which facilitates and enables duality type experiences (love vs hate, war vs peace, left vs right, freedom vs captivity etc.) we get to know ourselves better as does Infinite Intelligence (i.e. GOD or whatever name you wish to use) expand its Universal Consciousness through all our respective experiential evolving journeys.
Frequently Asked Questions about Numerology
Have we answered your questions, what is numerology?
In order to clear up the many misconceptions that exist in people’s mind around What Is Numerology and How does it Work, we have created a Numerology FAQs which allow you to understand that Strategic Numerology as created by 365 Pin Code is most definitely not a dark art nor it is in any way inspire from the dark side. Quite the contrary. It is an approach which delivers illumination, vision, enlightenment and teaching for those who are desiring to understand much more about how life intelligently works and why this is so. It opens a portal of understanding which allows you to make sense of much of your life and with this newfound knowledge comes not only power, but understanding, wisdom and a quantum leap into Higher Consciousness.
365 Pin Code is a brilliantly organised numerically informed modelling process inspired through the genuine desire to help people. Its purpose is to help users to live a more informed, connected (to their authentic self) and rewarding life; a life which, because they are cleverly using their bespoke numerical design, allows them to be more on purpose and therefore more in flow with their bespoke coding. It powerfully connects us with the cosmic truth that we are not just mere human-beings having a spiritual journey but infinitely organised spiritual beings having a human journey.