The next 12 months brings EXTREME global emotional upheaval

Many other 2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions (astrology ones too!) will tell you that 2022 is going to be a superb year with lots of stability, excellent relationships generally developing around family and matters of the heart and with people acting in a responsible way. Know and remember this: sadly, this is absolute hogwash! Those who wrote these erroneous texts are merely leveraging what is generally known around numerology number 6. Number six is the number on the number-line (1 through 9 with master numbers 11, 22 and 33 in play too) that resonates or vibrates powerfully with family and home, meaningful relationships both personal and professional, responsibility, matters of the heart, stability, sense of community etc.

Therefore with 2022 [2022 = 2+0+2+2 = 6; 2022//6] being a No6 universal year, the easiest thing to do is to regurgitate what numerology No6 stands for and the stock standard synchronistical theme around No6’s primary traits. Where this overly simplified approach falls flat on its face is that the numerologists / astrologers / spiritual coaches who have espoused all this positivity (probably because they believe their audiences crave some good news after a catastrophic 2020 #covid19 #coronavirus and an equally difficult 2021 terrorised by the rampant #OmicronVariant which was supposed to wreak global havoc – Not!) did not take in to account the complex construct of the number 2022.

2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions, 365 pin code, human futurology, numerology number 6, number 6 universal year, applied numerology, applied futurology, futurist research, 2022 consciousness

What you need to know about the number 2022

2022 has 3x2s in it and 1×0 in it. Numerology number 2 is the feminine energy, and synchs powerfully with diplomacy, cooperation, collaboration, nurturing, kindness, love, peace, fecundity etc. That 2022 has 3x2s in it, or otherwise stated, an overabundance of 2s (feminine emotional energy) is cause for tremendous concern. The numerically astute mind will immediately realise that just by the mere construct of the number of this year, something is off! To be more specific, the “something” I am referring to, is that all the 2s (and !! the 0 which exacerbates their traits) in 2022 will set up an unbalanced or extreme universal energy surge and this cannot provide us with anything other than extreme emotional outpourings. Therefore, this year we will not be experiencing the light (as in “good” or positive) side of the No2, but instead its dark (“negative”) or shadow side. So, where the No2 resonates with diplomacy, this will not work this year, nor will there be much nurturing, cooperation, collaboration, peace, harmony, kindness, love etc. In fact, what will pervade our world this year is all the dark traits of the No2, and (newsflash!) at maximum intensity given the 3x2s and the 1×0 of 2022.

2022 creates, if you will, such imbalance that you can liken its effect to creating to a VACUUM

Because of the extreme emotional experiences 2022 will deliver to absolutely everyone on this planet, at international level, national level, regional level, provincial level, community level, family level, interpersonal level, and intrapersonal level, by the time this year is done, humanity in general, will in such a state of shock, that come 2023, there will be a massive global desire for new truths. 2022’s emotional (No2, feminine) tsunami will have created such an extreme “vacuum” in our lives that we humans, as a collective, will be frantically searching (that’s what the No7 energy of 2023//7 will be all about, because the No7 searches as it is the most curious of all the numbers!) for new truths that have a newfound eco-logical (logic = No1, masculine) nature to them and sit better with us as we move forward.

Oh come on Chris! For goodness sake, get REAL…

As you read this, you may be scoffing and rolling your eyes heavenward at what I am penning in this moment and that’s perfectly fine! Be sceptical, sure, but whatever you do, don’t be cynical… If this 2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions warning message of mine around 2022 is stirring deep cynicism within you, then know and remember this, by the end of this year, when your most precious paradigms have systematically been dismantled one by one, the one thing you will remember is this controversial piece of Human Futurology Research. And, when you recall it, you will desperately hunt for it again so that you can reconnect yourself with its messages as by then, what you thought and believed to be true, will no longer be so, not in your body, not in your subconscious minds (your “heart”), not in your conscious mind (your “logic”) and most definitely, not in your spirit. The vacuum within, which is your “emptiness” must now be filled by something new, something much better, something which meaningfully shifts you away from the chaotically emotionally vibrational field of 2022 into the more cosmically creative field of 2023, and as this shift happens, you will realise that your mind will have been opened to the truth that:

2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions, 365 pin code, human futurology, numerology number 6, number 6 universal year, applied numerology, applied futurology, futurist research, 2022 consciousness

  1. What you are is a genial creation [a Grand Organised Design];
  2. Every moment you are actively expressing yourself into this experiential manifesting fabric through your unique Intelligent Mathematical Blueprints [#IMB] which is so perfectly designed that within its architecture lie karmic (as in outcomes based) moments, coded such that as you have sowed (lived your life; action), so shall you reap (see your results; reaction); you’re your consciousness here to think individually (you) and collectively (us humans, as a species!);
  3. Everything you and I and everyone else experiences, individually and collectively, is done with and through the organising of numbers by an intelligence that is beyond anything we can even begin to fathom, let alone understand, right now.

“Look deep into nature & you will understand everything better”- Albert Einstein.

During 2023, we will all be forced look much deeper into Nature

Do you remember earlier on I taught you that Numerology number 0 does nothing other than amplify the traits of the other number (s) which it is associated with. In the number being 2022, the 0 is associated ONLY with the Number 2. As mentioned above, using the mechanics of a vacuum, everything in Nature looks for an optimal state of balance or equilibrium, hence the truth that in Nature, a vacuum cannot exist permanently because the moment a vacuum develops, events are created which will see it filled / sorted such that natural equilibrium is restored. During 2023, the world will be busy with trying finding a new workable balance between the No2 (feminine; cooperative; inclusive) and the No1 (masculine; dictatorial; exclusive). Did you know that one of the most interesting Natural Laws that you can study and learn to apply into your life, is the Law of Vacuum Prosperity, which is very much linked with numerology numbers 6 (traits discussed in above paragraphs) and 8 (money, wealth, business, prosperity, material matters, organising on a grand scale, finding the karmic balance between the material and spiritual world etc.). If you haven’t ever come across The Law of Vacuum Prosperity [LoVP] then please do Contact Us and let’s set up a discussion around this, and, building on this, we could also show you how to intelligently leverage the LoVP with and through your Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint.

2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions, 365 pin code, human futurology, numerology number 6, number 6 universal year, applied numerology, applied futurology, futurist research, 2022 consciousness

2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions

Table illustrating the universal month codes / sequences for 2022

2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions, 365 pin code, human futurology, numerology number 6, number 6 universal year, applied numerology, applied futurology, futurist research, 2022 consciousness

“Numerology number 6 is always summed up as home is where the heart is. This is family, relationships, responsibility, a sense of community, grace, and gratitude, caring for others. My daughter has a No6 life path and I can see all these traits powerfully expressing themselves through her in every way, every day. 6’s like to get their own way and love to be validated, so be warned, when they feel that they have been overlooked or ignored ‘the princess vibration’ comes out and hell hath no fury like a scorned princess. Be very wary of someone with 6’s in their chart who does not like nor related well to, animals.” Suzanne Styles

Table illustrating the dates of birth (DD; MM; YY) and lifepaths most affected by the No6 of 2022

2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions, 365 pin code, human futurology, numerology number 6, number 6 universal year, applied numerology, applied futurology, futurist research, 2022 consciousness

In late 2020 when we published our 2021 Numerology Prediction in Numerology UK, we issued real warnings around the numbers of Vladimir Putin. The No6 universal energy of 2022 sees many global leaders’ core numbers aligning in a way (see data table below) that has them bringing out the very worst in each other, with and through the number that does this best, CoJoined Number 9. And to makes matters worse, Biden and Putin have a CoJoined Number 9 life path, so everything is 100% teed up this year for a very strained relationship between the leaders of these two global superpowers.

2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions: The life path numbers of current global leaders; where the CoJoined No9 presents – this is an underlying source of tension between them

2022 Numerology Forecast and Predictions, 365 pin code, human futurology, numerology number 6, number 6 universal year, applied numerology, applied futurology, futurist research, 2022 consciousness

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