The themes for 2019 bring creativity and self-expression to the fore

As 2018 draws to a close many people are wondering what 2019 will have in store for them? 2018 was what we at 365 Pin Code referred to as The Year of The Shadow; its master number 11 energy illuminated all that which lay / lurked beneath in our charts. Out popped all that within us which carried much darkness; all that which needed to be addressed, to be revealed and brought in to the light; to uncomfortably be made public so that where the desire for improvement exists, corrective decisions can be made etc. And now that 2018 is exiting at pace and the new year is closing in fast, here’s what you need to know about the themes for 2019.

Pay Attention if you have the Number 3 in your 365 Pin Code Birth Chart

Why do we encourage you to pay attention if you have the Number 3 in your 365 Pin Code Birth Chart? Well the answer is easy. Given all the research we published during 2018 (2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 11) what we discovered was that people who had the number 11 prominently positioned within their birth chart, felt the 11 energy most powerfully. Makes sense as the 11 Universal Energy of 2018 would naturally slot in to that space and therefore express itself most there. Take a look at the 365 Pin Code Birth Chart below for UK celebrity Anthony David McPartlin born 18.11.1975…

As per the two purple circled 11’s in his Chart (being born in November means he carried the number 11 in the Family position of his chart) and his Personal Attainment Number (PersAtt = DD+MM = 18+11 = 29 = 2+9 =11), the 11 Universal Energy of 2018 would have been felt most in these two places. And given what happened to him this year, the impact has been obvious for all to see. This holds true for countless other case studies we did during 2018 and as such we have now revealed, through proper Strategic Numerology Research, that when universal energies and birth chart numbers align, much attention needs to be paid to this alignment as much will go down in that space…

Now that we have cleared this up, know this truth – where the number 3 presents itself in your 365 Pin Code Birth Chart, the number 3 Universal Energy of 2019 (2019 = 2+0+1+9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3) will be felt most… Once you know this, you can then begin to intelligently plan for this and where necessary, risk manage for it too. And that’s the huge difference between Standard Numerology and Strategic Numerology – the latter leverages numerical intelligence in to practical plans which help you to manage your entire world so much better than if you did not have this intelligence.

How do you know if you have the Number 3 Energy in your Birth Chart?

To answer this, write your date of birth down. If you are born on the 3rd, the 12th, the 21st or the 30th of the month, you have the Number 3 Energy in the Personal Position. If you are born in March (3rd Month) or December (12th Month) you have the Number 3 Energy in the Family Position. If you are born in 1974 (1974 = 1+9+7+4 = 21 = 2+1 = 3) or 1983 (1983 = 1+9+8+3 = 21 = 2+1 = 3) or 1992 (1992 = 1+9+9+2 = 21 = 2+1 = 3) or 2001 (2001 = 2+0+0+1 = 2) or 2010 (2010 = 2+0+1+0 = 3) you have the Number 3 Energy in the World Position…

Next, calculate your very important Life Path Number. This is done by adding up the numbers which make your Date Of Birth and reducing them down to a single digit (e.g. DOB (DD/MM/YYYY) is 01.02.1969 = 1+2+1969 = 1972 = 1+9+7+2 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1). In this example, the person has 1 Number 1 Energy Lifepath. Someone born 27.07.1958 has a Number 3 Energy Life Path (27+7+1958 = 1992 = 1+9+9+2 = 21 = 2+1 = 3) therefore the universal energy of 2019 will be felt in this person’s life path.

And so on, and so forth. As per the above 365 Pin Code Birth Chart for Ant McPartlin, you calculate your chart and look for where the number 3 presents itself. That’s where the flow of 2019 will play itself out most in your chart. And if you have no 3’s then so be it, you will still experience the year’s energy expressing itself with you and through you but not to the same extent as someone who has loads of 3’s…

Theresa May’s Numerology reveals why 2019 will see her at maximum professional self-expression

Just look at the 365 Pin Code Birth Chart below for UK Prime Minister Theresa May born 01.10.1956. See how she has the Number 3 Energy powerfully presented as her World / Career Energy? This shows that 2019 is the year when its universal energy will naturally (and powerfully) flow in to this space for her; and allow her to with maximum creative intensity, express herself. No wonder she survived the numerous onslaughts she did during 2018; everything was being teed up for a really big year for her in 2019 and do not doubt this for one second; we have much numerical intelligence to show that 2019 is going to be a year when she will experience many new beginnings (Number 1 energy related events) all of which will flow directly in to her Personal and Family Positions (because both have 1’s)…

2019 is all about allowing creativity and self-expression

With the master number 11 universal energy of 2018 gone and the number 3 energy of 2019 flooding in, just allow your creativity and self-expression to open up, to flow. Where you have the Number 3 prominently placed within your chart, allow that specific space to open up and allow yourself to really blossom within it. Creativity is not about frantically forcing things to happen externally; it is about allowing all that which is on the inside of you, to come out, gently yet powerfully. The number 3 energy is also associated with optimism and so, as you allow yourself to create and express in new ways, do so with optimism and expect great results – the brutally tough emotional rollercoaster energy of 2018 is gone – the much gentler energy of 2019 is here… Enjoy It!

(and it is no coincidence that this article has 1092 words; 1092 = 1+0+9+2 = 12 = 1+2 = 3…)

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