Decoding the Numerology of international bestselling authors

At 365 Pin Code, numbers, number sequences and the interpretation of these fascinate us; this piece deals with the fascinating numerology of international bestselling authors and shows how pivotal the Number 3 (creativity, self-expression, imagination, communication etc.) is in this field. At the end of this article, we provide you with a series of numerically informed case studies which astonishingly reveal that the years when these literary greats had their greatest breakthroughs were in fact hardcoded into their life paths and were not mere random set of events.

Your Date of Birth and Full Name are worth gold to a vastly experienced Numerologist

We know that our dates of birth and full birth names combine, intelligently and with astonishing synchronicity, to create numerically coded life paths. Therefore, knowingly or unknowingly so, from birth we death we journey along these bespoke lines of code which can be broken down into our yearly codes, monthly codes, daily codes, even hourly codes. And it is possible for the highly experienced Strategic Applied Numerologist to identify very specific moments when, if our lives have been well lived, we will receive just reward and recognition, and if not, we will experience complete destruction and disaster.

Decoding the Numerology of international bestselling authors, 365 Pin Code, Shadow Numerology, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Corporate People Risk Management

What exactly is all this hype around being a bestselling author?

The traditional line of thought is: There’s a big difference between being an author and being a bestselling author.

Whether you are a business owner, a speaker, or a full-time author, being able to call yourself a bestseller dramatically increases your credibility. But what does that really mean?

If you’re a New York Times bestselling author, then you’ve really made it…

To become a bestseller, you must appear on a bestseller list. Of course, The New York Times is one of the most famous of these lists, but there are many others, including: ABA IndieBound (ABA), The New York Times(NYT), Barnes & Noble (BAN), Publishers Weekly (PBW), The Boston Globe(BOG), USA Today (USA), The Denver Post (DPO), The Wall Street Journal(WSJ), The Los Angeles Times (LAT), (WAL),, and The New York Times bestseller list is different. Not to better or worse…just different. It’s a different metrics system. No one knows exactly how this is compiled, but large publishers know certain things about getting onto the list, and that’s why you find many of the large publishers’ books on there. It is a well-known fact among publishers that the New York Times gets its book sales data from a scattered few bookstores (like the Nielsen’s) and it doesn’t take into account the actual sales of the books (which does in order to rank), but how many books were shipped to these particular sampling of stores in anticipation of sales.

You’re going be shocked by what you are about to read…

Jeff Goins writes that: “The title “best-selling author” does NOT necessarily mean higher speaking fees, more consulting gigs, or more publicity around your brand, as many think it does. I have spoken with many best-selling authors about this, and they all seem to agree that this is a false assumption. I personally know someone who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to become a NYT best-seller. “I thought the media would come knocking on my door,” he told me. They didn’t…” He goes on to say that: “There is no magic number… This surprises people, but there is no certain number of sales that it takes to become a best seller. One author I know became a New York Times best-selling author selling 3000 books. Another sold 20,000 in the first week and didn’t make that same list. Both were first-time authors, and this was the first week their books had been out.”

What all-important factors contribute toward a bestselling book?

When it comes to any patterns that turn a book into a best-seller, two things come to mind. Books that directly involve the readers, like Schlink’s “The Reader,” for example, seem to be particularly popular. The ability for the reader to see him or herself reflected in the book is obviously attractive. When it comes to any patterns that turn a book into a best-seller, two things come to mind. Books that directly involve the readers, like Schlink’s “The Reader,” for example, seem to be particularly popular. The ability for the reader to see him or herself reflected in the book is obviously attractive. it’s quite easy to produce some best-sellers. But I’m not interested in these international production line offerings that have published the same thing over decades. Another reason why this can’t work is that the success of a book is not only based on the book itself but also on the surrounding general mood. To be successful, the book needs a public that sees it as relevant; it needs to connect to current cultural debates, the hot topics of the present…

Now that we have shared with you some of the inside track around bestsellers, let’s explore what we meant earlier when we said that the Number 3 Energy exerts massive influence on the Numerology of international bestselling authors…

Decoding the Numerology of international bestselling authors, 365 Pin Code, Shadow Numerology, Strategic Numerology, Numerology, Advanced Numerology, Family Numerology, Relationship Numerology, Business Numerology, Personal Numerology, Professional Numerology, Lifestyle, Balance, Strategic Planning, Professional Numerology Services, Corporate People Risk Management

Number 3 and The Numerology of international bestselling authors

We have published a very comprehensive research piece on Number 3 Energy which in a nutshell deals with creativity, imagination, self-expression and communication, all of which link with and to what bestselling authors do. Now, in storytelling, the number three is inherently quite satisfying and this is typically how it works:

One: the first occurrence of something gets our attention… Two: the second occurrence of something in a story is usually all it takes to confirm not just an event but a patternThree: this is the really interesting stage that either breaks the pattern or fulfils it in some ironic way. And so we have the pattern of three wishes, three prophecies, three acts in most plays, three suitors (as, for example, in The Merchant of Venice and also in The Taming of the Shrew), Three Sisters, Three Musketeers, and three volumes in The Lord of the Rings.

In philosophy, three is again the magic number, as it gives us a similar movement: 1) thesis, 2) antithesis, and 3) synthesis. That’s Hegel… But you can actually venture all the way back to Plato, who fascinatingly divided the Soul into three parts, echoed closely by Freud:

  1. Plato’s highest part of the soul, associated with “men of gold,” is the rational intellect. Freud identifies this with the “Ego.”
  2. Plato’s second highest part of the soul, asociated with “men of silver” is the will. Freud identifies this most closely with the “Super-ego”… principles dictated but not by pure reason.
  3. Plato’s lowest part of the soul, associated with “men of brozne” is the appetite, which is just pure, childish “I want.” Freud identifies this as the “Id.”

And the fascinating significance of Number 3 doesn’t end there…

Finally, more than one religion has a Holy Trinity of some kind. The Christian and Hindu Holy Trinities have haunting similarities: Christian: Father (Creator), Son (Redeemer), and Holy Spirit; and, Hindu: Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Redeemer), and Shiva (God of Destruction and Change).

There you have it – the importance of the Number 3 as a gateway into the imaginative, creative, expressive, mind…

Our research links the Number 3 powerfully with international bestselling authors

We’re busy building a very comprehensive series of research papers on international bestselling authors and linking their Numerology (and especially the Number 3) back to numerically informed case studies which reveal that the years when they had their greatest breakthroughs were in fact hardcoded into their life paths and were not some random set of events.

Study what our work has revealed about how the number 3 positively influences Martina Cole, Dean R Koontz, Stephen King, Suzanne Collins, John Grisham, and more, and you will be totally blown away. At the same time, you will understand why we at 365 Pin Code believe very soon the whole world will catch on to the infinite intelligence residing within Strategic Applied Numerology, and when this happens, billions of people will use this tool daily to plan better, to make better personal and professional decisions and to mitigate personal risk.

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