The Pin Code Breaking News
Breaking News
Is World War 3 Upon Us?
Part One
Is World War 3 Upon Us?
Part Two
Is World War 3 Upon Us?
Part Three
Relationship Numerology
Johnny Depp & Amber Heard
Numerology in Politics
Vladimir Putin, Boris Johnson, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Joe Biden and more….
Numerology Predictions
What’s in store for 2022
Is World War 3 Upon Us?
Part One
Is World War 3 Upon Us?
Part Two
Is World War 3 Upon Us?
Part Three
Relationship Numerology
Johnny Depp & Amber Heard
Numerology in Politics
Vladimir Putin, Boris Johnson, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Joe Biden and more….
Numerology Predictions
What’s in store for 2022
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Today, every person including you, lives in a world of information overload.
Today, every person including you, lives in a world of information overload.
Most of it is inaccurate and irrelevant. Of that which has relevance, 1% has great value, and 1% of this 1% is utterly priceless.
Stop looking outside yourself for ‘Best-Kept-Secrets’ to answer the questions you have around ‘Who am I, Why am I here, Where should I be focusing, Why all the mistakes, What should I be doing to sort my Life and How do plan more strategically for my future?’ Now is the time for you to access your numbers-driven Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint wherein all the priceless 1% answers lie. Put an End to your Confusion by Entering your 365 Pin Code. No Secrets Involved Numerology…
Chris and Suzanne Styles, Founders 365 Pin Code, World’s Leading Numerology Research Team

World’s Leading Numerology Research
What inspired 365 Pin Code to evolve into becoming the World’s Leading Numerology Research business?
Chris and Suzanne Styles, the founders of 365 Pin Code, are strategically focused, numbers driven businesspeople who understand systemic thinking. They inherently get that everything is constantly flowing, evolving, advancing, growing, expanding. They grasp the universal truth that if something (you, for example!) is not flowing, growing, and expanding, it is in fact shrinking and therefore dying. Once they had developed an avid interest in numerology, they set about learning as much as they could about the subject. What shocked them was the repetition of information.
One numerologist would literally cut and paste what another had said about Life Path Numbers, Pinnacle Experiences, Karmic Debt Numbers, Karmic Lessons, Subconscious Self Number meanings etc. What struck them the most, was that the wonderfully insightful discipline of numerology did not seem to be evolving at all. What had been dished up years back (as in the 60’s and 70’s, even earlier!) was simply being regurgitated today. Nothing had changed. No detailed research was being done. Nobody seemed to be scientifically challenging the widely accepted principles of numerology, using test and learn approaches to interrogate whether that which was widely accepted as being true, was in fact so. Given this, they decided to launch 365 Pin Code in 2018 around the inspired vision of developing it into becoming the world’s leading numerology research business.
They also set about developing very advanced predictive mathematical models to see whether numerology could in fact be made far more strategic. They wanted to know whether numerology, more specifically Applied Numerology, carried within it the potential to make a real difference in the rapidly developing world of Futuristic Thinking and Scenario Planning. And to their delight, they discovered it did!
Did you know that the Online Launch Date of 365 Pin Code was carefully chosen to help make it the World’s Leading Numerology Research focused business?
365 Pin Code was officially launched online on the 11th of January 2018. This was done purposefully, intentionally, deliberately, pragmatically. Importantly, this specific Date of Birth for 365 Pin Code, a busines that Chris and Suzanne planned to develop into the world’s leading numerology research unit, strategically carried within it, not one, not two, but three master numbers. The Birth DD, as in the 11th, brought the first master number, master number 11, into frame. The Birth YYYY of 2018 brought the second master number, another master number 11 [2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 11] into frame. Enter the third and final date of birth synched master number, the Professional Attainment Number of 365 Pin Code, which is master number 22 [Birth DD = 11; Birth YYYY = 11; Professional Attainment Number = 11+11 = 22].

How could these Master Numbers help 365 Pin Code develop into being the World’s Leading Numerology Research business?
Numerology master number 11, the number of The Master Intuitive, synchronises with the principles of thought leadership, enlightenment (as in paradigm busting teachings), illumination (as in lighting up the dark and providing much needed clarity), intuition (as in practical cosmic connectivity with Infinite Intelligence or Source Energy) and vision (as in providing direction for strategic thinking and planning). That there are two 11’s in the birth chart implies a double dose of all of the above. Now that is exciting. Numerology master number 22 is the number of The Master Builder. To better understand this number, think Sir Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey and Sir David Attenborough all of whom have master number 22 life paths. When in top gear, the charismatic, ever practical, and potential-rich number 22 energy will successfully build something which is both exceptional and of benefit to many. Through collaborative teamwork, this number intelligently and cooperatively martials the collective energies of many by making them part of the greater vision.
Put two master number 11’s together with one master number 22 and you have a powerhouse date of birth, one which given its number 5 life path [DOB: 11.01.2018 = 11+1+2018 = 2030 = 2+0+3+0 = 5; 5 Life Path Number] will proactively and intelligently challenge the status quo; one which will take our understanding of The Human Experience here on earth to the next level. This in a nutshell explains why 365 Pin Code, which has published well over a hundred and fifty different in-depth research case studies, is now the world’s leading numerology research business which provides you with the world’s best numerology report and interpretive video reading. Makes You Think Doesn’t it?
Our Strategic Applied Numerology model is your access portal to priceless information
In large business, to take the emotion out of critically important decisions, most top leaders will call for the various sets of numbers in play across the business.
These are then carefully scrutinised and what they reveal information wise, is used to make informed, well-considered and balanced decisions. Always remember this, numbers which have been properly collated, never lie!
As such, well presented numbers tell an immensely powerful story and provide with an intelligent framework against which to make key decisions and give essential direction. Given the clarifying power of numbers, just imagine how knowing what to do with your unique numerical blueprint can change your world for the better.
Remarkable results happen when you ENTER your 365 Pin Code…
Our Strategic Applied Numerology model is your access portal to priceless information
In large business, to take the emotion out of critically important decisions, most top leaders will call for the various sets of numbers in play across the business.
These are then carefully scrutinised and what they reveal information wise, is used to make informed, well-considered and balanced decisions. Always remember this, numbers which have been properly collated, never lie!
As such, well presented numbers tell an immensely powerful story and provide with an intelligent framework against which to make key decisions and give essential direction. Given the clarifying power of numbers, just imagine how knowing what to do with your unique numerical blueprint can change your world for the better.
Remarkable results happen when you ENTER your 365 Pin Code…
Using 365 Pin Code’s Strategic Numerology Charts and Applied Numerology Models we map significant times and events in your life, both personally and professionally.
Numerology for Women
Numerology for Women
Did you know that Numerology for Women, as developed by 365 Pin Code the World’s Leading Numerology Research Unit, is way more complex than is Numerology for Men?
At 365 Pin Code we have expended much of our Research and Development effort into Numerology for Women.
Given our astonishing results and client feedback we are now the leaders in this field. For example, we have proven that when analysing a woman, especially a married woman who has undergone a surname / last name / family name change, much care must be taken, and, detailed pre-marriage and post-marriage comparative analytics done.
If this deep-detail-driven approach is not used, critically important intelligence is lost, making the numerological insights being given superficial, and at best, partly accurate.
In fact, no woman should get married without her (and her husband-to-be) understanding what numerology changes are in play and how and where these will impact. Our highly accurate 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) year-on-year predictive experience model (the genius of Futuristic Numerology) will give you brilliant insights for strategic thinking and planning. It’s got to be experienced to be believed!
Our unique 365 Pin Code model helps you
Worlds Best Numerology Report
Worlds Best Numerology Report
Did you know that most of the inexpensive on-line numerology reports out there are nothing more than cut-and-paste, mass-produced, back-end system generated, money-wasters?
365 Pin Code’s Numerology Report contains 100 data points
Your 365 Pin Code Numerology Report contains 100 critically important personal (inward facing) and professional (outward facing) awareness creating reference points. Your data is presented in a numerically informed way, gifting you many valuable strategic insights and offering up next level planning intelligence. This is the world’s best numerology report, by far. If you’re serious about leaving your mark on the world, then you must align yourself, what you do, and, how you do it, with the direction giving genius within your numbers. In addition to this, if you are an employer of people, a creator of jobs, just think what having all this detailed bespoke personal intelligence would mean recruitment wise. Now you’re making crackerjack hiring decisions and getting incredible bang for your buck, all because you’re strategically leveraging the world’s best numerology report.
Futurist Numerology
Futurist Numerology
Did you know that the role of futurists is to use their research and analytical skills to make intelligent, trend-informed, projections about the future?
Futurists typically develop deep, specialised, knowledge of a specific field and then intelligently apply it to help others make more informed strategic decisions.
They are also known as foresight practitioners, futurologists, strategic planners, and strategic foresight professionals. Using advanced, applied, numerical principles, 365 Pin Code Futurist Numerology is delivering ground-breaking analytical work. In fact, we’re the only applied numerologists who are doing this! Our mathematically intelligent research is now being used to turn-around businesses which have run into trouble, improve personal and professional risk management, drive team-based change management, whether to invest or not decisions, and, futuristic strategic thinking and planning.
Relationship Numerology
Relationship Numerology
Do you maybe find yourself wondering why you have so many deeply troubled relationships, or, why you keeping on attracting the same painful failed love relationships, or, why those who are closest to, like your immediate family, always let you down at the most inopportune moment?
If these are questions which you grapple with often, or, even if you’re just wondering why everything always starts off fine and then ends so badly for you, you’re actively seeking deep relationship insights.
The great news is you’ve arrived at the right place. Here you will find comprehensive and practical answers to all your relationship questions. Be warned that some of the enlightening answers which 365 Pin Code Relationship Numerology will deliver may make you rather uncomfortable, even angry. That’s all part of the bigger healing process. If you can’t deal with the absolute truths which your most precious numbers will clearly reveal, then please exit now. However, if you want to bring an end to your never-ending relationship (whether personal or professional) mistakes and heartache, then its high time you Entered your 365 Pin Code.
Numerology for Business
Numerology for Business
Did you know that the greatest performance-related risk within your business lies solely with your people?
Yet, apart from knowing their most basic personal information and what “they’re supposed to be doing for you at work”, you’re completely clueless as to who they truly are and what really drives them?
Face it, when it comes to your employees, you’re basically flying blind and hoping for the best.
365 Pin Code Numerology for Business eliminates all these employee blind spots and gifts you with the most incredible insights into each person and what makes them tick. When you have this employee risk intelligence mapped out before you, you will see who all the square-pegs in round-holes are. Armed with detailed knowledge and crystal-clear understanding, you can now look to strategically restructure your business in a way which does away with misfit-creating placements and aligns people with and to their highest core values and most personal Intelligent Mathematical Blueprints (IMB’s). Now you’re working people smart!
Corporate Executive Development
Corporate Executive Development
Are you bored to tears with same-old, same-old, corporate executive development programmes?
If you are, did you ever entertain the notion of using numerology as a strategic tool to intelligently drive your corporate executive development initiatives?
If not, why not? Is it because you are programmed to cynically think of numerology as being a complete and utter waste of time, or, is simply because you’ve never taken the time to critically apply your mind to the genial numerical intelligence which numerology unlocks? We’ve encountered our fair share of self-important, opinionated, corporate executives who literally thumbed their noses at us, being openly scathing of what we do and making it blatantly obvious that they thought we were quintessential time wasters. That was until we plugged their critically important data points into our 4D predictive mathematical model… Right there, before their very eyes, in numerical format, was their entire life path’s experiences, mapped with bulls-eye accuracy. Births, deaths, divorces, important education decisions, career changes, periods of unpleasant litigation, moments of extreme success, money windfalls, you name it, if you’ve experienced it, it’s there in your numbers!
365 Pin Code Corporate Executive Development
We’ve have grown well-educated men in very powerful corporate positions.
We have seen them sob tears of enlightenment when they connected with their life’s journey and thoroughly understood “THE WHY” behind their most significant, emotional moments…
That’s when they grasp the human development potential and people management wisdom within numerology. That’s when, in a flash, everything changes for them in terms of ecological corporate consciousness!